For a Hero (25 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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“Damn, you David!” Her hands tangled in his hair and she jerked. With a chuckle, he let her know that he was still calling the shots. He wasn’t going to budge, not until he wanted to.

Jenna watched him pleasure her. It was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. However, she noticed the smirk across his lips when his mouth would close between kisses. Dammit. He was enjoying teasing her.

She clamped her thighs closed around his head. Ha! She had him now.

He slipped his fingers between her legs, tickled under her bottom just enough to make her giggle, before slamming his open palms down on the bed again.

The teasing relented not. Hell.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore and her body would just squirm in anticipation forever, Jenna felt a little, hot, wet lick on her clitoris.

“Oh my Lord.” She was taken by surprise.

David was taking his time. He parted her labia with his lips slowly and then French kissed it. His tongue traced her folds all the way up and down. Jenna whimpered and writhed for him.

His hands moved down to cup her ass cheeks and then he lifted and rotated her toward himself so he could sit on his elbows and dine at his leisure. His tongue swirled to the rhythm of her heartbeat.

Jenna’s hands clasped into the bed-sheets, pulling them tight until they were bunched up in her fists. She strained, reaching down to touch anywhere on his body she could reach, trying to gain some kind of control over the situation, but the pleasure was too great. She was at his beck.

And beckon her he did. His tongue delved into her vagina, licking as deeply as it could, while his upper lip pushed her hood up and massaged her pearl. He was inviting her to cum, and he was being adamant about it.

The pleasure built. Her body grew warmer and warmer. David was lighting fireworks between her legs. She felt it growing inside her, the light that would consume.

Without warning, he removed his tongue and pulled her clit into his mouth. He began to suck on it and lave, while humming deep, resonant, sweet tones. The vibration pushed her over the edge and she fell, tumbling into space in a sensual freefall of pleasure.

Jenna’s hands clawed into his shoulder. Her back arched. Her toes curled. Her eyes rolled back. “God! Yes!” She felt his tongue moving on her clit, the rapture cascaded all over her body. Her mind left her for just a moment, leaving her thoughtless in the warm light of ecstasy. David loved how she trembled, giving a woman pleasure had to be the greatest high in the world.  Wanting to prolong the moment, his kisses had become passionate and deep. He let her breathing calm and when he heard her sigh, he knew her orgasm was over. Planting one last kiss on her clit, he moved back up her gorgeous body. As he decorated her neck, cheek and ears with butterfly kisses, he whispered, “I love you, Jenna. You are all mine now. I love you forever. I want to be with you. I want you. Let me show you how much I want you.” Her heart missed a beat as she watched him slide his jeans down, his huge cock pressing against her leg.  It was hot, and it throbbed with want.

Jenna was creamy again.

David took his hand and guided the tip of his rod into her tender hole. As he pressed into her, she felt herself open to accommodate his great size. The stretch burned, she felt wonderfully, magically full.

Jenna focused on the sensation as he worked his way in, until his cock was buried to the hilt. She lay there, vulnerable, opened and pinned to him. David was on top of her, but his weight was not burdensome, it aroused her and made her feel safe.

He cupped the back of her neck with one hand and grabbed her hip with the other, then he started to slowly thrust into her. Jenna shut her eyes, wrapped her arms around his neck and examined the feeling. This joining was unlike any time before. Similarly, David was holding nothing back. She couldn’t sense any fear or trepidation in him at all, but all of his force, all of his power, was concentrated on giving, loving, and caring. She was overwhelmed.

As his cock slid in and out of her body, her heart swelled. They weren’t having sex. David was making love to her. She could feel it with every cell of her body. She gazed at his face, his eyes were closed. He was breathing deeply through his mouth, absolutely lost in the feeling of ecstasy.

She wanted to speak, but she couldn’t, her voice caught so she cleared her throat a little. Watching him love her so much, doing all he could to please her touched her heart. The pleasure was absolute; Jenna wanted to be as close to him as possible.  She placed her hands securely on his back, massaging his shoulders, holding him close, not just for the pleasure, but for the nearness. David ploughed into her powerfully, over and over again. She felt the pleasure build, but the pleasure wasn’t the most important thing to her now. He was.  Her heart was open to him, and every second he was near her, in her, around her, he was making himself a part of her, building himself a home.

Jenna’s orgasm came. Tears came with it. He felt her tremble within his arms and he pressed deeply to make her pleasure even more intense. She wrapped her legs around his back and as her euphoria faded she whispered into his ear, “I love you, David.”

He responded by exploding - bursting inside her. They held each other tight as he pulsed and pumped his love into her.

Her breathing deepened as she enjoyed the feeling of being filled with him. God, she was so blessed to have him in her life. They lay there long past the conclusion of their love-making, holding onto each other for dear life. They lay there still and quiet, wrapped up within one another.

David’s hands held on to her as if he’d never let her go. He created an unbreakable bond between them. So perfect was his connection to her that their breaths escaped simultaneously.

They slept for a while, content to just be in each other’s arms.

Slowly, Jenna awoke, looking up and around. There she lay, in his fortress, where only his most trusted and loved ones enter.

It was December 23
. Even though Santa hadn’t left yet, this was the best present she could have asked for. 



“This isn’t the most perfect time, but I am feeling it right now. If I don’t let it out and tell you, I am going to burst.” David sat up; the radical change in body position mirrored his tone in magnitude.

Jenna rose to meet him in response. “What is it?”

“You have shown me that I don’t have to keep my walls up. You have shown me that I don’t need to keep searching for something else. If my mom and dad were alive, I am positive they would love you. They would be so proud of me if I brought you home.”

David’s voice caught a bit. Jenna’s eyes misted. “Thank you, David.”

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He looked at her with sincere, hooded, fervent eyes. He took her hands in his and held them tightly against his chest, like he needed them there to breathe. “I want to marry you.”

Jenna gasped. The air stopped coming in and she didn’t even realize it. This was it. It could be the happiest day of her life, or the day she walked away from the best thing that had ever happened to her. Either way, the dreaded choice, that hung over her head like a macabre guillotine, had finally reached her waiting neck.

Jenna looked at him. She couldn’t deny it any longer. She loved him. With every piece of her heart, she loved him. They could work out the rest, right? She could talk to him about his job and his life; she could ensure that things would work out. She could be selfish just this once.

She opened her mouth, she was mostly sure that a strong ‘yes’ would come assertively out. However, David continued before she could say it.

“Say yes, and I will resign as the Fire Chief first thing. We can get a home together. We can start a farm in south Austin. We’ll have kids and raise corgi puppies together. It will be magical.”

Damn! He had to go and do it. He had to. Life can be a cruel bitch. The ‘yes’ came out, not as a word, but as a pathetic croak. Jenna shut her mouth, terrified of what to say. She couldn’t take him away from the city, away from his calling. Even if he hadn’t strolled into her life, and filled her heart with love and desire, she would still have understood how important and wonderful he was, just like the rest of Austin did.

But did she have the strength to say no? Could she deny herself the one thing she wanted most in the whole world?

Her hesitation was more obvious than she hoped it would be. David could see her trepidation written all over her beautiful face. Fear and dismay clutched his heart, squeezing it like a vise, and with an other-worldly effort, he pushed the panic aside and showed her none of it. His voice was as placid as a frozen river. “Don’t answer.” He couldn’t bear to hear anything but yes, he wasn’t ready. Damn him for not preparing for it. “Take your time to think about it.”

David got out of bed. He tried not to pace. He just stood and looked into nothing. After a moment, he spoke again. “I want you to be sure. It’s a big choice, so please think carefully.”

The clock was ticking on his resolve. Weakness could rupture at any moment. He had to get away. He started to put his clothes on quickly. “If you say yes, I will take you to get the ring tomorrow. If not, we will decide what to do after.” He went to the door and opened it before she had a chance to say anything. “Make yourself at home here. Unfortunately, I have to go to the Fire Hall for some business. I lo-” he stopped himself, closing his eyes in pain, he said one simple word.  “Bye.”

He was gone. Jenna lay in bed, still ravished from their love-making, alone and terrified. What had she done? She curled up in a fetal position and wept.




David had to get away. Had he stayed just a few moments longer, he would have embraced her and let this tsunami of emotion out that had been building for weeks. He decided to pour himself into his work for the evening. He must find whoever was behind this terrible game he was being forced to play.

He rushed to the Hall. With all the tricks he knew, he focused on the task at hand. He put everything aside. Blaine’s call at his mother’s was concerned but not informative. His friend took the news that Hank had handed him the envelope with a salty distrust. Although David defended him to a fault, Blaine’s final words hit him hard.

“Watch out.”

David sat behind the desk, in complete darkness. The lights of the city sliced through the room, tearing into the slits of the window blinds. He watched out, indeed. He watched out for himself. He watched out for his mother and for Jenna. They were as safe as he could make them. Blaine said ‘watch out’ as if David wouldn’t think to do that.

His heart pumped focus and presence into his mind. Would Jenna even want to be his to protect? Nobody knew where David’s loft was; they had never seen it or been in. Jenna was safe there, as long as she stayed.

No, David. Don’t think about the proposal. Focus. Solve the riddle.

He watched out.

The thought lingered. He wondered who out there could be watching out for him.



Chapter Nine


Jenna closed her eyes. Then she opened them. No. He was still gone. This wasn’t a horrible dream. It was a depressing, horrifying reality.

What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she say yes? Oh yeah. Because he would be quitting his job and leaving the city in need, for her. Her mind reeled.

She fell down to the bed and buried her face in his firm, luxurious pillow. It offered next to no comfort to her. She began to cry.

Jenna realized she needed to talk to someone, if only she knew of a person who would listen and help her. She grabbed her phone and filtered through the contacts.

Not Maggie, she was in Dallas. Not Miranda, she wouldn’t understand. Not Ben, that’s a joke.

Then she found someone. The presence of her name in her phone number log was a refreshing reminder. David’s mom. She had given her comfort once before. She knew David better than anyone.

Jenna’s sniffles raised a hopeful pitch. She dressed quickly, got on the bus, and made the call.




Answers didn’t come to him in the night, only more questions, more worries, more fears. Some of David’s resolve began to grow again; his solitude healed his spirit, he began to recuperate slowly. The tension in his back was incredible; his flexed lumbar muscles pushed the back of the chair to an unnatural angle. He made fists with his hands and squeezed. He tunneled his thoughts, he focused his mind. David detached and hardened himself. He was ready. He finally felt it. He was ready for whatever it was. Bring it on.

As if his thoughts summoned it, the phone started to ring.


Blaine answered. “I figured you’d be up. You sound worried.”

“Have you found anything?”

“Yes, but your worry sounds heavier than just anticipation. What happened?”

Blaine’s perceptiveness never ceased to amaze him. “I don’t know if I am more nervous about what you discovered or Jenna. I proposed to her tonight, she didn’t have an answer right away, so I gave her some time to think about it.”

Blaine responded with his normal amount of supportive sarcasm.  “What? You just met her a week and a half ago. What do you think this is, a Sable Hunter novel?”

“Ha. Ha. Funny. It’s what I felt. It was the only way. Thanks for the support.” Unlike Blaine, sarcasm was rare for David. He hoped that Blaine would pick it up. “What have you found?”

He did. “We can talk about that later. I took the pictures you gave me and I cross-examined them with street camera footage from the Riverwalk the night you and Jenna visited. We got him.”

David sat forward quickly, as if his vehemence would hurry his friend’s answer to him. “Who is he? Tell me.”

“We found footage of you and Jenna walking in front of a convenience and tourist store near the Hilton. There was a man following you with a Polaroid camera. He was wearing a charcoal gray hoodie. I managed to use the timestamp to track yours and his movements down the walkway for the next hour. He only turned toward a camera once. I snapped a still of him. It is being faxed to you right now.”

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