For a Hero (20 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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“Elderly is right.” Sara spiced as she stepped toward Blaine suggestively.

“What are you doing?” David did not like where this was going.

Sara noticed Jenna watching but didn’t want to spoil the demonstration she was putting on so she just winked at her and continued with her performance. Sara put her fingers on Blaine’s collar.

David’s brow furrowed. Blaine’s eyes darted back and forth between David and Sara, hoping that she wouldn’t earn him David’s hard right cross in the nose.

Jenna contained a giggle barely within her lips. Sara’s feminine independence display was inspiring to her.

Sara began to stroke Blaine’s cheeks. “Now, Sara. I know you are an adult and you have a right to stand up to your cousin, but is this the best time? We don’t want to be rude”

“Shh.” Sara hushed him and stood up on her tip-toes to plant a fat, wet kiss on his lips. Blaine immediately responded, but after a half second, his eyes popped back open to catch David’s reaction.

The first thing he saw was David’s arm lurching back to throw a punch. The second thing he saw was Sara’s hands holding David’s fist in the air. Blaine gasped. “Sara, how did you…”

“David isn’t the only athletic member of the family. Is he, Cousin?”

David was displeased with his cousin’s speed. He was displeased with her attitude. He was displeased with his familial responsibility not to toss her aside and continue the punch. But, he thought, if it HAD to be someone, there were worse people than his best friend. He lowered his arm.

Blaine relaxed, and his smirk returned. “How very enlightened of you, David. I knew the evolved part of your mind would win over the Homunculus part.”

At the joke, David turned around and stepped into his personal office bathroom before closing the door.

Blaine and Sara whirred around to see Jenna.

Blaine spoke up. “He’s cute when he’s all huffy, isn’t he? It’s good to see you, Miss Johnson. I trust that our hero is taking good care of you?”

“Yes, Mr. Windsor. He’s been a dream come true. And he is adorable when he is huffy.”

Sara stuck her hand out. “I have heard so much about you. You out-bid me for him! I was going to make him clean my garage. My name is Sara. I am David’s cousin.”

Jenna proudly and excitedly returned the offering. “I’m Jenna. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry I out-bid you.”

“Don’t be. He’s a lot happier with you than he would have been with my chores. Anyway, I’m glad he stormed off before noticing you. I really wanted a chance to say hello before he whisked you off on his little trip.”

Jenna chuckled. “Yes, I am very excited to meet you. You are very fast, and very strong. I can’t believe you caught his fist so quickly.”

Sara laughed warmly. She had the same glow of purity and love that David did. “You get really strong and really fast wrestling with the modern-day Samson growing up. David has always been super strong and super fast. If I wasn’t trying to keep up with him my whole childhood, I wouldn’t be able to today. Besides, as much as David and Blaine hate to admit it, they love each other. I’ve never seen a more fruitful bromance. The punch could not have been very strong.”

Blaine scoffed at the label.

Sara continued. “Anyway, I’m so glad to meet you. You seem to be making David very happy. Keep up the good work. I am going to try and cool down the big guy. Have a nice trip!” At that, Sara floated off to the door that David retreated behind and knocked until he let her in.

Blaine stepped up to Jenna. “She is very graceful and beautiful, isn’t she?”

“She is.” Jenna felt no jealousy. She was very happy that this blonde bombshell was related to her David and not competition.

“She has many of the same other-worldly qualities of David. It’s very hard to describe if you aren’t looking right at her.”

Jenna looked up at Blaine’s face as he watched Sara worm her way into David’s room to cool him off. She smiled. She knew now why her friend, Miranda, was having so much trouble getting close to him. He was in love. She decided to not tell Miranda. There was no use upsetting people and getting in the way. She liked the little world David was introducing her to. The people were sweet, powerful and fascinating. They could inspire her to be better.

After Sara was out of sight, Blaine spun to face Jenna. “We need to talk.”

Jenna was taken aback. “Um, sure. What’s the matter?”

Blaine’s face was stoic and stern. She hoped that was just his natural disposition and not a sign of what was to come in his talk.

“I like the happiness you give to David. I like that he is opening up to you. He needs that. David isn’t like everybody else. It’s something I’ve always known about him. He is more. I am sure you are starting to notice how different he is. But, there is something else about him that you need to know.”

Jenna allowed Blaine to put his arm around her as if comforting her before the pain of the secret hit her. She didn’t know what to expect.

“As special as he is, as powerful and strong as he is, his heart is very fragile. He loves everyone he meets and he holds that love, as well as every other emotion he has, right there on his sleeve. Somewhere between that love he has, and the pain he feels for the terrible things he has gone through, he has found a calling. He has found a responsibility for the world and he works hard to save it and protect it every day. I’m positive David has told you a little about what I do even though he isn’t supposed to.”

Jenna’s eyes moved to the floor.

“It’s ok. I trust you. The point is: I, in my own way, am trying to save the world, too. But I can’t be in front of the people. I protect them with economics and politics and subterfuge. David pulls them from danger with his bare hands. As hard as I try, I will never be the symbol of hope to this city that he is. I spend millions of dollars a year trying to keep this country safe, but nobody puts themselves on the line like he does. The people of Austin look at him and they see hope, they see safety, they see a reason to keep going and not be afraid because they know, if things get terrible, he will come in after them.”

Jenna looked up at Blaine with a puzzled expression on her face.

“I need to hurry; he will be back any minute. Listen, the point is, whatever you do, don’t take him away from us. We need him. The city needs him. I need him. It’s important that he never stop being who he is. Please don’t let him quit his job. I am trusting you to do everything in your power to keep him the man he is. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some mending and patching to do.”

Blaine did not wait to see if she got the message he was intending to give her. She wasn’t even sure what the message was. She did have a guess, however, and it broke her heart.

“Jenna! Hey!” David’s big body wrapped itself around her so fast, that she didn’t know from which direction he came. She had some tension in her still, but if anything would give her release, it was her man’s embrace. “I didn’t even know you were here. When did you come in?” As he grasped her, Blaine silently took Sara from the room, to give the lovers the opportunity they searched for. A wave was the only sign they gave to the couple, but David’s eyes were on his Jenna and wild horses couldn’t have pulled them away.

“I walked in while you and Blaine were discussing if you were or were not Sara’s father.”

David pulled back and laughed with an open smile. “I was hoping it wasn’t that soon. I am not going to let those hooligans get in the way of our good time tonight. And I can feel that you’ve had a stressful day, too. I know just the thing. Do you have your bag?”

“Yes, it’s sitting just outside the office.”




The drive went by quickly. It always did when Jenna was riding with David. He demonstrated an uncanny ability to listen. Most men, when hearing a woman talk about the stresses and troubles of their day, will take on an attitude of ‘repair and eliminate,’ but David understood how to really help. He knew that Jenna needed someone strong to take care of her while she opened up. For someone that hadn’t had a lot experience with women, he sure did know what he was doing.

On the way, they stopped at the New Braunfels Snake Farm and Animal Preserve. Jenna was icked out by the bugs and squealed over the cute monkeys and pigs and goats. David held her hand the entire time, stealing away just long enough to take quick glances at the big snakes and oohing and aahing in his head. The eighty mile drive felt like ten minutes. David parked his truck at a northern road across the street from Hemisfair Park, under the shadow of the Tower of the Americas. They climbed to the top and walked the circumference of the disk floating above the city. The visage of San Antonio spread out in front of them for miles and miles. Upon noticing the overhanging trees that were indicative of the Riverwalk below, David grabbed Jenna’s hand and insisted they hurry. She didn’t understand the rush, but she didn’t mind.

Once they were there, tucked under the bridges and roads of the city above them, night fell. A chill swept in and the people bustled all around them. As the darkness and the shadows swallowed them up, Jenna noticed why it was so important for them to be there. Above them, the trees that were just tops and leaves from the street level, created a roof-like canopy over them. It was like walking through a tunnel of love. Each tree was filled with hundreds of thousands of Christmas lights and they, upon the canopy of the trees, sparkled like a million multicolored stars.

“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?” David’s eyes were wide and open, soaking in the spectacle before them.

“Yes. It really is.” She hugged him tight and they shared each other’s warmth as they leisurely strolled down the walk.

They passed some of the friendliest people they had ever seen, waving and greeting them as they passed, as well as a few carolers. Eventually, their stomachs guided them to a steakhouse right on the river. They were sitting outside, watching the water flow gently past, but they were not cold at all. All along the walk, in the populated areas like this, were standing towers of fire, swirling around in a thin cage. It put off the perfect amount of heat so that David and Jenna could snuggle up comfortably in the effulgence of the evening all around.

“David Conlon!” A happy voice interrupted their solitary romance. “Is that you?”

Jenna leaned up and out of his arms for they could not maintain the illusion of propriety while strangers were approaching them, and she did have appropriateness to consider. Damn public.

David stood as the well-dressed gentleman in his 30s stepped up and stuck out his hand. “It’s me, Hudad. How are you, my friend?”

David’s eyes focused on the man before popping with remembrance. “Hello, Hudad! How are you?”

“I’m wonderful, David. It is so good to see you. And who is this gorgeous woman you have with you tonight?”

David shot the words out of his mouth. “Oh my! How could I be so rude? Hudad, this is Jenna Johnson. Jenna, this is Hudad Nagi.”

She stood as well, not realizing they had been in such a formal establishment. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nagi.”

“David deserves a woman as beautiful as you, Miss Johnson.”

She smiled with gratitude and gave a little ‘thanks.’ “How do you know David?”

“I was in Austin getting my TABC license to open this restaurant when we first met at City Hall, and I was impressed with him. The second time we met was under far less fortunate circumstances. It was my opening night. The food was wonderful and I had a great crowd. Little did I know, that an electrical fire had started in my attic. The wiring shorted out and my fire alarms failed. By the time anyone realized, the front entrance was engulfed in flames. David climbed up the fire escape stairwell and got us all out safely. I owe David my life, and this restaurant as a matter of fact.”

Jenna wasn’t surprised at all. “I’m glad he was there for you, Mr. Nagi. You look very healthy and this restaurant is a delight to dine in.”

Hudad smiled a huge smile. “You charm me, Miss Johnson. David, I will have you know that, as manager of this restaurant, I will take personal offense if you do not let me buy your dinner this evening. Whatever you like, anything on the menu, we will prepare for you. Your lady and you deserve it.”

David walked over and gave the man the hug that his body language was asking for. And when he pulled away, she saw true, absolute, graciousness in Hudad.

Their new friend left them in their lovely twosome and Jenna looked at David. There was no pride or ego. He hadn’t even given it a second thought. He was just happy to see Hudad.

The swell of love in her heart was quickly stamped out, however, when she remembered Blaine’s words. What did he want? Did he want her to leave David? Was her influence going to keep him from being a fireman any longer? Did David say something?

There was a little war being fought in Jenna’s body. Her mind recalled all of her former arguments, building up a wall of rationale, and logic. She still felt strong in her belief that David deserved better than she could give him. Her clamoring thoughts grew thick with worry that she might somehow prevent him from being the city’s white knight. Her heart, on the other hand, laid siege with full force, with weapons of desire, lust, admiration, respect, and dare she say, love.

David noticed the turmoil in his lovely little battleground and wrapped her up in his jacket. He pulled her down to his reclined chest at their corner patio table. The mind surrendered. Her heart won over easily when David came to its rescue. It celebrated with a parade that tingled up her spine and left her blushing and warm.

“I noticed you trembling. Were you cold?”

“I’m not now. Thank you.”

Dinner was decadent and sinful. Hudad took it upon himself to send desserts and pastries after their cuts of meat had disappeared. After many licked fingers, and a few belly aches, they decided a walk under the Christmas tree stars was exactly what they needed.

As they strolled and David hummed carols to her, Jenna’s mind drifted. She had decided earlier that day that she was going to wow David in bed that night. Since he had easily escaped from the rope she used to tie him up, this time she brought something a little tougher along. Her fingers dancing on his torso deceived her ulterior thoughts and his hands squeezed her hips beneath her jacket in response.

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