Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series (16 page)

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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I know that I’m not sitting around any longer waiting for things to happen, I’m going to make them happen. I will make my dreams come true in life and in love!

I’ve learned not to focus on what I’ve missed or failed at, but what is to come and what I can achieve. Once this paternity result is final, I will ask Roxy to marry me. I have said it out loud, and I want her to be Mrs. Kade Thomas. No more waiting, no more settling.

I want to make Roxy my wife. She has been the biggest fight of my life, and I won’t ever let her slip away again.

Fuck me. Now to search for the perfect diamond ring.


ade is waiting for me at the airport and I can’t help but run lovingly into his arms. The time apart has been good for us. I have realised without a fucking doubt that my heart belongs to him.

He seems more at ease, too, like a light has switched or something.

All the women in the world could fight me for him and I’d break their necks every day to keep them away from him. He is mine and I am his. I will support him and the baby if it is his. We can and will do it all together.

Lying in bed snuggling, rain starts to fall softly at first and then harder. It’s a soothing and relaxing sound, kind of like standing back and smelling the roses. Life will pass you by if you don’t enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

“This moment is magic. Don’t you love the sound of rain, baby?” I ask Kade feeling extremely close to him. “It’s so natural and earthy. It makes me feel like we are camping in a tent since the rain is so loud,” I add.

“It clears my mind like surfing does,” he admits. “If only life were as simple as the rain and waves crashing on the sand, hey Rox?” he states, obviously talking about Stacey.

“We have each other, Kade. That is more than enough for me right now,” I confess as I kiss him sweetly.

Kade’s words ring true to me, and I wish life were simpler, too. I can’t help but worry about what might happen in the future.

Chapter 15

It’s ‘D’ Day



he next twenty-four hours are going to be fucking nerve racking. The test results will finally show who the Father of Stacey’s baby is and life will either become harder or I will be celebrating in a massive way.

My life is flashing before my eyes as I lie in bed the morning before our appointment. I’m thinking back to when I first met Roxy, our highs and our lows, the drama of my parents splitting up and the life changing events from it, Dylan kidnapping Roxy... But we got through it all, because we are stronger together than apart. We complete each other, and fate has a way of bringing us back together.

This is just another hiccup and hurdle along the way, our love be enough to get us through this next challenge. I have faith in it. So much faith in fact that we are looking at houses today. I am so excited to move in together, it’s such a milestone.

After work I meet Roxy at the open house to view the property in Manly we are interested in.

Description of the property

Beautiful modern home, luxurious and immaculate for contemporary family living.

Full brick and concrete with high ceilings, living and dining space that flows effortlessly via bi-folds to a covered terrace with a customised barbecue setting.

Styled in crisp white themes with light spotted gum timber floorboards.

Sleek Caesar Stone island kitchen with premium European appliances plus walk-in pantry.

Media room and upstairs children’s sitting room.

Six king-size bedrooms with built-ins including a spectacular Master with walk-in robe ensuite and terrace with harbour views.

Each of the bathrooms are finished in sleek contemporary themes.

Enjoy an exclusive Eastern Hill setting just a few minutes stroll from Little Manly Beach. Within easy walking distance of Manly Beach, Manly Wharf, and cosmopolitan eateries.

Embraced by 809m² of private enclosed grounds with level lawns plus a sparkling heated pool and Jacuzzi.

Views over the harbour and its pristine beaches from the upper level.

“Far out Roxy, this place is sensational. I love it!” I could imagine living here tomorrow, we would of course have a small mortgage as it is pricey but well I believe it is well worth it.

“It is stunning Kade, it is just extremely expensive and not in the budget I was imagining baby. Let’s keep looking. Do we really need a six bedroom house?” Roxy questions me and it is valid, maybe I should keep looking. I mean who needs five spare rooms, even if we had two or three kids, there are still two rooms vacant.

“Okay we will look at a few others, Roxy. Anything for my girl.” I pull her in for a tight embrace, kissing her lovingly.

We both meet back at her apartment and Roxy grabs some Thai food on the way. Jemma is with Dan, so it’s just the two of us.

“Hey baby, can we have a quick talk about tomorrow?” I wish I could avoid it, but well, it’s real and tomorrow is going to be big, depending on the result.

“Yep, it’s going to be a big day baby. What are your thoughts?” She obviously has her own reservations about tomorrow.

“Well of course I want it to be Ryan’s baby. More than anything I want to leave that hospital knowing that it’s just you and me Rox.”
I would give my left arm for that to be the outcome.
“But the fact of the matter is that there is a fifty percent chance that I am the Father, Rox,” I bring to light. It needed to be said, I need to see Roxy’s face.

She nods and I see her take a deep breath and swallow a couple times, then she twists her bangle around on the wrist. Her posture looks rigid and she licks her lips, showing me her unease while talking about the worst-case scenario.

I don’t envy her situation.

“Yes, fifty percent chance, and if that is the case I will support you Kade you don’t need to worry. I will be honest though, it will be hard. I can’t promise that it will be smooth sailing, but I promise to try and put in one hundred percent,” she responds and my heart hurts from her words.

It will be hard for both of us.

“Well let’s cross that bridge if we come to it baby. How about we enjoy this nice Thai food, and then we have some fun in the sack?” I joke.
The tension is getting too hot in here.

“I have faith that it will all be good baby,” she says as she feeds me some noodles and smiles. That smile is what keeps me grounded, without it, I would spiral out of control, I just know it.

I am feeling dishevelled and can’t sleep. All night I toss and turn in bed, when I do finally fall asleep, not long after I am awoken by my alarm blaring and the sunlight shining through the curtains. My eyes are stinging and I feel shitty, so I hit the snooze button, five more minutes...

I’m awoken again by the radio alarm blaring “Closing Time” and the words are kind of ironic, to my situation right now.

Hopefully I can put a close to this fucking drama.


e reluctantly arrive at Doctor Connelly’s office at two pm as requested. Finally the horrendous wait is over. Worst outcome is that Kade is the Father but we are hoping for Ryan to be the Father.

Please let Ryan be the Father, please let Ryan be the Father.

Maybe my thoughts can make it happen, right?

We desperately need to know the result so that we can move forward and start planning for the two of us or possibly a third that will be joining us a lot sooner than I ever thought.

Either way knowing the truth is vital.

Poor Kade was awake most of the night. I hate seeing him like this.

We are nervously sitting in the dimly lit waiting area. I am feeling sick to my stomach and Kade looks pale as a ghost. Stacey casually strolls around the corner and I swear this immature little girl needs a wardrobe make over.

Does she realise she will be a Mother in like five months and she dresses like a fucking hooker?
No exaggeration.
Extremely short denim skirt, hot pink triangle bikini with a sheer see through white blouse over the top with high arsed wedges, not to mention the heavy make-up and the hot pink barbie lipstick is outrageous.

Doesn’t this chick not have a Mother or friends who can advise her?

“So it’s finally D day guys,” she chirps smiling widely at Kade more than me.

God knows where her so called boyfriend is.

“Yep D day for the Rock,” Kade states secretly hoping that is the outcome for us.

Stacey’s face drops and her mouth opens. She looks dejected and hurt by Kade’s comment.

“Oh well I guess we will find out soon enough,” she states sounding irritated.

If looks could kill, I think Stacey just bowled me over. Seriously I should be giving her dirty looks and not the other way around.

Kade squeezes my hand, obviously sensing my rage.
Who does she think she is?
I’m fucking pissed off with her giving me that look, her attitude, and the way she thinks everyone worships the ground she walks on.

Doctor Connelly calls us all into his consulting room just as Ryan makes his appearance from God knows where.

“I have your results right here. Stacey, Ryan, and Kade, all of you were tested three weeks ago for the paternity of the baby. Now I know you are all eager to know the results, so here we go,” he states and I’m sure the tension in the air is thick enough you could cut it with a knife.

“First up I have Kade Thomas. Kade you are not a match, meaning you are not the father,” he discloses to us the best news in the world.

“Ryan Hale, you are a match. Congratulations Ryan, you are the father,” he tells Stacey and Ryan.

Stacey is biting her lip and looks unhappy with the results; all I can think is sucked in, karma makes its way around.

This makes me smile.

“You little ripper, woo-hoo. I’m not the Father, Rox. Thank God for that!” Kade screams giving me a dazzling smile. He is ecstatic and I feel relieved and victorious.

“Oh Kade, I’m so fucking relieved, you have no idea! Now we can move on with our life together, just you and me baby,” I tell him quietly then pull him in for a huge embrace, squeezing him tight and kissing him hard and deep.

“Wow, Rox that was some kiss. I gather you are pleased?” he jokes chuckling. He looks so happy.

“Over the moon Kade!” I say enthusiastically.

“Let’s celebrate tonight; we’ll get dinner and drinks. I’ll see who else is free,” Kade adds smiling like he just won the lottery.

In our excitement of the negative results, I guess we forgot about Stacey and Ryan, who haven’t really said two words to each other.

Stacey is looking gloomily over at us and I feel bad for her. Here we are celebrating not having her or her baby in our life.

“I am just glad that the baby is healthy,” she states sounding sullen, but obviously trying to hide her sadness.

“Well bad luck Kade, looks like your swimmers were duds, mine made that baby in there,” the Rock states pointing to Stacey’s belly.

“I have never felt more pleased about losing anything in my whole life,” Kade states and it can’t be any truer; he didn’t want to win this prize.

“Good luck with your baby guys, we are off to celebrate!” Kade exclaims as he picks me up and carries me over to the lift. He couldn’t get away from Stacey any faster if he tried. I’m laughing as he pushes the button with me still in his arms.

I can’t help but look back over Kade’s shoulder, to see Stacey glaring at me, so I give her the biggest smile possible telling her ‘nice try but he’s mine.’

I am also tempted to give her the bird but that’s a bit petty and immature.

The lift dings and Kade carries me inside. “Roxy can you believe it I’m not the Father, best news of my life,” he declares.

He hastily pushes me hard against the elevator wall, and presses his lips to mine. My lips part and his tongue enters, slowly entwining with mine. The kiss shows me love, happiness, relief, and his hope for an amazing future together.

Makes me think of the Fifty Shades of Grey elevator scene...

Even after the ding of the elevator, Kade is still kissing me passionately. I reluctantly pull away, as it’s not the time or the place for the Fifty Shades elevator scene. “Come on you, let’s go party and tell the others the absolutely fantastic news!” I point out to him hoping to distract him.

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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