Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series (17 page)

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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We meet Jemma, Dan, and Ebony at the pub and they are bloody over the moon about our news.

“Thank fuck that ordeal is over,” Jemma states and I laugh at the comment.

“Yep, you can say that again,” I reply and smile, feeling happy for the first time since I found out about the baby.

After our celebration we head back to my place, eager for some alone time.

Kade catches me by surprise with his gift. “Hey Rox, I made you something baby,” he tells me and it has me intrigued, could this day really get any better?

“You made me something? Oh, I’m excited to see what it is baby,” I reply eager to see.

Kade reaches into his sports bag and pulls out a plastic sleeve and I can see a disc inside it.

“Okay so I made you a cd with all of the songs on it that remind me of you, of us, and of our future together baby.”

“Well that is a pretty amazing gift and so thoughtful. Can we play it now, I really want to see what songs are on there,” I tell him feeling worshipped and spoilt.

“I’d love for you to play it. I have a list of tittles on the back of the cover.”

Roxy and Kade Mix

“The Reason” by Hoobastank

“She Looks so Perfect” by Five seconds of summer

“Cheerleader” by Omi

“I Need Your Love” by Calvin Harris

“More than Words” by Extreme

“No One” by Alicia Keys

“Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer

“U Got it Bad” by Usher

“Died in Your Arms Tonight” by Cutting Crew

“Never Tear us Apart” by Inxs

“I’ll Stand by You” The Pretenders

“Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye

“Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon

“Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” by the Spin Doctors (Definitely you Rox)

“Best cd ever! Damn you know me better than I know myself sometimes. I love every single one of these songs,” I respond feeling high spirited. “Oh and I am your cheerleader, I need your love and nothing will ever tear us apart,” I joke using a couple of the song titles to make a sentence about us.

“Ha ha, I like it. I like it a lot,” Kade chuckles.

His laughter is infectious and he tickles me till I’m roaring in laughter. I can’t remember the last time I laughed or smiled so much, my mouth is actually sore.

We kiss passionately, lovingly, and sweetly. Then we make love, feeling bonded and free from our unexpected burden.

What’s that saying? Every woman needs a man that will ruin their lipstick and not their mascara.

Chapter 16

And The Answer Is...



hank fuck I am not the father of that annoying woman’s baby. It’s the best news of my life.

Damn, could that have been any more stressful?

Looking forward to a surf session to celebrate I set my alarm for five am to wake and shower before heading to the beach. Working and teaching others has been keeping me busy but there’s nothing like jumping on my board and nailing a big barrel or carving up a grinding wave.

I drive to my usual spot. That’s the advantage of being here so early, never a wait for car spaces. My all too familiar beach, where I once learnt to surf, as a youngster and joined the squad, is a place of comfort and refuge.

Today’s surf is a celebration, it is to top off the icing on the cake of great news. I may be still in training, but today will be a surfing session to remember.

I paddle out enjoying the coolness of the water as I dig my hands in deeper to get moving faster through the water. The waves are pretty good, nothing major but not a dud either. I inhale the breeze it’s cool, salty and fresh. I straddle my board to watch the waves and wait for the perfect one. I’m staring at the waves, breathing in and out and I find myself smiling, really smiling. I am now able to get back on track with Roxy and life as a couple, no drama involved.

I see the perfect wave and make my move. I chase it paddling fast to hunt it down. I stand as I hit the peak, balance and stand tall as it should be, without pain in my knee. My heart rate increases as I ride and master this wave, my adrenaline raises with excitement.

I do a kick out as I hit the edge of the wave, causing a spray. I finish my set and end the ride by turning back out over the top of the wave.

It’s been too long. I miss this feeling, like an addiction that needs satisfying.

I’m feeling euphoric, exhilarated, and my mind is so clear right now. I have come to a long-awaited conclusion out here in my sanctuary. I decide today is the day I buy the diamond ring that will accompany my proposal.

I spend the next few hours at work teaching a group of school kids. I enjoy the group classes; I wonder what the kids that don’t live near the water do.

The best place to be is out in the ocean.

At twelve o’clock, I have an hour between clients so I drive over to the local shopping centre. I know of three jewellers so I start with the closest. I know that Roxy wants a square shape and I know that I want to get her something amazing.

After looking in the first two, nothing catches my eye, so I head into Sparkles, the last jewellers on the very top level.

Then I see it. Actually I think the ring chose me, the sparkle from the diamond reflected through the glass, almost blinding me.

That is the one, without a doubt, that is the ring I will give Roxy when I ask her to be my wife.

I feel calm, no anxiety about it, it is one hundred percent right.

Now to create a foolproof plan. Where to propose and exactly how am I going to do it.

I call my sister to get a few tips.

“Hey Eb, how are you, sis?” I say as she answers.

“Hey Kade, glad to hear from you. What’s up?” she questions. I guess I do only call her when I need something or advice.

“Well, actually I need your advice,” I state needing a woman’s opinion and as well someone who knows Roxy.

“About what exactly Kade?” she queries sounding interested and slightly alarmed.

“Well... how did Dave propose?” I interrogate her for details.

“Oh my God Kade, are you going to ask Roxy to marry you?” she questions excitedly.

“If you can keep a secret, yep I wanna ask her. I got the ring, just need to come up with an awesome plan,” I announce to her while smiling.

“Oh bro, that is fantastic. You two are perfect for each other!” she cries out sounding ecstatic. Okay well, Dave took me for a romantic dinner and then proposed during dessert.”

“Well, I’m thinking along the lines of dinner on the beach, then asking her, maybe putting the ring in her champagne? But Dan did that with Jemma. How do I top that?”

“What about her brother? Would he play his guitar for you to make it more romantic?” Ebony suggests a fabulous idea.

“Oh yeah, that is a good idea, sis” I reply enthusiastically.

“Is a heart drawn in the sand too tacky?” A woman’s perspective is always different to ours, and I don’t want to do anything Roxy would consider lame.

“I love that idea, very romantic and sweet.” I smile knowing that this is the perfect plan. I will organise the dinner, maybe for Friday night; I can’t wait any longer. I bet Roxy will start to notice my behaviour changing a little anyway.

The proposal

n Monday, I call Roxy during my lunch break for our usual chat. I need to tell her we are going to dinner Friday night but make it sound casual. Face to face she may read my body language and it will give something away.

“Hey Rox, we are having dinner Friday night, gorgeous. Pete and Emma are coming if they can get a babysitter,” I lie to Roxy, as its set up for me to propose... Fuck it’s actually happening.

Why do I feel nervous?

“Sounds great, they could bring Crystal if they need too, doesn’t bother me one bit,” she replies being helpful; if only she knew.

“We are going to the nice seafood place in Milson’s Point, Rox, bit flashy for a baby,” I state to her, as she’s unknowingly foiling my master plan.

“Bit pricey isn’t it, baby? Maybe we should wait for a special occasion. I thought we were saving now that we will have a mortgage and all.” If only she knew how special this occasion would be.

“It’s covered Rox, don’t stress, plus I have two new clients starting next week,” I add to ease her mind about the pricey restaurant.

“You spoil me too much, my sexy surfer.”

“Nothing but the best for my girl, Foxy Roxy,” I say chuckling. That nickname is so fitting; she is a smoking hot fox, and I am one very lucky man.

The rest of the week goes by at a snail’s pace, especially since I am so eager for Friday.

he mammoth day has arrived. I am feeling edgy as I am on the phone during lunch confirming the caterers are all set and of course Jeremy, the main feature.

I shower and get ready at Dad’s after work. I choose my long linen pants and a collared shirt for the night’s event.

“Kade, I am proud of you, son. Roxy is a wonderful woman and I am glad that you are doing the right thing by her,” Dad announces to me, giving me a quick bear hug. So much has changed for everyone this year and to hear him say he is proud, really helps my nerves. I know that he is still dealing with Mum’s betrayal, but he has accepted it and that in itself is making him a more positive person.

I triple check that the ring is in the black box from the jewellers, and then I place it in my pocket. It’s a warm evening, but there is sweat dripping down my forehead mainly from feeling anxious.

At five-thirty, I leave to pick up my soon-to-be fiancée. Wow, that has a nice sound to it. She is waiting out front when I arrive, looking stunning in a short purple dress, not too short but classy. Her body looks edible and I get a shiver from what is going to happen next.

“Hey babe, I was ready and it is so hot in the apartment. I thought I would wait out here for you.”

“Great idea, driving up your street and seeing you in that sexy outfit, has been the highlight of my day by far,” I proclaim to her smirking, and she grins widely.

“That comment was well thought up, Mr. Thomas. You may get a reward for that one later tonight,” she replies smiling broadly as I kiss her swiftly before she climbs in to my truck.

“Who did Emma get to mind Crystal?” she asks me and I thought she may so I even called Pete and Emma just in case; nothing like Roxy calling Emma and spoiling it all.

“Emma’s mum I think,” I answer her briefly not wanting to linger on that subject, seeing as it is not the truth.
Though I am sure she will forgive me later when she knows why I told a few little white lies.

“You look handsome Kade. I love seeing you all dressed up baby,” she admits to me as I look over at her and smile, then squeezes my hand.

“Thanks, honey. Hey, can you choose a CD, this radio music is crap tonight.” I drive towards the beach and need to distract her as it won’t be long until she questions where we are going, since the restaurant is the other way.

I have organised the caterer to set up a romantic dinner for us. A small table in the sand with decorations and our meal of garlic prawns for the entree, pepper steak with potatoes and vegetables for the main. I know Roxy will love the dessert; her favourite is chocolate mud cake with cream and strawberries. It will be set up close to the water but far enough that the wind is still and calm.

It is a little after six-fifteen as I park the car and see Roxy frown when she realises where we are.

“What are we doing here, Kade?” she questions looking puzzled.

“Come and have a look. I decided to go with a beach setting for a romantic dinner, baby,” I reply trying not to give anything else away.

“Oh my God, you are so sweet!” she replies climbing out of the car and heading onto the sand. I join her and hold her hand. Right now it looks like just a nice elegant dinner.

“This looks beautiful,” she states smiling broadly.

I guide her over to the table where the caterer is waiting in his waiter outfit. There is champagne handed to us as we sit. There is a bouquet of pink roses on the table. They are Roxy’s favourite so I knew I had to include them tonight.

“Cheers baby, let’s eat before it gets cold,” I tell her sweetly as Joe removes the cover from our prawn entrée.

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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