Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series (14 page)

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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Chapter 12

Charity Boxing Event


hastily answer my phone after drying off at the beach after my morning swim and surf. “Hey coach, what’s up?” I say ambiguously into the phone puzzled by his early call.

“Hey Kado, I’m just calling you to let you know that you have been asked to compete in a charity event for the children’s hospital in two weeks,” he announces to me, and his voice sounds excited about the opportunity.

“Okay, fine by me, I’d love to help out,” I reply, eager to do my bit for sick children any day of the week.

“Wonder if you will still be keen when I tell you it’s a boxing event and it’s against the Rock?” I can’t believe my ears.

“It is more for show Kade, all harmless and just muck around, so there won’t be too many punches. But I know the shit going down between you guys so don’t feel pressured, I’m not making you do it. Be honest though if you aren’t comfortable, I will say no. Maybe Coby could do it,” he tells me and I am still shocked.

“Shit really, against the Rock? That’s fucked coach. I bet Ryan set that shit up, he is pissed that the baby might be mine,” I answer him feeling annoyed. “Set it up coach, I will fight the prick, it’s about pride now. Oh yeah and it’s a good cause,” I add feeling motivated to throw a few punches.

But just thinking of Roxy’s reaction has me wondering the best way to tell her. Either way she will blow up. Part of me wants to ring Stacey and demand to know if she told Ryan to organise it but having nothing to do with her is really the best option.

Roxy – Fight day

’m still feeling pissed at Kade for accepting the fight, as we casually drive down to the main beach where they have a boxing ring set up. The crowds are crazy, and there are even some signs saying ‘I love you Rock’ and ‘Marry me’.

Similar to the Surfing Comp there are an array of stalls selling anything from the Rock merchandise to surfing key rings and beaded jewellery. The numerous food stalls range from cakes and donuts to hot dogs and fruit salads.

“This place is crazy. All these people are here to watch you, Kade.” I smile at him. I can’t stay mad at this guy, especially when I know it isn’t his fault.
I just don’t want him to get hurt.
“Go and warm up, baby. Good luck and just remember to block that pretty face of yours,” I playfully tell him as I lean in for a passionate kiss.

“Get a room you two,” Jemma stirs us humorously. She is my plus one today and is going to hold my hand if it’s too hard to watch.

“Well, that good luck kiss is all I need. See you soon.” He doesn’t really seem nervous. I don’t think he will get smashed, but I am sure if it was the Rock on a surfboard he would feel a little inadequate against a world champion.

“I’m so glad you are here Jemma,” I admit to my best friend as we stroll through the crowds to the seating arena. We have seats allocated with my name.
The perks of being the girlfriend of the entertainment.

I can’t help but notice the Rock in the distance; he is one muscly guy covered in tattoos and is signing autographs. From the smile on his face, he totally loves himself and is extremely cocky, though I must admit he is good looking and his body is carved. He looks up and nods at me, and then he smiles at Jemma. Of course, he would notice my sexy best friend.
What a sleazebag.

He is smirking as he makes his way over to us. I don’t really want to be seen talking with the enemy, Kade would not be impressed.

“Well Jemma, it’s been a while,” Ryan, the Rock, calls out in a loud voice.

“Oh shit, Jemma you know the Rock?” I question my best friend, who totally forgot to tell me that important piece of information.

“Um kind of,” she replies grinning with her flirty smile.

“Oh my God, Jem! How did you not tell me this? Was he was one of your play things?” I desperately quiz her. I am so out of the loop here.

“Um kind of,” she answers acting all naïve again.

“Well, not much has changed. You look just as good as the last time I saw you Jem,” Ryan says flirting with Jemma.

He called her Jem. What the fuck?

“Yeah well, other things have changed. For one, I hear your girlfriend is knocked up,” she stirs him, and I hope she can handle his reaction.

“Yep, what can I say about my swimmers, tough bastards,” he answers, obviously he couldn’t care less about talking to me. Thank God.

We actually have more in common than he realises, with the baby and all.

I am hoping that by some miracle, the baby is one hundred percent his, then I will kiss his size thirteen feet.

“Pity I’m not single, Jem. We had some smoking hot times, didn’t we?” he reveals to Jemma, and she smiles widely and shakes her head. Looking at those massive biceps and muscles in his calves I can see he would be wild in the sack that’s for sure.

“We sure did Ry,” she replies and I bet she’s glad her fiancée isn’t here.

A few fans come up to Ryan to sign posters so I grab Jem and drag her away from ‘the one that got away’ by the looks of it.

“Okay fucking spill it Jemma!” I order my so called bestie who kept me in the dark. “Why did I not know about you and Rocky over there? Jesus this is a massive secret you have kept from me, girlfriend!” I state to her feeling a little pissed she never told me.

“Okay, okay it was only a few times, and it was bad timing for you. It was just before Kade left. I didn’t want to add my crap into your drama, Rox. I promise that’s the only reason I didn’t tell you.”

“Okay, I get it. So spill now,” I declare to her with finesse.

“We met one night at the Easts Sports Bar and well, we had wild, hot, and mind-blowing sex,” she admits to grinning cheekily

“Damn woman, so it was just the once then?” I question her story. They seemed much cosier chatting than just a random hook up.

“Um no, we were sleeping together for a couple months as friends with benefits. Then it got complicated, so I took off. Then I met Dan, thank God for that,” she confesses.

“Wow, that is some story, will you tell your grandkids it one day?” I joke to her and drag her to our chairs as Ryan disappears into the warm up tent.

The sun is beaming at full throttle today and the glare is so bright. Thank God for our sunnies. There is no breeze, so I am praying that a nice cool sea breeze shows up, otherwise poor Kade will melt out there. “Who’s fucking idea was it to put a boxing ring out here, are they stupid?” I state feeling pissed about my poor man who will be sweltering.

The commentators make their way into the ring with their microphones.

“Welcome to the Manly Children’s Hospital Charity Event. All proceeds from the tickets sold will go directly to the charity, thank you all for coming. There is also a barrel down the front for extra donations if you are feeling generous,” the first announcer says.

“Now for the afternoon's entertainment. Competing today for a fun boxing match is none other than the world champion of boxing Ryan ‘The Rock’ Hale and the world surfing champion Kade Thomas.”

“Both have excelled in their sporting careers and this event is purely for charity, so keep it tame guys,” he announces as Kade and the Rock make their way out of the tunnel.

Oh my man looks so handsome in his red and black satin robe that I had made for him. I told him that he didn’t want to be shown up by not dressing the part.

“Okay guys, shake and let’s keep it clean. No head shots,” the referee states.

They shake and start to pivot around the ring.

Ryan mirthlessly throws a right handed punch into Kade’s stomach, and Kade groans in pain.

“Oh no Jemma, I can’t watch, Kade is going to get smashed,” I confess to my best friend.

I have faith in Kade, but Ryan is a boxing champion.
Kade is fit but not a boxing fanatic.

“Have faith Rox, as long as he blocks a few shots and gets a few hits in, twenty minutes is going to fly,” Jemma responds and she is right.
Just block and get a couple shots in baby,
I think to myself.

Kade – Fight Day

am feeling grateful for my training sessions in the boxing ring with a few experts. At least I know the basics on stance, punches, jabs, and the main defensive move is how to block.

We are ready to fight, I have my mouth guard in and headgear on, I couldn’t give a shit how stupid I look, I’m not getting a brain injury. Coach wraps my hands in tape and I fasten my gloves on.

First punch is a hard one from the Rock. Goddamn, right in my gut. It’s now or never so I throw a right handed punch but the Rock ducks. Fuck this guy is a professional, how will I ever hit him?
Just keep throwing punches Kade,
I tell myself.

Punch, punch, punch, punch and the last one connects finally into his rib cage.
Thank fuck.
For every four punches that make me bloody exhausted, one connects.

I remember to inhale and exhale keeping the oxygen pumping through my blood. I know from training that it’s the best way to keep my energy levels up. Only five-minute rounds with a total of twenty minutes, it should go pretty quick.

The Rock throws a left-hander, catching me by surprise as I was expecting a right hook. It connects with my jaw, and fuck, that stings.
Hopefully, it didn’t loosen any teeth
. I can just imagine poor Roxy freaking out about me getting hit. Okay Kade, focus. If this thick-headed thug is part of your baby’s life
it will be hell.
Argh that pisses me off, so I use the anger.

I lean into it and put all of my body weight into the next punch and pivot, then go for the right cross punch I learnt from Chuck at the local boxing ring. It connects and hits Rock in his cheek. Woo-hoo.
So much for no headshots, looks like the ref couldn’t care less.
I take advantage of his pain and throw a left hook into his body; liver shot for the money while he is recovering from his face hit.

He looks pissed and comes back swinging. Left to my cheek, right to my rib cage, another left to my jaw.

Gloves up, Kade, block the hits.

The left uppercut is my next throw, a great punch fast and unexpected, and then as I learnt from watching Rocky Balboa I slip the jab, hard and fast into his ribs.

Ding, ding, the first bell rings.

t’s neck and neck with five minutes to go. If they were scoring, I would imagine it would be close. I am well and truly exhausted. My left eye is half swollen shut, and I can taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. The Rock doesn’t look any better; he has a split lip and a cut on his eyebrow. I can’t help but think about how similar boxing is to surfing; it requires speed, agility, finesse, power, and the mental will to keep going.
It is raw and brutal through, that is the difference, and I am sticking to surfing.

I throw a right handed punch, but he blocks it, and then connects his left fist with his jaw. Fuck that one hurt like a motherfucker.

Ding, ding, ding, ding. I have never felt so much joy from hearing a bell ring.

The crowd cheers as the last round ends.

“Let’s give a round of applause to the Rock and Kade for that amazing boxing match,” the commentator states as we shake one last time and head out of the ring.

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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