Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series (13 page)

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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He climbs on top of me and pushes his knee into my groin massaging my throbbing core. I kiss him harder and suck gently on his tongue. “Mmm,” he moans in pleasure, as he pulls back to gaze into my eyes.

“This sure is some greeting Rox, now get naked so I can thank you properly baby,” he exclaims making me giggle as I start to lift my top over my head. He is desperate as I feel his hand on my breast rubbing it through my bra, my nipple getting harder from his touch. I undo it and he rips my bra off exposing my bouncing boobs.

“These are a sight, I love your breasts Rox, this one” he says as he sucks on my left one, then swirls his tongue around, then bites ever so gently making me moan. “And this one,” he adds now licking and teasing my right breast, making my core wetter.

“I love them in your mouth Kade.” His lips hastily return to mine and his hands massage my nipples. I reach my hand under his shirt to rub along his smooth chest, it is so toned and carved before I run my nails down his back and squeeze his hard arse.

He casually sits up and pulls down my work skirt, revealing my black G-string, and a tiny patch of bikini line that is growing back, he teases me along the edge of my underwear, up and down, then with one swift movement he has disregarded them to the floor.

“Fuck this is hot, you look so delicious. I am going to lick and suck this pussy of yours dry he states to me looking into my eyes and smirking.

“Yes, please, Kade,” I reply so turned on right now and in desperate need of his fingers or mouth on me.

He circles his finger around already wet and swollen my core. He pushes one finger inside and then he pulls my legs around his shoulders and within a second his mouth is on me, as his tongue dives into my opening, flicking in and out. He lightly bites my folds, then his finger is massaging my clit.

“Oh, fuck baby, that is so damn amazing,” I confess to him through my laboured breathing. I know my orgasm will be fast and hard, well my first one anyway.

He flicks his tongue inside faster and then circles it around as he massages my clit with such speed and expertise. My release hits and it is massive. I start to shake, exploding as my orgasm releases causing my excitement to drip while Kade continues his onslaught drinking me dry like he said that he would.

“Whoa baby, that was hot,” I tell him as he rises and removes his shirt and boardies, leaving me to come down from the ecstasy he caused. My legs are still wide open and my core is throbbing as he rubs his beautiful cock and gazes at me like he is going to attack.

“I want you so bad Rox, this,” he states as he rubs his cock from top to bottom, “wants to be inside your wet pussy more than ever before. Knowing just how good it tastes has me harder than concrete baby. Are you ready?” he asks me with animalistic lust in his eyes, his desire for me has me craving him more than oxygen.

“Put it in, I am thirsty for your cock, Kade,” I reply with honest words that make him grin. He angles my legs upwards, and then with carnal want he pushes his cock inside my dripping core, hard and fast. It was made for me, I am sure of it. This feeling right here is pure bliss.

“Yes,” I moan as he pushes his thickness in so it’s buried deep within my folds.

“You are so drenched Rox. It’s so hot knowing I made you soaking wet baby.” He increases his speed with enthusiasm, his rhythm is electric and I can feel my insides tingle, another release on its way.

“I’m coming baby, I’m coming,” I moan so aroused and pulsating from my impending orgasm. I shake and tremble as waves of ecstasy leads to me convulse and cover Kade with my release.

“Oh Roxy, I love you baby. I’m coming too,” he moans as he grips my hair and kisses me with fervour and passion as he thrusts like mad, racing and vibrating as his cock releases inside me.

He lets out a large exhale of breath and places his forehead on mine. Skin to skin we stay this way for ten minutes; no words needed.

This is love in its purest form. Both still high from our releases and high from the euphoria being so in love brings.

Chapter 11

Four is a Crowd


’ve finally been given the all clear for my knee
I was taking it easy during my lessons and on Coach’s instructions; I am back into training three times a week, slowly testing out the knee with more endurance and weight training. Thank fuck for that; I was sick of television and magazines.

First session back, I feel a little unfit and out of breath because my fitness levels have dropped while being stationary for the last four months. No cardio and only walking is boring to an athlete who is used to full throttle workouts.
Go hard or go home—that’s my motto.

After the third week, I’m feeling my stamina increase and I’m not so out of breath when I do cardio. It didn’t take as long as I thought, but to get back to champion level will be a different story.

As fucking promised, Stacey has been in contact with me. She turned up unannounced when I was still finishing with a client, wearing a slutty red dress.
Is this bird for real?

“You can’t keep turning up at my work Stacey, my business has a name to uphold,” I remark to her and kind of regret the comment afterwards.

Whoops, but it’s true, her slutty image could be bad for my family orientated surfing business.

“What the fuck does that mean? How could I wreck your business name?” she questions rudely a little taken aback by my comment.

“It came out wrong, sorry. I just meant for you to stop turning up unannounced,” I say to try and cover my rude comment.

“If you give me your number and text me instead of showing up at my business, then we can meet up somewhere. I also think Roxy and your partner should be around during our visits, as it is affecting the four of us,” I bombard her with my orders, but this is more like a business partnership in my eyes. She holds no emotional value to me whatsoever and I can’t see that changing in the near future.

“Whatever, but I am here now, so can we talk?” She’s probably overwhelmed by my demands, but it had to be said.

“Yep, you can do the talking while I load the van,” I state calmly, hoping she makes it short and sweet.

“Okay, I have an ultrasound booked for next Friday at eleven-thirty. I will be thirteen weeks, they can’t tell the sex yet, but they check the heartbeat and for abnormalities. I thought you might want to be there.” I have thought about it and I guess I would want to be there, but I will talk to Roxy before I say definitely yes.

“I’ll let you know if I’m coming by Wednesday. I need to discuss it with Roxy, of course,” I point out to her and the look on her face is fucking priceless.

“Are you kidding? This is your baby you get to listen to the heartbeat and see it moving around and you need to ask your little girlfriend’s permission? Jesus, she has got you under the thumb, grow a backbone, Kade,” she proclaims to me with displeasure of my comment. Way to go bitch, now you have infuriated me pretty much every time I have ever had contact with you.

“Who do you think you are, Stacey? I don’t need you to tell me what the right thing to do here is. The fact of the fucking situation is that we had sex, which I regret massively, you got pregnant, and
that baby is mine, I will be supportive one hundred percent. But I’ll be supportive of my baby, Stacey, not of you. Roxy is my main priority and always will be, so next time you say a bad word about her, I will cut all ties with you, whether the baby is mine or not, got it?” I glower at her feeling rage and fury at this miserable excuse for a woman.

“Well, it sounds like he told you,” I hear Roxy’s unmistakable voice as she walks up from behind the van. I’m shocked and yet pleased to see her and even more so that she heard our conversation.

“Oh, how sweet, the little girlfriend has come to hold your hand,” Stacey says with her unpleasant voice that may give me nightmares.

“That’s right, I will be holding his hand no matter what, so why don’t you run off and find a pathetic victim that might want to hold yours,” Roxy exclaims to her as I wrap my arm around her.

“I will let you know Wednesday, Stacey, like I said,” I tell her callously. I honestly wouldn’t be so mean if she was easy-going and chilled out, but she is infuriating.

“Whatever. Ryan will be there, I am sure he won’t mind not having you there. I’ll be sure to mail you a pic as a keepsake,” she retorts and is gone. I am sure she has a broomstick somewhere.

“Hey you, what a surprise. Sorry, she is a bit of a nightmare,” I say sweetly to Roxy, now feeling uneasy about another messed up Stacey visit.

“Yeah, that was messed up, but I’m glad I heard it. You are amazing with the way you stuck up for me, Kade. I have no doubt in my mind about you. Thank you for sticking it to skank face for me.” I did it without even thinking, isn’t that the way every guy should be with their girl?
No one talks shit about Roxy.

After chatting with Roxy, Dad, and even Pete, I contact Stacey and agree to meet for the ultrasound. I have decided to try and take it all with a grain of salt, and it’s still not determined whose baby she is carrying, so until we get the results of the paternity test, I won’t be sentimental or emotional when I see the baby on the screen.

Well, that’s the plan anyway...

I drive hastily to pick Roxy up from work and have Subway waiting for her. She told her boss Neeta we are meeting a real estate agent about a house, so she gets an hour and a half for lunch.

“Sorry we are wasting your lunch break doing this, Rox.” I feel bad for taking up her break, especially for something like this, but I really want her there and she wants to be there with me too. “You know how much I appreciate you coming right?” I announce to her as I squeeze her leg lovingly.

“I wouldn’t let you go alone, we are a couple and in this together, baby,” she replies smiling, and it makes me feel honoured to have her in my life.

We park the Ute and head into Level 2, Ultrascan, where we see Stacey sitting playing on her phone.
What is she like nineteen?
I find myself wondering how the hell she will deal with the baby when it’s born.

Shit, I know the guy sitting next to her.

“That is the Ryan that Stacey keeps talking about?” I say to Roxy when I realise that Stacey’s fucking boyfriend is none other than champion boxer, Ryan ‘The Rock’ Hale.

“Why, do you know him?” she questions, so I fill her in on his fights and title shots. He is a machine in the ring and a bit of a dirty fighter, so it’s no wonder that Stacey would choose someone like him.

Stacey sees us and smiles widely as we head over. “Ryan, this is Kade,” she introduces us. What a fucking awkward meeting, possible baby’s father number one meet possible baby’s father number two.


“Hey, man,” I say trying to at least be civil and mature about it all.

“Hey, Kade, congrats on the world title.” I figure he did his homework and knew who I was before coming here.

“Oh thanks, you are doing well in the tournaments from what I’ve seen on the TV,” I state to him. Really, I think we are both avoiding the situation at hand.

We are standing in the hallway when a nurse in a white coat comes out and calls Stacey’s name, “Miss Stacey Walker.”
Thank God for the welcomed distraction.

We nervously follow her into a small, darkened room, where there are numerous types of machines set up, obviously one is for the ultrasound.
This is all a little surreal.

“I am Sandra; I will be doing your ultrasound today. We are just checking for the heartbeat, size, and any abnormalities,” she tells the four of us. I can only imagine what is going through her mind about there being two couples in the room.

Yes, Stacey is a slut if that is what you are thinking.

I look attentively to Roxy and she seems nervous too, as she watches the nurse put the gel onto the wand and lifts up Stacey’s top. I squeeze her hand for reassurance. I really should be paying more attention to her, as this whole drama must be ten times harder for her.

“Okay, here we go. Can you see is the foetus right here? There’s only one in there, and the pulsating right here is the heartbeat. Let me turn the sound on so you can hear it,” she tells us as she turns a dial and we hear the thump-thump, thump-thump of the heartbeat of the little baby inside there.

I can’t help but smile at the sound, it is alive in there, and its heart is beating.

Shit it’s no longer just an unwanted problem.

Roxy looks at me with raised eyebrows and she is smiling at the sound too. She squeezes my hand as I kiss her cheek.

This should be us in a few years, not right now in this situation with them.

I feel a little intrigued when I notice that Ryan isn’t even holding Stacey’s hand. I thought they were together?
Maybe he’s not into the public thing.

“Oh wow, that is amazing. Our little baby is in there. Look it’s moving around! God, it’s unreal,” Stacey states beaming and honestly that is the first time I’ve seen that sweet, sensitive side to her. There may just be a maternal bone in her body, after all.

“Pretty cool. So, Doc, is it a boy?” Ryan questions. Bloody typical boxer, no brain just muscles.

“It’s too early to tell the sex yet, in another five to six weeks you can find out,” she announces to him. He looks eager to get out of the room, better yet the building.

“All is okay, so when you leave Stacey book in at reception for your next visit,” Sandra states as she heads out of the room.

“Well, we are going, too. I have clients and Roxy is on her lunch break. I am glad all is okay, Stacey,” I remark to Ryan and Stacey as we nod and turn to leave.

“Thanks for coming,” Stacey calls out sounding a bit dejected that we are leaving so soon.

“Get up and let’s go, too. I’ve got shit to do, Stacey,” I hear Ryan order her obnoxiously.

I can just tell that their relationship is not going to last. Well, at least Stacey is with that tool right now. It’s much better that way so she isn’t causing shit for me and Rox.

But even the possibility of having to deal with her for the rest of the baby’s life is killing me.

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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