Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“Sorry. I guess I’m not used to sharing her,’’ Logan winces, looking apologetic.

“But she wasn’t yours to begin with,’’ Alec snaps, his fist clenching.

The waitress walks over with our tray of food, interrupting the thick tension growing around the table.

“Thank you,’’ I smile, watching her walk away before turning back to a fuming Alec.

“Calm down, he didn’t mean anything by it. Did you Logan?’’ I make eye contact with Logan, pleading with him silently to make this right.

“Nah, mate. I guess I’m not used to seeing her with anyone.’’

“That’s because you haven’t been in her life for the past two years,’’ Alec snaps.

“I’ve been pretty busy,’’ Logan grits out, displeased with Alec’s accusation.

“Will you both pack it in?’’ I hiss across the table.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t give you the right to act like you’re the one with my girl,’’ Alec fumes.

“If you’re that insecure about your relationship then that’s on you,’’ Logan says calmly.

The argument is escalating and it’s not getting them anywhere but riled up. I’ve tried to open my mouth to say something a few times, to get them to calm down, but one or the other speaks up, their voices rising and gaining attention of the other customers.

“Fuck you. Fuck you! You’ve done nothing but try to pull her away from me since you arrived this morning. And what was that, walking into her room whilst she was getting changed? You don’t do that fucking shit,’’ Alec growls, the veins in his neck pulsing.

“This is getting out of hand. Alec, Logan has already said he’s sorry about earlier and he’s just being my friend. You’re taking this all the wrong way,’’ I tell him softly, hoping to calm him down.

“You seriously don’t see what he’s trying to do?’’ he yells, pushing his chair back roughly, standing up.

“You’re blowing this out of proportion,’’ I tell him, my voice pleading, almost begging for him to see how irrational he’s being.

He shakes his head down at me, disappointment in his eyes. “Enjoy your breakfast,’’ he snaps giving Logan one last narrowed gaze.

“Alec, don’t go,’’ I plead before he leaves, hating that this is happening.

“I can’t sit here and watch him be all over you,’’ he says to me sadly, his voice still holding a hard edge.

“Please,’’ I beg again, my eyes burning with unleashed tears as he walks away.

“Let him go,’’ Logan says gently, his hand on my arm, stopping me from chasing after Alec.

“What just happened?’’ I whisper to the table.

Allie puts her coffee down, her food too untouched and grabs her coat from the back of her chair.

“I’m going to go and let you two catch up. Go easy on Alec though, Willow. You’re his girlfriend and he just feels threatened,’’ she tells me softly, her eyes flickering nervously towards Logan.

“It’s Logan,’’ I say furiously. “He can’t seriously believe something would be going on between the two of us.’’

I’m actually a little disgusted that he would even imply such a thing. I’ve told Alec so many times that Logan is like a brother to me, a brother I never had. My mum never remarried after my dad or had a new relationship, so I’ve always been the only child. Having Logan looking out for me all through school felt like having a big brother.

“Cheers babe,’’ Logan sniffs, his jaw clenched.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,’’ I tell him. Can I dig a bigger hole for myself?

“Maybe explain it better to Alec and maybe Logan can back off with the touchy feely shit when Alec’s around,’’ Allie suggests attentively, seeming uncomfortable bringing it up.

“Jealous, Allie?’’ Alec sneers. “Maybe you need to get laid?’’

“Logan,’’ I snap, not liking what’s gotten into him. There’s no need to speak to Allie like that, not when she’s just trying to help.

“Willow, it’s fine. I’m going home to start unpacking. When you get back we’ll go shopping,’’ she smiles.

“Okay,’’ I agree, feeling another headache coming. Allie leans down, kissing my cheek before exiting the cafe, leaving me alone with Logan.

“Well that was eventful,’’ Logan mutters.

“Don’t,’’ I warn, hoping he’s not about to bad mouth Alec or Allie in front of me.

“I’m joking. Maybe we should just stay away from each other. I don’t want to be the reason you’re unhappy,’’ he says sadly, looking ready to bolt.

“No! Please don’t say that. I’m not losing my best friend when I just got him back because my boyfriend doesn’t like our friendship. He’s going to have to get used to having you around,’’ I tell him, hating that it’s come to this. The two of them will be playing football together; I don’t want to get in the way of that too.

“Okay, but if he doesn’t like it and starts getting pushy with you, give me a bell.’’

“He’s not violent,’’ I scoff, smiling at his over-protectiveness.

“You never know. They always say to watch out for the quiet ones,’’ he teases, but there’s a seriousness in his voice that I can’t ignore.

“Shut up,’’ I laugh, playing it off as his protectiveness over me.

“You excited about starting uni?’’ he asks, changing the subject, to which I’m grateful for.

I grin. I am more than excited. “Yeah, we start next week. What about you?’’

“I’m sad I’ve only got a year left before I have to leave you again,’’ he pouts. “I want to spend as much time with you as possible.’’

“I’ll always be in your life,’’ I grin, nudging him with my shoulder. I pick up my fork, digging in to my lukewarm breakfast.

“I know,’’ he grins, eating his own food. Swallowing, he turns to me. “When do you find out about the uni paper you were chattin’ on about?’’

I handed in a course paper, an article on a woman who was kidnapped when she went hiking in the outbacks of Australia. That’s what got me into the top journalism class the university has to offer, but it’s not the paper that will get me into Whittall university newspaper.

“From what the guidance councillor was telling me, I’ll have to do another article before they will enter me into working with the university paper. Plus, they’ll need to determine if I have a place on their paper.’’

“That’s great though isn’t it?’’ Logan grins around a mouthful of food.

“Yeah. The class only has a limited amount of students. I’m hoping to get a place, but I’ll also be job hunting in the meantime.’’

Logan frowns. “Do you need money? I’ve got some,’’ he rushes out, but I stop him offering, holding my hand up.

“No! No! I’m fine, I have money. I just want to save enough money over the next year so my mum doesn’t have to worry about next year’s bills and stuff.’’

“How is your mum?’’

“Good,’’ I smile, hoping he doesn’t see the nervous twitch in my eye. My mum doesn’t exactly know about Logan still attending the university. She presumed he finished last term and I didn’t tell her otherwise. I don’t think she would have let me attend this Uni, that or she would have demanded to come with me.

Since Mum and Allie’s parent’s fell out with Logan’s, my mum has hated me hanging out with him. She only got off my back about hanging out with him when he left for uni, never bringing him up again.

“I’m surprised she let you attend the same uni as me,’’ he smirks, knowing my mum’s strong dislike for him and his family.

“She’s not that bad,’’ I lie, and quickly change the subject. “So, you want to hang out after, come shopping with me and Allie?’’ I ask.

“How about I come over with a takeaway and a movie tonight?’’

“Yeah, okay. Nothing gory though,’’ I remind him, giving him a warning look.

“Wouldn’t dream of it babe,’’ he winks. I want to smack this ‘babe’ shit out of him. I let it lie, not wanting anymore drama and finish my breakfast in silence.

Now all I have to do is make things right with Alec. One thing is for sure, I’m not running to him to apologise, he can come to me. I just hope he’s not stubborn enough to let my friendship with Logan come between

We finish breakfast, talking about places around the university and other random topics. We stay for a while longer, catching up like old times before he drives me back home where we say goodbye.



After Logan dropped me off at the flat yesterday after the disastrous breakfast, I went straight back to my room, sleeping most of the day.

I’d woken up in the afternoon with a message from Logan cancelling our movie plans, saying he’d reschedule, but I’ve heard nothing from Alec. I must have checked my phone at least a dozen times to see if he’s text, even as going as far to get Allie to send me texts just to make sure my phone was working. When he still hadn’t called or text me by midnight, my control snapped and I ended up sending him a message explaining Logan and I were just friends.

Feeling miserable from the moment I woke up this afternoon, I made Allie skip our shopping trip, opting to stay in and order food in. She had picked up a few essentials at a local corner shop on her way home yesterday, so it wasn’t like we were desperate, but today, shopping was unavoidable. I needed chocolate; Allie needed her sweets, and we needed food in, which is how we ended up in the predicament we’re in right now, lugging a million carrier bags full of shopping up eight flights of stairs.

“Really, the lift breaks down today of all days,’’ Allie huffs, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

Chuckling, I stop, dropping all the bags on the floor gently, shaking my aching hands out. They’re red raw from the plastic handles digging into my skin.

“I know,’’ I puff out, hating how unfit I feel right now. We’re only on the third floor which makes it that much worse. “They should have fitted an electric chair for backup,’’ I joke, but once I’ve said it, I realise how much of a good idea it sounds.

A boisterous laugh echoes up the stairwell from one or more lads. Allie and I look at each other with horrified eyes before bursting into a fit of giggles. We both look a mess from carrying the bags from the car park and up three flights of stairs. It doesn’t help we threw clothes on, not caring what it was as long as it got us ready quicker to get some food. I even threw my hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to do anything. I can leave the house most days wearing anything and it doesn’t bother me, but I can never leave without putting my face on and brushing my hair. I guess everything going on has made me feel depressed enough not to care.

“Great. We’re going to get murdered looking like scarecrows,’’ Allie whispers, giggling.

“It was bound to happen. Death by flat stairwell,’’ I say dramatically, giggling with her.

Grabbing my bags and feeling exhausted, my mind gets lost, pretending I was a witch so that I could magically click my fingers and make our bags disappear to our kitchen. My abnormal thoughts are interrupted when a voice causes me to jump from behind us.

“Well hellooooo. We meet again,’’ a husky voice says. Allie’s body visibly stiffens next to me when she realises who it is. I grin, turning around to face our neighbour, whose eyes are locked on Allie’s arse.

Typical lad.

My grin falters a little when I see he isn’t alone, that Cole is with him, his blue eyes narrowed on the bags I’m struggling to hold in my hands. I almost take a step back when he steps forward towards me, a determined expression across his face, but I hold my own, keeping my gaze on him no matter how hard it is to do.

My mouth hangs open as he takes the carrier bags off me with a gentleness I didn’t expect from the big brute. My skin tingles from his touch and I have to bite my lip to stop myself making a sound.

“Thanks,’’ I choke out on a whisper, feeling my cheeks heat. I’m actually starting to think
a witch and has put some kind of spell on me. Well, a wizard. It would explain why my body reacts to him when I’m around him.

“It’s okay,’’ he rumbles and turns his head towards his friend and I find myself turning with him. CJ has taken Allie’s bags from her, leaving her with her mouth hanging open. From the neck up, she has gone completely red and I have to bite the inside of my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. She looks ready to run up the stairs to the flat and lock herself inside her room until it’s safe to come out. I think the only thing stopping her is the effort it would take to run up the stairs and the exhaustion she’ll feel afterwards.

“Well at least we know we’re getting fed this week, huh, Cole,’’ CJ chuckles, starting his way up the stairwell.

“Don’t expect me to do the cooking,’’ I scoff chuckling, walking beside Cole, enjoying the way his arms flex from the weight of the shopping bags way too much. The guy is too good looking for his own good. He has everything going for him.

“Why? Don’t like sharing?’’ CJ grins at me from over his shoulder, interrupting my perving.

“No. Just don’t want to end up in jail for murder. I’m far too pretty to handle being a prison bitch,’’ I sigh dramatically, grinning.

CJ stops short on the fifth floor, causing me to stumble up the next step. He turns looking at me with a straight face. “Are you trying to tell me you’ll kill me over food?’’

I laugh. “No. If I cook, my
will kill you.’’

He laughs back at that before turning to Allie, his eyes softening. “What about you cupcake, are you going to kill me with your cooking?’’ he teases.

“No! I can cook,’’ Allie tells him defensively, ducking her head when she realises how fiery she sounded.

CJ throws his head back laughing his arse off as he carries on up the stairs.

“Good to know, cupcake.’’

Allie scrunches up her nose up at his endearment, seeming confused. I’m not one for nicknames, but even I have to admit, CJ calling her ‘cupcake’ is kind of cute.

“So what are you ladies up to this fine Friday evening?’’ CJ asks as we near our floor.

When it’s plainly obvious Allie isn’t going to answer, I speak up. “We’re spending the rest of the afternoon unpacking the shopping and all our movin’ boxes. What about you two?’’ I ask, not wanting to be rude, plus, I love conversation.

“Goin’ out to watch the game and have a beer. Fancy taggin’ along with us?’’ he asks. And although he’s answering my question, he’s staring down at Allie when he answers.

“No thank you,’’ she replies, pushing her glasses up her nose nervously.

“My loss,’’ he smiles.

A small smile tugs at my own lips at their interaction. Allie has never had a boyfriend. She’s pretty and she’s also overly shy. So many lads tried to ask her out throughout high school, and after, but she’d always brush them off, looking uncomfortable. This has to be the most interaction she’s had with a male other than the time she’s spent with Alec.

Opening the front door to our flat, I push it open, letting both lads pass to the kitchen with the shopping bags. Cole is the last one to pass me, his arm accidentally brushing my breast. I gasp in a breath, my heart sky rocketing, my core tightening, and electrical current running through my body.

“Sorry,’’ he rumbles huskily.

“It’s okay,’’ I whisper, too stunned and turned on to say anything else. I should feel outraged, but deep down I know he didn’t do it on purpose and if I’m deeply honest, his touch wasn’t exactly unwanted.

Allie and I stand just inside the doorway, watching quietly as CJ and Cole’s large frames fill our kitchen, making it seem smaller.

“Thank you for carrying our shopping bags,’’ I thank both lads, my eyes staying focused on Cole’s as I say the words.

His eyes never leave mine until he steps out into the hallway. Once he’s out he turns back towards us, with an intense expression. He looks lost, deep in thought.

“We couldn’t listen to you two pant and struggle all the way up eight flights of stairs,’’ CJ teases, nudging Allie in the arm.

“I was doing fine. I wasn’t panting,’’ Allie tells CJ defensively, furiously blushing.

“Don’t worry, cupcake, we’ll work on your stamina,’’ CJ winks down at her.

I didn’t think Allie could turn any redder, but she does. Her eyes are wide, her mouth agape as she stares up at CJ with a stubborn look, mixed with lust.

“I...What...I,’’ she stutters before shaking her head, rushing past me and down the hall.

CJ and I laugh at her retreating form, harder when we hear the door to her bedroom slam close.

My watery eyes flicker to Cole’s again to find him looking to the floor, a small smirk playing on his lips. It causes his face to relax a little, letting me see a different side to him. It also makes him look even sexier, driving my heart wild.

“Cute,’’ CJ mummers, still staring off in the direction of Allie’s bedroom. Shaking his head, his dark eyes reach mine, a sexy smirk pulling at his lips. “See you later,’’ he chuckles, turning and slapping Cole on his back.

He leaves Cole and I alone in the hallway, letting himself inside their flat and leaving the door open an inch for Cole.

It’s quiet for a few seconds before CJ’s voice booms through the door. “Don’t be too long, Liam Cole, I need my lunch made.’’

I’m laughing when Cole mutters, “Dickhead,’’ under his breath, his lips twitching.

“Awe, you’re the housewife,’’ I giggle teasing him. Then the best thing happens, he laughs. His whole face lights up when he laughs, his eyes crinkling in the corners. Two small dimples reveal themselves as he smiles and I’m lost for breath. I stare up at him in awe, never having seen anything so beautiful before in my entire life.

I’m still staring, my face a picture of wonder when he straightens, his face turning serious as his blue eyes capture mine, scrutinising my face.

“What?’’ I ask, touching my face to see if I have something stuck on it.

“Is he your boyfriend?’’ he asks quietly, his jaw tight and I move my hand from my face.

“Excuse me?’’ I reply, sounding confused, my nose scrunched up.

“Logan Williams.’’

Ah. That’s what this is about. “No, he’s been my best friend since I can remember,’’ I explain, wondering why everyone keeps implying shit when it comes to Logan. I’m also intrigued to know where he’s going with this.

“Best friends,’’ he says, looking like the words leave a bad taste in his mouth.

Shifting on my feet, I look up at him trying to ignore his extremely good looks and powerful frame, but failing.

“What is this about?’’ I ask softly, not wanting to poke the bear.

His eyes soften a touch, only for a second before they turn blank within a flash. “He’s not a good person,’’ he states firmly.

“Funny,’’ I grin, but it doesn’t reach my eyes. “He said the same thing about you.’’

I watch worriedly as his fists clench, his eyes hardening and turning a darker shade of blue.

“Watch yourself around him. He’s not who you think he is,’’ he bites out, looking like he wants to shake some sense it to me. “Stay safe, Low,’’ he whispers, taking one last look at me before turning around, heading inside his flat and shutting the door softly behind him.

I’m still in shock, too stunned over his warning to even move. I feel like I’ve been in a parallel universe from the second we arrived here at the university. Everything is changing drastically, nothing adding up anymore. It’s making me question everything I’ve ever believed in.

Everyone’s hatred towards Logan must be coming from somewhere, but I don’t see it. I wonder for a few minutes, still staring into space if I’m being blind to it. Flashbacks of my childhood moments with Logan flicker behind my eyes and I shove any bad thoughts aside.

Still stunned from my encounter with Cole I take a step back, letting the door fall shut. Allie must hear the door clicking shut because she comes barrelling out of her bedroom, nearly tripping over her own feet with a stormy look upon her face.

“Can you believe that jerk? Build my stamina,’’ she scoffs. “I’ll have you know I’m fit as a fiddle,’’ she tells me heatedly, causing a small smile to reach my face.

“The nerve,’’ I scoff, teasingly.

“I know. I should go over there and give him a piece of my mind. He can’t stand there looking all hot and tell
I need to build up my stamina. And what was up with him calling me cupcake?’’

Her rant is amusing. “You should. You should march right over there and give him what for,’’ I tell her, playing along with her argument like a good friend would. I also like provoking her.

“Maybe I will,’’ she says standing up straighter, a stubborn look on her face.

“But you won’t,’’ I tease, knowing she doesn’t have the balls to do something so bold. When her face crumbles miserably like she’s admitted defeat, I burst out laughing, bending over and clutching my stomach.

“No,’’ she pouts, narrowing her eyes at me as I continue to laugh.

“They are something though,’’ I admit once I’ve calmed down, a scowl reaching my eyes.

“What do you mean? What did that hot jerk say to you?’’ she demands, looking ready to fight on my behalf.

I smile sadly, walking into the kitchen to start unpacking the shopping away.

“It wasn’t CJ,’’ I tell her, grinning when a blush rises in her cheeks. Oh, Allie-Belle has it bad. “It was Cole. He warned me to stay away from Logan,’’ I say, my voice disbelieving. Now that I’ve said it out loud I feel angry. He doesn’t know me or Logan, not the way I do to make judgements. What makes him think he has the right to tell me what to do anyway? And why does he even care?

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