Fuck Valentine's Day (2 page)

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Authors: C. M. Stunich

BOOK: Fuck Valentine's Day
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my name?” I asked finally, convinced that if he could at least
get this, I'd go. I so wanted to. Quinn was … Quin was wow.
Every girl on campus (and several boys) knew his name and they all
wanted to fuck him. If they said otherwise, they were lying. He bit
his lip and nibbled it for several moments before snapping his

don't know your name per se, but I know you're the super hot chick
that usually sits in the front row of our lit class.” Quinn
threw me his sexiest grin from a mouth full of super white teeth. It
made the lines of tattoos on his neck shift, drawing my attention to
the color that crawled up the sides of his throat in artful swirls.
It was a good trick, but not good enough.

Quinn,” I said and then turned on my heel and tried to hide
behind the row of pink chocolates. He followed me and stood close
by, pretending to be interested in a gold box with a red bow on the
top. I moved around the other side of the shelf, into an aisle full
of stuffed animals. I only lasted thirty seconds there because the
purple bears with kissy-faces scared the shit out of me. I went back
to the candy aisle. Quinn was still there. “Stop following
me,” I hissed at him as I picked up an abandoned hand basket
and started tossing candy into it. Quinn turned to face me, the
chains hanging from his belt jingling as he moved.

he said as he turned away. “Just buying a present for a
beautiful girl.” And then he disappeared around the corner. I
sat down on the floor and put my hands over my face, dragging them
down slowly as I tried to wipe away some of my stress.
This is
why you're still a virgin,
I told myself as I looked up and came
face to face with a display of half priced Hershey's Kisses. I
grabbed three bags.

few seconds later, Quinn came back around the corner with the
chocolates, a receipt, and a condom tucked under the bow on top of
the candy.

is for you,” he said as he sat the present down on the floor
next to me. As he stood up and moved around the corner, tight, sexy
body disappearing from view, I called out to him.

Fisher,” I said, and he paused, laying one hand on the white
metal shelving next to him. “Andi for short.”

beautiful,” he said and then he was gone.

woke up an hour late and blew a big test in biology because I spent
all night masturbating to Quinn Prentis and wearing fuzzy, plastic
handcuffs that I bought at the store. I kind of felt stupid
handcuffing one of my wrists to the headboard, but I did it anyway
and had the best orgasm

you, sir,” I said as I unhooked myself and shook out my sore
arm. I threw on a pair of white and blue striped pajamas and waddled
down to the kitchen, just a tad sore down there from my new dildo.
It was called the
and it was my special friend on
nights when I didn't have a warm body next to mine (that's every

friend/roommate, Genevieve Pares, was busy necking with her fuck
buddy, Lance, on my couch. They kind of did other things on my
couch, so I was always covering it with towels and such to catch
and inevitably all my other friends would ask, “Why
the fuck do you have seven towels covering up your couch?” I
never quite knew how to answer that question.

guys,” I said. They ignored me which was okay because they
sort of did this often. I kind of liked to think of them as people I
could confide in. You know, the really good couple you could tell
everything to because they're both your friends? Well, except for
the fact that they never heard what I had to say. Oh, and they
weren't a couple. That's okay, I made do. I just told new
acquaintances that my boyfriend's name was Randy and my best friends
were Genevieve and Lance and nobody asked otherwise. “I was
thinking of going on a date with this guy, Quinn Prentis, because
he's like … ” I pulled a gallon of milk from the fridge
and dropped it when Genevieve moaned like a wild animal. White
liquid shot out everywhere, making me even more depressed for the
upcoming holiday.
That's the only white liquid that I'm going to
see spraying across my kitchen.

Lance! Lance!”

I continued as I grabbed a rag and started wiping up the floor.
“Quinn is seriously the hottest guy I've ever seen, and I
didn't think I had a chance with him, but … ”

ride me, baby!”

yeah, you know it!”

actually seems interested in me.” I threw the rag in the sink
and picked up the empty milk jug, tossing it into the garbage can
next to the counter as the couch springs started to creak. “I
just don't know … I kind of wanted to keep my V for someone
special.” I sighed and traded my cereal bowl for a plate.
Guess it was toaster pastry time again.

threw a couple of the fatty, flaky rectangles in and held up a hand
to shield my eyes from my roommate as I made my way to the front door
and checked the mail. I was expecting a Valentine's card from my mom
(shut up, okay, I know that's fucking lame) with some money it and
hadn't gotten the chance to look yesterday. Lo and behold, there
were two pink envelopes in the mail that day.

damn,” I said as I carried them both inside past the fuck
buddies and sat down at the breakfast bar. One of the envelopes had
a stamp on one corner and my mom's return address on the other. The
second envelope was blank except for my name.

Annette Fisher.

I said as I slid my thumb under the pink paper and opened the
envelope. The first thing that came out was a Valentine's Day card
with a sexy man on the front. He had abs like the Grand Canyon, all
mountains and valleys, and a
bulge in his red and white

please! You thought Cupid was a freaking baby? Check out this bow
and arrow.

laughed as I reached over the counter and grabbed at my toaster
pastries. Something slipped from inside the card and fell to the
floor, picture side down. I set my plate down in front of me and
looked at the message inside. It was blank except for an address
written in neat, tiny letters, all caps. I didn't recognize the
place, so I set it aside and climbed off the stool.

me hard, Lance! Now! Oh yeah, right there!”

the hell is this … ” My voice trailed off as I grabbed
the picture and flipped it over. “Holy cock!” I yelped
as I came face to face with said object. There was a penis on the
picture, a real, live penis with wrinkles and everything. It was as
big as my
long and wide, circumcised
“Genevieve, seriously, come here and look at this.”

turned the picture around and around trying to find some sort of
identifying information. There was none. Except for the address in
the card. I sat back on the stool and examined the photo for
Was this thing Photoshopped?
was a man's hand wrapped around the base of the cock and little
droplets of moisture from a shower or lube or something. I, myself,
was getting wet just looking at the damn thing. That was even
I noticed the little silver ring through the skin near the head of
Mystery Man's cock. It was a Prince Albert.

coming,” Genevieve started shouting behind me, and I took that
as my cue to grab my quickie breakfast, my cards, and my penis pic
and get the hell out of there.

found Quinn Prentis hitting on some girls near the door to our lit

act infuriated me to no end.
Told you to avoid this prick,
rational mind said as she stuck her tongue out at me. I had the
picture clutched in my hand and marched right up to the biggest bad
boy on campus.

you're such a stud?” I said, and the two girls he was flirting
with moved away like I was poisoned. I mean, come on, I wasn't that
scary was I? Five foot nine, thin as a rail, brown hair, brown eyes,
I was just your average girl. Maybe they saw something in my face
that day that told them to back the fuck off, maybe it was
instinctual, some old forgotten woman vs. woman thing? I have no
fucking clue.

held up his hands and sucked in his lower lip, big, blue eyes all
wide and innocent. I almost swooned, but I held my ground.

there, beautiful.”

Andi,” I said, acidic tongue wagging at full force. “So,
you just leading me on or what? Why ask me out? Give me

just hanging out. You know I was waiting for you, right? Didn't see
you in bio, so I thought something was wrong.”

huh,” I said, about to thrust the picture in his face and
demand that he explain himself. Then he stepped forward and his
should-be-illegal-because-it's-so-tight T-shirt rode up his belly and
flashed me wet worthy abs and a trickle of dark hair along with some
brightly colored tattoos. Tattoos that were most certainly
my penis picture.

all yours for tonight if you come clubbing with me. I won't even
look at another woman. Pinky promise?” he asked, and I stood
there like a deer in the headlights.
If Quinn didn't send the
pic, who did?
I had just sort of assumed it was him. I mean,
who else would've done it? Besides, it was pierced. Don't all bad
boys have pierced junk?

I began as he moved closer to me and sent the hairs on my arms
standing to attention. He moved like a panther, all sleek and
muscular and
I almost drooled.
Maybe he took it
before he was tatted?

have you got in your hand, beautiful?” he asked, apparently
allergic to using my first name. I took a step back and flicked my
eyes back and forth. Did I have a stalker? Was he watching me carry
his picture even now? Masturbating to it? And why was that idea
making me so wet between the thighs?

your dick pierced?” I blurted, and Quinn paused. Then he stood
there and stared at me with a blank facial expression that made me
sick to my stomach. I kept myself from bolting by attaching my eyes
to his belly button. Now that,
was pierced. My Mystery
Man's wasn't. Shit.

no,” Quinn said, and that was that. “Save you a seat?”
I turned around and ran all the way to the parking lot.

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