Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (47 page)

BOOK: Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students
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Midwives must provide appropriate care and accurate information to and for all women and












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































their babies, to facilitate good enough parenting.


Midwives have a duty to provide accurate information and advice to new parents, applying
current research findings and other evidence into practice, ensuring that evidence-based advice and support is presented to childbearing women and their families, regarding the baby and self-care (NMC 2008). It is important that clinicians are not authoritarian, inaccurate or unhelpful, in their advice. They must show kindness, responsiveness and reassurance to help new parents
nurture their infants. The midwife’s role could be considered to facilitate good enough parenting.‌


End of chapter activities




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When a married or cohabiting couple live together with children from previous rela- tionships the family has become. . . .
Midwives have a role in teaching this for parenthood


Pregnancy which occurs in a female aged between 10 to 19 years, according to the World Health Organization
The ability to produce offspring


A family structure where a household is composed of one person and some other kin, in addition to a spouse or child
The Chinese tradition of ‘doing-the-month’ is characterised by a period of this
Parents who value structure and predictability may be likely to use this style of parenting
A mother who performs genetic, gestational and social roles as a parent
The age of a woman who conceives at the age of 35 years or above may be considered this
A woman who acts as the gestational carrier for a baby on behalf of commissioning parents, in an arrangement made prior to conception
What is parenthood?
On which people should midwifery care be primarily focussed, given their sphere of practice? http://www
Discuss how midwives can be involved in the care of teenage parents
To which kind of biological mother does the midwife have accountability for providing physical and emotional care?114
Find out more
Below is a list of things you can find out about to enhance your knowledge of the issues and topics covered in this chapter. Make notes using the chapter content, the references and further reading identified, local policies and guidelines and discussions with colleagues.
Glossary of terms
The absence of menstruation.
The start of pregnancy, at the fusion of the male germ call (sperm), with the female germ cell (ovum) – fertilization – resulting in the formation of a zygote, a single cell containing its own unique genetic code.
A reproductive relationship between blood relations who share at least one common ancestor no more remote than a great grandparent.
Ethnic group
A group of people with social cohesion, sharing distinctive and common features. These include physical appearance, religious affiliation, language or dialect, culture, customs, values, geographical location and ancestral origins.
The innate ability to conceive offspring.
The status of children born out of wedlock (historically).
A network of relatives (kin) connected by common ancestry or marriage.

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