Heart of Stone (14 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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“Who the fuck is that at this time of night,”
Mia scowls getting up to check the peephole on the door.

Mia jerks her head then turns around
whispering, “Gabby, it’s Aidan. Do you want me to answer it?”

“Gabriella I know you’re in there. Open up,”
thunders Aidan at the same time.

Shit, shit, SHIT!

“Gabby?” Mia asks again. Nervously I bit my
lip nodding in consent.

Mia opens the door as I rise from the couch
and standing in the door way is Aidan – angry but not just any kind
of angry, he’s pissed as in pissed as all hell.


His lips are set in a hard thin line, his
eyes glittering and not in a soft way. There’s a muscle ticking
along the side of his jawline as his eyes bore into mine.

Aidan stalks through the door completely
ignoring Mia with his gaze still firmly fixed on me. Acid burns up
my throat and a queasy feeling assails my stomach. Mia quietly
closes the door and turns towards me softly asking, “You okay

My eyes shift to Mia and I nod once letting
her know I’m ok. Aidan still has spoken a word but he’s standing
four feet away from me, his anger rolling off his body in palpable

“I’ll just be in my room if you need me
honey,” Mia says giving one hard glare at Aidan before she leaves
the lounge room.

Again Aidan completely ignores Mia, his eyes
still boring into mine, the muscle in his jawline twitching.

“What the fuck Gabriella?” Aidan says in a
menacing low voice.

“Aidan - ” I begin quietly only to be cut off
by him over talking me.

“You left.” He accuses still using the low
menacing tone that sends shivers down my spine.

“Um… yes but - ” I begin again.

“You walked out without so much as a goodbye
or giving me the courtesy of informing me that you were

The tension in the air is thick, pulsating
back and forth between us, a tangible physical current that causes
every hair on my body to rise. The booming sound of my heartbeat
thunders loudly in my ears.

“I saw you.” My voice is quiet but just as

“Saw me what?” Snaps Aidan.

“I saw you with her. With Sophia.”

His head jerks in surprise then he raises his
eyebrows in question. “And?”

“Katrina told me how you’re in love with

“What the fuck!” He hisses quietly.

A moment of silence spreads between us.

“And what else did Katrina have to say?” He
grates when I don’t say anything more.

Taking a deep breath of courage I continue,
“That you two were close. Inseparable. In love. Katrina said that a
few years ago you both broke up and that the women you see now are
all distractions you pass your time with until she comes back to

Signing loudly I feel a weight has been
lifted from my shoulders. The jig is up. Now Aidan can stop playing
his game with me. I knew deep down he was out of league. Why I ever
thought a man as charismatic and beautiful as Aidan would be
interested in a girl like me is beyond my comprehension.


Aidan doesn’t move he stands frozen glowering
at me breathing slowly. His gorgeous face is carefully blank but
his eyes are active, assessing, working and his persistent silence
only increases my anxiety.

Apprehensively I whisper, “Aidan - ”

“Well it appears my
had a
lot to say,” he states bitingly, cutting me off once again. His
tone is ice cold, threatening and for a brief moment I feel sorry
for Katrina when Aidan confronts her about this.

“Aidan - ” I begin yet again.

“Did it occur to you, Gabriella to ask me
about Sophia before you went running off?” His voice is that scary
menacing low tone once more. I don’t know what is more frightening
– when he’s speaking in that low lethal tone or when he’s yelling
at me.

“Aidan -” Again I try to interject.

“If you had bothered to ask me tonight before
you left me, I would have told you Sophia is a friend, a very old
and dear friend. We’ve known each other since college. Yes we’ve
dated and Sophia has accompanied me to many social events over the

Inhaling a deep breath I swallow the large
lump in my throat and rapidly blink back the tears that prick my

I will not cry, I will not cry
. I
chant to myself.

“However our affair was brief. It was a long
time ago, back in college in fact. We weren’t compatible, not even
close to being compatible as lovers Gabriella. But Sophia and I
have remained very close friends throughout the years.” He says

“Aidan – ”

“Again if you had asked me before taking off
tonight Gabriella,” he sneers talking over me, his anger not waning
in the slightest. “I would have told you – although Sophia is
undoubtedly beautiful I am not in the least bit attracted to her.
In fact,” he spits, “she is in a relationship with another close
friend of mine and has been for several months now. Hear me now
Gabriella because I won’t fucking repeat myself. I. Am. Not. Nor.
Have. I. Ever. Been. In. Love. With. Sophia! He snarls each word

“Oh…” I puff out on an exhale of air.

“So now I want to know why you left the
benefit tonight without so much as one goddam fucking word to me?”
Aidan growls.

“So… um… I’m not just a distraction for

Gabby!” Aidan roars and I
automatically flinch at the ferociousness in his voice. His face is
a mask of unconcealed fury.

I was wrong before. Aidan roaring at me in
fury is way more frightening than his scary menacing low tone.

Stunned I utter, “You called me Gabby.”

“What?” He asks in confusion shaking his

“You always address me as Gabriella. This is
the first time you’ve called me Gabby”.

.” Exasperation now replaces
his anger as he irritably runs his hand through his hair.

We’re both stand immobile like statues
staring at each other half a room apart as silence engulfs our

Something huge shifts within me that I can’t
even begin to define. But what is abundantly clear is Aidan isn’t
in love with the stunningly perfect Sophia. He likes me. As in
me. He’s taken me out several times and each
time I’ve had his full and undivided attention. Aidan has made me
feel special. He’s taken me to his home and said he wants to
explore things further with me by dating. He called me his
girlfriend tonight. His kisses have rocked my world and when he’s
made love to me – Ohmigod I’ve never felt that kind of intimacy in
my entire life. Sending Alisha over with gowns and shoes to choose
from for the Benefit was an amazingly thoughtful and generous gift.
And tonight he even remembered that I don’t eat seafood and
exchanged our meals around. Mia was right, what was I thinking just
walking out on him tonight without at least talking to him first. I
just assumed everything Katrina said to me about Aidan and Sophia
was true. I let my own insecurities and self-doubt rule me and I’ve
let Katrina’s jealous pettiness get to me. Aidan’s has been nothing
but kind, generous, affectionate and bluntly honest with me from
the moment we’ve met. And lastly I am falling in love with this
beautiful enigmatic man.


I take off sprinting towards him launching
myself in his arms. Aidan goes back on one foot bracing, catching
my body. My legs wrap around his waist, my ankles locking together
and my arms snake around his neck as I slam my mouth down over his.
His lips part allowing my tongue entrance as his arm curls around
my butt cheek supporting my weight. His other hand flexes firmly
between my shoulders pressing me closer into the heat of his body.
On a moan Aidan takes control of the kiss dominating my mouth, his
tongue sweeping, exploring, claiming. His teeth nip hard on my
bottom lip as he breaks the kiss.

“Where’s your bedroom?” He asks on a guttural

I mumble the direction to my room while
raining soft kisses up and down his neck, licking, tasting his
smooth skin. Aidan throws me back on the bed and I land on a bounce
letting out a small squeal.

“Take your cloths off Gabriella. Now,” he
orders huskily.

Quickly discarding my pajamas, throwing them
on the floor I lie back and take in all that is Aidan. He’s
standing at the bottom on my bed, his bowtie is gone and the two
top buttons of his dress shirt are open but apart from that he is
fully dressed in his black shiny tuxedo. His chocolate tousled hair
is more disheveled than usual and his unique scent permeates my

“Hands above your head baby,” he orders.
“Hold onto to the headboard.”

My belly dips and moisture gathers between my
legs as I obediently obey.

“Good girl. Now spread your legs, lift your
knees and open wide for me.” He voice is horse as his gaze takes in
my body. He then lifts his gaze to mine and starts slowly
undressing, first his jacket, then his shirt and finally his pants
and boxers until he stands before me gloriously naked - his eyes
having not left mine for one single moment.

The anticipation is consuming, his emerald
gaze intense as a shudder courses through my body.

Licking my lips I whisper, “Aidan.”

“Don’t move Gabriella,” he commands roughly
moving between my legs on his knees. His places one heated palm
flat on my throat his other palm props his lean muscular body up so
our bodies are not touching. Only his warm palm flexes at the base
of my throat. Then slowly, softly his skims his palm down my
collarbone between my breasts, down my sternum and lower to my
belly. “Beautiful,” he mutters as my breath hitches.

My hands ache to touch him, to run my fingers
through his silky hair. And in that moment as if he is reading my
thoughts, his eyes snap to mine - he tersely orders, “Don’t let go
of the headboard Gabriella.”

I nod swallowing the lump in my throat,
gripping the headboard tightly. His palm continues it’s decent
until he cups my mound and lowers in head to kiss my belly button.
His other hand shifts spreading firmly on my inner thigh. His wet
tongue swirls deliciously around and around in navel then trails
warm wet heat down over my mound and through my folds.

“So beautiful. So wet. You’re wet for me
baby. Soaked,” he murmurs.

“Aidan,” I groan.

“Shh baby,” he sooths kissing my inner
thighs. Then he continues to lick long and slow through my folds
lapping lazily like a cat. The sensation is both exquisite and
torturous at the same time.

“Aidan please,” I beg as he inserts a finger
than two moving in unison with his firm leisurely lapping

Sweat causes my hands to slide loosening my
grip on the board. I flex my fingers digging in deeper as my entire
body trembles from burning desire. I’m close, so, so close.

“Please… please,” I pant.

Lifting his head as his fingers continue to
fuck me, he growls, “You will never walk away from me again

“Aidan –”
his talented fingers
bring me closer to the brink.

“Do you understand?” He tone is harsh and

Nodding I plead once more, “Aidan

“Say it!” He barks. His fingers continue
their erogenous assault.

“I won’t walk away from you,” I cry.

His mouth moves back to my pussy, his fingers
working faster as his tongue continues its’ onslaught, lapping over
and over. He bites down hard on my clit then sucks forcefully
causing my body to convulse and I scream out his name as the
longest most earthshattering orgasm I ever had tears through

Aidan positions himself over me and on one
hard long powerful stoke he surges in to the hilt. I cry out in
pleasure as his cock fills me completely, stretching my sensitized
walls as my internal muscles clench firmly around his penis.
Pausing he peels my fingers from the headboard and intertwines our
fingers together. His head lowers resting his forehead against mine
and he whispers. “I’ve never had nor desired this level of
relationship with a woman before. But you bewitch me Gabriella. One
taste of you is not nearly enough. You don’t get to walk away from
me, from us. Do you understand?”

Staring into Aidan’s beautiful emerald eyes I
nod then shift in closer and run my tongue along the seam of his
full lips. He smiles then begins to move deliberately out and in
pausing each time at the hilt to grind slowly rotating in a full
circle than out and in repeating the motion - our eyes never
leaving the others’.

His stokes progress faster, harder, his hips
driving brutally into me.

I love feeling him inside of me

I meet each thrust with my pelvis our fingers
still entwined using our combined bodies momentum to meet each
other’s surge.

“That’s it baby give to me,” demands Aidan,
his command tips me deliriously over the edge as I clamp my legs
around his waist clinging tightly. Aidan thrusts once more slamming
into the hilt as he rumbles his release into my neck panting.


I’m completely surrounded, cocooned in his
warm embrace. A deep peaceful serenity washes over me – I’m home,
I’m safe, I feel desired, loved when I’m wrapped in Aidan’s arms.
Signing in contentment I whisper, “I’m sorry I left tonight without
taking to you. I had a really nice night with you tonight… well up
until the end part of it anyway.”

“Me too Gabriella,” he smiles lifting his
head to place a kiss on my nose.

Aidan shifts onto his side gathering me into
his arms, my head resting on his perfect muscled chest. Another
sign of contentment escapes my lips as my fingers trail patterns
lightly along his taut stomach.

“I was rather looking forward to taking that
dress off you tonight.” Say Aidan, his tone is wistful and I lift
my head to see him gazing at the beautiful gown he gave me hanging
on my door.

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