Heart of Stone (18 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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My mom planned a ‘family day of fun’
insisting we all go to an Amusement Park not far from where we
lived on the Gold Coast. They had the biggest Rollercoaster in the
Southern Hemisphere. Mia being Mia begged and pleaded that I go on
the ride with her. Now I love Amusement Parks, Dodgem Cars,
Mary-Go-Rounds and even the Haunted Houses but Rollercoasters – not
so much. I was petrified.

Reluctantly I went with her along with the
rest of my family and as the car we were in gradually ascended up
high above the park I was immediately regretting my decision giving
in to Mia and going on the ride. My hands clutched the handlebars
in front me in a white knuckled death grip. All I could think about
was ‘what if the car fell off the rails’ or ‘what if bolts came
loose and the scaffolding collapsed’. Panicked thoughts of my
impending doom ran rampant through my mind. My very morbid
imagination was largely due to too many nights of watching horror
movies with my brother Dean as a teenager.

As we headed into the first loop my eyes
clamped shut, my heart thundered in my chest and I tried
desperately not to hyperventilate.

The rollercoaster came out from its’ first
high-speed loop and began to slowly rise again. I glanced at my
brother Dean and his friend in the car in front of us. They were
laughing rumbustiously enjoying the ride with absolutely no fear at
all. I turned my head to my left and there sat Mia, both hands
straight up in the air, her golden blonde hair flying out from the
back of her head and she was squealing in delight. Again no sign of
fear whatsoever. Turning my head I looked behind at both my dad and
mom who were seated in the car behind us. My dad’s arm was wrapped
around my moms’ shoulders; he was smiling down at her. My mom’s
cheeks were flushed, her eyes were bright and she was laughing
uncontrollably. They were all having fun.

I was the only one in my family not enjoying
the ride, not having fun and I was missing out – missing out in a
big way. I was letting my fears control me. And at that moment;
sixteen years of age, sitting on a rollercoaster – not just any
rollercoaster but the largest rollercoaster in the Southern
Hemisphere - I made a decision. A decision that I would try really
hard to apply to every aspect of my life in the future - I would
not let my fears control me from enjoying all that life had for

Swallowing the lump in my throat I took a
deep breath, raised both my arms straight up in the air, flung my
head back and as the car began it’s descent into a triple loop I
let go and let out a loud piercing squeal and enjoyed that
rollercoaster ride to it’s fullest.


“Remember Gabby, you were so scared but when
you let go you soared. You had fun. Love is terrifying but it is
also exhilarating and when you let go it can be the most exciting,
pleasurable and thrilling ride that you will ever experience. You
just have to let go of the fear.”

“Thanks Mia. I love you babe. With all my
heart,” I hoarsely whisper holding back the tears that prick the
back of my eyes.

“You’re welcome Gabby. I love you too,” Mia
whispers in return fighting back her own unshed tears.

Grinning I quickly change the subject in an
attempt to lighten the mood. “So M, months, really, it’s been
months?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

Groaning Mia thumps her head on the table
muttering, “ You have no idea G. It’s been so long I think my
vagina has seized up.”

The waitress returns placing our meals on the
table as Mia sits up brushing her hair out of her face. Stifling a
giggle I pick up my fork stabbing at my Cesar salad.

“Gabby?” Glancing up I see Sebastian
approaching our table smiling.

“Hey Sebastian,” I greet as he bends down and
places a kiss on my cheek.

“I thought that was you,” he says grinning

“ It’s great to see you again. Have you come
here for lunch?” I ask.

“Yeah I was in the area and popped in here
for a bite to eat,” he replies.

“You welcome to join us,” I say indicating
with a wave of my hand to the spare seat at our table.

“Thank you but I’ve just eaten and was on my
way out when I saw you.” His gaze shifts towards Mia as he remarks,
“Although my meal would have been much more enjoyable had I eaten
it in the company of you two beautiful ladies.” His tone is a
seductive purr and as I glance at Mia I notice her staring, eyes
wide and mouth gaping at Sebastian.


“Sebastian this is my cousin Mia Thompson.
Mia this is Sebastian Stone, Aidan’s brother.”

Mia closes her mouth composing herself and
extends her hand towards Sebastian. Instead of shaking her hand he
encloses his long fingers around her hand and slowly brings it up
towards his mouth. Without taking his eyes off Mia, Sebastian
brushes his lips softly across her knuckles.

“Ah… well I see extraordinary beauty runs in
the family. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mia,” Sebastian croons. His
face grins showcasing those adorable dimples and his green eyes
sparkle as he abundantly oozes charm and mischievous sexuality.
Even I have to admit he looks incredibly handsome towering over us.
He’s tall, lean, glossy dark brown hair that is artfully ruffled
and a tad on the long side. Sebastian is casually dressed in beige
dress pants, tan belt and loafers and a sky blue shirt that
accentuates his broad shoulders and muscled chest. Roguishly
Sebastian winks at Mia then releases her hand but I notice as he
does he smoothly glides his thumb over the inside of her wrist.

Holy moly - nice move Sebastian

Shaking my head in amusement my eyes slide
from Sebastian to Mia where I watch as she blushes biting down on
her bottom lip. Flipping her long golden hair over one shoulder -
which is the universal sign for all women when they are flirting –
Mia licks her lips.

Delicately clearing her throat, Mia demurely
replies, “Sebastian, nice to… um… meet you.”

Well this would have to be a first! My ultra
confident and unflappable cousin is not only blushing timidly but
she is also stammering on her words, utterly mesmerized by
Sebastian – I guess Aidan isn’t the only Stone brother who has that
effect on women.

“Well regrettably I shall have to leave you
beautiful ladies to your lunch.” Turning towards Mia, Sebastian
says, “It was lovely to meet you Mia.” He winks at her again then
turns towards me. “Always a pleasure Gabby. Say hi to Aidan for
me.” He bends down and gives me another quick peck on the cheek
then saunters – yes
out of the café.

Oh yeah Sebastian is one smooth


“Holy shit! That man is hot,” breathes Mia
staring at the café entrance where Sebastian exited. “Seriously G,
Aidan’s brother is

Mia turns her attention back towards me. “Is
he single? What’s his deal?” Mia is practically bouncing in her
chair from curiosity.

Giggling I shrug, “Not sure M. He didn’t
bring a date to the Benefit and never mentioned a girlfriend when
we were chatting that night but I’ll ask Aidan if you like.”

“Please do,” she nods.

“So when you seeing Mr. Stud Muffin

“Aidan has a business dinner tonight then
he’s out of town for a few days but he’s back on Friday morning. He
wanted to take me out for dinner but I told him it was girls night
so he said to message him when we were done and he would pick me

“God you’re one lucky bitch. Party with the
girls then a night filled with mind-blowing sex – I’m so freaking
jealous right now G,” groans Mia.

Giggling I shake my head at my adorable and
very funny cousin.

Chapter Seventeen.


“Chicks before dicks, isn’t that right
Gabby,” cackles Natalie.

“Huh?” Swaying slightly on the bar stool I
glance at Natalie in confusion. I’m currently on Blueberry Cosmo
number four and wow these babies pack a punch. So far the evening
has been a total blast with Jeremiahs’ impersonations of well-known
celebrities, Natalie and Gemma’s downright indecent jokes and both
Mia and Alisha’s game of getting all of us to rate a score from a
zero to ten for every male that enters through the door at Main.
Main n Main is a lounge and dance club located on (you guessed it)
Main Street in Santa Monica. The bar is awesome with its trendy
sleek modern design complete with DJ, fantastic dance floor and
loads of comfy seating.

“It’s only eleven thirty and already Alisha
is ditching us to get home to her hunk of burning love,” slurs
Natalie, “so I say chicks before dicks – no deserting us girls for
her man no matter how hot he is.”

“Don’t look to Gabby for support on this one
Nat, her stud muffin is picking her up tonight too,” chimes

“As much as you bitches have been a trip,
it’s late and way past time my ass was home and heads up, nothing
and I do mean
beats climbing into bed with my man.
Speaking of which, he’s out the front waiting form me.” Alisha says
looking at the message on her cell. She downs the last of her
Blueberry Cosmopolitan then hops off her stool. “Later bitches,”
she calls out to the group in general, waving goodbye.

“What time is Aidan picking up G,” asks Mia
handing me a fresh drink. Looking down at the Blueberry Cosmo I
contemplate whether to drink it. I’ve already passed tipsy two
drinks ago and am I’m now fast heading into the land of

“I messaged him to pick me up anytime after
eleven so I’m guessing I’ll be seeing him when I see him,” I say in
a rather disturbing singsong voice.

Oh what the heck – I might as well enjoy one
last cocktail. Carefully I raise the martini glass to my mouth and
after a few minutes of trying I successfully capture the tiny
little straw between my lips. Both Jeremiah and Mia howl with
laughter as I suck down my Cosmo.

“God, Sunshine, thought you’d never suck that
one back,” cackles Jeremiah swiping tears of laughter from his

“Ha ha, very funny guys,” I retort, “I’m not
completely hammered. Yet”

“G,” laughs Mia, “You so are babe.”


Oh my God,” squeals Gemma. “Forget about a
ten, a fifty just walked in girls.”

“What, where?” Says Natalie swiveling around
on her stool to get a better look at the entrance of the bar.

Twisting my head around I glance up to see
Aidan striding through the bar heading straight towards our little
group. As ever, Aidan is stunning, commanding and it is not lost on
me even in my inebriated state that every woman’s eyes in the club
are fixated on him. I look to my left where Gemma, Natalie, Ebony
sit perched on their stools eyes wide and mouths gaping open at
Aidan. Turning to my right Mia is smiling while watching Aidan but
Jeremiah is looking at me. He winks at me on a smile and I return
his smile then turn back to gaze at Aidan. He’s hot everyday but
boy of boy can he fill out a pair of jeans. He’s wearing a pair of
faded blue jeans that mold to his gorgeous body and a tight fitted
grey cashmere long sleeved sweater that clings to his defined
chest. As usual his tousled chocolate hair looks incredible and his
piercing emerald gaze is fixated on me.


I haven’t seen Aidan since Tuesday morning
but while he was away on business he rang everyday and I texted him
a couple times as well. The calls were short, usually early
evenings but very, very sweet. I really missed him and now seeing
Aidan walking towards me I was so done with girls’ night – I just
wanted to be alone with him.


My belly dips, my heart rate increases as he
stops in front of me grinning his mega watt smile.

“Hey baby,” he purrs bending slightly
brushing his lips across mine.

“Oh my God. I think I’m having a mini
orgasm,” breathes Gemma.

“You got that right girlfriend,” says

Mia, Natalie and Ebony crack up in a fit of
giggles as Aidan raises one perfectly arched eyebrow at me in

“Aidan, this is Ebony, Gemma and Natalie.
Ladies, this is Aidan,” I introduce on a wave of my hand. “And you
already know Mia and Jeremiah,” I add.

“Hi Aidan,” sing Ebony, Gemma and Natalie in

“Ladies, Jeremiah,” greets Aidan on a slight
nod of his head to our group at large.

“Please tell it hurts just a little to be
that good looking,” says Natalie.

Aidan just shakes his head and smiles at her.
Turning back to me he asks, “Ready to go baby?”

“Yeah.” Grabbing my purse I gingerly hop off
the stool successfully managing to not fall flat on my face. Aidan
steadies me then takes my hand and starts to guide me out of the

“Bye guys,” I shout over my shoulder. “Thanks
for a great night.”

As we exit the doors Aidan glances down at me
and asks, “How drunk are you?”


“Gabriella, how many drinks did you

“Um… four and half Blueberry Cosmos,” I reply
holding four fingers up then poking out my tongue I add, “and look
they turned my tongue blue,” I slur, because, well it’s really hard
to articulate your words when you’re poking out your tongue at the
same time.

“Jesus Christ, you’re hammered,” mutters
Aidan shaking his head. “Come on baby let’s get you home,” he says
opening the car door for me. “Don’t fall asleep on me Gabriella,
it’s been three long fucking days since I been inside you and right
now all I want to do is get you naked in my bed and fuck you

Oh my God. Now I’m the one who’s having a
mini orgasm.

Aidan closes my door and moves around to his
side of the car.


Fifteen minutes later Aidan parks his Porch
in the garage. The trip back to his place went fast – partly
because when I’m inebriated I tend to be extremely chatty so
therefore I babbled all the way back without letting Aidan get a
word in – and mostly because Aidan drives like a maniac.

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