Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1 (19 page)

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Authors: Eleyne Kot,Yasmin Lazaro

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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His hands in our hair, clear indication that we must lick and suck his dick without delay, and we do it, rapidly, greedily, almost fighting over sucking it, smelling the semen in the air, listening to his heavy breath, feeling his fingers teasing us, we are playing with our tongues together till he shudders and shoots his sweet load on our faces, groaning and grunting. His hands tighten the hold in our hands as he comes, not letting us go, but we don’t want to, we want to be close, we want to taste him. It must be really mind-blowing for him as he keeps on holding us tight, squeezing his hands in our hair. While we are sucking him, we keep on masturbating each other so we can share his orgasm, and we all come together, it is so wonderful.

He breathes heavily, watching our faces splashed with his seed, I can see his legs are trembling after the ecstasy he has just had. He says.

“End it,” and we understand he wants us to lick the rest of his cum from each other’s skin, it is incredibly hot. But I can see he’s really worn out, it’s been a lot of fucking satisfying the both of us, he almost collapses on the bed between us, pulling us next to him.

He pets our faces.

“It’s been wonderful, babies,” he sighs in satisfaction, “we have to repeat in some time.”

I feel exhausted, I lay down on the bed at his side and Eleyne does the same at the other side. He puts his arms around us, and stays silent, falling asleep immediately. My eyelids are heavy, I want to take a shower, but in seconds I’m dreaming of the future, the fog, the ring and other weird things.

Then, I hear a noise, people are talking, I jump up and begin to shake Eleyne’s shoulder.

They are back, Eleyne, wake up. The damned stew is still not ready and we need a bath.”

Chapter 6

Eleyne’s Story:

I sigh at Yasmin’s words. It would be so nice to stay in bed with Jim and relax a bit after the hot sex session. He’s almost asleep by now. But duty calls. We get dressed fast and go down to find the guys and Babette with their hands full of shopping bags looking around for us. When they see us, Colin exclaims.

“Where have you been? Help us. These bags are fucking heavy.”

“We were upstairs taking care of Jim, just as you told us to do. The last time we looked he was falling asleep, so he won’t be going anywhere…” I smile at him roguishly. “Guys, what did you buy? So many bags? You bought out the whole supermarket?” I joke.

“We bought quite a lot of wine, cheese, bread and some more meat for tomorrow,” answers Tony. “Why is Jim falling asleep?”

“He got tired,” Yasmin replies, “but later on, you’ll have to wake him up for dinner.”

We take some of the bags from them, it really looks as if they have bought a lot of things. When I unpack the load I see 15 bottles of wine, more beer and ice-cream. It seems that Babette made sure they bought good cheese and bread, and also some vegetables to make a salad. And some fruit, too. And a lot of other things. It all looks like food for a battalion of soldiers, but seven people to feed is quite a few, too. I turn on the gas under the stew again and ask them all.

“Are you very hungry? Actually how much time were you gone? We lost track of it.”

Tony looks stunned at us.

“It took us almost two hours. What were you doing that you lost track of time? We are quite hungry.”

Yasmin answers.

“We were busy being nice to Jim, so that he didn’t go out looking for Melisa. Come on, you said we could do it,” she winks. “He’s quite happy now,” she adds, smiling.

“You didn’t waste time, I see,” Colin chuckles.

Yasmin smiles beatifically at him.

“Do you want to play a little of Plants versus Zombies, while we get everything ready?” I ask.

This gets his attention.

“Why not? Come on guys. We can play again when the gals prepare everything for us.” Then Colin says to me. “Can you start the game again for us? Do we start from the beginning?”

“No, the game gets saved at the exact spot where you quit it,” I answer, while I turn on all the laptops and re-launch the game for them. “By the way, you’ll have to wake up Jim before we eat.”

When I come back to the kitchen Yasmin and Babette are busy storing all the shopping in the fridge and cupboard. I help them with everything, but when our hands are busy Babette gets curious about our activities.

“Yasmin, Eleyne... what is he like in bed? Melisa was really praising his tongue.”

“She was right about it,” I wink, “he knows what to do with it.”

“He also knows what to do with the other parts of his body, I just loved his fingers and fucking.”

“Oh, yeah, he’s really sexually versatile,” I confirm.

Babette chuckles.

“My god, both of you confronting him. Even with his skills... did he survive it?”

“He did, though he’s sleeping now as I told the guys,” I answer.

She can’t stop giggling.

“You insatiable bitches, you’ve exhausted him.”

“Errrr, not so much,” Yasmin disagrees, “the two of us could take additional care of each other...”

Here Babette stops her giggling to say.

“Oh, yeah... just like in every porn movie. If there’s a threesome with two women and a man, the women have to take care of each other, otherwise the poor guy may collapse of a heart attack or something.”

This gets us all into mad laughter which is loud enough to allure Colin, who pokes his head into the kitchen asking what it is all about. Yasmin sends him a kiss.

“It’s just a girls’ talk... Well... perhaps a bit dirty talk. But don’t you guys talk dirty among yourselves about women, too?”

Colin looks at us a bit reproachfully.

“I think I will wake up Jim...” Then he leaves us.

We continue giggling. Perhaps he’d rather not hear how dirty we may be. Anyway, I continue with the idea of getting Jim tired, or perhaps the other way around.

“But you know, it looks like he has a full drawer of sex toys.”

“Oh yeah, he showed us some, and he used them on us.”

“After all, he has only one dick available and there were two of us. And we were really, really horny.”

Babette has a really wicked smile.

“Poor man...”

“Not so poor... He can use the toys really skillfully,” Yasmin winks, “and get two women very happy without collapsing.”

“Yeah, he just became a little tired,” I add.

Loud laughter fills the kitchen, but this time nobody checks what it is about. The dirty talk is not the only thing we do, while exchanging sinful ideas we keep on preparing our meal. The stew is finishing cooking and we are cutting the bread and cheese, making the salad. And the fruit salad for dessert. It will go well with the ice-cream.

I muse.

“I hope he will regenerate.”

“Why?” Babette asks.

“I have some hopes about tonight. About him and Tony together,” I answer.

“Really... Well, considering how often he’s been displaying this tongue of his, I’m not really surprised. I remember all those photographs of him licking the guitar or the strings. They always made me wonder, though still, I always preferred Ted.”

“I think these photos are a kind of a lure for women,” Yasmin says, longingly.

“Well, they do certainly work,” I nod my head, “for me they were good bait in whipping up my imagination for a threesome with the twin axes. Jim and Tony playing together were always kind of unattainable duo, the sounds they produced together made me fantasize of them both doing me, playing me as if I were their guitars”

“I hope you will share Jim, just as we agreed,” Yasmin says, raising her eyebrows.

“Sure, no problem,” I wink.

“I see you’re getting to be really naughty,” Babette chuckles. “Well… If I could have one more guy apart from Ted...”

“Which guy?” I break in.

“Yasmin knows,” she answers, “and from what I know about him, he would be willing to go for a threesome. I’ve read that he and his band were naughty...”

“Hey, you’re working up my imagination, Babette,” I shake my head, “just say who.”

And she tells me. I nod my head.

“Well, not a bad choice... You have a good taste in men, I must admit.” I wink.

“And if I could put my hands on Drew...” Yasmin starts.

I start to rake my head and in a moment I remember.

“Oh yeah... Drew Johnson... What about him?”

“I wouldn’t mind a threesome with him and Colin, but I think it’s asking for too much. After all, just having Julian Twist guys here is more than I could ask for,” she answers.

The dirty talk fills the time as we prepare the food. When everything is ready, I taste the stew – the meat is soft and savory, the veggies in it are ok, too. So I decide we have to bring everything to the living room.

“Gals, we need some bowls for the stew, and probably spoons. It’s almost like a soup. Let’s take the other stuff to the guys, and then one of them will have to bring the stew pot to the living room. It’s too heavy for any of us.”

We bring all the smaller things to the living room – all the guys, including Jim, are already there. Jim is cheerful now, talking quietly about something to Tony and Colin and laughing. They look at us when we enter and raise their thumbs up. We just wink at them. Then Yasmin announces.

“Guys, everything is ready but we need one of you to bring the pot with the stew here – it’s too heavy for us.”

Yasmin’s Story:

Finally we get the help of the men to bring the full pot to the table, and everything is set to eat a peaceful dinner. Babette suggests that we need to take turns cooking, but Eleyne seems very enthusiastic about this role.

“The cook will stay at her home for some days,” Ted tells us.

“Will she bring us problems?” I ask this question thinking that she might bring the police. . “The woman has some trouble with the bottle,” Jim shakes his head, “so if she talks of witchery and the like, nobody will pay much attention.”

“Oh,” I nod, “well, she can begin to think that it was just her imagination.”

“That will do,” says Eleyne, “she might think that it was a dream.”

“Well,” Jim smiles, “Eleyne can replace her very well, and she has a lot of talent to show, mates.”

“I want to cook tomorrow,” I state firmly. “Pizza, and buy Argentinean wine.”

“Ok, ok,” says Eleyne.

“And what can you tell us about the future, Yasmin?” Colin turns curious again.

“The future… “- I hesitate, ”the world will change a lot.”

“But tell me something,” he insists, “tell me something like,” he pauses to think, “who will be the next World Cup football champion?”

“Argentina!” I cry and a wave of protest arises.

“No, no!” I hear all of them laugh and protest together. All the men are saying it’s my fanaticism that has triggered the reply.

“No, you will see that it’s true. In 1986 Argentina will be the next football champion of the World Cup.”

“We’ll see,” Colin finally shrugs.

“And what’s next?” asks Tony. “You said that you come from 2011, so there are a lot of other champions. Will England be the champion someday?”

“No, sorry, but your countries always get eliminated.”’

“Damn it!” he exclaims.

Eleyne’s Story:

Jim opens some of the bottles of wine that the guys brought. I can see that Babette choses some French labels. Soon we all set down to eating. The guys devour the goulash as if they didn’t eat for a week, especially Jim. Well, we did exploit him a bit. If the guys were gone for almost two hours, then our hot sex session must have taken about an hour easily. He has the right to be a bit tired and hungry. But the others also display good appetites, as the food is disappearing at a frightening pace. I make a remark that tomorrow we’ll need to cook again as the stew won’t last. Ted says that the cook will stay at home for a few days and that we’ll need to cook something for them. I’m ok with that, I don’t really mind cooking but Yasmin jumps in – she wants to make a pizza the next day, and she wants Argentinean wine to go with it.

Yasmin, the guys bought a lot of wine and I think there are some Argentinean brands there, too; you’ll have to look to see if they meet your approval.” I wink to her. “Though frankly, if it’s going to be pizza tomorrow, Chianti or some other Italian wine would be much better. But wine is wine, as long as it’s good, its nationality doesn’t matter,” I laugh.

Then Colin begins to question Yasmin about the future; she’s reluctant to tell him anything, and I can see why, but she doesn’t resist the temptation to answer the question about the next World Cup soccer champion – she patriotically exclaims that it’s going to be Argentina, and then she defends her statement when the guys don’t believe her.

“Trust her,” I tell the guys, “you can easily bet on Argentina next year and win. South Americans are crazy about football, so she knows what she’s saying. Though, if I were you, I wouldn’t really bet on Poland to win any of the important games. But I don’t really follow football.”

“Aren’t you interested in sports?“ Tony asks.

“I’m not really into any team games, either as a participant nor as a spectator. But I like fitness. As far as I remember you have the beginning of the whole aerobics wave now with Jane Fonda and all that stuff,” I answer.

The guys laugh.

“Believe me,” I tell them, “it’s going to develop into something much more complex. Now all these instructors just jump a lot and don’t really have much knowledge about physiology, biomechanics or anatomy; otherwise they wouldn’t be making the participants of the class do 150 jumping jacks. Jumping jacks damage joints in such amounts, and all of those ridiculous leotards and leggings will be gone, too.”

“So what’s it going to look like?” Jim asks.

I hesitate, thinking about how much and what I can tell them.

“Well, first of all there’s going to be much more equipment and gadgets involved in it. Some of them will be just a passing fashion, but some will stay. Second, this free-style with a lot of jumping and high impact is going to be substituted by choreographies, pretty much like dancing. And the instructors will have to be able to create and then to teach a choreography in such a way that it keeps a cardio character of the class. So the whole sequence will have to be broken down to the easiest steps and then taught from the easiest movements, and more complex variations should be added layer by layer. And last but not the least, they will have to be able to work with music correctly – recognize beginning of a music phrase and so on.”

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