Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1 (20 page)

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Authors: Eleyne Kot,Yasmin Lazaro

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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“Can you do it? You seem to know a lot about it,” Colin asks.

“I’ve have worked as a fitness instructor for more than five years now,” I answer.

“More than five years? How old are you? You look very young!” Tony exclaims.

“Thank you,” I beam at him, “but you know that you shouldn’t ask a woman’s age,” I wink. “Let’s put it like that, I’m old enough to drink alcohol and do some other things with you and you won’t be molested by the police for demoralizing the underage. Though I wouldn’t really like them to look at my documents… Nor at Yasmin’s or Babette’s…” I shudder theatrically.

They all laugh at that, but then Jim comes back to the stuff I said about music.

“So you can recognize musical phrases…”

“Yes, I can, and I can more or less estimate the beats per minute in a song… As long as it is between 120 to160.”

He looks at Tony, then they both look at me. Tony gets up and approaches the hifi set, and turns on the music.

“Show us,” he challenges me.

“Oh, an exam...” I laugh at them, “I’m ready, fire it up!”

He plays several songs, stopping and rewinding, trying to catch me but in vain. My teachers taught me too well. After several minutes they give up.

“OK, you win, what do you want from us?”

“Oh, I’ll think of something,” I smile charmingly at them and wink. Then I look around the table.

“Guys, the food is gone, but all these plates and cutlery don’t have legs and won’t go to the dishwasher on their own. I told you that I could cook, but I absolutely hate cleaning up. Now it’s your turn.”

Yasmin’s Story:

After an interesting discussion about fitness and music, Eleyne urges the men to help with the dishes and all the remains of our dinner. Items such as empty bottles, corks, dirty napkins, truly a disaster, all need to be thrown away. The guys are cheerful, whistling and joking. I cannot let them do all the work, so I join them to end the chores more quickly and to get ready for what the night may bring.

They are trying to use the dishwasher while Eleyne and Babette are cleaning the living room floor. Eleyne doesn’t look too happy about it, and murmurs something under her nose about spoiling the guys. But I do like spoiling them. They don´t look very sure what to do with the dishwasher, so I join Colin, who wants to make it work. Finally, we discover how to use it, it’s funny to share these domestic tasks with him. Tony gets curious.

“Gals, what were all these laughs about?”

“What laughs?” Babette asks him.

“When you were preparing dinner and we were playing,” Ted answers her.

“Aha,” Eleyne nods her head with an innocent air.

“What was so funny that we could hear you so well in the living room?” Tony is still interested.

I can’t help giggling a bit remembering our conversation. Could they hear what we were talking about or did they just hear us laugh? I ask him about it.

Colin replies to me.

“We just heard your laughter and I heard a bit when I decided to check what it was about.”

“And then you chose not to investigate further,” Babette chuckles, raising her eyebrows.

Colin frowns while Eleyne says.

“Perhaps it was better for you not to hear it all.”

“Was it so dirty?” Jim turns curious as well. “Come on, ladies. We already know you are naughty enough. Please share these funny details with us.”

I exchange looks with Eleyne and we giggle, then flutter our eyelashes at him innocently.

“Hark who’s speaking...”

“Did you talk about me?” he asks.

“Why are you asking?” Babette sends him an innocent look.

“I suppose you might have,” Tony answers her, “but I don’t know why it was so funny.”

“Come on, Tony. Sex is funny, all the funniest jokes told are about sex,” Eleyne winks and adds, “I bet you had a lot of fun talking about us yesterday...”

The guys look at each other a bit sheepishly and Colin asks.

“What did you hear?”

“A little bit. It was really educational,” she winks again.

We all keep on exchanging sassy lines while cleaning up after the meal until everything is done.

The night is warm, quiet. I look to the garden outside, thinking what a beautiful sight they are enjoying, such a luxury house, rented for a season. I know, but the best of all these is that they are here, and for me, that Colin is near to me. Sometimes I feel lost, don´t know how to act being trapped in such a weird situation, knowing the best thing is to carry on as if this was completely normal.

I feel like some coffee and begin to prepare it. The gals are helping me and we decide to make a big amount of it; we will need to be awake and ready to live the night, who knows, perhaps this will be the last? A bit later on while we are drinking the coffee in the living room, with some music that I choose, Black Sabbath and Steel Virgin, Ted says that it’s time to go out to the city and have some fun.

“Where are we going to?” I ask excitedly.

“There are some places we can visit,” Jim smiles, “some pubs and the discos you will like to know, all new, very cool.”

So I grow enthusiastic about the tour.

“Will we see some live band?”

“Maybe,” Tony smiles, “but we must start early, we’ll have to call for some taxis to take us to the city…”

“Well, then I´m going to refresh myself a little,” I comment.

“Yes,” Babette agrees, “we need to make some arrangements… And she smiles.

“You, gals, are so beautiful,” Tony declares seductively. “Stay as you are now.”

“Just a minute,” says Eleyne, “and we will be back.”

When I look into the mirror, I don´t feel satisfied with my look. I try to do my hair the best I can, put some make up on but I’m still too pale. Well, it is me, after all.

“Travelers from the future do reflect in mirrors?” I hear a voice from behind, it’s Colin. He’s joking, maybe he is not too convinced of my origin yet.

“Don´t know. We are the first time travelers I know,” and turn my face to him; he is now standing close to me and I cannot help feeling absolutely clumsy and melting when I look at his eyes. He puts his hands on my shoulders and gets me close to him. I close my eyes and let myself go, feeling him closer, closer to my mouth, feeling his breath, floating in a cloud of sweetness when he kisses me but…there is someone who is calling at the door…. It is Babette, who is announcing the arrival of the cars.

Eleyne’s Story:

We’re excited when we hear the suggestion of going out with the guys, but as every woman, each of us has to make some preparations beforehand. Tony tries to convince us that we don’t need to do anything, but still there are some matters that have to be attended to. When we head for the bedrooms we hear Jim laughing.

“Now we can sit down and have a beer while watching a film…”

“You don’t have that much time, the taxis are arriving in 20 minutes. The gals will have to be ready,” Ted laughs back at him.

I go to the bathroom first and refresh myself a bit; we did have a hot session with Jim and we didn’t really wash after it. I correct the make-up, apply some perfume, and decide to keep on the clothes I’m wearing, I just put on some jewelry. I have to take my bag with me but I don’t need everything that’s inside, so I just empty it on the bed and repack the necessary things only. While I’m doing this Tony enters the bedroom.

“Are you ready? Taxis will be here any minute. Why are you taking your bag? You’re going with us, don’t worry, you don’t need anything.” He comes closer and kisses me. I can hardly restrain myself at the touch of his lips, he reawakes the fire in me.

“If you continue like this, the taxis will have to wait.” I pant back at him when he finishes, I stroke his cheek and smile trying to get my breath under control. “Women do take some things with them when they go out. I’m not taking many, just the necessary stuff.”

“What do you consider necessary?” he says curiously.

“Well, my compact, lip gloss, hairbrush and some money. Normally I would take some documents, too, but I don’t want anybody to look at them.”

At this moment Babette enters the bedroom saying.

“Eleyne, Tony, the taxis are here. I’m going to call Colin and Yasmin, too.”

So we go down, Ted and Jim are waiting for us ready. In a little while Yasmin and Babette come down with Colin and we exit the house. Me, Tony and Jim get into one taxi, the other two couples into another. The guys give the driver the address and we set off for the city. During the drive they chat to me, telling me about the club we are going to.

“It’s a new place, and they play almost only rock and heavy-metal music,” says Tony.

“Sounds fantastic! What’s the name of it? Do you go there often once it’s open?” I ask.

“Well, we don’t go as often as we would like to,” answers Jim, “but we have VIP passes so we don’t need to queue outside to enter. It’s called Underworld.”

“Quite a lot of other rock men go there often. Last time we were there we were having fun with the Saxon guys. Colin says that Drew Johnson and Robert Plant come there quite often too,” Tony adds.

“Drew Johnson?!” I exclaim. “Yasmin will be so happy if she gets to meet him. She loves Steel Virgin.”

“And you, babe?” asks Jim. “Don’t you love Drew, too?”

“Well, I’m OK with Steel Virgin and Drew, but I reserve all my love for you guys.” I flirt with them and put my hands on their thighs as I sit between them. I look them in their eyes. It’s so fantastic having them both on my sides, just for me. And there’s this awareness that on this night I’ll have the two of them together, which boosts my mood. Tony’s an ace in bed, but Jim is a sex master as well, so the prospect of having both seems like sheer ecstasy.

Chatting and flirting fills our time and we almost don’t notice when we arrive at the spot. The guys pay the driver and we get out. The other taxi with Colin, Yasmin, Ted and Babette has already arrived, too, and they are waiting for us. Just as the guys have said, we skip the queue and enter without waiting. Immediately loud music surrounds us, I can recognize AC-DC and
Highway to Hell.
I can barely contain myself, I want to dance and jump at once. Tony looks at me laughing, then leans against me and shouts into my ear.

“Come on, we have all night. Let’s get you and us a drink first,” he says, taking my hand and following the others. We head for the VIP room, which is decidedly quieter – at least you can talk without shouting. It also has a nice-looking bar in the middle, which seems well- stocked in all kinds of alcohol. I just hope they have some dry wine or champagne. We look around and see quite a lot of other people. We leave the gals who keep on chatting and smoking; Colin and Ted see somebody they know and want to chat to these people, too.

Yasmin’s Story:

Part of my dreams are coming true. I am in the middle of the pandemonium of heavy- metal rock, with the cream of the English Metal of the ‘80s. I have a beer in my hand, a smile on my face, and I really am willing to have fun: dance, jump and be the authentic metal head that I am. I find it hard to control myself, pay attention to the place, the rules, the guests. Colin and Ted have found a place to sit in a corner, but there are a lot of people here, some of them very queer, but I feel like home. While the guys are making some social chat on one side of the room, Babette and I smile, light some cigarettes and comment on what is happening.

“What do you think, Babette? What is all this? Are we really back in the ‘80s or just is a state of delirium?”

“Yasmin, you know it. We are caught somewhere in time.” Her smile fades a little, “I would like to be here with him, and I know you feel the same for your man.”

I breathe the cigarette smoke, wink and say.

“We are playing with fire, we are playing with something unknown. We have to respect it, but I would give my soul to stay here… we are in a time whirlpool.”

“What? Whirlpool?” Babette looks at me stunned.

“They say that time is a like river, from one end to the other, never resting, but sometimes the current, as it would do in a real river, make circles, like a whirlpool, then the time gets caught there forever or for a time so long that human life cannot understand…you can return to some ages in these circumstances and here we are.”

I drink my beer and look for Colin, who is still far from me.

“Is that horrible or good?” Babette laughs. “Impossible to know…”

“Don´t worry, the current will spit us back, I fear,” then I look at the corner where Colin was just a moment ago and now I see him coming back to me with company at his side. My God! I tremble when I understand that the long-haired man who is next to him, walking in my direction, is Drew Johnson.

“See, Babette. It is him!” I exclaim excitedly.

“Who?” and then she gets a glimpse of Drew coming near. “Oh! My God! It is him, so beautiful, so cute, our Drew…”

We jump at the same time to greet Drew; however, we restrain our emotions trying not to act like simple fans and then calm down and behave like ladies; so we shake hands and in a Latin way, exchange kisses very gently with him.

“I’ve just ordered champagne for you,” announces Colin, he knows how I love good wines and we sit down to chat. Then Ted joins and embraces Babette, who seems as excited at meeting Drew as I am. Eleyne with Tony and Jim approach, too, and greet Drew who eyes us all up and down and exclaims jealously.

“Damn, where did you pick such gorgeous chicks?”

Eleyne’s Story:

We head for the bar where the guys order drinks. I ask for white wine. Luckily, they have some. While we sip our drinks, Tony and Jim look around scanning the crowd in the room. Then they exchange knowing glances and Tony puts his arm around me in a proprietary manner. I look questioningly at him.

We’ll have to watch you, babe. You’re so sexy all of the guys here would like to be in our place,” he says looking me in the eyes. “They all keep glancing at you, and at Yasmin and Babette, too, for that matter. We don’t want them to steal you from us. We’ll have to tell Colin and Ted to keep their eyes on them as well,” he muses.

“Oh, yes. And they would give their souls for the opportunity of doing what we’ll be doing to you later on,” adds Jim, also looking me in the eyes.

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