Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1 (22 page)

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Authors: Eleyne Kot,Yasmin Lazaro

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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“Are you sure of this?” I’m acting innocent.

“Totally sure. He will come with us to the Cottage, and not only to see those gadgets, I am sure of that,” he whispers that in my ear, wickedly. “You are the reason, baby. You, only you.”

“Colin, are you telling me that Drew will come to the Cottage just to sit there and see me with you tonight?”

“It depends on you,” he looks around, as if to estimate if it is time to go away. Then he fixes his eyes at me, touching my neck. “You can choose what to do tonight. I know you like him very much.”

“I…” I almost say
I love you
but I think it is too much. “I like being with you, but Drew excites me, too. I cannot deny it.”

“Come on,” he says and drags me by the wrist.


Our taxi’s passing near to Hekate’s Passage. We spot the grim, grey stone heaps from the corner, and the dry weeds and a moon that still is in its full phase.

“That’s it,” I say. “Stop the taxi for one moment, please.”

The driver stops the car, and Colin gets out first, then me, and after a second Drew, who frowns as if he saw something wrong.

“Is that the fucking place? It looks like a bunch of stones tossed upon a patch of dry weeds.”

“Yes, it does not say much,” I admit, looking around the stones, spinning as a wheel, “but if you look closer at it, it has a design. It is connected with the seasons and the Solstice, probably to fertility rites.”

Colin looks at all this in silence, watching around as if some strange creature would pop out of the darkness and attack us.

“Human sacrifices, fertility rites?” Drew laughs. “Cool things, baby. Great place to take some photos, don´t you think?”

“Maybe,” I say. “Not a bad idea.”

“Well, tomorrow we will come back and take some snaps.”

Drew takes some little stones from the ground and throws them at the big ruined stones.

“Hey, I’m Drew Johnson, got it? Don´t mess with me and my friend, you stupid spirits.”

“Drew, don’t you do that.” I protest. “Are you drunk?”

“No, Yasmin, but if there is something here, it should know how to treat people, not kidnap gals without a good reason.”

“Let’s go home,” Colin is eager to leave the place. “The thing may get irritated by this.”

“Oh God, how can you talk like that?” Drew grumbles, but he gets into the car without protests.

The moon looks pale and somber.

Eleyne’s Story:

We sit and talk. Drew definitely has problems believing our story. It seems that the only way of really convincing him that we are telling the truth is showing him the equipment we brought with us. Of course, that means taking him to the Cottage. I muse that this really has to suit Yasmin. She really fancies Drew. And getting him to the Cottage gives her more opportunity to seduce him. But I wonder what Colin would say to this. He didn’t mind her putting her paws on Jim, but Drew may be a completely different case. Then I hear Tony whisper into my ear.

“So you’ll have to go back to your time.” He doesn’t seem too happy about it.

I sigh.

“Yes, eventually, I just hope it won’t happen too soon. I’d really want to stay with you guys some more time.” I caress his cheek and kiss him deeply and let our tongues fool around for a while. Then I turn to Jim and share the same caress with him. Then looking from one to another I suggest.

“I suppose then, it’s best to use the time I have with both of you the best I can. Tony, come on, let’s dance.”

He takes my hand and we head for the dance floor. We stay there swaying to the rhythm for a while when suddenly a disc jockey’s voice announces.

“And now something slow for everybody. Enjoy.” And
Still Loving You
by Scorpions starts to play. I laugh cheerfully, wrap my arms around Tony and press myself to his body.

“I like this song. And I’m definitely going to enjoy you,” I say into his ear and bite it, rubbing my face against his, feeling my blood run faster; I sigh smelling his after shave mixed with his male scent. The mix is enticing, making me insane with desire.

“Are you? And what about Jim? He’s sitting there lonely…”

“I’ll take care of him later. Were we to do it on the dance floor the three us I suppose we would cause a scandal here. I’m not really sure how sexually liberated this place is. For sure it’s not Paris of the ‘80s.” I kiss him, deeply pressing my hips to his. Feeling the fire burn inside me, I let it consume me and light up Tony whose hands start to knead my butt. We sway and kiss like this till the song is over.

“Tony, is there a place here where we can fuck unseen?” I pant into his ear. “I want you now really badly, my panties are completely wet.” I squirm and rub my hips against his crazily.

He just grabs my hand and pulls me into a dark corridor and then through a door into a secluded, empty room. He closes the door and leans me against it. I can feel his heat and his hardness. I hook my leg around him while I kiss him again and start undoing his pants. At the same moment he gets his hand into my panties and starts caressing my clit, inserts his fingers into my pussy, already slippery and very wet with my excitement. I moan and cry with pleasure.

“Yes, yes, take me, here and now,” but he just continues fingering me and kissing, sending fiery waves through my body.

“Tony, please, fuck me!” I moan craving for his dick inside me.

He finally sheathes himself in my pussy in a slow motion to prolong our pleasure, and I can barely stand as my knees turn weak. He starts fucking me slowly, pressing me against the door, kissing me, caressing my butt. As our pleasure grows his thrusts begin to get stronger and faster. I just run my hands through his hair, his back and butt, pressing him deeper inside me. Until orgasmic vibrations roll over my body making him climax just after me. We both pant deeply still in each other’s arms when we hear and feel somebody trying to open the door. Tony lets me go and zippers his pants up, opens the door. We see another couple in the same state as we were just moments before.

“Oh, I see this is a well-known place …” I laugh.

“Yes, it is.” Tony smiles back. “Let’s go,” he winks at me, “they need it, too.”

We leave the other couple alone and go back to the VIP room. There we see almost all the others, apart from Babette, Ted and Jim but they join us in a few minutes bringing one more guy with them. I look at him as his face seems very familiar but I just can’t remember his name, and it somehow seems to me that I should know it. He’s a quite tall guy, with a mane of long curly highlighted hair, as it was the fashion for rockers at this time.

It’s quite dark here so I can’t properly see the color of his eyes, but they don’t seem blue or any other fair color. However introductions are in order and soon my memory is refreshed – I finally know why I should have remembered the guy – it's Steven Greendale from Silver Viper. The one Babette told us she fancies as well. The guys introduce us as hot foreign girls, this time there’s no mention of paranormal research. And I see Yasmin begging the guys with her eyes not to say anything about it.

We sit beside Jim and sip our champagne a bit, then he whispers to us.

“Was the dance good?” But he clearly is thinking of something else, he must have seen us disappear in that corridor.

“It was fantastic,” I smile at him and wink. “But you must have been lonely here without us. Come on, dance with me, too.”

I take his hand and I lead him to the dance floor. There we are lucky, we get another slow song, and again it’s the Scorpions, but this time it’s the song
. I comment to Jim.

“You see how fortunate you are. Another slow song that provides a lot of opportunities for mischief.” And I put my arms around him. He laughs, wrapping his arms around me, too, and pulling me close to him.

“You’re a very naughty gal. You know it?”

I bite his ear and press my hips against his.

“I enjoy being naughty, especially when you and Tony are around.”

His hands wander down my back and start caressing my ass. Gods, it excites me so much again. I rub my face on his. We are at the same level now that he’s wearing his cowboy high- heeled boots.

“Yes…. Exactly like this,” I purr, pressing myself closer to him.

“Like this?” he asks and puts his hand in my hair, but he keeps my head still so that he can kiss me deeply. His tongue enters my mouth, slides in and out, he’s fucking it now with his tongue. I surrender completely to it, taking and returning everything he can give. It lasts for long minutes, until my knees buckle down when another orgasm hits me. I tremble and shake and he has to hold me to stop me from collapsing to my knees. He whispers into my ear.

“It’s not over yet. We have a full night in front of us. I and Tony will show you some more tricks of ours.”

“Mother Night, yes, let’s go home. You know how wet I am now, don’t you?” I can only pant back.

“Could I check?” He keeps on whispering. As an answer I try to hook my leg around his waist to allow him easy access to my pussy. He chuckles. “Oh, baby, I can imagine how hot and wet you are. But I suppose we shouldn’t really proceed here.”

“I want you, Jim. I want you and Tony, together,” I pant into his ear.

“A sandwich, baby? Are you sure?”

“Yes, Jim. I want your dicks in my holes at the same time. I’ve been dreaming about it,” I say, while licking and biting his ear.

“You won’t change your mind suddenly?” he croons. “Have you ever done this?”

I gasp. “I won’t, Jim. I want you both, and I’m wet for both of you.”

I get my own hand into my panties to gather some of my wetness then let Jim taste it.

“See? It’s for you both.”

He licks and sucks my fingers, then investigates my wet pussy, even though some of the people on the dance floor glance at us disgustedly. But I don’t really care about them, Jim taps my pussy contentedly. His smile is really wicked. I squeal, my insides are on fire again.

“You didn’t answer my other question, Eleyne,” his fingers press my clit and I shudder. “Have you ever been done by two men in a sandwich?”

I squeal. “I haven’t, Jim. But I want it. And I want you both.” My knees are week again. His fingers and words make me so horny I can’t almost think. He finally decides to lead me back to our sofa. Tony’s sitting there amused.

“I called for a taxi, it should be here any minute. Colin, Yasmin and Drew have already left.”

I try to gather my thoughts back and I look around. Babette, Ted and Steven are still there talking. Babette is beaming, excited with the two guys.

“And what about them?” I ask. “Are they coming home with us?”

“I don’t think so,” answers Tony. “I suppose Steven has some other plans for Babette and Ted.” He laughs.

Here I remember what I once read on some gossip boards about Steven and his band mates. Some gossip they were not strangers to orgies. I raise my eyebrows and laugh out loud, joining Tony’s mirth. I can clearly see that Babette’s eager, she herself told us about it before dinner. I just chuckle finishing my champagne. “OK, let’s go guys.” Then wave of “see you” at the remaining trio.

When we are already outside, Jim smiles naughtily at Tony.

“You know what our sweet Eleyne has just told me?”

I blush while Tony asks.

Not really, please share it,” but his expression is as mischievous as Jim’s.

“She’s a double penetration virgin...”

Chapter 7

Yasmin’s Story:

After we get into the taxi again, we try to relax a little but then for unknown reasons the flashes of the dream I have had, with the sound of the voice calling “North on!” appear in my mind. I try to force my brain to some work and decipher what these strange words could mean, but after pondering the problem for some minutes I still have no clue as to the meaning. I decide it’s better not to mention it to the guys.
The place has affected our mood, but the contents of the now almost empty bottle of champagne have eased our spirits. We don’t have glasses, only plastic cups we have picked from the club bar.

“The last cup,” says Colin and hands it to Drew. “At home there are a lot of bottles, Babette has chosen some French champagne, some Argentinean wine, it looks like a restaurant’s wine list.” He laughs and looks through the window, nothing out there. The moon watches wary, I think.

He puts his arm around my shoulder, his hand is pulling my top strap, and Drew is on my left, rubbing slightly his hand on my thigh, while he looks at me, smiling provocatively. Now I begin to feel excited by the two men, but there’s still some prejudice to eliminate before I can go on with this threesome. I know I wanted this, I even told the gals about it, but I still feel shy. I have never done something like this, and only thinking they are who they are, makes my breath accelerate its rhythm: this adventure in the time and space has altered my mind and made me break through the barriers of my moral limits.

Colin just comes closer to my neck, beginning to bite it gently, awakening the fire under my skin, one of his hands is on my shoulder. The other is stroking my pussy through my denim shorts. We French kiss deeply, and his hand slides to unzip my shorts, and like a skillful snake, enters my underwear, massaging my clit, which is now swollen and wet. I moan when I feel this contact; he is driving me near an incredibly quick climax, not stopping, kissing me in a very wet and hot way. I pant, try to breathe, but he holds my head firmly, so I cannot move. His tongue is playing with mine, licking my lips, biting my upper lip, then he sucks my tongue.

I reach out with my hand and start massaging his crotch, feeling his erection under the jeans. Now, it is the hottest moment, when Drew begins to stroke my butt, sticking one of his hands in my shorts, breathing on my nape, licking down my back, holding my waist. Oh God, my clit is vibrating under Colin’s fingers, the heat is devouring me, the promise of the coming hours blows my head. I shudder between the two rockers.

Drew is playing with my arse, pinching my flesh. I want to kiss him but Colin is very selfish now, and he keeps on tonguing in my mouth. Oh God, I feel the blood running wild in my pussy, drench of juices, pulsing with eagerness for some maleness. Finally, I know my orgasm is close, I am caressing the two guys’ crotches, the thick, sweet things under their jeans are driving me mad…and inevitably, I come, panting and gasping, leaking pussy juice over Colin’s fingers. Drew is trying to reach for my arsehole. All this must look very wild to the driver, who suddenly brakes and we jolt up on our seats.

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