Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1 (8 page)

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Authors: Eleyne Kot,Yasmin Lazaro

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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Eleyne’s Story:

We head for the kitchen and peek inside, spotting an elderly woman. Yasmin moves out of her sight, I enter. I can see the woman is not very friendly, but I proceed trying to be courteous.

“Good morning. How are you?”

The woman murmurs the greeting back.

“Do you by any chance have some croissants or biscuits?” As an answer the woman takes out a packet of Digestive cookies out of the cupboard and also some other brands of biscuits that I haven’t heard about, and hands them to me. I thank her, look around, take a tray and dump everything on it. Then I remember my morning idea.

Wouldn’t it be too much trouble if we could get a bottle of olive oil?” She looks stunned, but opens the cupboard again and hands me a bottle. “Thank you.”

I put it on the tray and walk out. Yasmin looks as amazed as the cook.

“What the hell do we need olive oil for?” But she eyes the cookies hungrily, opens the Digestive pack and starts crunching.

Yasmin, the guys are gone now, we don’t know when they are going to come back, but I’d say we have at least two or three hours on our hands. Or maybe the whole day. Other things to occupy our time include the pool and the beautiful sun. What we don’t have is clothes.” She begins to understand. “Why not sunbathe a bit and take a dip in the pool? I asked for oil, because it’s not good for the skin to tan without any protection, and I don’t really believe the guys have cosmetics for tanning with UV filters. They were not so popular yet in the ‘80s. Oil is kind of natural filter.”

She agrees. “A good idea.”

We get back to the pool and tell Melisa of the plans. She smiles and agrees:

“The sun today is perfect, indeed.”

We finish our food and coffee and remove our robes. I stand next to the pool, trying to make up my mind if I want a swim first or if I just want to stretch on one of the deck chairs that are positioned next to it. I test the water with my toe, take it out. It’s cold. Melisa calls me.

“Can you apply some of this oil on my back?”

I give her a rub. I turn to Yasmin asking her if she wants some on her back, too. She’s still devouring the cookies. I start laughing.

“Colin must have really worn you out if you’re so hungry.”

She just looks at me impishly and winks. Then she says:

“I think I’ll go and take a shower first. Only then I’ll join you. But thanks, you can rub my back later.”

I decide that I’ll start with my front. I take the bottle and apply the oil liberally all over my skin. I stretch on the deck chair, set the shade over my face and let the sun caress my skin. I can hear Yasmin moving, taking my robe and leaving us. She comes back after a few minutes and from under my half-closed eyelids I see that she also uses some oil on her body.

Time is passing, the sun's shifting its position in the sky. I don’t know how long it is before I decide it’s time to turn to the other side. I ask Yasmin to apply the oil on my back. When I lift my hair for her to be able to rub my shoulder blades and neck, she gasps.

“Eleyne, you have a love bite...!”

“Oh!” I react. “Is it very red?”

“Not too much. Did Tony bite you?” She winks.

“He did, indeed.” I wink back, “I may only be surprised that there’s only one... I think he bit me more than once last night.”

She chuckles while we exchange the favour and proceeds to rub some of the fat on our butts and legs. Melisa decides she wants to swim a bit and in a moment we hear her shrieks and laughter when she enters the cold water. When we laugh and joke at her, she splashes some water on us making us shriek too. When we don’t want to get any wetter and beg her to stop, she looks impishly at us.

“Chickens, you’re not afraid of a little cold water are you?” Then she splashes again until we escape from our deck chairs a bit farther from the pool; her smile turns vengeful. “My little revenge. Stop having dirty thoughts about Jim. He's mine.”

“What the hell?!” Yasmin exclaims.

“She wants me to share Jim with her and you,” Melisa sulks, but she can't splash us more, we're too far away.

“Good idea,” Yasmin smiles impishly, “I certainly would like to put my hands on him. He's too hot to be left in your ‘care’ only.” Saying that she winks at me. “I just don't know what Colin would say to this...”

“Don't worry, I believe the guys are able to reach some kind of accommodation in this matter.” I wink back at her.

Melisa's obviously not happy hearing our exchange.

“Come on, woman,” I say with a little exasperated, “I don't know how long you'll be able to keep him for yourself, you know his reputation, don't you? Some gal on the rock forum said he's a guy who can't keep his pants up for 24 hours…”

“Oh, yeah, and Babette said she had read something about him saying that he would shag anything that moves and has a pussy,” Yasmin adds. I burst out laughing, but Melisa just murmurs something under her nose and starts swimming, pretending not to hear us.

Yasmin looks conspiratorially at me and whispers.

“You want Jim, too? Isn’t he too small for you?”

“Yeah, I know I’m a bit taller than him, but height doesn’t matter in bed. It’s the other things that count. Sure, I want him. And I see that you also wonder about the contents of his pants, especially after Melisa’s
revelations. She says his tongue is fantastic.”

“Sure, he’s been displaying it often enough. Don’t you remember all those videos and photos when he licks the guitar?”

“Oh yeah,” I almost purr, “I’ve always wanted to be that guitar.”

“Me too.” She smiles in a feline way. Then asks, “and what about Tony?”

“Gods, he’s more than I can say. He’s my dreams and fantasies incarnate… I’ve never expected to meet him like this,” I sigh, “and to have a piece of him as well.”

“I can say the same about Colin...”

“I understand it,” I nod. Then I add, “If you want him, I can share him with you.”

“Oh,” she looks blissful, “thank you. So we shall share all of them, Jim, too, if Melisa stops being so possessive of him. And, of course, if the guys really don’t mind it.”

“I hope they won’t,” I agree with her, then look around. Melisa is swimming in the pool, her energetic movements show that she’s still pissed, but apparently she decides to vent her feelings in a physical exercise rather than screeching or trying to splash water at us. She’s behaving more like a grown up woman, rather than acting like a teenager. I’m trying to remember how old she is from our conversations on Facebook. From the glimpses of information she gave us I assumed she must be around 20, having finished her high school not long ago, and now working in her first job. Well, I shrug, she may still be reacting childishly to some things.

But thinking she won't splash again, we lie back on our deck chairs and continue our whispered conversation. But this time our thoughts turn to Babette. Neither of us really has any idea what has happened to our French friend. Then we almost fall asleep under the pleasant sunrays. Melisa wakes us up after some time. I blink a bit looking at her. I see that she’s already dry, with no drop of water on her skin and her long brown hair is almost dry as well. While I wonder how long we were sleeping, she says.

“Gals, I'm hungry. Why don't we go to the kitchen and look for some food?”

“Not sulking anymore?” I tease her.

“Don't irritate me again,” she murmurs, her brown eyes casting dangerous sparks.

I decide not to taunt her too much and I just stretch languorously, without carrying on the unpleasant subject.

“I think I'd like to munch something, too. What about you, Yasmin?”

Yasmin murmurs lazily.

“Yeah, you can bring me whatever...”

Melisa picks up our robes, gives mine to me, and we put them on while we walk to the kitchen. When we enter there's nobody there but we can smell something tasty cooking. We notice that the oven is on and Melisa spots a note stuck to the fridge door: "There's lasagna in the oven".

“Mmmmrrrr,” she purrs in an immediate better mood, “I like lasagna.”

I agree.

“Me too, why don't we help ourselves too it?”

I open the oven door and see a gigantic tray with the dish.

“Ok, find some plates and we'll cut some for us,” I look around to find a knife or whatever else to do the cutting. I see some utensils next to the sink, and pick one. Melisa comes with plates and forks.

“How much do you want?” I ask.

She shows me, I cut a portion for her and the same for me... I hesitate.

“Do you think Yasmin will want the same?”

Melisa giggles.

“Go on, gal. She will need a lot of strength when the guys come back. So will we.”

I giggle back at her and cut the same amount for our sunbathing galfriend. I look around the kitchen.

“Let's take something to drink too,” I open the fridge and see it's full of beer, wine, champagne and other drinks. I laugh. “The guys are well stocked. What do you want?” Melisa looks at the fridge's content and laughs, too.

“I see it's a party tonight!” Thinks for a moment, “but I think I'll take orange juice for now.” Then she giggles. “You know, I wouldn’t be able to drink all these back at home? All this beer and wine... These assholes in shops are really strict about seeing your ID before they sell you any liquor. Well, I’m definitely going to use the opportunity tonight.”

This confirms my assumption about her age, she can’t be over 21, and I agree with her about having soft drinks for now, and also about U.S. shops sticking to the rules. I also remember being asked for an ID whenever I bought wine there.

I take the carton out of the fridge, and then spot a bottle of mineral water, and take it out too.

“Let's take a tray.”

Then I hesitate again.

“What about the rest of the lasagna? Should we leave the oven on? Hmmm, let's see if it has some regulation so that we can leave it on lower temperature.”

I fiddle with the knobs of the appliance...

“Just turn it off, we don't want a fire here. We can warm it up for the guys later on,” Melisa shrugs.
She picks the tray with the food and walks out. I turn off the oven, pick the other tray and follow her.

Yasmin smiles when she sees us coming back

“What did you find?”

“We have lasagna,” replies Melisa.

“Oh, fantastic!” Yasmin exclaims. “I love pasta and other Italian food.”

She takes a plate from the tray and starts eating as if she didn’t eat for a week. We munch our portions, too. For a while an industrious silence remains. Finally the food is gone.

“Mmm, it was yummy,” Melisa purrs, massaging her tummy. “Who will bring the stuff back to the kitchen?”

“Ok, I will go,” Yasmin offers, arranging the dirty stuff on the tray and walking inside the manor. She comes back after five minutes.

“I just dumped the stuff in the sink. The cook can do the washing up.”

We lie back on our deck chairs and begin our siesta. But this time we hide under the umbrellas. I think we got enough sun for today. The shade feels really pleasant and we are lulled by the silence and start falling asleep again.

After some time Yasmin's voice wakes us up.

“Gals, I can hear a car coming. Maybe it’s the guys…”

Yasmin’s Story:

I hear the sound of a car coming near, then after a minute, the gates of the mansion open and the guys' car appears into sight, so I wake up my sleeping girlfriends. They jump up from their deck chairs excited, ready to greet our lovers, happy about their coming back and waving at them as they are getting out of the car; but our surprise is enormous when the last passenger steps out of the car.

We all cry out at the same time:

“Babette! Babette! Oh no! You are here! How?!”

“Cómo puede ser?” Well, my surprise makes speak in my mother tongue and I add for the others. “How could it be true?”

We cannot believe how Babette has managed to join us. After all she stayed in that hostel yesterday night but now she is here with us, in this island out of time.

She is looking confused and weak, but still her slender figure, with a short blue dress, looks beautiful under the summer sun and she is not alone: Ted, the band’s bassist, is at her side. He holds her arm, caresses her long, glossy chestnut hair and leads her to where we are, while the other guys bring with them part of our things.
We do not wait till they come near, we run, jumping and crying and attack her with hugs and kisses. She looks at us incredulously.

“Gals, I cannot believe it,” she utters, “we are back in the ‘80s, and with them!” And she looks at the pack of heavy-metal stars, who look so gorgeous dressed in leather and denim. After they approach us Tony says.

“We found her around the stone circle. She was very fuzzy, talking about being dragged by a fog, after seeing your car parked and abandoned to one side of the road,” he looks stunned.

“She told us she had been going around the stones for quite some time, calling your names aloud and using this device. She says is a telephone, an iPhone? Is that the name of this hellish bug?” Jim asks disconcertingly.

“Yes, that is the name,” answers Eleyne, who looks very sure of her possibilities to convince the guys that the devices come from the future.

She said,” Colin adds, “that you, Yasmin and the rest of you were registered at one hostel at the village near. We visited the place with her and searched all over the place for your hostel, but there wasn’t any. Just a bed and breakfast type of accommodation, but nobody heard a word about you.”

They remain glancing at us as mesmerized, without words, asking us with their eyes if all this might be true.
But then Babette exclaims.

“But gals, you are totally naked! Oh My God, what would the good people from the Rock Forum say if they saw you! You have to maintain decorum!” From her this is definitely an irony.

And then we all laugh madly.

Decorum shitorum,” Melisa winks, getting the guys to burst into laughter, too.

“I will join you in your nakedness gals, I won’t disappoint my friends,” Babette smiles and without thinking much about it, and looking healthier and stronger, begins to unzip her dress.

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