Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1 (2 page)

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Authors: Eleyne Kot,Yasmin Lazaro

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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I get my suitcase out of the car to get some wine. Well, perhaps my reasons for not leaving the luggage in the hostel were not so mysterious... Though still, we won’t be able to drink all of these bottles just by ourselves, for sure not at once. I haul out my handbag with the laptop. Then the three of us start to bring in some wood for the fire – we need to grill the sausages. When we have finished preparations we have quite a big pile of wood, to last us a long time, I proceed to start the fire – with one match and I succeed. Soon the fire is crackling nicely. As I prepare the sticks with the sausages, my womb starts to stir again; I feel more heat in my pussy as I stare into the flames, almost as if the fire was channeling its energy inside me, and my thoughts wander again to what I would like to do with Tony. Oh boy, those brown captivating eyes of his... And with Jim... Or even better with both of them at the same time. I think my expression becomes more than just idle reverie as Yasmin nudges me.

“Eleyne, stop daydreaming, woman. It’s not the time or place for it.”

“For me it’s always the right time and place to fantasize about Tony, and about...” Here I bite my tongue, not finishing and sigh. Perhaps Melisa shouldn’t hear about my appetite concerning Jim. She’s more than just a bit jealous about him, even if he doesn’t know about her, as she is just another one of his ardent fans.

“Eleyne, we’re hungry. At least start grilling these sausages while you moon about.” Melisa smiles.

She’s correct. I can as well daydream about him doing any activity, even if it’s just preparing a meal. Though in case of tasks requiring more of my concentration, things can get screwed up. Tony and Jim claim almost all my attention, making me forgetful and also inefficient at performing just about any task. We open a bottle from my stash while preparing our meal. We are all so hungry. We don't wait for the sausages to cook and eat some bread and cheese first to help quelch or hunger.

While we’re holding the sticks with sausages over the flames, trying to grill them properly instead of just burning them, Melisa asks me.

“How much do you feel for Tony?”

“Melisa, what can I say? I’ve never felt this way for any other guy. I kind of know that for some people it may seem like a stupid fan-idol fascination, but really, I used to fancy some other musicians. And things never got to this level as with Tony. I just can’t stop thinking about him.” “I know how you feel. Jim is the same for me. It’s just such a pity that I won’t be able to see him in the fall, when Julian Twist will be touring to the U.S.”

“Perhaps, we could try to pay him a visit. His mansion is not really that far from here,” Yasmin suggests with a naughty smile.

“Well, can you play golf?” she asks.

“Not really... We could request a lesson from him, couldn’t we?” Yasmin continues with an impish look in her eyes. Is she also after Jim? I thought that Colin, the band front man was her crush. I see that Melisa has noticed these sparks as well and I can almost see her grind her teeth.

“Keep your dirty thoughts off Jim. He’s mine.”

“First you have to catch him,” I wink.

She sighs.
“Unfortunately you are right. It may not be so easy.”

I sigh as well. “A kingdom to somebody who could somehow invite me backstage or to a hotel they’ll be staying at, so that I can put my paws on Tony...”

“He could be your father, you know…” Yasmin gets into a pensive mood.

“Well... What can I say? Jim could be even my grandfather if he and his offspring had been stubborn enough about it,” Melisa shrugs.

“I suppose that could refer to Colin too,” Yasmin agrees, “but I don’t really care. He’s somebody special to me and I don’t really care about his age or any other thing the people can tell me about him.”

“For me it’s the same, gals. Tony’s been and still is an extraordinarily hot guy. I would do him anytime...” I muse wantonly seeing him with the eyes of my imagination, seeing how he has been changing during all those years of his heavy-metal career. What has stayed the same is his captivating smile, and his brown eyes. As well as his figure. He’s always been very slim but not too tall. What kept on changing was his hairstyle, from shoulder length unruly dark hair, through long feathered and highlighted hair to the style he has now. Blond hair, reaching slightly below his shoulder and seemingly always messy... Well, and sure he has gained some wrinkles, but he only looks hotter with them.

Then I remember something and I share it with Yasmin and Melisa.

“Gals, have you heard of Belmondo?”

“Belmondo, Belmondo...” Melisa muses, “I think I heard his name... I just don’t remember where...”

Well, she’s American, so I’m not really too surprised she’s not too savvy about European culture. But Yasmin also seems to be raking her mind, and she finally says.

“I think I once saw a movie with him. Isn’t he an actor?”

“Yes, he’s a French actor,” I confirm and Melisa sighs.

“Now I know why this name has been nagging me, I’ve read about him...
I didn’t see any movies with him though, ” she adds as an afterthought.

“So, what about him?”

“Well, I read some gossip columns about him and it seems that even though he’s 78 now he still has a very young girlfriend. The girl is 35, mind you... So she’s more than twice younger than him...”

The gals whistle and Yasmin laughs.
“Well, I wonder. Is he still …?” Here she hesitates, apparently not being able to phrase it delicately. I help her formulate her thought in a much cruder way.

“You wanted to ask if he can still get it up...? Well, if she’s not with him for the money and prestige then I suppose he has to. Women of this age start to have some needs that have to be taken care of. And they only start to grow then...”

They burst out laughing and I join them. When Yasmin manages to stop her giggles she utters.
“Well, even if he can’t get it up I suppose that being French he has to know how to use his fingers and tongue... And has some experience to back him up...”

This bring more peals of laughter from us, when our wicked giggles subside I add.
“You know, I used to laugh at all these jokes about ‘old lechers’ and young women, but now I just can’t... Not with Tony...”

“I can understand what you mean.” Yasmin sighs, “You want Tony too much to laugh at such silly jokes…”

“Exactly.” I nod my head, “I get completely wet just thinking what he could do with me… Damned, if he suddenly showed up here I’d do him even on these stones.”

“I imagine this could be a bit uncomfortable. The stones are cold and hard, but I understand it too well. If miracles happened and Jim turned up here as well, I wouldn’t hesitate a moment…” Melisa sighs.

We keep silent for a moment thinking about our respective crushes, then Yasmin suggests. “I can ask Babette about Belmondo, she’s French, so she must know about French actors. Let me text her.”

And she takes out her mobile phone to type a message to Babette. After a few minutes she receives a reply.
“Babette confirms your gossip. She says her mum loves the actor and knows everything about him. She also says she has stuffed herself with painkillers and other medicines and she may join us when she feels better... and if she doesn’t feel so groggy…”

“Sure, the wine is certainly waiting for her,” I smile, “though I think we have already eaten most of the food.”

“She said she has ordered a pizza. And I’m not really sure if she should drink wine after all the medicines she took,” Yasmin answers then thinks for a moment. “Gals, but even putting thoughts about their ages aside, I still can only dream about putting my hands on Colin. He’s really inaccessible to me and to any other woman as well...”

She turns sad. And it’s true what she said... It looks like no matter how many women pine after him, none of them will ever get him.

We finish our meal in pensive silence; if I can guess well, Yasmin is thinking about Colin, and Melisa must be fantasizing about Jim, judging from her absent-minded expression. My mind keeps on spinning around hot scenarios centering on Tony, too.

With the food all finished, we continue with one more bottle of wine, and I decide to turn on some music – bring out the Ipod and start playing Julian Twist. We decide we want
Protectors of the Belief

The music’s playing, our bodies are starting to sway, we are sipping our wine, and my thoughts are getting hotter and hotter. I can hear the music pulsing and throbbing through my body, and this burning feeling stirs in my lower abdomen; I can't and don’t want to sit any more. I get up and start dancing. I can feel some strange power in me, growing, wanting more. As I dance I start to strip and the gals are staring at me. I ask them.

“Don’t you feel it? This place makes me feel so feminine and powerful; it’s filling me up with energy.”

They look at me in a strange way, but I can see they can feel the same strange emotion, too. Melisa joins me in the dance and she strips while dancing, too. Now each of us celebrates one anothers’ femininity, all swaying to the beat of seductive, sensual Julian Twist music that we all love so much. It almost feels as if we were calling them with our minds and bodies to join us in this crazy dance…

Yasmin’s Story:

It looks like the time to start the research has begun. I definitely feel something strange here, something that needs to be investigated. So even though my body is stirring, making me want to join my girlfriends in their sensual strutting around the fire, I try to overcome it and rule my body. A short meditation, a few long breaths and I succeed in keeping my mind clear. Then I just leave them possessed by whatever is coming over us here. I walk to the car and search for the instruments. I pick a Geiger counter, some multi-field meters and my laptop, which are all connected to the multi-field detectors. I try to turn them on, but to my surprise the laptop battery is dead as well as the multi-field meters.. I sigh in disgust, and try to turn an mp3 and camcorder that I have brought along. The result is the same… all are dead. Though I still hear the music playing, coming from the circle, so Melisa’s Ipod must be still working. We are in the right place at the right time, I think, getting out of the car to walk to place where I was before with the gals; but there is nobody there and sudden silence surrounds me. I remember I have a multi-radiation finder to detect microwaves, which will indicate any strange presence. I turn it on and it works!

But my friends have vanished, along with the remains of dinner, the fire, the litter. At the same momenta thick fog is creeping near, coming from the stones. My blood feels like it is freezing in my veins, and the multi-radiation finder is beeping aloud. The fog gets me inside its grasp and the instrument almost screams as it beeps. Then I become dizzy and blinded; I try to hold onto something but there is nothing but weeds. My knees fail and I fall on the cold ground, completely confused. I close my eyes for a moment. At least I think it’s for a moment, it could have been much longer. When I open them again I see a road under the setting sun, and a car that is coming near. The car is an old-style car. I don´t know much about cars, but definitely this one doesn’t look new. I only have an impression that it may have been manufactured in the ‘80s. I don´t know what to think, I feel too insecure to make any conjectures.

The car approaches me, slows down and stops. The window opens and I see Colin Crawford, just the way he was looking in the middle ‘80s. He has short blond hair and a few loop earrings in his left ear.
His oval face has a softer expression under the sun of this clueless time than I thought, but his features are strong and neat. His brown eyes are filled with amazement with the sight of me standing there confused. He is taller than I thought, slender and elegant. His look fits the rocker fashion in those years: a mixture of glam and leather that features his sex appeal. I’m just staring at him, looking at his face and body, sliding my eyes over his chest covered with a soft, pale shirt and then down to his legs in jeans, as if he were a wonderful apparition. My jaw must be dropping down at the moment. I feel as if somebody has just hit me on my head. Him? Here? How? Why? Before I can say anything, staring at him as if hypnotized, he looks concerned and asks me:

“Is everything alright? You look lost…”

I nod and answer. “I was camping with my girlfriends at Hekate’s Passage, you know this circle of stones?”

He says he does.

“We wanted to do some research for my Institute, but they started dancing naked around the fire to your music, saying they felt some strange energy in the place. I could feel it, too, but I wanted to investigate it and bring my instruments to do it. They were not working, though, and when I came back to the circle there was a strange fog there and everything, my friends, the fire were gone…”

I try to explain but apparently what I’m saying is vague and imprecise, or perhaps incredible as Colin face shows a stunned look, though he’s still trying to be nice and polite with me.
Does he believe me?
What he has heard may be incredible, indeed.

The back windows of the car open and I see Jim, looking… smoking hot. And also with middle ‘80s look - with a long mane of blond curly hair. He exclaims. “My ears don’t deceive me? Did I really hear that that your girlfriends were dancing naked to our music and now you can’t find them? Sure we’ll help you look for them,” he starts joking. “We’re always ready to help naked women...”

The expression of his eyes suddenly makes me aware of my own looks. I’m wearing just denim shorts and a t-shirt, nothing really fancy or glamorous, but now I’m starting to regret it. I’d like one of these clinging sexy tops that hug your body that Eleyne says she always wears. I’d like to see admiration in his and Colin’s eyes (or knowing Colin’s preferences, I wish it were admiration, not curiosity).

Jim opens the door and gets out.
“Hop in.” he says. He helps me get up, my knees turn weak when I look into his blue eyes. He ushers me into the car, and surprise, a mid-‘80s looking, dark-haired Tony is sitting on the backseat of the car, too.

“Hello, babe. We’ll sure help you look for your naked girlfriends,” Tony says and smiles seductively.

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