Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1 (3 page)

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Authors: Eleyne Kot,Yasmin Lazaro

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hekate's Passage: A Story of Sex and Rock'n'roll, Part 1, Vol. 1
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“Naked damsels in distress can always count on our assistance,” Jim says, petting my thigh.

All that is happening doesn’t have any relation with real life, this could be only possible in a B-rated fantasy movie or in my imagination. Or perhaps it is my imagination. But, the heck... I haven’t drunk so much to be so delirious. What has happened during these last minutes? All kinds of doubts invade my mind, but the sweet smiles and good mood of the guys stop my speculations.
I realize my body is stirring at their side and they are simply as irresistible and seductive as I have thought and even much more so. My skin experiences the minimum rub of their bodies as part of an unknown glory.
After Jim pets my thigh, I feel fire in my pussy; this man is simply exuding sex. Now I sit between the two hot axe men… and their sheer presence is enough to cloud my head, to make me forget that I have a job to do, to carry on with my research and also to find out what has happened to my girlfriends. Jim urges.

“Come on, Colin. Let’s go there before they get dressed.”

Tony chuckles at his mate’s joke, but at the same time I feel his eyes on me. I turn to look shyly at him and almost tremble. Now I know what Eleyne must be feeling. There’s some roguish seductiveness in his eyes that simply makes my knees weak. Then I hear a question from the other side. Jim asks.
“Why are you dressed? You said your girlfriends were there naked dancing to our music. Why didn’t you join them?”

I turn sharply at him and find his eyes fix on me. I stutter trying to answer truthfully but Colin reacts first. “Come on, guys. Don’t scare the lady. You’ve just met her, haven’t you? Some propriety should be observed first, you know...”

I see his eyes in the rear mirror, he looks amused by the attention I receive from his band mates. He adds. “You seem to know our names but what is yours?”

I tremble a little under his and his mates’ scrutiny while I answer. “I’m Yasmin.”

“A very nice name. Yasmin... Really pretty.” I hear on my left.

Tony agrees.
“You are right, really pretty...” Then apparently he tries to observe the propriety and compliments me. “You also have very beautiful...” he pauses with his eyes on my chest, than swallows, “eyes.”

“Indeed, they are very... inviting...” I hear from my left side.

I almost squeal. Do they have an X-rays in their eyes? This t-shirt is really not clinging at all, how can they see my boobs through it?

Colin chuckles. “You’re insupportable. Guys, she’s not your…” He pauses here then finishes, “you said you were doing research there... So you’re a scientist...”

“Yes, I am.” This time there’s no doubt, my voice resembles a mouse’s squeal. I try to fight it and get it to normal, but it’s hard when I feel them so close to me; I'm starting to lose control at this closeness. I really would like them to touch me but that wouldn't be a very professional behavior, no. I have to keep my mind clear and cold, although my body burns. They keep on adding their sassy jokes, making the atmosphere in the car really steamy. Fortunately, for me, the place is really near. I see through the window that the hill with the circle of stones is getting closer and closer. There is a fire between them and some figures moving up there who are also visible. As the guys can see the same view, too, they start to grin widely.

“Holy shit, mates! They are really naked up there!” Tony exclaims, stunned.

“What hotties they are...” Jim adds dreamily.

“Yeah, I think the taller one with long honey hair has really something interesting,” Tony observes. “Great boobs, man...! And what a nice round arse!”

We are really close now and they can see all the details.

“The small brunette also has some assets worth appreciation,” Jim remarks, his hands in the air drawing a curvy silhouette. “Colin, can you drive faster? I’d really like to meet them before they notice us and get dressed...”

“I second that,” Tony supports, “accelerate, mate.”

I see Colin’s eyes full of mirth in the mirror. He probably doesn’t share his mates’ enthusiasm about my naked girlfriends, but he does speed up and we cover the remaining distance in a very short time. After stopping the car, Jim and Tony croon to me. “Excuse us, my sweet. We have to introduce ourselves to your girlfriends, but be sure, we haven’t forgotten you.”

They get out and I, with Colin, follow them more slowly. Colin grumbles something quietly and indistinctly enough for me not to recognize what he says. I follow the axe men without a hurry. Colin is in front of me, but in a moment I’m walking next to him. I observe his person surreptitiously, with my eyes at his neck level. I’m not really a tall person at 5 feet, 5 inches; he’s nearly a head taller than me. Suddenly he turns to me and says.
“Sorry, Yasmin. I hope you don’t feel upset by my mates’ behavior.”

“No problem,” I answer lightly, certainly I’m not upset, what I feel can be only called by a different name.

We enter the circle where Eleyne and Melisa continue dancing naked, as if possessed…

First they don’t notice any of us as they’re still in a kind of trance; they don’t even notice that the music is not playing anymore. However, Tony and Jim whistle when they see the gals in their unclad state from a short distance. This loud noise seems to snap them out of the reverie they’ve been caught in. Now it looks as if they couldn’t believe their eyes....

Eleyne’s Story:

I’m not really aware of what’s going on around me, it’s just the sounds of the music I love that surround me and my fantasies that are filling me from within. These fantasies make me wet, they make me burn when I keep on imagining all the naughty things that I could do with Tony and Jim. My pussy almost hurts from unfulfilled desire. I’m completely lost in my daydreams, dancing naked around the fire, touching myself sensually, imagining these are Tony’s hands on me. Only a sharp whistle wakes me up from the trance like state. I can’t believe my eyes – is it really Tony, Jim and Colin that Yasmin has brought us or is it just a dream? Tony, Jim and Colin are looking exactly as they did in the
Protectors of the Belief
time. Tony with his messy, still dark hair, that only have a few highlights at the front, Jim with an unruly mass of long blond permed locks, and Colin, almost their opposite, sporting a short blond hairstyle.

Well, even if it’s a dream I decide to take as much advantage of it as I can. After all, wasn’t I saying that I would do Tony even on these stones here? I’d love to do the same with Jim, but one glance at Melisa tells me I’d better not make any steps towards annexing him for me as well as Tony. Otherwise, this might turn into a mud fight, this time not a virtual one. I’m already undressed which should make things easier, though a short moment of consideration tells me to proceed slowly. Tony might escape if I just pounced on him the way I’d like to. And I wouldn’t really want it, oh no... What I want is to have my dirty paws on him, to investigate his body, to check what he has in his pants for me. I greet them trying to be as seductive as possible.

“Hello. Welcome to our little party, guys. So great to see you here,” I smile winsomely, “Do you want some wine? We have very good Italian wine... Tony? Jim? Colin?”

The guys stare at us in contentment, smiling naughtily, exchanging mischievous glances among one another.

“Hello, babies,” Jim answers. “We certainly appreciate your invitation.”

His eyes keep on devouring our naked bodies.

I take the bottle and remark.

Ooops, seems like we have to open another bottle, Melisa, can you?” I smile impishly again at the guys. “Don’t worry, we are well stocked.”

I take the bottle and the cups and approach Tony, smiling and swaying my hips. I like the expression I see on his face… I just want him to want me and to my great relief I notice it won’t be that hard to get what I desire from him. He keeps on staring at my boobs, almost licking his lips. Before I give him the cup I ask looking him in the eyes.

Do you like them?”

“They are beautiful,” he whispers. The way he does it makes me throw caution to the winds and I just
‘accidentally spill some wine onto his t-shirt while pouring it into the cup... Tony starts and exclaims.

Oh, shit!!!” And he tries to save the t-shirt.

“Ooops, so clumsy of me... I’m so sorry; now you will have to take it off,” I say, a bit insincerely.

I give the bottle and the other cups to Jim, who pours some for himself and Colin. Then I start removing Tony’s t-shirt. When I begin lifting it up he looks at me stunned, then glances with equally wide open eyes at his mates who just smile and wink. He looks back at me with a provocative grin and raises his arms, as if to facilitate the undressing and also to challenge me. His eyes are saying,
“Will you dare to do it?”
I smile and return the naughty look, removing the t-shirt and throwing it on the grass. Now his face is full of incredulous contentment. His naked chest presents so tantalizing a view, I’d like to enjoy more of his naked skin. As he seems quite willing to go on with whatever I may have in mind, I decide to strike while the iron is hot and remark impishly:

“You still have some wine on your hand, we wouldn’t want it to go to waste, would we?” And I start licking his fingers. He accepts my invitation without hesitation, in a moment I feel his other hand on my body touching me, caressing me. I put my arms around him and start kissing him deeply, pressing myself against his body, letting the internal fire consume me. I can feel that he’s starting to be very excited, too…

Meanwhile, the other gals…

Yasmin’s Story:

Well, my mind cannot keep track of what has happened here. Why are these guys who are supposed to be in their 60s look mid-30ish? And where are the car and my instruments? I begin to feel that the answer lies in the fog. The sun was setting when we were first here, and now it is almost midnight. Time has played with us and with them…but is it really them? Or are they just our imagination?

So I take a look at Colin and Jim, blond and hot, smiling, sipping their wine. I try to keep order in my mind, but it's so hard in their presence. I look at Eleyne and Tony, understanding this is going out of my hands. Now Melisa is fully fascinated with Jim, who is talking low with her with a soothing voice, placing his hand on her hip and getting closer to her. .

Meanwhile, I’m wondering if all the display of sex and heat has been born from the energy of the place. Colin is looking intensely at me. I can almost feel his brown eyes piercing me as he says. “They’re having a good time, but it’s not the most comfortable place to do what they are doing, so maybe we will find a better place for all of us. But first, tell me,” he pauses, “who are you? You are not English, are you?”

I just look at him and reply. “As I’ve already told you my name is Yasmin. I come from Argentina.”

Then I introduce the gals. “This tall gal who is kissing Tony is Eleyne, and the petite one who is so fascinated by Jim is Melisa.” Then I proceed to tell the story of how we ended up in this place.

Colin looks at me incredulously. “You’re not pulling my leg, are you?”

I ask him what the date is today. He replies.

It’s the 20th of June 1985.”

I just pick up the wine bottle and show him the label. The label sports 2009. He looks at it, stunned.

“Gals. You haven't made special wine labels just to fool us..??? I guess you are our fans and sometimes fans do incredible things…” He sips a bit of the contents of the cup. “It's very good anyway.”

“Well,” I say. “We have other things you will find fascinating, things that you won’t find anything like this in your actual era.”

I pick the ipod and show him. He looks at it surprised.

What’s this?”

I explain. He seems fascinated by the gadget and plays with the buttons (as most men usually do). But he shakes it off and comments. “It doesn’t seem to be working, though.”

I take it from his hands and try to turn it on, but in vain. The battery seems to be down. Perhaps this is why it wasn’t playing when we arrived. I check the Geiger meter and it turns out to be in the same state.
While I fiddle with the gadgets Colin changes the subject again, looks into my eyes saying.

“I have heard weird stories going on about this place and I must agree that it has a strange aura.”
He pauses and looks around, as if trying to find a reason for what he is about to say. The gadget in my hands catches his attention again and he takes it from me, but slowly his fingers stop playing with the buttons and he licks his lips. A flame is arising in the apple of his eyes. He delays his words, finally he murmurs.

“You know, Tony was right. You do have beautiful eyes...”

“Do I? Thanks...” I stammer.

“So green. So feline...” He keeps on gazing into my eyes, making me forget my professional attitude.

And your hair is very nice, too...” he continues his compliments, sliding his hand in my locks, combing them down to my mid back, “very nice color... Dark brown... and so silky...”

He murmurs.

I’ve never thought I will say such things to a woman but I want to do
things... well, some kind of things that... I don't know how to put it in words right in front of you, Yasmin. I have the impulse to do hot, sultry things with you… You know what I’m talking about?”

This time it’s me who gasps. Can all this be true? Will it be me who will conquer this inaccessible man?
I can’t take my eyes off his… Does he really mean it? Can he really want to do it with me? And is it because of me or because of the aura of this place? My thoughts start to race when he reaches out and starts caressing my cheek, but I simply don’t care anymore. I want him. I’ve always wanted him.

“Let’s go to the car, we’ll be more comfortable there,” he says. He takes my hand and leads me to it.

Meanwhile, Melisa gets really close to Jim; she can’t resist the temptation and she puts her arms around him and starts kissing him…

Eleyne’s Story:

The action between me and Tony turns really hot. I melt in his arms, the fire in my pussy floods my whole body. I want him to fuck me here and now so much that I just can’t control myself anymore. I caress his dick through his pants, even through the thick fabric I can feel how hard he is. I pant to him.

I want you to fuck me, shall we go to the car or will you do me here, on the grass?”

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