Hell Froze Over (14 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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Boo continued to frown and she said, “Okay, so the woman doesn’t look like a porn star?”

The men abruptly stopped laughing, except for Maxi who was grinning widely. “Yes, she does,” Maxi said and both men wanted to hit their brother.

“Well then,” Boo said firmly. “I guess I am going to the strip club.”

Maxi clapped and ‘whooped’ loudly and all the men looked over at them. Kink shook his head and released Boo and laughed at Magnum. “Have fun.”

Magnum flipped off Kink and took Boo’s hand and whispered, “It’s okay, I wanted you with me today anyway.”

Maxi followed behind the two as they exited the main clubhouse.
It was a hot day in San Diego
, Boo thought as they walked across the courtyard. The gates were closed and three Prospects were standing guard there. As they approached, Magnum nodded to the young men as they opened the gate. They were walking, apparently, which was fine since it was close. She looked around the huge buildings as they walked across the street. She had always loved how the club was kinda hidden. Literally, no one came back on this street unless they were going to a business in the large industrial buildings.

The Warriors owned all of this land. Creed and Fork had slowly bought up the area as each building came up for sale. There was only one or two buildings that were not owned by the Ops Warriors and apparently they were owned by Nike’s parents.

“Damn, it is hot out here!” Maxi complained and Magnum looked back at the biker and grinned.

“Well,” Magnum said. “Maybe you should think about not wearing all black on a hot and sunny day.”

Boo laughed, she was wearing another tank that was white and had Harley wings on it, with jeans and her boots and belt. Magnum and Kink had dressed similar knowing it was hot. Maxi was wearing a long sleeve black Harley shirt, jeans and boots. He was sweating.

They walked down two streets, turned, and walked three more blocks and there it was. The outside had trucks parked around it, obviously contractor’s since they had building supplies in them. It was a beehive of activity as men carried in wood and other materials. The outside already had a large neon sign on it that said ‘Bitches’. Boo had no idea how they got away with that, but they did and for some reason. People loved the name, they had t-shirts and other paraphernalia, she even had her own tank. Magnum led her through the front door. It was dark and as they walked into the main room of the building, she saw a woman standing in the middle of the room pointing to men and telling them where things should be going.

Yeah, Boo was glad she came today, in fact she was going to get this woman’s schedule because she is never going to be alone with her men again. Her men, Boo wanted to yell, but instead, she allowed her inner chick to squeal and jump up and down while she looked cool as a cucumber. Thank God Shay and the others had taught her this yesterday. Because if they hadn’t, she would have made a fool out of herself. She already knew it, she would have bared her claws against this woman and taken her out. She was blond of course, and she had had to have one of those ‘bump it’s’ in it ‘cause the top was smoothed out high on her head. She looked like the chick in ‘I Dream of Jeanie’, seriously, she was that hot and this was fucking annoying. Tiny little waist and long legs. Boo probably looked like a little girl next to the woman, but she would never let it show it bothered her.

Maxi was following and she heard him whistle softly behind them and she turned and glared. The man wasn’t stupid, although some may argue, but Boo figured he was smart enough because he shut up and looked at the wall, the ceiling and even the bar area, as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen.
, Boo thought and turned back around. The woman smiled a big toothy grin and walked toward Magnum with her hands out stretched as if to take his hands.

“Magnum!” she cried, the woman only had eyes for her man, and Boo was frowning, did she not see her? “Doesn’t the place look wonderful! I am so glad you came in today; it is very exciting.”

Magnum was smart enough not to reach his hands out at all, instead, he wrapped an arm around Boo and pulled her into his side. The woman saw the movement and her smile froze on her face. Boo saw the calculated look and her eyes narrowed. She wondered how many times she had met both of her men, but she got part of an answer.

“I hoped you would bring Kink in with you like last time so we could walk through both places. Everything is coming together so wonderfully, we are on schedule for your opening just like I promised. I had hoped we could go to lunch to discuss the color schemes again. But I see you brought some friends? Or is this your younger sister?”

Boo almost snapped at the woman, but she didn’t want to show her a reaction. Instead she did the Shady stare at her. The woman’s eyes narrowed and Boo met her gaze. She didn’t like her one bit, the chick was cold.

Magnum chuckled and shook his head. “No, this is Maxi, one of my brothers in the club. And this is Boo, my woman. Brought her to look around a little and maybe help with the color choosing.”

The woman’s eyes turned colder, if that was possible, but Boo knew if she was alone with the woman the cat claws would have come out right about now.

She smiled bigger and turned her gaze back to Magnum and Maxi and said, “How wonderful to meet one of your brothers, and your girlfriend. Possibly if we could have a moment alone, to discuss some of the placement of the stages and what not, and then we can look at the color swatches?” Debbie said. Boo actually dubbed the woman ‘The Cunt’ in her head as she listened to her try to get Magnum alone for a while.
What a whore
, she thought. When Magnum moved his arm from around her, ‘The Cunt’ slid up on his other side and touched his arm repeatedly, pointing out things in the room. They stepped away from Boo and she frowned deeply. Magnum seemed to have forgotten she was here.

“Whoa now,” Maxi whispered into her ear. “Before you go all Rambo on the chick, just wait for a minute.”

“She touches him again and I am cutting off her arm first,” Boo muttered and Maxi chuckled.

“You are so cute when you are mad, like a little vengeful bunny,” Maxi said and Boo turned her angry gaze to Maxi who was grinning.

“Yep, so cute,” Maxi said and then nudged her with his shoulder and chuckled lowly.

Chapter Twelve


Boo muttered as she prepared dinner. ‘The Cunt’ had pissed her off but good and Magnum knew it. He made a huge mistake, one he was totally gonna be paying for. Dumbass, even Kink hadn’t been able to talk her out of being pissed. Hell, he had even almost ended up in the doghouse with Magnum.

It had gone like this. Maxi and Boo had stood in the middle of the main room of the new Bitches for an hour watching ‘The Cunt’ walk around and point out things that were not important to Magnum, touching him repeatedly on the arm, or giggling at a comment or joke Magnum must had told her, effectively running her hand across his stomach as she gave him a half hug while laughing. It was almost as effective as the hair flip that she did and Boo had a front row seat to the whole thing. Maxi had, by the skin of his teeth, kept her from blowing.

When they had come back to where Boo and Maxi had been standing and ‘The Cunt’ had brought out the color swatches, Boo had finally been able to give her opinion. However, ‘The Cunt’ shot down every choice Boo had made, giggling and laughing at her choices as either too masculine, or too bright, oh and her favorite, too cheap looking. Yeah, ‘The Cunt’ had said that. Boo had been livid and Magnum had just stood there looking at the colors and finally agreed with ‘The Cunt’. Then Kink had arrived.

‘The Cunt’ did the same act with her other man, especially when Kink had leaned in and kissed her forehead when he arrived. Yeah, the bitch had been jealous, and her little green monster had come out. Boo knew women like her, hell, she had grown up with chicks like her. They had tortured her all her life, and she was gonna be damned if when she finally found her family and her inner Biker Bitch, would she ever allow anyone to take her back to those days.

But damn it, for one brief moment she had that sick kinda lost feeling she used to have and she had panicked and went to the bathroom and called Bic. She was desperate for someone to kick her ass into gear. Bic had done that, and when Boo had walked out of the bathroom to see not only Magnum and Kink, but also Maxi bent over a table with Debbie ‘The Cunt’ leaning over showing them her cleavage and all of the men looking, she had been livid. Kink had only saved himself by seeing her, standing up straight and telling ‘The Cunt’ the color scheme Boo had picked out for Slinging Ink was perfect. Magnum hadn’t been so smart, or he hadn’t been taking her cues.

she thought and then began brushing her teeth. Oh yeah, someone was totally not going to get any tonight.

After they had left Bitches and walked back to the compound and their home, and after they had said goodbye to Maxi who looked at Magnum and shook his head and patted him on the back and left. Magnum had been confused until they had walked into the house and she had stalked to the kitchen and started dinner, slamming things around and not talking to the guys. That was then and this was now, and Boo had worked herself into a nice tizzy.

When things were cooking, and she could leave them, she had walked into the living room where the two large bikers were sitting on the couch, obviously whispering about her since they stopped and looked at her when she came into the room. Her eyes narrowed, then she ignored them and continued. Walking into her bedroom and slamming the door, taking her tank off, her boots, and then her jeans, the whole while mimicking ‘The Cunt’.

“Oh Magnum,” she said sarcastically. “You are so funny.”

“Kink, don’t you just love this color,” she snapped and threw her clothes into a laundry basket that had mysteriously appeared. Boo stopped and looked around, some of this shit hadn’t been there before, what the hell. As she walked into the large walk in closet that was there, she saw more clothes and raised her hand and almost growled.
Really? Really?
she thought as she looked at all the men clothes that had suddenly appeared in her room. She walked into the bathroom and glared at the counter.
Those presumptuous motherfuckers
, she thought and then grabbed her cell phone off her nightstand.

Boo dialed Bic’s number and when the woman answered Boo snapped.

“You need to calm me down before I commit murder and end up in jail.”

Bic chuckled. “What did the dumbasses do?”

Boo filled her in while she looked at the timer she had brought into the room with her. She had about an hour before dinner was ready and she wasn’t going to sit out in the living room with Magnum, she was too pissed and she needed to vent. Their relationship was so new, fragile, she had no idea what to even say, what she could say.

Once she was done, she felt much better and had a plan, one that would show her men she wasn’t going to take a back seat to anyone. Maybe if they actually knew a little about her past, they would understand.

Taking a deep breath, she walked out into the living room. She was a grown up, she wasn’t a little girl anymore and she was going to let them know they had pissed her off, in a nice calm way.

As she rounded the corner to the living room, both men jumped up off the couch. Boo went to open her mouth, but Magnum was already talking.

“Boo, come on, sit down and put your feet up. I will get you a glass of wine,” he said quickly and grabbed her arm and dragged her over to the couch and pushed her down. The couch was a reclining couch and he reach to the side and hit the button making her legs pop up quickly and she almost squealed in surprise, but she held onto the noise. Magnum stalked into the kitchen and she could hear him rustling around in the cabinets, she wasn’t sure there was wine, but then she hadn’t had a chance to look. Boo had just assumed they only kept beer in the house. If they had wine she should have gotten that out last night.

Kink moved a little more slowly, but he pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over her legs and smiled at her. “Get comfortable, babe.”

“Umm why?” Boo asked, looking at Kink. Dinner was almost done and she needed to grab it.

“‘Cause we are gonna take care of you,” Kink said with a wink.

Boo rolled her eyes, “Oh please, dinner is almost done, I gotta get up and grab it or the meat will dry out.”

“We got it, little mama.” Kink laughed and yelled into the kitchen. “Mag, grab the pulled pork out of the oven.”

Boo folded her arms over her chest and grumbled, “The side dishes aren’t done.”

Kink laughed and then yelled. “And throw on some baked beans and shit.”

“Got it,” Magnum yelled back and then he walked into the room quickly and handed her a glass of wine. “Here, baby, start with this, I will have dinner done in a sec.”

She glared at Magnum, not ready to let him off the hook she snapped, “What the fuck are you doing?”

Magnum smiled at her and then winked. “Getting out of the dog house.”

“It will take more than this,” Boo said and Magnum nodded his head.

“I know, call me a dumbass, I wasn’t thinking,” Magnum said. “All I wanted to do was get that chick out of there so I could spend time with you. So I agreed with her just to shut her up, I didn’t get she was being manipulative.”

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