Hell Froze Over (13 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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Dressed, they were intimidating. Naked, they were lethal. She knew that both Kink and Magnum were fit, but not an inch of flab could be seen on them anywhere. Kink removed his boxers and Boo’s eyes widened as she took in his size. She wondered frantically how she would be able to accept him into her body. He looked thicker than her wrist and long. She glanced over as Magnum’s boxers came off and moaned. Almost as thick as Kink, his cock looked even longer. “I don’t think this is going to work,” she blurted nervously. Kink and Magnum looked at each other and smiled at her reassuringly.

“We’re going to fit inside you like we were meant to, sweetheart,” Kink promised as he brushed her cheek with his thumb and moved in, taking her lips in a kiss so possessive and hungry it curled her toes.

Kink’s kiss proved to be just as intoxicating as Magnum’s, but where Magnum’s lips had been teasing, Kink’s demanded. His tongue swept through her mouth, tangling with hers, possessively exploring, demanding a response Boo couldn't withhold. He lifted his head to gaze at her hungrily. Boo lifted her hands to his hair, grasping handfuls of its thick silkiness.

As he lowered his head to her breast, scraping her nipple with his sharp teeth, she felt Magnum move between her thighs. She sucked in a breath as Kink nipped and sucked at her breasts, using his lips, his tongue, and his teeth, thoroughly exploring them, seeming to gauge her response to every touch.

Magnum parted her folds with his thumbs, making her squirm. She didn’t think it possible to get aroused again so soon after having such a mind-blowing orgasm.

“I’m gonna taste this sweet pussy, baby,” she heard him say even as she felt him part her further, her legs over his broad shoulders, keeping them open. Kink paused and looked over his shoulder and watched Magnum lower his head to Boo’s pussy.

Kink heard Boo’s gasp as she jolted in his arms when Magnum’s tongue swept through her folds. He watched her eyes glaze over with passion as Magnum used his mouth, thoroughly exploring the woman that they found together. He heard Magnum moan and knew his brother was enjoying his first taste of their woman. He felt Boo writhe in his arms as Magnum used his mouth on her, smiling when he saw his friend slide his hands under her bottom and lift her more firmly against his mouth. Kink moved to kneel on the bed, one hand stroking his throbbing cock and with the other he reached out to cup Boo’s cheek.

When she looked at his cock and licked her lips, his cock jumped. “Have you ever?” he asked her.

She gasped and grinned, opening her mouth as Kink moved closer. “Will you teach me how?” she asked, looking up at him.

Kink saw Magnum lift his head and knew that he’d heard her, too. When Boo smiled at him shyly, he felt his cock jump again.

“Open your mouth, sweets.” Kink rubbed the head of his cock on her lips. He wanted to push himself all the way into her hot mouth.

Knowing that he would be the first almost set him off, but he gritted his teeth against it and soon had himself under control, barely.

“Baby,” he heard Magnum as he pushed the head of his cock between her soft lips, “has anybody besides me tasted this sweet pussy?” Kink moaned as Boo shook her head, her mouth rubbing against the head of his cock.

He looked over to see the incredulous pleasure on Magnum’s face. He knew just what his friend was thinking. Boo’s sexuality had barely been tapped. The woman writhing helplessly under their hands had almost no sexual experience.

It would be up to them to teach her everything. She had been fucked, but never taken in the ways Kink and Magnum planned to take her. She was aroused, but it was nothing next to what they would do to her. She had never been fussed over the way they wanted to pamper her.

All the things they had done with women over the years would be brand new again as they taught their woman together. She belonged to them. Her hot mouth drove him crazy.

He’d become too aroused with his cock in her mouth for the first time to be able to show her anything, and this time he didn’t need to anyway. What she didn’t have in experience, she more than made up for in enthusiasm. Kink felt ecstatic that she responded so well to them. He’d become so aroused by their woman that he struggled to maintain some kind of control when he wanted nothing more than to devour her whole.

Glancing at Magnum, he saw his friend appeared just as taken with her, if the look on his face meant anything.

Boo felt Magnum position himself at her entrance and trembled in anticipation. She wanted him inside her so badly, wanted them both more than she could ever dream she’d want a man. She took as much of Kink’s cock into her mouth as she could and tried to squirm onto Magnum’s, but he held her still. “I’m gonna make you ours.”

She heard Magnum’s voice over the loud groans that filled the room and wished he would hurry. His shallow thrusts gained ground with each thrust, but she wanted it all.

Now! Boo had never felt so wanted in her life, had never felt so feminine as she took Kink’s and Magnum’s cocks. Kink’s taste filled her with heat and she couldn’t get enough of it.

His response to having her mouth on him drove her wild. She felt powerful and wicked as she used her tongue on him and tried to suck him as far as she could into her mouth. She heard his moans and felt his hands tighten on her as she sucked him deep, wanting him to lose the control she knew he was trying so desperately to hold on to.

She arched as Magnum made love to her. She couldn’t prevent the constant moans coming from deep in her throat as Kink and Magnum drew responses from her that had lay dormant for years.

Every inch of her body hummed. She arched, forcing Magnum’s cock further into her dripping pussy and groaned at the fullness.

“Easy, baby,” he said from between clenched teeth. “I don’t want to hurt you.” She squirmed restlessly and sucked harder at Kink. She burned and needed more and tried to move, but Kink and Magnum easily controlled her.

She felt Kink tighten and try to pull away. She sucked harder and scraped her teeth warningly over his cock, ignoring his tense, “Fuck!”

Her hands tightened on him, one holding the base of his cock, not allowing him to pull away, and the other cupping the full sack between his thighs. She felt his fists tighten in her hair. “Sweets, I’m gonna come. Let go,” he growled.

As Magnum pushed his full length into her, Boo doubled her efforts and heard Kink moan. “Fuck,” she heard Kink bite out as he filled her mouth with his seed.

Swallowing frantically, she continued to suck every bit from him as he stroked her hair. “You’re amazing, baby,” he crooned, pulling out of her mouth to move beside her on the bed.

“You belong to us now, don’t you? Give it to us.” Boo heard Kink’s words as Magnum pushed deeper inside her.

The full feeling had her trembling helplessly. “Sweets, you feel fantastic,” Magnum groaned. “You’re so tight!”

“Harder!” Boo pleaded. She was so close. As Magnum continued his slow smooth strokes, Kink’s mouth on her breasts tormented her further.

“I don’t want to hurt you, baby.” Magnum held her hips firmly in his strong hands, not allowing her to push his cock deeper as she writhed, desperate to come.

Her clit throbbed. When she felt Kink’s hand cover her abdomen, she whimpered, “Please! I need more. Touch me!”

Kink lifted his head and his eyes met hers. She saw the tenderness in their depths as she felt his fingers move lower. She knew when Magnum’s control finally snapped.

His thrusts became harder. His hands tightened on her hips. He buried himself to the hilt inside her, his cock hitting her womb. She came in a fierce orgasm that wrung a scream from her, frightening her with its intensity. She dimly heard Magnum groan as he pounded into her.

“Fuck,” he panted. “Her pussy’s milking my cock. So fucking hot!” He surged into her with one last powerful thrust, holding her hips firmly in place as she felt Kink’s touch on her sensitive clit.

“No more! No more!” Shaking her head weakly, she lifted her hand toward Kink. She felt Magnum’s pulsing cock splash his seed deep inside her as Kink’s fingers moved on her clit.

“Once more, baby,” she heard Kink croon. Grasping her outstretched hand firmly in his, he and Magnum wrung another rippling orgasm from her. Boo never wanted to move again. She felt more sated than any self-induced orgasm had ever made her feel.

She remembered the whole night with a grin and she suddenly forgot to feel anything other than she was officially an old lady and a badass Biker Bitch. Hell yeah,
welcome to the real world
, she thought.

Chapter Eleven


Creed and Fork stood before the whole club, and the Lady Riders. Although the night before didn’t come without drama, they were ready to settle it once and for all. They couldn’t afford to have derision right now.

“Listen up,” Creed said and Fork fold his arms across his chest. “Shit went down last night,” he said and looked at Buzz who was sitting there with a bandage across his nose. “We aren’t talking about that shit anymore. Freebyrd has taken the hit on some of your actions, which hurt this club. Well, Fork and I have talked and we have come to the conclusion that Freebyrd did nothing wrong, he led this Chapter exactly how he thought was best, and we are in agreement that he did a good job. Every leader is different, some are in your face, others are subtle, it doesn’t make either better. So this shit stops now, no more talk about it or you answer to Fork and me, and if that happens, you will find yourself on the street. We don’t need that shit right now. Do you all understand?”

The men and women mumbled their agreement. “Good, now, we have another issue. Someone is sending us a warning, as you all know. The Vice Presidents have gotten a schedule done and we will be making sure everyone who comes onto the club grounds are vetted. By that, I mean, no one comes onto the grounds without an escort, period. The border will be double guarded and no one passes and if I hear of anyone letting someone bring anything over our border without our permission, you will answer to me, and you don’t wanna answer to me.”

By the time they were done with the meeting Boo was exhausted, the guys had completely worn her out the night before. Not that she was complaining, she wasn’t, but right about now a nap sounded good. She looked at Kink and Magnum who were already talking to Easy and Poke about the schedule. They had explained to her about the renovations and she got it. She also offered to help any way she could.

“Boo,” Maxi called and held out his arms. “You and me have a date!”

She laughed and shook her head. “Really?”

“Yep, I am your day time guard, my lady, anything you want to do, you need to have me as a tagalong, just remember that if you decide to go to Victoria Secrets and try on sexy little outfits, I am totally up for that,” Maxi said loudly over his shoulder, causing Kink and Magnum to turn around and flip him off. “You see how they treat me?” Maxi said and put his hand to his heart. “I hurt right here.”

Boo giggled and shook her head and she said, “Well, today will be boring for you then, ‘cause I kinda need a nap right about now.”

Maxi sighed and said, “See, trying to twist my arm and getting me into bed first thing.”

Boo laughed loudly. “I said
needed a nap.”

“Well yeah, but I take my job very seriously, Easy and Poke said I wasn’t to let you outta my sight, which means if you nap, then I am with you, in bed staring at you while you sleep,” Maxi said and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Don’t think so,” Kink said, coming up behind Maxi and walking past him until he got to Boo, wrapped his arms around her, and gave her a squeeze before loosening his arms and just holding her while they stood there. Magnum came up too, but he hit Maxi on the back of the head.

“Come on,” Maxi complained. “It is like you don’t want me to have any fun at all.”

“No,” Magnum said. “We just don’t want you having any fun with our woman.”

Maxi rolled his eyes and looked at Boo and asked what her plans really were today. She bit her lip and looked at Magnum and Kink and shrugged. “What are you guys doing?” she asked and Kink grinned.

“Well, they are checking out the contractors really quick, but I am sure they will pass since they have worked for the Ops before. I am going over to the shop and see how things are going, maybe set up a few things, get my ink gun out and make sure it wasn’t damaged during transport,” Kink said and Magnum nodded.

“Me too, Bitches is coming together real nice, they are putting in the stage and the poles today, and I have to meet with the decorator to make sure she does exactly what I want.”

Boo raised an eyebrow at Magnum. “Exactly what you want?”

Magnum grinned. “Yeah, we are in a different area here, in Nevada we had wood floors and western décor. Don’t think that will work here so we are looking at doing something else.”

Boo pursed her lips and said, “I think I will tag along with Mag. See what they are planning.”

Kink laughed and said, “You just don’t want him to be alone with Debbie the Decorator.”

“Debbie?” Boo asked and Maxi chimed in.

“You know Debbie does Dallas, Debbie does New York, etc. The porn star.”

Boo frowned and looked at Magnum. “You have an ex porn star decorating the Ops strip club?”

The men laughed loudly and looked at Boo and shook their head. “Sweets, it is a joke, the women who Creed hired to decorate the club and the ink shop, her name is Debbie.”

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