Hell Froze Over (18 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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Boo was silent as she digested what he was saying. My God, the poor man had been through a lot. She finally understood why he joked so much, it was to hide his pain. She wondered if the Ops knew all this.

“I quit the day she was convicted, sold everything I owned, bought my bike and never looked back,” Maxi said and Boo finally talked.

“She had dark hair?” Boo whispered and Maxi turned to her and smiled sadly.

“No, she was a blonde.”

“I don’t get it?” Boo whispered again and turned and parked in front of the school and waited for him to answer.

“I only fuck blond chicks ‘cause that is what I deserve,” Maxi said and looked Boo in the eye. “Abby had black hair too, I just can’t give even a piece of my heart to someone else I could lose.”

Boo leaned over and kissed Maxi on the cheek and said, “Don’t give up. There is someone out there for everyone.”

“Go, sign your paper so we can get back.” Maxi laughed and shook his head.

Boo stared a second longer and then she got out of the car. Maxi opened his door and followed. As they neared the office she had to go into, she pointed it out to Maxi. He nodded and looked in the office, saw it was clear and then stood outside waiting for her to come back out. He should have known that it was all too easy.

Magnum and Kink walked down the street to where Boo should be. She had called a few times, as had Maxi, they figured it would be just as easy to run down there and see her rather than call. They smiled as Cajun trained Jas in the front yard, and waved when they passed.

When they got into the house, they smiled at all the activity. Apparently, they had brought a new woman with two kids in to help. Boo would certainly be busy with this. But when they reached the door of the clinic they found the place empty, except for Texas.

“Hey, Tex,” Kink said. “You know where Boo is?”

The man frowned and shook his head. “Nah, I just got here.”

Kink nodded and then him and Magnum walked out, as they walked down the hall Mag said in a low voice, “Tex is one huge motherfucker, I hope he doesn’t scare the crap outta the kids.”

Kink chuckled. “Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.”

They went to Shady’s office and knocked on the door. She yelled for them to come in and they laughed. “Hey, Shay. You know where Boo is?”

Shady laughed. “Yeah, Maxi took her to the school to sign some paper.”

Both men frowned but they nodded.

“Should be back soon.”

“Thanks,” Magnum said and they closed the door. “Well, we have enough time to run to the shops and get back here before they get back.”

“Yep,” Kink said as they moved toward the door. “Plus, I can grab my kit. I think Boo finally needs to get her tat.”

Magnum smiled. “Good idea.”

“So,” Creed said to Fork as they hung up the phone and frowned. “How the fuck does this make any fucking sense?”

“I have no idea,” Fork said. “The dude had pictures of all the women and Jas. He didn’t know who specifically he was watching, only it was one of them. He reported all of the women’s movements to some old bitch in Mexico. The Vipers are in Mexico, but I have no idea who the old bitch would be. None of them have old ladies older than thirty.”

Boo walked out of the office, smiled at Maxi and they walked down the sidewalk. She heard a car backfire and she laughed loudly and said, “You know my car before my Mini used to make that noise.”

Maxi didn’t answer, and she turned and looked. He wasn’t with her anymore, he was laying a few feet back on the ground, not moving. Boo screamed and tried to run to Maxi, but the arm around her stomach stopped her. She tried to see who held her as people ran from all directions because of her scream. “Do not say a word or I will make sure your friend dies before he gets to the hospital.”

They ran to Maxi and ignored her. The man who stopped her from moving, slowly backed away with her in his arms while everyone else moved toward Maxi. Boo closed her eyes and prayed, Maxi had to be okay, he had to because she was a blonde.

Ice looked down at his phone and frowned as it rang. It was a local number, but not one he recognized.

“Lo’,” he said into the phone.

“Uh, Mr. Iceman?” a man said into the phone.

“Yeah?” he said, feeling confused that someone would ever refer to him as Mr. Iceman.

“This is the ER nurse at San Diego General,” he said and Ice frowned even deeper. Fuck, he was only the contact person for one man. Ice began to walk back to the club house and began snapping into the phone.

“What happened to him?” Ice said and the man said.

“Uh, Mr. Denold was brought in with a gunshot wound to the leg and the chest. He is being prepped for surgery, we have some questions though and you are listed as his next of kin,” the man said.

“Yeah, where was he shot at?” Ice snapped.

“Um the leg…”

“No, where as in location?” Ice snapped.

“Oh, um he was brought in from the San Diego campus,” the man said.

“Alone?” Ice barked.

“Um yeah,” the man said, sounding confused.

“Be there in twenty,” Ice said as the man tried to ask more questions.

He reached the clubhouse and ran inside. Maxi and Ice had been friends for a long time. Ice had been the one to bring him into the Ops when he was brought so low. There was no one else that helped Maxi when he was drinking too much. Ice knew it and had kept the man’s despair secret, except for Creed and Fork. He ran back to the President’s office and burst in the door without knocking.

“Maxi is in the hospital with two holes in him, shot on campus, no word on Boo,” he said and turned back around and ran.

Chapter Sixteen


Boo rolled her head and moaned. She felt like shit, she didn’t want to open her eyes or her dream would go away,
it was so perfect
, she thought and then sunk back down into her hazy dream. It at least took away the pain she felt when her eyes were open.


Her men had taken care of her, gently and carefully, she wanted to laugh because they were treating her like she was made out of porcelain, she had one issue and they suddenly thought she was fragile, it was wrong.

When she opened one eye, she sighed. It was morning and she was in the most charming room she had ever seen. Decorated in white, all white, and Boo frowned, why was she dreaming in white? She would never decorate in this color, where the hell was she?

She pushed the pain back again and forgot it, she smiled, the bed they were sharing was huge, one of the biggest she had ever seen.


“Bitch,” some man growled and she felt the pain on her face when he hit her again. “Wake the fuck up. I only gave you a little bit of the shit.”

Boo felt the water thrown on her and her eyes opened as she gasped loudly. Fuck it was cold, and she felt so hot, so incredibly hot. He had given her drugs, some type of drug and it had not worked like he thought and he was pissed.

“Good, now, I want to know where your mom hid it!” the man snapped and Boo frowned again. Her mom? Her mom was dead; why did he keep asking about her mom?

“Dead,” Boo muttered through her broken and bleeding lips.

“Wrong answer,” the man said and hit her again.

She didn’t like this place, so she went back to where she was safe.


Kink gripped a fistful of her hair and pulled her gently over him. She felt the sizzle of awareness as Magnum moved, smoothing a hand down her back. He kissed and licked his way down Boo’s back, he took nips of her as he moved to where the globes of her ass waited for him.

Kink arranged her so she was straddling him, her breasts dangling in front of his eyes begging to be teased, which he proceeded to do. He felt the rush of heat and knew she was already primed.

Magnum held her hips and dipped a finger in her warm wet pussy, she moaned and threw her head back, pushed back against him since she knew what he was going to do. She was more than ready to have them take her together again. She was also ready to tell them to their faces how much she loved them.


“No,” she cried as she felt the splash of water again. Why did they keep leaving her? She needed them, with them she didn’t hurt, and right now, she hurt so bad.

“Where did your mother hide it?” the man yelled.

Boo frowned and her head rolled back on her shoulders so she was once again staring up into the frightening face of the man who shot Maxi and took her. She hadn’t been able to stop a damn thing, all of her training went out the window the second the man had shot Maxi, she had been terrified.

He brought her to this building in the middle of nowhere and began asking her questions. For some reason, he seemed to think she was someone she wasn’t. Who did he think she was again? She tried to think but she hurt, the man had gotten mad when she had refused to answer, why did she refuse? She was so tired, Boo wanted Magnum and Kink, only them.


Boo bit her lip and Magnum gathered her juices and began to tease her back hole. She was lost in the sensations that ran rampant through her body. Magnum was doing something to her ass that made it hard not to scream in pleasure. Her body felt alive, and on fire, the way it had been the previous times they made love to her. She held back her orgasm, needing to drag the feelings out as long as she could.

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