Hell Froze Over (19 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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Magnum moved behind her, pressing first one finger and then two into her backside. She moaned with the expectations of what it would feel like to have them inside her again. Kink teased her nipples with his mouth until she was ready to explode. Once again, the dual pleasures were flowing over her.

Kink made her focus on him as he kissed her, thrusting his tongue in her mouth, branding her. He spread his legs a little, forcing her to adjust and become more open to both of them. He continued his onslaught, reached between them, and rubbed her clit softly. She felt herself clench and forced herself to relax. She didn’t want to come too fast.

When Magnum finished preparing her, he moved her hips, positioning her so Kink could enter her with ease. Slowly, he lowered her on Kink's shaft, she sighed as she felt him slide into her smoothly, loving the feel of him inside her. She wanted this so much, she was afraid to let go and just feel because she feared she would miss something.

Boo looked down her body seeing where they were joined and she smiled.
, she thought as Magnum rubbed her shoulders forcing her to relax. He must have felt tension in her, it was because she was so ready to tell them she loved them. She loved the way they whispered to her while they made love. It made her feel special and cherished.

She fully seated herself so she was stuffed full of Kink's cock, then she lifted a little, offering her ass to Magnum, who smiled and smoothed a hand on her ass and positioned himself at her back entrance. With a firm and smooth stroke, he entered her. Her body accepting him fully. She grinned at the feel of both of them sliding together again. Boo’s whole body clenched and she cried out as an orgasm raged through her body like an eruption. When he was fully in her, Magnum pulled back quickly and then pushed inside her hard and deep.


Boo cried out when she was brought back again to the place she didn’t want to be. “NO!” she tried to cry out, but is sounded like a pathetic whisper.

“Listen,” the man said, holding her head up and shaking her a little. Her eyes opened and she stared at the devil himself when he said, “Just tell me where your mom hid it and I will let you go to sleep forever,” the man said and she frowned. Her mother? Why was he asking…shit, she felt something in the back of her mind try to push out, something she was supposed to be saying.

Boo thought for a second and then she said, “I don’t know.”

“Think,” the man growled and shook her head. “This is important, think and then you can sleep.”

“No, sleep and then think.” Boo laughed and then moaned, fuck that hurt.

“Bitch, you do not understand, if you don’t tell me, they are going to come here and make you talk,” the man said and she frowned. Who was going to come and make her talk?

“Sorry,” Boo sighed. “Mom is dead.” And she went back to where she wanted to be.


Boo arched and encouraged them on. Moving her hips, taking them fully inside her.
It was perfection
, Magnum thought and then focused. He poured the love for her in every touch and stroke, letting her know how much he cared.

Kink was doing the same thing, trying to convey to her how much she meant to them. They wanted her to be the center of their family. They were ready to talk to her about it too. Finally ready to bare their hearts to the woman who had stolen their heart.

Magnum held onto her shoulders and began to ride her ass like a madman. He could feel Kink doing the same, thrusting and gripping her until he was sure she would protest in pain. She never made a noise other than that of pleasure, yelling at them to keep going, she was close. Kink looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. They both slowed.

Boo growled in frustration. “Damn it,” she swore and looked at them while trying to adjust to the slowness of their movements. Kink still rubbed her clit, keeping her stimulated as Magnum licked her ear and glided into her.

Boo?” Kink said.

What?” she snapped.

I love you,” he said firmly and her heart stopped.

Boo?” Magnum whispered.

What?” she said with a trembling voice.

I love you, too,” he said and she felt her heart break open. Tears threatened to flow and she smiled and then took a deep breath.

You will never know how much I love you both. Wait, I take that back, you will if you finish what you started. Loving me,” she said and they both laughed but set about to prove to her they loved her.

Magnum and Kink set a slow and romantic pace, not nearly as earth shattering as the last time, but more loving and caring. She moaned as she felt her body responding, her heart was ready to burst and she felt their love flow over her.

Kink pinched her clit suddenly and she came with a scream as the men rode her orgasm out until they came inside her at the same time. It was what she had always imagined when falling in love for real. She couldn't imagine her life without them. Together they fell into a breathless heap waiting for their heart to slow down.


Boo opened her eyes, wondered how long she had been out that time and looked around. The asshole had left her alone. She looked around, flashes of Maxi being shot, the asshole dragging her to his car and then cuffing her in the back. She had fought, which was how she got her first black eye, she distinctly remembered his elbow hitting her in the head. She had seen stars.

The man had gotten into the car and she had started screaming. “Fuck you,” she had screamed over and over as he began to pull out. That was how she earned her fat lip. The man had backhanded her when he turned and looked over his shoulder.

When they had pulled up to a stoplight, she had screamed again, getting a motorist to look at her. But the man had run the light and then finally pulled over. He held out a syringe and she had kicked at him. That was how she got her second black eye. He had been pissed when she kicked him in the nuts.

He had drugged her to make her be quiet. Apparently it had worn off, because she was a little fizzy but clear headed now, everything seemed like a dream, but she knew it happened because of the feel of her body. Asshole.

She listened, the man was here somewhere, she knew he was. Boo was in a one room cabin of sorts, it looked like. She heard a creak and saw the man pass in front of the window talking on the phone. Fucker. He thought she was Jas, the dumb shit, thought she was signing up for college, duh, the moron had just assumed.

Boo had only played along for a short time making sure the man was far enough away from San Diego so he couldn’t go back. The club would have surely been notified by now. She frowned and moved a little. In her back pocket she carried her knife, had he found it?

She moved, turned over, and felt the edge of her knife. Boo grinned, he really was a moron.

Boo flipped her knife open when she heard the idiot moving toward the door. She only had a few seconds and she wasn’t going waste it. He had left her hands cuffed, and she was sure that right about now he was learning he had made a mistake. The dumbass.

“What do you want me to do with her?” he yelled loudly and she smiled. Yeah, she grinned, perfect timing. This fucker had shot Maxi, and kidnapped her thinking she was a young girl. Fucking pricks, it was time for them to see that the woman of the Ops Warriors were not their fucking weak point. She wasn’t going to be a victim again, and she wasn’t going to be the reason Maxi didn’t fuck blondes anymore either.

Boo held onto the knife and moved her hands lower, sliding her legs through her arms until the cuffs were in front of her now. She flicked the knife open and moved a little. He was coming.

“Yeah, I will be there in a while,” the man snapped and shut his phone and then yelled in frustration really loud.

He walked in and she wanted to laugh. She apparently had gotten a few good shots in, as he had a bruise on his cheek as well. He didn’t even look at her when he entered, the dipshit thought she was still drugged, and the pussy was gonna kill her? He walked to the table and picked up the syringe and a vial of something. He pushed the syringe in it and she chuckled softly. The man startled and dropped the vial and turned around. Boo had moved slowly so her feet were facing him and when he turned, she kicked and yelled.

The man tried to dodge her feet, but it didn’t work because they hit him right in the crotch, the man yelling and holding onto the table, keeping him upright. “You, bitch.”

Boo got up from the floor and glared at the man who was holding the syringe again and walking toward her. “You know that is never gonna happen,” she said calmly and held up her knife and the man paused.

“Woman, there is nowhere to go, no one to save you, just go quietly, damn it,” the man snapped and she laughed.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Boo said and the man sighed as he began moving toward her again.

“Damn it,” the man growled and he circled with her. “Come on, I don’t have time for this.”

“Are you seriously telling me to give up and let you kill me?” she asked incredulously.

“Listen,” the man reasoned. “I am sorry; I took the wrong person.”

“Yeah, I got that,” Boo snapped. “And I am not going to give you a second chance to get the right one.”

She stopped looked at him in the eye and raised her hand with the knife in it, “Fuck this shit,” she said, and with a snap of her wrist, she threw the knife.

Magnum and Kink were on their bikes moving quickly. It had been a clusterfuck, like a serious clusterfuck at the ER. Maxi had coded like three times apparently, and by the time they got there, he was in surgery. When their leader had called them and told them what was going down they had moved quickly.

Boony and Data had a hard time tracking her at first, because whoever took her had gone into the mountains instead of over the border like they would have thought. When her phone finally pinged off a tower in the mountains they had left on their bikes. The man had a head start, and they were not giving him one second more with Boo.

Easy, Poke, and Slider went with them. The others had remained behind; they had already learned their lesson when it came to diversions. Right now they were in the stretch of road where they didn’t get a signal. Magnum was counting the mile markers and they should be coming into range soon.

Kink motioned to Magnum, letting him know the mile marker was just ahead. He pointed to his ear and Magnum nodded. He pushed his receiver and heard the ting of connection in his ear. They were in a service area, it took only a few seconds and the phone rang.

“Yeah,” Kink yelled.

“Go four miles and turn south. According to the map, she is sitting in the middle of the mountains, there has to be some building there, we are pulling up the satellite maps to see if there is anything.”

Kink nodded and he motioned and turned. He could hear Data and Boony talking on the headsets and he listened.

“Take the first road east,” Boony said and Kink motioned. They were behind the fucker by five hours, who the fuck knew what this prick had done to her in that time.

The bikes sped down the road, time passed and it was time the men couldn’t afford.

“Fuck,” Kink said as they pulled their bikes over. It was the end of the road, literally. “Talk to me, Boony.”

“Fuck, there are three Ranger cabins up there. Could be any of them,” Boony said. He gave the directions to each and Kink nodded and hung up.

“We split up,” Kink said to the guys and they all nodded. “Mag and I will take this one, Slider this one, and Easy and Poke this one. You find anything, call.”

The men nodded, they pulled their guns out and all looked at each other grimly and Slider said, “Happy hunting.”

They hadn’t even gotten that far away from each, when the five bikers all stopped when they heard the first yell. Three of them turned and began running in another direction, two of them doubled their efforts. When they heard the second, two of the men started grinning as they ran, shaking their heads.



“Then no shit,” Easy laughed loudly and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I was locking the dude in the trunk of his car after pulling the knife out of his dick. She leaned over and said “Boo” to him and the motherfucker flinched.”

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