Hells Royalty The Princess (13 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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I could only guess that he was getting really close to
obtaining his full powers, the more power the bigger the visions could be, I at
least knew that much.  I also knew better than to try and wake him, I only
checked his pulse and saw that all was normal.  There was nothing else for
me to do, so I went in.

I busied myself with making some breakfast all the while
thinking my situation through.  I had less than a week to reach my full
powers and less than two days till Damien was here to retrieve me.  I'm
certain that since I have been running for so long and have killed all that he
has sent for me that he will be coming to get me himself, he won’t leave this
up for mistakes anymore.

I managed to make up a very hearty breakfast, of lots of
meat and eggs and toast for all the wolves, and a nice fruit salad for myself.

When I turned to set the table Jace was standing behind me,
"There you are I thought you might be trying to skip out on us, or rather
out on me." He said very quietly.

"Really, I'm still here as you can tell, and I cooked a
hearty breakfast for everyone.  I needed to clear my head and cooking is a
nice distraction.  How are you, you should be the one skipping out on
us.  Between Elsie, your visions, and now the wolves, how are you holding
up?" I asked truly concerned because not many people could emotionally
take the bombardment of supernatural information.

"I'm good all things considered.  I had already
seen the Sandalios in a vision so they weren't a surprise; it was Elsie who was
the surprise.  My visions are getting a lot stronger, and they come out of
nowhere now, which is going to make it difficult to drive if they keep that
up.  I'm just really confused about Elsie and how a high level demon was
able to possess someone who was so close to us and could use against us?"
he asked running his hand through his hair and that vision of Dean Winchester
flashed across my mind, amazing at the resemblance, also ironic how close they
are to the truth a lot of times.

I sat down with my plate and mulled his question over while
I ate a few mouthfuls.  I took a long drink of my orange juice and then
gave him my theory.

"Well Elsie nurtured a hatred for me since we first
met.  The jealousy and hatred has just been there seething in her and when
I humiliated her with the pig entrails that just culminated her hatred which
led her to make some wishes and comments.  Normally a person would say
something like "I'd give anything to make that bitch suffer" you know
something along those lines.  When Elsie opened herself up for someone to
help her do a very bad deed that allows demons the chance to take advantage of
the situation, usually promising to help the person with their task if they
only let them in their body for a little while."  I told him and then
noticed that the wolf pack had joined us.

"But why would a higher up help her, don't lowers
usually do that?" some random wolf asked from across the room.

"Yes, normally it would be, but I'm guessing that she
held my face in her mind and was thinking all kinds of nasty things when she
was ranting, and the demons saw my face and realized they had better tell the higher
ups so they could get some recognition.  It was just the perfect
ingredients for all hell to break loose." I told them letting all the
information soak in.

"So is Elsie possibly alive in there?" Jace asked
with pure concern on his face, he may not like her, but he didn't want to see
anything bad happen to anyone.

I fidgeted a moment, not really wanting to answer him. 
"Well for her sanity's sake I hope not.  The things that a demon does
and their thoughts alone will drive her mad.  If she is alive in there, it
will more than likely drive her bat shit crazy and wish for death." I told
him in a solemn tone and then finished eating my food.

After everyone was finished eating I loaded the dishwasher
and decided to have a sit down with my new friends.

"Ok so that we are all on the same page here, we need
to discuss a few things.  Chief Sandalio, your pack, is that the right
word or would you like me to use something else?" I asked looking for the
correct term.

"That is fine Miss Katilyn." He nodded at me.

"Ok, your pack is coming here.  I'm guessing that
they are ready and willing to fight demons and many other kinds of dark
creatures and risk their lives?" I asked unsure of others commitment.

"For you and this battle they will gladly lay down
their lives" he stood and placed his right hand over his heart.

"Alright, let’s hope it doesn't come to that, but I'm
glad that they understand that could happen.  Jace you had a vision
earlier, can you tell us what it was, maybe it can help?" I asked nicely
and made sure to keep my tone neutral.  I was still unsure of using
visions and how they could affect the outcome of these things.

He shuffled his feet, altering his weight back and forth, he
was nervous.

"Well, there were two visions.  The first was like
the ones I have already had, Aaron was holding me and Grayson hostage and you
were fighting him.  You seemed to be winning, but then the vision went
completely black and was gone, like it didn't happen.  Then next thing I
know you were in a dungeon, looked like a rock dungeon from the stone
ages.  I think it looked like the Underworld; the weird thing though was
that Aaron was in there with you.  He looked really sick, like he was
dying.  It was disturbing, because you were upset and crying over his body,
it was almost like when I had the vision of you crying over Grayson.  You
weren't as distraught, but you were still upset and you kept begging him to not
leave you down there by yourself.  You told him, you couldn't do it
alone." Jace finished up with a grim look on his face.

I was shocked and more than confused!  See this is why
I don't like knowing visions; they can screw with your head so damn bad. 
There are so many things that can change and happen along the way, and people
get fixated on a vision and are determined that is the way something will
happen, well over my dead body will that happen.

"Well the vision of fighting Aaron is still consistent,
so let’s work on that one first.  Since you have had in multiple times and
it is the same that is something.  It more than likely means that it will
probably happen like you've seen, unless something drastic happens and changes
things." I was hoping keeping them occupied on the old vision would help
avoid the new creepy vision.

"Prophet, how many times is multiple?" Phelan
asked.  I noticed Jace cringe and figured it was at the name.

"Please don't call me that, I would prefer to be called
by my name, Jace.  Multiple times is at least ten different times and each
time they are more in depth.  I can see more on each vision, more details
of the surroundings and noises." He had a note of uncertainty in his
voice, was there something he wasn't telling us.

"I'm sorry Jace.  My son and I are traditional in
calling people by their abilities.  We have a prophet whom we call Mother
Seer, I am Chief Sandalio, and Phelan is actually called Master Sandalio. 
I am sorry if you thought he was disrespecting you." Chief Sandalio aimed
at easing Jaces’ nerves.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry that I was so testy, it's
just I'm not used to that term just yet." Jace acknowledged the Chiefs

The Chief looked thoughtfully at Jace, "Normally when
our Mother Seer has a vision more than three times it plays out like she saw
it.  We believe that the more you have it the better the chance that it
will happen."

This is where I decided to jump in, heaven forbid they
believe if Jace has another vision of me crying over Aaron to be true and will

"Ok, so we can more than likely deduce that I will
battle Aaron while he holds Jace and Grayson captive.  But when, since
Lilim is off to tell Damien where I am wouldn't that change the future
now.  And what about my choices, what if I choose to hold Jace captive in
the house wouldn't that change the visions future?" I was really trying to
not focus on the vision of me being in a dungeon in hell.

"Then I would think that we should be prepared for
anything starting now.  Damien could show up any moment and we are nowhere
near prepared for him.  And what about us, you never said anything about
the wolves in your vision?" Phelan asked him rather anxiously.

Jace looked nervous then.  "Yeah, I'm not sure
about the wolves.  I think that all the wolves were blocked out
somehow.  There was a black ring around the battle area, and that kept
everyone else from helping.  From what I could tell it might have been the

"..Of a witch." I finished for him.

"He does have a witch working for him, and she loves to
use her black magic.  Her name is Greta and I have already marked
her.  She was using her magic against me, and when I discovered it I
marked her so anything that she does to me will actually not harm me but will
rebound and do triple the spell to her.  I don't see her using any against
me directly, but I'm sure she can work some loopholes and use it to work against
anyone else I am around." I confirmed his thought, and gave the wolves
something else to think about.

"Well that must have been what she did, because I could
hear the wolves on the outside of the circle growling to get in." Jace
told us, telling us that my assumption of her using magic against the others
was possible.

"Well then I guess I had better go and prepare myself
for a battle with Aaron and more than likely one with Damien much sooner than I
really wanted.  I also need to see if Grayson is still safe, if he is,
then maybe that will change the vision." I was ready to get out of there
so I could find out some answers.

"What about that other vision Katilyn?  The one of
you and Aaron in hells dungeon, what do we do about that one?" Jace asked

I was quiet and pondered that for a moment before answering,
I was actually afraid I would scream that I was terrified it might come true.

I took a breath before answering.  "Well right now
I'm not going to worry about that.  It was the first time that you have
seen it, so I'm more interested in the fact that Damien might be coming sooner
and that Aaron will be here really soon also.  To top all that off I still
don't have full powers so that is more my priority right now, keeping my ass
alive long enough to find out if it might actually come true." I said in a
rushed tone and then turned to the Chief.

"Chief would you two mind moving from the boat house to
the house?  I would like to close in my wards closer to the house and to
do that I need you guys closer, plus it would make it much safer if we were all
in the same vicinity when either of our enemies show up." I asked him in a
very nice tone, making sure I sounded very pleasant and obliging.

"It is done Miss Katilyn, and we will also start making
perimeter checks every two hours to see if anything has come to watch us"
the Chief said.

I nodded my head to him in a thank you, "Thank you
Chief, I am going to go and do my preparations and perform some spells.  I
will see you all later.  Jace you need to read some more and see if your
mom might have written anything that might pertain to this
situation."  I left the room then my mind completely focused on
Grayson and whether or not he was still safe.

Chapter 12
--Egos, Plans, and Poor Preparations


First I performed some more protection spells against
different types of dark creatures and also just reinforced the ones that were
already on the house and property.  I went through my wording very
carefully to make sure that there were no loopholes of any kind; I didn't want
some weasel getting through and terrorizing us.

Now I was searching my heart, soul, and mind to see if I
could find anything different about myself.  I should be getting some more
powers and I might be oblivious if I don't search for them.  It’s not like
I have been doing daily magic routines to test for anything, which if I was
alone I probably would have been doing that.

Since I was outside still I decided to test a few things,
strength and speed would be first.  I went to my Jeep and sure enough I
was a lot stronger, I had no issue picking it up with my hands.  I
actually managed to get it off the ground about a foot, which was something
new.  Now for speed, normally I could top out at 45 miles in about 4
seconds, let’s see what I have now.  I got out my speed detector and set
it up on the Jeep.  I walked over to the woods, took a breath and then
took off.  I crossed in front of the detector at 4 seconds and it was
registering 68 miles.  Holy cow!  I can go 68 miles per hour; that is
so freaking cool.

Ok so strength and speed are improved, let me try some magic
now.  I held my hands out in front of me, facing the woods; I sure as hell
didn't want to burn my house down.  I calmed my mind and let it wander
through my body.  I searched for new feelings that might alert me to
something different than I was used to.  There was something there, I just
had to figure out how to tap into it, that is the hard part.

It felt cold, so that means that it is connected to the
darker side of me.  Hmm, how do I use that and am I sure that I really
want to.  I thought about death and hatred and it clicked.  I felt
the rush of power come up my chest and run down my arms to my hands.  I
opened my eyes to see a white fire coming from my fingertips, it didn't feel hot,
actually it felt cold.  What to try it on?

I chose a dead branch to see what it would do, I sure wasn't
about to try it out on something living to begin with.  I concentrated on
the branch and sure enough it burst into flames, but they were blue.  I
went over to touch it and the flames were as cold as ice.  Maybe it went
with the saying "when hell freezes over", who knew, but it sure as
hell was awesome.  I would have to figure out how to use it in combat and
be successful.

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