Hells Royalty The Princess (9 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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I let a few silent tears fall at what I had just realized
and I was completely and utterly devastated.  How could she have not let
me know this?  She could have left me a note in a journal about this; it
would have made this so much easier.

I don't know how long I had sat on the steps but I had
managed to lie down on the steps and had been centering myself, grounding my
magic.  A confused witch is a dangerous witch and I did not need to be in
that position.  I had to center my feelings and emotions; otherwise they
could really mess up my spells.  It was dark now and I could hear Jace'
footsteps coming through the kitchen to the porch.

I stayed where I was; I was not in the mood to accommodate
anyone else at the moment.  He could sit elsewhere.

He took the step above me so that he was looking down on me,
then he did something else shocking and laid down on his stomach so that his
head was right above mine.

"What are you doing out here and all alone none the
less?" he said quietly and sweetly.

I breathed out slowly, “I needed some air and needed to
center myself.  This is a lot to take in and I just had to sort some
things out." I turned my head to the woods feeling something pressing
against the ward.

"Ahh, I figured that.  I'm assuming that all my
information is a lot for you when you normally do this all by yourself. 
So you feel better?" he asked as he rubbed my arm.

Even though that I knew that the heat from him was him being
a prophet, it still did other things to me.  It made me feel warm and safe
and that was something that I had apparently been craving and didn't want to
acknowledge it.

"If I didn't feel like I was out of my comfort zone and
treading into new territory I think that I would feel loads better." I
told him in a huff, this was getting old for me, and I did not divulge
information to others.

"Oh, so you're out of your comfort zone.  Well I
guess I might as well make it worse and get it over with." He sighed in a
good way and before I could ask what the hell he was talking about he leaned
over and planted a kiss on my lips.

This was not the soft kiss like earlier; this was a hot, sexy
kiss.  This was a kiss that sent electricity to my toes and made my
stomach roll in good ways that I hadn't felt in forever.  This kiss was
something that shook me to my core because it actually broke my wall and
reached me.  This kiss was something that could change my life and it
scared the ever-loving-hell out of me.

I started to lean my head up so that I could deepen the kiss
but then I heard the hum of a new human in the ward.  This of course made
me stop the kiss and come to my senses, I wasn't alert and if it had been a
demon we would be screwed, because my emotions going haywire.

"What?  Did I do something wrong?" he asked
all breathy near my ear and that sent shivers down my spine, which made me
shake some.

"No, you did that just fine." I said trying to
catch my breath.  "It's just there is a new human on the property and
I need to be alert as to who it might be." I sat up and casually glanced
around the perimeter.  There against the tree line straight in front of us
was a person hiding behind a tree but not well.

"Can you tell who it is?" he asked in a whisper
near my ear.

"No.  They are hiding very well in the
darkness.  If they would come just a little closer then I would be able to
see features, but now they are only a black outline.  Let's just go
inside, it is only a human, so whoever it is they really cannot hurt us. 
Maybe they will just leave and not bother us anymore." I smiled up at him
and the thought of just being normal popped up again, but I just pushed it out
of my mind.  I would never be normal, or ever live a normal life.

He followed me inside where I turned off all the lights and
lit some candles, by hand the normal, human way.

"Oohh, are we getting romantic?" Jace used a
seductive tone which he could have pulled off really well on any other female,
but on me it just irritated me mainly because of the situation.

"No, I just know how horrible a humans' eyesight is and
I know that the flickering of the candle flames can screw up the eyesight even
more.  The way the flame dances around it makes the human mind play tricks
on itself."

"Ah, I see so are you trying to confuse the other human
out there?  Because you see I am no regular human, I am a prophet and my
mind cannot be tampered with." He said it in a joking manner, but I knew
the truth that when a prophet starts to have a lot of visions that it can in
fact interfere with their mind and can also make them insane.

Was I about to tell him, hell no.  I was not going to
be the one to drop that bomb, if his mom was smart she put that information
somewhere in all the journals and he would find out eventually.

We talked a little about some of the small details that he
found out.  He had discovered that his grandparents on both sides had also
been prophets and other inconsequential details.  After about two hours
the hum of the new human disappeared so I decided to take a make perimeter

"Ok whoever it was is gone so I am going out to do a
perimeter check and see if I can find any clues.  Stay inside, read some
journals, and I will be back in a few." I smiled as I left because as he
sleepily nodded that he would and even reached for a journal he wound up lying
down on the couch where I vacated it and yawned loudly before he drifted off to

The perimeter was clear so I could only assume that the
person warranted me no harm but I would never put anything past anyone.

I checked my spells and took the long way back around the
perimeter.  I could smell the rain it was just moments away and I waited
in anticipation for it to land on me and bring me news from Grayson.

Even before it hit my skin I could hear the whispers it was
bringing to me.  It was talking to me telling me what Grayson had said.

"Okay, I hear you.  I'll keep a watch out. 
You take care and be ever watchful" Grayson had warned me back, there he
was always watching my back still to this day after everything that had
happened between us.

Chapter 9
--Girls, Drama, and Demons…Oh My


I awoke mid-morning after having fallen asleep around 3
A.M.  Normally I can get by on a few hours of sleep and for a few weeks
there it seemed that my new magic was draining my energy.  Now I feel like
I did when I was younger and could go days without sleep and still be fully

Hmm, maybe this full power stuff wasn't going to be so
draining after all.

I got out of bed and headed to the shower but on my way
there my reflection in the mirror caught me off guard.  No, I'm not so
vain that I just have to look at myself, but I'm the type of girl who just goes
natural and never wears make-up, nor do I rarely fix my hair other than a braid
or a ponytail.  But the person in the mirror was not the person that I had
been seeing in the mirror lately.  This woman was beautiful, she had full,
shiny hair that held many different shades of brown that all seemed to stand
out yet blend in together perfectly.

My skin was also radiant and flawless.  I was a walking
demon-witch supermodel, a perfect weapon for a demon if those powers became
more dominant.  I checked my body and sure enough the scars that I had
received from demon poisons were beginning to become less obvious, and
unfortunately for me the demon powers were also purging my skin of my ink.

Damnit, those tats costs me lots of money and they held so
many memories of times I never wanted to forget.

Looking at myself again I was in complete awe and complete
disgust at the same time.  My demon powers were warping me into the
perfect beauty machine that could draw in and lead my victims to do vile, dark
deeds.  I was in awe because of the beauty that leads to the darkness and
then disgust because of what I could be capable of doing to someone.  I
turned away at the full stomach of disgust and headed to the shower.  I
needed to wash away the fear of what was to come, and the anxiousness that I
felt all over me.  I was so jittery because of everything that was
happening.  Nothing was going how I had planned and it sure as hell wasn't
happening like my mom had ever described in her journals.

An hour later I was downstairs finding Jace still asleep on
the couch.  He had four open journals around him, clothes disheveled, and
his hair was a right mess.  I repressed a laugh and headed on into the
kitchen to start some breakfast.

I made coffee, oatmeal, and cut fresh fruit; it would all
still be good whenever he decided to join the world.  I made a plate and
headed to the back porch for some fresh air while I ate.  I couldn't help
but be outside whenever I could, I was a witch and my natural abilities relied
on the energy that the earth and all her aspects provided.

Everything still glistened in the rain; drops still clung to
the leaves and the porch rail.  Soon the sun would dry them up but for
now, they were here and I could still slightly hear Grayson’s voice in them.

I finished eating and decided to check the property after
the rain and also my protection spells need to be reenergized every day, no
matter what.  As I made my way around the property I noticed that a group
of bushes on the west side of the house didn't have the reflection of diamonds
like the rest but a glowed bright like rubies.

I touched the bushes and sure enough it was blood that
coated the bushes.  It had been done after the rain so it was still fresh
feeling.  The blood was making the plants hurt because of the vile act
that had been committed to put the blood there.  After closer examination
I found the source of the blood and discovered a small black cat, not quite an
adult cat but not a kitten either.

The heart and guts had been removed from the body but they
were nowhere in sight of the area.  Where were they?  I had to deal
with this now.  I laid the cat back down gently and vowed to it that I
would put it to rest shortly.

I headed inside and rushed up the stairs to get my
gear.  After putting my boots on and grabbing a small leather bag that held
some of my favorite items to help spell someone I headed down to wake Jace.

"JACE!  Get up, NOW!!" I yelled at him as I
was heading down the stairs.  He fell off the couch and landed with a thud
that knocked his breath out for a moment.

"What?  What's going on?" he asked in a state
between alertness and grogginess.

"Someone came back and mutilated a cat.  I don't
remember hearing the human alarm again so I guess I am going to need to make it
stronger and louder sounding."  I told him as I went around to all
the windows lighting candles and sage.  I needed to purify the house of
the death and the darkness that had occurred here.  It was just a horrible
act to commit and on my property where I lived and made everything as pure as
possible.  Ugh, the nastiness of people!!

"A cat?  But why, no one here knows you?  Why
would a human do this?" he asked all alert now and with a sound of shock
in his voice.

I opened the front door to go outside and start purifying
the outside and that's when I found the heart and entrails.  Written on my
door in blood was the message…

lut - you need to leave Bitch

No witch claims?  Really, this was not going where I
thought it was.  This had nothing to do with me and my heritage…hmm;
things were not fitting into place.

"Jace, I found the rest of the cat and the
message.  It's not witch related, it's more bitch related
apparently.  This was not done for a supernatural reason."  I
sighed and made my way around the house purifying it.

I heard him sigh as he read the message and then headed back
in the house.  When I had made my way all the way around the house I found
Jace on his hands and knees, scrubbing the porch.  He had already bagged
up the remains and was cleaning off the blood.  The door was already
clean, as much as it could be without some magical help.

"I'm really sorry about this, I never thought she would
go this far.  That had to have been Elsie last night.  Geez I cannot
believe she would go this far." He was furious sounding.

"You really believe that Elsie did this?  Great! 
Just what I needed on top of everything, ex-bitch drama, like my life isn't
complicated enough!" I muttered and went in the house; I had to go perform
the actual spell to make the cleansing actually work.

It took me till lunch to purify the house, the property, and
finish cleaning all the blood and guts up.  I also buried the cat with her
parts', so she would finally be at rest.

I did a quick wash up and headed out the moment Jace left to
go home and clean-up.  This was something that I was not going to let go,
I was going to take care of this bitch once and for all.

Luck must have been with me because she was getting out of
her car just as I pulled up.  I wasted no time and pulled up right in
front of her before she made it in the door.

"Hey, watch where you're going….oh no wonder.  The
driving skills match the driver, downright offensive." She glared at me
and made to go around me.

I jumped out of the Jeep and stopped her before she could go
two feet, yes I admit to using my powers.  I rather enjoyed the confused
look that she was giving me, trying to figure out how I got in front of her so
fast.  Boy was I going to have fun with this one.

"Elsie, how dare you trespass on my property last
night?  You are such a peeping tom and one who sacrifices animals is
disgusting." I said to her loud enough for passersby to catch what I was

She turned a little paler, but otherwise kept her cool for
the most part. Then she did the stupid female thing of tossing her hair over
her shoulder and giving me that scoffing sound.

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