Hells Royalty The Princess (11 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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"Ok, I can understand that.  Most things that
revoke darkness are often granted certain things from mother earth; she is kind
to those who only wish her well.  Now about this seer, she saw that you
would be helping me?  Can you tell me exactly how you will be helping
me?" I asked regardless of my intuition knowing he would not reveal all to
me just yet.

"You must surely know that I will not discuss all the
details just yet, I do admire your asking though all the same.  Your
prophet that you have encountered, he should be close to finding many answers
that he has been seeking.  In those answers will come many things that
neither of you will want to learn.  Once he has discovered the truths we
will speak to him.  His mother Linda, saw the same things that our seer
did and that was that we will all work together to win the battle against
Damien.  There are only a few more details that must happen before we can
fully realize our duties." Chief Sandalio finished and then he actually
bowed to me.

Ok so the bowing thing, I have never, ever had happen to me
and I just stood there like a big frozen idiot.  Finally after an awkward
silence and one that held a menacing glare from Phelan I found my voice again.

"Please do not bow to me.  I do not claim that
royalty, being the Princess of the dark is not something that I am actually
proud of.  I do however; accept your offer of help, in whatever form that
is.  I will do all that is in my power to win this battle against
darkness.  But now I really hate to make this short, but my prophet as you
call him is probably desperately worried about me, I've been gone for quite a
while." I motioned that I needed to go in the direction of the house and
waited for them to answer, follow, I wasn't really sure.

Phelan looked to his father, and I could have sworn I saw a
note of doubt in his look, but it was gone before I could be sure.  Phelan
just felt off, like he didn't trust me or something like that.

"There is a boat house by the lake?  Am I
correct?" the Chief asked.  While I wanted to question that I didn't. 
I'm guessing he had already checked out the house, so I simply nodded a yes.

"Then we will stay there for the night.  It is
only the second night of the full moon and although I can control my
transformations, Phelan is still young and must change on the full moon. 
Besides your prophet will not have all his answers till morning so we would not
want to disrupt his senses at the moment.  Go, clear your mind on the way
home and remember that you are a force of goodness.  Look for that light
inside yourself, remember the sweet times and the ones who were always there
for you, remember you are not alone and the serenity that you seek will
come." The Chief told me graciously and then the two of them walked off
into the woods leaving me standing there staring.

As I made my way to the inside of the wards I could
instantly feel the anxiousness radiating off Jace.  He was out of his mind
with worry and fear.  I instantly decided that I would not be bombarded
with hugs and where have you been, so I placed a calming spell over him as soon
as he was in my line of sight.  It worked; he instantly calmed and decided
that he was getting worked up over nothing.

"I'm back.  Sorry I was gone so long, I just
really needed to clear my head and center myself again." I said to the
house knowing he would hear me in the living room.

I was wrong about the hugs; Jace instantly wrapped me in a
breath sucking hug when I walked into the living room.  I slapped his back
making it sting so that he would release me, I might be super human, but damn
no one just wants their breath squeezed out of them.

"Sorry I didn't mean to smother you, it's just you've
been gone for hours.  I thought something might have happened to
you." He was clearly getting worked up again.

"Jace take a chill and breath.  I am a hybrid
demon witch who is bad ass.  Regardless of what you might think, I have
been taking care of myself, all by myself for several years now.  I know
how to protect myself so quit worrying over nothing." I said simply, but
unfortunately it did have a sound of frustration to it.

The look that crossed his face was nothing short of being
hurt.  God, why did I have to deal with people now after all these years
of being on my own, now I have to keep in mind how people might feel about me
doing something and that is just what irritates me.  I have been doing
this by myself for so long and even before my mom died, we did things on our
own.  I wasn't allowed to have close friends, hell I hardly ever had
friends at all.  The times that I did get to go to school my mom had me so
paranoid that someone might be a demon and try to take me that I was so
withdrawn that often times the teachers thought there was something medically
wrong with me, like they could put me on some kind of drug and wham I would be
a socialite who enjoyed spending my days with kids my age.

Now I had to take a breath and remember to keep in check my
level of frustration and to remember that other people have feelings and they
often show those feelings.

"Jace, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound so rude. 
This whole friendship thing is really new to me.  I haven't had to deal
with an actual person in what seems like forever.  The few people I have
worked with have all been dark creatures seeking to help me and they never really
thought twice about it if I was gone for a few hours.  Really it’s nice
that you care, but you also have to remember I have been doing this all my life
and for the latter part of my life, I've done this alone.  Please don't
take offense when I need space and don't readily accept your feelings of worry
or relief." I tried to show him in a smile that I was truly sorry, and I
was but I don't think that I pulled that off to well with him.  Oh well,
just another thing I can add to the list that I need to work on.

He smiled at me and it was a shy, quiet smile, maybe he did
understand the position I was in and was trying to be okay with it.

"I'm sorry for being such an over protective
brother.  I haven't had anyone to really worry about since my parents and
then you came along and it was like a whole new life happened before my

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped, "Jace it is a
whole new life happening for you.  You learned you are a prophet and have
visions of the future; you also found out that all the things that go bump in
the night and show up in the movies are all real.  That is a lot to take
in, even for a prophet.  If you had grown up knowing about prophets that
doesn't mean you would have known about the supernatural realm of things. 
Your mom may have never told you about this side of it, I don't know. 
There are so many new things for both of us and we just have to take a breath
and deal."  I was so proud of myself and then it hit me that I
sounded just like my mom trying to tell me about the world of darkness and the
boy I would marry someday that would help me change the world.  Ugh, that
just does not sit well with me.

"So what was so stressing that you had to stay gone for
almost 4 hours?  You didn't seem like yourself when you came home earlier,
what's up?" he asked sitting down on the couch.

"Well you see I let the irrational side of me take over
for a little while and while it will probably come back and bite me in the ass
later, I still feel that I did the right thing.  But after doing the
stupid, petty, human thing I had to go and really clear my head to figure out
what was going on in my head and my heart.  I didn't find the exact
answers that I was looking for but I did find some sense of peace inside my
heart."  I still wasn't ready to tell him what I had done to Elsie;
in a way I think I was still ashamed of my actions.

"Well when you are ready to really talk about it I am
here for you.  I do have some news for you though.  The next two
journals that I read had more information and visions that relate to us,
actually to you specifically in one of them." He was looking away from me,
he didn't want to tell me what he was going to but he knew he had to get it out
in the open.

"Ok, so go ahead and tell me.  It's information
that we need, so let's hear it." I said sternly and sat down on the couch
next to him.

"My mom wrote down the vision she spoke to your mother
about, then one you saw her talking to your mom about.  Here goes, I'll
read straight from it…" he picked the journal up and read aloud.

I dreamed of Jacklyn last night.  It was so dark
that I could barely breathe under the weight of the darkness.  Jacklyn was
standing in front of a young Katilyn, protecting her from Damien.  He had
finally found them.  The only thing I could do was stand back, watch, and
listen.  That's all I can ever do in visions.

"My sweet Jacklyn, you've been a naughty wife. 
You left me while you were pregnant with my child and you never let me know you
were even pregnant." He smiled a devious smile at her that even made my
blood run cold.

"Yes, I left to protect her from you and from your
world.  I never wanted to have a child with you, I even warded myself from
becoming pregnant but somehow you broke those wards and here she is, but she
will never be yours.  She is pure and innocent and she will never be
anything like your demon children." Jacklyn said loud and strong, she was
determined to not let him intimidate her.

Damien just smiled that hellish smile and shook his head.

"No I do not believe, nor do I expect her to be
anything remotely close to my demon children from the Underworld.  She is
also half witch and that is the catalyst that will make her greater than
anything ever known, hell she will even be greater than me one day, and she
will rule the Underworld after me." Damien said with great
satisfaction.  I could tell from the look in his eyes that he had this all
planned out, he knew a child like her would be something greatly magical and
would be the catalyst that could change the world.

"You will not have her! She will never rule the
Underworld!  I did not risk and con my way out of there for her to only be
dragged back to hell for all eternity!"  Jacklyn screamed at him,
then a blinding light lit everything up and when it was gone, so was Jacklyn
and Katilyn.

My vision ended there and I awoke.  I didn't see
anything for me to change, she would easily escape Damien and there was nothing
life threatening in the vision.  I would leave all alone for now.

---It has been two days since my last vision and the one
that I had today was terrible.  It was the middle of the day and Jace was
with me, I did as always and played it off as a really bad headache, I don't
know how much longer I will be able to keep this life from him.

The vision today was also terrifying in itself because it
was so far in the future and I am sure I am gone by then.  Katilyn was
older; she would actually be coming into her full powers very soon.  The
thing that scared me the most was the fact that Jace was right by her side,
fighting along with her.

This was something that I truly did hope would not get
passed on to him, but it seems with the entire heritage he was likely to get it
despite my hopes and prayers.

They were fighting two low level demons, but a higher
demon showed up and Katilyn had to attend it.  The demon took all her
attention, and under any other circumstances the lower levels would leave her
alone, but Jace was there and they went after him while she was
distracted.  By the time Katilyn sent the higher up back to hell, Jace had
been beaten pretty badly.  Lots of cuts and scratches covered his arms and
some on his face, but he had held them off physically.  Katilyn
immediately did her job and sent them to hell.  She was shocked looking
when she looked at Jace, then her shock turned to anger.

"See, you did it Katilyn, even with me here you were
able to stay focused" he smiled brilliantly at her with a bloody lip and
that did not help her mood.

She looked away from him as she spoke, "Jace I was
slow.  My brain had a slow reaction time; I was constantly trying to check
on you to fully put my attention on the higher level.  I should have
disposed of him a lot sooner, but with a divided mind and mixed emotions I was
sporadic.  I can't do this with you so vulnerable.  I was stupid to
let you near me." She sighed and sat on a log.

"Well you just need to learn to work with
distractions.  Doing these small jobs will help with that and you will get
better.  You need me Katilyn, there are too many things left in the open
and too many big battles coming up." He gently touched her shoulder,
trying to calm her and make her understand his position.

"I understand that Jace, and trust me I've had
distractions before, and I have never been that slow.  My distractions
normally can't be killed any of the stuff that I fight.  Our side is
fighting bravely and I refuse to go to the Underworld." She stood and left
him there while she went into the woods.

--I cannot deny that Jacklyn needs to know this. 
She will undoubtedly not be in Katilyn life in the future and she needs to
prepare her for that.  I also need to tell her about Jace and give her a
way to inform Katilyn of this information.  I will go see her tomorrow

Jace closed the book and sat it down, I could feel his eyes
on me, but I refused to look at him.  I just sat there in the chair,
completely disgusted and fuming over what I had just heard.  I didn't want
to know anymore future events not even from Jace.  I was done with
prophets and their damn visions.  I was consumed with thoughts of the
visions that Linda might have seen, did she see Jacklyn's death after that, did
she know that my mom would be murdered and did nothing to stop it.  I did
what I normally do, I choose to ignore it for now, and I would put it away and
deal with it later when I was alone.

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