Hells Royalty The Princess (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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"Katilyn, I am coming for you.  You will be
mine, you were meant to be mine.  I will find you; it is only a matter of
time.  Katilyn you will not have to wait for me much longer, my dear sweet
Katilyn" he whispered in the dark, and then I saw his teeth in a menacing
smile that made my skin crawl.  It was like looking at the Cheshire cat,
when it was just his eyes and his smile.

I had stopped running because the voice was coming from
every direction and I was paralyzed with fear of his eyes and now his
smile.  Whoever this was he scared me almost as much as Damien did. 
I fell to the ground and pleaded with myself to wake up; reminding myself that
this is only a dream, that all I have to do is wake up.  I closed my eyes
and cried, when I had cried myself dry I opened my eyes to find myself back in
bed and it was 7:30 am.  I was covered in dirt, leaves, and scrapes all
over my body; somehow I had physically been there.

My reaction in the shower was to vomit from the harsh
reality of it all and then I had a boiling rage building inside of me.  I
was angry that I was weak, that someone had been able to get to me in my dreams
and physically transport me wherever they wanted me to.  There were no
tracks in the house anywhere so I knew that they had not been there, but there
had been someone there in my dreams and that witch helping him was going to pay
for crossing me, let her hide and watch!

After I was done showering and eating, I immediately began
my protection and warding spells on the house, Jeep, and property.  I
first did some purification spells on the house to rid it of any old negativity
that could have been there and that could perhaps draw in evil beings. 
Then I put spells up that would let me know if there was either a human or a
dead thing on my property that was trying to get near me.  A human would
give off a buzzing sound, kind of like a loud mosquito and anything dead would
alert me with an ear piercing scream that even hurts my head.

The purification and protection spells took me till noon and
I was physically and emotionally drained so I decided I needed a break from the
stress, some get back to me time.  I got my swimsuit on and headed down to
the lake, my house was supposed to have a boat dock with its lease so I was
pleased to see a small personal beach and a little boat shack which held some
floats and life rafts.  I placed my towel on the sand and saw no one in
sight for at least a mile, which made me feel so much better giving the fact
that I was wearing the skimpiest black bikini I owned which was revealing all
my scars and tattoos.

Since nature is a form of magic for me, it is also a way for
me to revitalize my magic and reenergize my body.  I sunk into the water
and enjoyed the cool water and its relaxing effect it had on my body.  I
pulled myself up on the float and relaxed in the sun absorbing the warmth of
the rays.  I must have fallen asleep in the float because when I awoke it
was evening and the sun was setting.

I heard a splashing sound about ten feet away from me and
looked to see a bird splashing in the water, struggling for its life.  I
paddled my way over to it so I could help it out.  If I could only get my
hands on it, I could heal it with my powers.  As I reached into the water
to pick it up a snake let go of it and then struck me with its fangs.  It
sunk its fangs into my right forearm and injected a lot of poison into
me.  I finally got him pried off with my left hand and then ripped his head
off tossing him aside.

My right arm instantly began going numb; I had to get to the
house to treat this.  I needed to cut this open to bleed the poison and
then apply some herbs to help fight the poison and heal the wound.  My
body was strong but natural poisons could harm me, just like a vampire bite
could kill me and a werewolf scratch could change me, this poison was going to
either kill me or seriously put me out of commission for a little while.

As I made it to shore I swore I could hear a dark laugh
whispering in the wind, laughing at my misfortune.  I was halfway to the
house and my body had broken into a sweat and my heart had started
slowing.  The venom was making its course through my body, wreaking havoc
on my systems.  Without draining my blood the poison was going to actually
kill me, my demon powers were weak along with my witch magic so I was in a
position to die and I really did not want to die.  I wasn't sure where I
would be going when I actually did die and I was not ready to find out.

It came down to marring my body again, making another nasty
scar, yes I have a healing ability, but I can still scar.  Without tools I
would have to use my fingers to create a really nasty tear in my arm, and that
doesn't always heal nicely.  I dug my fingernails into my arm creating a
really disgusting gash and causing me to scream in agony at the pain I was
causing myself.  After I had about a five inch long gash in my arm and the
blood was flowing freely I started to feel better.  My heartbeat was back
up and I could at least see straight now.  But with my wonderful healing
powers my body was sealing the skin back up so I had to keep ripping my fingers
through the skin keeping the wound fresh so it would drain the poison.

I was weak from blood loss and poison by the time I made it
to my back porch.  I made it up two steps and then collapsed barely able
to keep my eyes open.  As tough as I was this attack had weakened me
severely and I wasn't recuperating fast enough to stay awake, that's when the
blackness finally took over my brain.

A humming interrupted the darkness, alerting me to the fact
that I was still alive.  It was dark outside and I was in the bed, in
clean clothes.  I forced myself to remember getting here but I couldn't,
then I recognized the hum for what it was.  A human was in my house and
without my knowledge of them coming in.  I bolted out of the bed and
realized several things at once.  1. I was in my tank top and panties. 2.
Someone had cleaned and bandaged my arm. 3. That someone was still in my house
at 3 am and 4. I was dizzy as hell.

I guess I should be thankful that it wasn't an ear piercing
scream telling me a demon had found me.  I grabbed a pair of shorts and
headed out the door on uneasy feet, then down the stairs where I ran smack into

"Whoa there, please no more accidents" Matthews
grabbed my shoulders to steady me so I would not continue down the stairs.

"Holy hell what are you doing in my house
Matthews.  You scared the crap out of me." I sat down on the top
stair thankful that it was only him, but curious how he got in here.

"I'm sorry; I didn't know that you were awake
yet.  I thought that I was being as quiet as possible.  You've been
asleep for almost five hours and I was starting to wonder if I should take you
to the hospital with that wound. But I know you detest them so I was trying to
be strong and watch you all night, but I fell asleep earlier on the floor in
your room.  About an hour ago I woke up and came down stairs to get some
water and stretch out on the couch. But the truth is you are the one who scared
the crap out of me.  What the hell happened to you?" he pointed to my

"I scared you?  Are you the one who bandaged my
arm and changed me?" I looked at him skeptically, hoping against hope it
wasn't true.  He only shook his head yes in response.  I cringed
inside knowing he had seen that horrible gash I made in my arm and me in that
tiny bikini, and all my scars and tattoos.

"It was dark on my way back from the lake and I caught
a broken branch on my arm and gashed it open.  Remember I'm a hemophiliac
so I bleed very easily, I must have lost too much blood and passed out on the
porch." I said to him, creating the lie so effortlessly.

"I put your clothes that you must have taken off on
before I untied your bikini, so I promise that I did not see anything that I
wasn't supposed to.  Although I have to admit those are some amazing
tattoos that you have on your back and stomach.  They are absolutely
beautiful" he smiled shyly at me.

Oh great, was he starting to like me more than he should,
please tell me no.

"Matthews how did you get in, did I leave the back door
unlocked?" I swear I locked it just in case someone got past the defenses.

"Um yeah actually you did, good thing too though. 
If I had not stopped by to see your new Jeep you just might have died back
there on the porch steps.  Now would you like something to drink and some
medicine for that arm?  I will get you some water and you get back into
bed, with so much blood loss you really do need to rest some more." He helped
me up and I willingly went back to bed.

Matthews brought me my water and some pills that were
supposed to help me, but he didn't know that they were useless in my
body.  As soon as I could I would get my trunk open and treat my wound and
body with some herbs but right now all I wanted to do was sleep some
more.  Thankfully my blue eyed stranger had stayed away this time when I
slept and it had been some of the best sleep I'd had in a while.  I wanted
more and didn't care how I got it.

"Katilyn, would you mind if I stayed till later in the
morning?  I would feel better about your health if I knew I could come and
check on you every so often.  Plus I am dead tired and really don't want
to drive the ten minutes home to my house, no matter how close it is." He
looked at me from the side of the bed.

I thought about it a moment and then decided something that
I had never done before.

"Ok Matthews, you are more than welcome to stay. 
In fact you can even stay here in my bed, on top of the covers if you want full
access to the condition of my health, besides you are not going to be a perv,
you already had your chance at that and you blew it." I put the glass on
the bedside table and curled up to go to sleep.  Matthews lay down beside
me and placed his hand on my shoulder.  It felt nice having someone beside
me.  It had been a long time since I had let anyone even remotely this
close and I at last had some peace in my sleep.

Chapter 5
Blue, and Jellybeans too!


A week and a half had passed since my incident with the
snake and Matthews.  I was finally all healed up, but for human purposes I
was still wearing a bandage on my arm because a normal human would still have a
nasty cut on their arm.  I really hated pretending things like this,
because then I have to use my arm differently, favor it more because of its
supposed injury.  But I guess I can't really complain much since I
probably would be dead had Matthews not come and found me that night.

Today was Saturday and I had been in the house all week so I
was heading out today to see all that this town had to offer.  It was a
tiny town that was having a festival of some sorts today, so that was where I
was headed.  The end of May in the south is hot and humid and today was no
exception.  Still I donned my Frye boots, jeans, and a fitted t-shirt for
my attire.  This honestly was the best fighting attire hands down, I could
move freely and the boots were kick ass so I could get great grip or kick a
demon in the face with no issues, the added knife also helped.  I also
decided to carry my big leather bag, others call it an ugly purse, and either
way it is a great way to carry extra tools for the hunt.  I was being more
careful and more vigilant with my safety.  I was carrying holy water,
salt, stakes, and even silver because you just never know what might be lurking
around the next corner.

On a day like to today with all the visitors in town it
would have been very easy to blend in and walk around unnoticed had it not been
for Matthews.  I swear I had tried to figure out this feeling about him,
but I couldn't place why I should connect to him or why I would even recognize
him, something was clearly not clicking in my brain and that was really
aggravating me.

"Katilyn, I didn't know that you were going to be
coming here today.  You should have said something I could have picked you
up and we come together." Matthews eyed my arm and then came right back to
my face.

Okay so there is something fishy about that and so help me I
will get to the bottom of this.

"Gee Matthews, not to be rude or anything but I don't
think I need to call you anytime I need to go somewhere.  I also don't
believe that a bandaged arm requires me to have a baby sitter watching me all
the time." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the booth that I was at.

He turned his head up to the sky and sighed heavily. 
"Katilyn, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that.  I just meant that I
could have brought you here and showed you around since I am a member of this
community." He smiled that killer smile and so help me I couldn't help but
smile back at him.

Maybe if I worked the angle just right I might get some
better answers to the questions that I don't really know to ask.

"Ok Matthews show the new girl the sights" I held
my hands out for him to lead the way.

After two hours of walking booths, viewing prize animals,
and watching a child's talent show I was actually starving.  I really
hadn't eaten anything in about 24 hours so I really needed some
nourishment.  Matthews decided that I had to try his favorite burger
diner, best burgers in the state he said.

We took a booth seat and I sipped on the water that the
hostess brought us, while I perused the menu and waited for the waitress.

"Oh my goodness, look who it is!  Jace Matthews
why haven't you been around here lately?  Are you still trying to…Oh, well
who are you?" the waitress caught herself and finally realized that I was
sitting across from him.  The look that crossed her face was nothing short
of hatred that lasted for about two heartbeats and then it was gone.  I
focused on her aura and could tell that she was clouded with a heavy black.

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