Hells Royalty The Princess (6 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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A man age 21- was pulled from a river after his kayak had
capsized.  He should have been dead; there was no one in the
vicinity.  Three years later he finished developing a life preserver that
had a GPS and a satellite radio built in to call for help and relay your
position.  He was helping to prevent others from winding up like he almost
did and the coast guard and many other agencies use it on all missions.

"Ok, so these people were saved and did remarkable
things afterwards.  How do we know that they were saved by a miracle
worker?" I asked laying the papers back down, I didn't want to kill his
hope, but it could have been a lucky break for that kayaker, or even the girls.

"Well every report says the people were rescued by a
person and no one ever saw that person afterward.  I actually went and
talked to these three plus many more to hear their story first hand.  The
twins were the best, they claimed from the beginning that a woman in gold had
come in and rescued them from the fourth floor fire.  Once they were
outside safely they could not find her anywhere.  I asked them to describe
this woman to me and what they told me shocked me to my core.  These girls
and the ones who saw their savior described my mother to a tee." He smiled
big and waited for my reaction.

"Why do you believe it was her?  It could have
been a reaction they had in the middle of a crisis, I have seen it
happen.  Is there any evidence that it was her?" I was beginning to
wonder what the hell all this was meaning.

"Because four months ago I started my research and I
took a picture of my mom with me when I went and talked to these victims. 
After they told me their story and described their "angel" I showed
them the picture of my mom and each one said it was her, without doubt they
knew her immediately." He was sure in this information.

"OK so what happened to you to make you ask all these
questions, what started happening to you and what did you find?" I sat up
straighter trying to determine what to do next and what the hell all this could
mean, did it mean his mom was an angel?

"A little over six months ago I started having these
weird dreams at night.  Most of the time it was all jumbled and I couldn't
make sense of it when I woke.  The very first one I can really remember is
of me talking to the twins.  I didn't know who they were, but something
kept bothering me like I should know.  I was going through my mom's desk
and I came across this box of clippings and there they were so I did what the
dream said, I went and talked to them.  After that I kept digging and I
kept having dreams and they were becoming clearer.  The next that was
really clear was of a girl that I never saw her face, but she was in need of
refuge.  She was in trouble and she needed a place to stay and the next I
saw she was in my lake house. Amazingly her hair was the same chocolate color
of yours; I believe that girl was you.  I have had other dreams and some I
have seen happen while others I am still trying to decipher what they actually
mean." He looked me square in the face waiting on me to confirm what he
was saying about me needing refuge and that he had a vision of helping me.

"Ok say that girl was me and I was in need of
refuge.  What other dreams have you had that have come true and what
hasn't?" I was curious if he had had anymore of me.

Matthews seemed to blush and look nervous.

"I know that your arm is healed and that you no longer
need this," and he ripped my bandage off before I could react.  Sure
enough my arm was healed only a small, ugly scar showed the place where a nasty
gash had only been there a week ago.

"What the hell Matthews, what did you see in your
dream?" I jumped from the table and backed away.

"I saw you before the gash happened, I had fallen
asleep that afternoon and dreamed you were hurt like you were.  And just
like the dream when I got to your house that's what you looked like.  Two
nights later I saw us at the festival today, but you weren't wearing a bandage,
your arm was all healed.  Now do you want to tell me how that is
possible?" he countered looking suspiciously at me.

"Finish telling me your dreams and then I will explain
it all to you. I promise." I sat back down at the table, uncomfortable but
needing information.

"I saw you fighting with some guy, don't know
who.  I just know he scared the crap out of me with his ice blue
eyes.  Then I saw you surrounded by flames.  Like I said I don't know
how to decipher some of these." He settled back in his chair.

"Can you show me a picture of your mom Matthews?"
I think that I had finally put all the puzzle pieces together.  I just
needed this last clue and I think I had it solved.  Now looking at him
over the table I remembered her.

He handed me a picture of a beautiful blonde with emerald
green eyes that I loved from the moment I saw them.

"It's her; I don't know why it took me so long to figure
it out.  I am an idiot, why couldn't I have placed this sooner.
 Damnit, this just doesn't make sense, why would our paths cross
now." I placed my face in my hands and scrubbed trying to scrub sense into
my head.

Jace Matthews was the son of a prophet and he was coming
into his powers, would probably get his full powers on his 21
birthday also.  That meant that in less than a week he would be a
full-fledged prophet that needed to learn how to use his powers.  How had
I missed those eyes, no they were not the exact same, but still close enough
and I had even had a dream about her the night before the accident.  I am
so damn stupid, that's what I get for not paying attention to my senses.

"Katilyn, can you tell me why you've stopped breathing
and why you are an idiot and what does meeting me now mean?" he pulled his
chair closer to me and rubbed my back.

"I met your mom when I was 10.  I remember her
clear as day.  Who wouldn't with those eyes, you have them, although I
guess I didn't place them because they aren't as vivid, like yours are muted,
but I'm sure they will brighten when you get your full powers." I sighed
trying to sort this all out.

"You met my mom when you were 10, where, how,
why?" He was shocked and backed up.

"I didn't know who she was at the time, all I knew was
that she was a friend of my moms and that they were close.  She had come
to warn my mom about my dad and some coming danger.  I guess you could say
that she performed that miracle that you keep talking about.  I never saw
her after that and then we moved like we always did when they got too
close.  Matthews your mom is what we like to call a prophetess or
seer.  She could see future events and could choose to act on those
visions or not.  From what you say she acted when there was something good
to come of it.  Looks like she must have passed that talent on to you and
looks like you are coming into it.  More than likely you will have your
full powers when you turn 21; it's like that for most people who have powers."
I kept watching him but he seemed to be taking this all rather well.

"Ok I believe you.  I can't believe that you
actually met my mom. I wonder how she knew your mom.  Wait when you say
what we call her, who is we?" He leaned in closer like I was about to tell
him the key to youthfulness.

Well hells bells, I was really going to tell him I was a
hybrid witch.  Why not, he would probably just see it anyway, and besides
he took a risk telling me all this.

"Well she saved me from some really bad guys, demons
actually.  They were trying to kidnap me and take me back to the
underworld.  You see I am a witch, my mom was a witch, but my dad, well he
tricked my mom, but his name is Damien, you probably only know him as
Lucifer.  I am the one and only hybrid demon witch." I smiled tightly
and waited for his response.

He laughed, literally a gut busting laugh, I wanted slap him
for that.

"And here I was afraid you would think I was crazy for
believing the things I do.  So you're a witch who just happens to be the
daughter of a crappy father, so what." He just shrugged his
shoulders.  Really, he just shrugs his shoulders?

"A crappy father?  Are you serious?  My
father is Satan, Lucifer, King of Hell, and I just happen to be the Princess of
hell who has been on the run for five years and you just shrug it off like it's
an everyday occurrence to you." I was peeved that this was his
reaction.  I expected him to flip out or even be shocked but this, it was

"Whatever, it's a thing.  Katilyn, you have magic
that is what I think is cool.  I am the son of a prophet who can soon see
the future, you are running from hell and it seems like we were meant to
meet." He smiled and got up to get a drink.

"Ok, um let's fix one lie that I have created.  My
name is Katilyn Wesson, not Katilyn Stiles.  I have to use fake names
because of all the running and tracking, demons are smarter than you think;
they know how to check databases for a name.  If you want you can start
calling me Katilyn." I smiled shyly, allowing him to use my name seemed
too personal, I had only ever let one other person call me that and he turned
out to be an ass.

"Katilyn, whatever, it is just a name, you know that
right?" he looked at me like I had grown and extra eye or something.

"I wanted to be close to my mom in a way.  Her
name was Jacklyn Stilson and that just seemed like a good name to turn 21
with.  Ok dipshit, do you want me to keep explaining or not?" I asked
and he nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I am a witch who is good, like Glenda the
good witch but with leather boots and an attitude." I smiled at my analogy
of myself.

"I don't do any form of black magic, its nasty,
dangerous, addicting, and can turn on you in a heartbeat.  Since I do have
demon blood in my veins I have extra powers that a witch normally does not have. 
I have powers of self-healing; examples are the wreck and my arm.  I could
have used spells to help heal my wounds faster, but faster, my demon powers
healed it within 12 hours as soon as I cleaned it.  The wreck any normal
witch or human would have died, what with the broken ribs, punctured lung,
broken leg, and a nasty gash to the forehead.  But my demon ability to
heal allowed me to look like I was an easy bleeder and just bruised.  It
allows demons to keep a body alive longer so they can do their dirty
work.  Actually the powers are awesome as long as you don't let the
darkness take you under." I smiled proudly of my powers actually able to
talk about them made me proud.

"Ok there's one thing I'm not getting then.  If I
should have killed you in that wreck, but you walked out of it like it was just
a bloody fender bender, how the hell did a gash in the arm almost kill
you." He was thoroughly confused.

"Excellent question, you were paying attention. 
That was no ordinary gash in my arm; I had been bitten by a poisonous snake
while I was in the water.  Snakes are demons minions, doing some dirty
work.  Nothing is safe from demon poison, not even other demons.  His
poison was killing me so I had to rip my arm open to make it bleed out the
poison.  By the time I had reached the house and you had found me I had
reopened the wound so many times and bled a lot that I was too weak to recover
quickly.  After you helped to get me in and somewhat recovered I was able
to cast some healing spells and use some herbs to get all the poison out. 
Then it was healed by the next night but I couldn't exactly let you see an arm
that should be infected and nasty all completely healed." I just shrugged
as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Ok so where do I come in the picture?" he was
back to the serious stuff now.

I thought about that a moment.  That was a good
question and one that I was trying to determine the answer to.

"Well as for you, the prophet, I wasn't sure at first
but now I think that I am beginning to understand.  Your mom saw something
that was going to put me in the position of Damien capturing me, but she
prevented that.  I think that your position is that you will help me once
again avoid hell.  You are seeing things that have yet to come to pass, like
this fight that you saw with the blue eyed stranger.  I only know one
thing for certain; your mom told mine that I would meet a man someday and that
he would help me save the world." I smiled at him knowing what his mom
said would make him both proud and sad at his moms words.

"Well I guess we should start looking at my mom’s old
journals then.  I am sure that she must have written something in these
journals, but the only thing is I can’t get these things open.  There are
no locks and I don't know what the deal is." He handed me a leather bound

With one glance I knew they were witch locks and after
feeling the journal and its energy I knew they were the work of my mom. 
She was a crafty witch and this would take some serious thinking.

"These have witch locks on them, and not just any witch
locks, they are the making of my mom.  They are locked by a spell of some
sorts and normally only owned by a witch so I don't know how they would work
with a human.  I have some of these, I just use a spell and my touch, but
these must have some other way of locking." I turned the book over and
over in my hands.

I sat there for thirty minutes trying to decipher the code
that my mom put on these books.  Everything I came up ended with the death
of Linda, and clearly it wasn't just touch related.

It was nightfall when I finally tossed the books on the
table in defeat for the day.  My mind was exhausted from all the different
spells that I had tried with no luck.

"Hells bells, I have no idea what my mom would have
done.  Every avenue I take it becomes a dead end because of the death of
the owner.  If it was genetics I could manipulate it but I have don't have
a clue what to do.  Matthews I think I need to head home and get some
rest, start on these tomorrow with a fresh head.  I need to step back and
look at this in a new way, tomorrow." I stood and stretched.

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