Hells Royalty The Princess (7 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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"Yeah no problem Katilyn." He smiled and grabbed
his keys and a few journals for me to take home.  "Take a few with
you; never know you might come to an answer in the middle of the night. 
So do you have any clue who that blue-eyed stranger is?" he asked as we
headed outside.

"I don't know his name or who he is, all I do know is
that he says that I am supposed to be his and that he is coming for me" I
told him as I headed to the truck.  I stopped and went back to the
house.  "I need to put up some spells of protections and warning on
the house and you.  Since you are more important now, I need to know that
I can help protect you even when you aren't nearby.  I keep you safe and
you help me stay out of hell, sounds like a good plan." I smiled and
started casting my spells.

Confusion, protection, invisibility (but weak), and an alarm
for me, it would alert me if a demon or undead came on his property.  I
was drained from those spells.

"You know you are hot when you do spells, you were sexy
before but now, WOW!" he smiled and helped me in the truck.

"Matthews, don't push your luck.  Take me home, I
need rest now." I whispered, the fight was not in me, I could care less
that he was trying to flirt with me.  I heard him chuckle as he got in and
then we were on the road to my house.

Chapter 7
--Dreams, nightmares, and betrothal


I decided that I was dreaming.  I had to have been
dreaming, what else could it be?  Everything was so beautiful and
alive.  The trees and flowers were in bloom and in the distance I could
see a woman sitting amongst the flowers talking to a little girl.  I moved
closer to them trying to be quiet as to not bother them.  As I got closer
to them I realized it was my mom and myself when I was around 11 years
old.  I was definitely dreaming and remembering at the same time.

"Sweetie do you remember that I told you we were
witches?" she asked me.  I marveled at my mom in my dream, she was so
alive and beautiful.  I never wanted to wake up from this dream.

"Yes mama, we are witches that work with Mother
Earth she loves us when we treat her well." I beamed back at her smiling
as I made a necklace from flower heads.

"Yes sweetie she does, she loves you almost as much
as I love you.  But I need you to understand the other half of you
also.  I need you to know things about your future that might be hard to
understand." She was trying to explain something to me that day and I was
simply not listening.  I was listening now.

"A time will come whether I want it to or not that
your father will find you and when he does I am certain that he will ask many
things of you.  You will be expected to marry a boy of his choosing
whether you like him or not." She said with caution.

"Mama, that's gross, I don't want to get married;
besides boys have cooties.  I will only ever be married to Mother Earth
she is the one who will love me like you do." My 11 year old self said,
still clearly not paying any attention to the information.

My mother laughed some, "That's true, but a time
will come one day when you don't think boys have cooties and you will fall in
love with one, I just want you to be cautious of the boy to make sure he was
not sent by your father." She told me in the tone when she would tell me
to clean my room, so now I could see why my young self-did not pay her much

I stood back watching my mother braid my long hair and sing
me a song, it was so wonderful and peaceful.  I was enjoying my memory
when it started to turn black as night and a fog rolled in.  I instantly
became alert; this was the work of my blue eyed stranger.  Now I
understood what my mother meant, somehow she knew about this boy and that he
would come for me.

A black, shiny pond appeared in the clearing then and a
figure stood off to its side.  I could not make out his features but he
was tall and broad, somewhat shaggy hair, the kind that bad boys wear these
days.  Then I felt his presence, he was trying to invade my mind.  I
instantly reacted and blocked him out and shut down my emotions and memories.

"Who are you and why have you come to me in my
dreams?" I yelled out to him.

"I am your future Katilyn Wesson" the stranger
said in a sultry whisper, one that made me shiver from the inside and in a way
that had me backtracking a few steps.

"Damien cannot have me.  I will not go to the
Underworld.  I will not let you take me to him." I said back in a
clam tone that was so smooth it betrayed my inner emotions of fear and terror.

A small, sexy laugh came from him, "Oh my sweet, sweet
Katilyn.  I am not here to take you to Damien, at least not yet. 
First you are to become mine, you are to be my wife and we are to rule the New
Underworld.  You have been betrothed to me, Aaron Arnost, since you were
born, promised to one another by our parents.  My father, Alastor and your
mother, Jacklyn betrothed us to one another to create a new and better
Underworld." He said in a tone that left nothing to doubt, but I did doubt
it, my mother would not have betrothed me to someone from hell, she wouldn't

I spit towards him, "You filthy liar, how dare you
disgrace my mother’s name and memory with this blasphemy.  You are a demon
and a wicked one at that." I turned to walk away, I could get out of this,
and it’s only a dream so I just needed to wake up.

I turned and found myself only feet from the demon; he could
have reached out and touched me if he wanted to.  I looked him over then,
he was absolutely gorgeous.  His blonde hair fell just above his ice blue
eyes that said many things.  His perfect lips were a light pink, like he
had been chewing on them.  Then he smiled at me realizing I was looking
him over, and his smile was downright heavenly, which made me doubt him even
more.  How could he be so devastatingly handsome, a dream guy, to only be
a demon, demons were good looking and all, but this guy, he nearly stopped my
heart with his looks.

"Katilyn, I may be part demon, but I am no liar. 
She worked with my father to get the both of you free so in the future, we
could create a better Underworld than the one that exists.  I have been
searching for you for years and you are always out of my reach, I am not
looking to take you to Damien unless you give me no other option.  I am
here telling you to stop running from me so that I can finally find you and
create the Underworld your mother and my father dreamed of." He looked so
sweet and convincing; like he believed every word that he was telling me. 
That my mother would actually have betrothed me to a demon to create a new
Underworld, the place she wanted nothing to do with.

No I would not let him pull this on me; I am too strong and
too proud to be fooled by this demon.  I stood tall and let my strength
come through in my voice.

"Well, Aaron Arnost, son of Alastor, you can take your
future race and new Underworld and you can shove it up your ass.  I don't
care what lies you tell me about my mother, I know that she would never want me
to procreate with a demon to create a new race and evolve the Underworld; if
she had she would have let me know about it.  And as for belonging to you,
it will be a cold day in hell before I ever let you call me your wife or your
lover.   I belong to no one but myself, I own me and no one else will
ever get the say as to who I will be with.  You will never have me, so
enjoy this look as it will be the only one you have of me.  The day that I
do meet you will be the day that I am ready to kill you so you remember that
when you come hunting for me." I pinned him with all the hatred I could muster
and we stood there for a few moments just observing one another.

Aaron smiled sadly, "I wish you would reconsider
because I am one of the few upper level demons that do not want to see you sent
to Damien.  I am here to help you take him over so you don't have to run
from him anymore.  Aren’t you tired of running all the time from
him?  When I do find you I will give you only one last chance to change
your mind and join me to create something better for the demons and the dark
creatures, with our guidance maybe they wouldn't be so bad.  Please take
care of yourself, my sweet Katilyn as I will see you soon." He touched my
cheek then with a wisp of fingers and cold air, and then he was gone.

I awoke slowly not really wanting to wake up, that last
touch had been different.  I wasn't expecting it to be so kind and
sincere.  He seemed to have real feelings for me regardless of being a
demon that was lying about my mother and trying to capture me.  But what
if he wasn't, what if we really could stop Damien and change the Underworld?  
Would I really want to do that and with another demon by my side in a war
against Damien?  I shuddered at the thought and decided this was something
that I really needed to keep to myself; I didn't want Jace to know that I had
been told I was betrothed to a demon human hybrid.

I showered and headed downstairs as the hum in my head
began.  A few minutes later Jace walked in and sat at the kitchen table
looking all worn out.

"Jace are you okay?" I asked him and went to get
him a cup of coffee.

"I don't know; these visions are so confusing to
me.  I had three different visions last night after I dropped you off and
I don't have a clue as to which one is more solid." He took his coffee and
sipped it, sighing as it run down his throat.

"Ok well tell me about them and we will see what we can
work out.  Having both of us think about them might help them make more
sense." I got a cup of coffee myself and sat down across from him as I
sipped mine full of milk and sugar.

"They were all jumbled together but they all seemed to
be centered on a central point.  The first was of you fighting that guy
again, you were both using magic of some kind, but his seemed different,
darker.  Then there was this guy who I'm pretty sure was a vampire because
he was staked in the heart and I was lying next to him.  A vampire woman
was knelt over me telling you that I would be next if you didn't make the right
choice.  That guy was standing behind her, looking at you with pity and
waiting for you to answer.  But the last vision is what confuses me. 
That vampire guy was alive and tied up next to me with that vampire woman
standing behind us.  You were in front of us and you were pledging
yourself to that bad guy with the terms that we were to not be hurt and you
would go with him.  What the hell Katilyn?  How did I see that
vampire dead in one and then alive in the next?  And why would you give
yourself up, just to save us?  That would be a stupid thing to
do."  He put his coffee down with too much force and it sloshed over
the sides some leaving a dark wet ring on the table.

I took a long, slow breath and let it back out just as
slowly.  I had to think about his visions and just what each one could
lead to and the consequences that could arise.

"Ok so here is my opinion.  I think that your
powers are getting stronger but your mind is still trying to sort things out
and that's why the visions are getting jumbled up some.  I also think that
they weren't that jumbled up.  I believe that they were all of the same
thing just different versions that could happen if different decisions were
made.  It's like that Dr. Who episode where Donna changed the whole world
by turning right instead of the left that she originally took.  If I
choose to fight this guy then he could kill the vampire and possibly you, but
if I chose to go with him he would spare your lives.  Do you
understand?  The decision is still undecided about what I will do and
until that time comes you will most likely not have a clear vision.  If I
choose to go then that will write a different future for me, you, the vampire,
probably everyone on earth.  It’s an undecided future right now so that's
why I believe you are having mixed visions of the future." God I hoped I
explained that okay, has he ever seen Dr. Who?

"Although I don't know what you mean when you talk
about Donna and Dr. Who, I do understand what you mean.  There are choices
that have yet to be determined and until the battle when you are faced with the
decision I probably won’t be able to see the future outcome of that
battle." He stated raising his eyebrows, as if questioning whether or not
his assumption was close to what I had said.

"Correct.  I think because it will be such a big
decision for me to make, you can’t see anything clear yet, because I don't know
what will happen between now and then and there may be some catalyst that
changes the whole scene.  Too many things are up in the air to have a
definite answer." I patted his hand and got up to rinse my cup out.

"So how do we find out who these people are, the demon
and the vampires?" he brought his cup over and refilled it.

I sat back down at the table, really not wanting to discuss
this part but knowing that it is important.

"Well the demon is Aaron Arnost, son of Alastor. 
Alastor is the torturer of hell so who only knows what tricks he has taught his
son." I closed my eyes at the memory of his fingertips on my face, and how
they sent dark shivers through my body.  The thought alone made me feel
unnerved and uneasy about what this guy could really do to me.

"Ok so he's the demon.  Can we get information on
him now that we know his name and who his father is?" he asked like I
could Google him on the internet.

"Well normally demons don't have a database that I can
peruse to get information but I can find out a little bit with my magic that
might tell me something, but I doubt it will give us much."  I told
him and saw the disappointment on his face.

"OK well what about the vampires?  Why would it
matter if he had staked that vampire, what good would that do to persuade you
to change your mind?" he asked like it was stupid that the vampire was
even in the picture.

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