Henry VIII's Last Victim (69 page)

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Authors: Jessie Childs

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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abbeville 215

Account of the Lieutenant of the Tower of London of money due to him for the expenses of certain prisoners

adultery 87

Alamanni, Luigi 73, 176

Albuquerque, Duke of 209

Amadas, Mistress 91

Amadas, Robert 91

Ambleteuse 247

Anne Boleyn, Queen background 48

appearance 48

time at the French Court 73

marriage to Surrey rumoured 327

refusal to bed Henry VIII 49

feelings against 50, 64, 93–4

and the Great Matter 51

and Henry Fitzroy’s betrothal 53

and Surrey’s possible marriage to Mary Tudor 60–1

investiture as Marchioness of Pembroke 65, 88

and the Boulogne summit 66

and the Calais summit 68

marriage to Henry VIII 76

pregnancy 76

crowned Queen 77

and Elizabeth Howard 87–8

evangelism 95–6

failure to produce a male heir 102

accusations of adultery 104–5

trial of 105–7

execution 107–8

Anglo-Imperial Treaty, 1543 203–4, 217

Anne of Cleves, Queen 142, 144–8

Annebault, Claude d’ 224

Anthony, Anthony 311

archery 43

Ardes 151–2

Armagh, Archbishop of 22

armour 146

arrivistes 137

Art of English Poesie, The
(Puttenham) 181

artillery 205–6, 214

Arundel, Milicent 2, 190, 192–3, 197

Arundel Harington Manuscript, the 198

Ascham, Roger 135

Ashdown Forest 141

Aske, Robert 115, 121

Askew, Anne 254, 258–9, 260, 264

attainder, acts of 12, 112, 150, 160, 284, 309, 313, 315

Ayscough, Samuel 346

Bale, John 259

Bankside 1–2

Bapst, Edmond 59, 261

Barclay, Alexander 41, 43

Barker, Christopher 223, 285, 287–90, 313

Barker, Robert 282

Barlow, John 144

bathing 29

bear baiting 43, 209

Beauchamplace 128, 141, 161

Beaufort, John, Earl of Somerset 53

Beaumont, Sir John 12

Bedingfeld, Henry 305

Bellay, Martin du 239

Benevolence, the 223

Berkeley, William 10

Berners, Lord 41

Biez, Marshal du 152, 213, 228, 238

Birch, William 192, 196

Blagge, George

rampage of 1543 2, 191–2, 196

condemned for sacramentarianism 197, 253–4, 260

at Landrecy 205

argument with Surrey 254–5, 265, 277–8, 283

reforming zeal 259

Surrey’s verse to 264, 293–4,

turned down for mastership of the Weigh House 345

Blount, Bessie 48, 52

Blount, Charles, Fifth Baron Mountjoy 210

Blount, Sir George 39, 221

Blount, Richard 256

Blount, William, Fourth Baron Mountjoy, 47–8

Boleyn, George, Lord Rochford 76, 105, 106, 107

Boleyn, Sir James 304, 305

Bonner, Bishop of London 259

Boorde, Andrew 29, 41

Bosworth Field, battle of 11–12, 62

Boulogne, siege of 1544 211, 216, 217, 218–9

Surrey given command of defence 224, 225

French forces at 224–5

English garrison 225

defences 225–8, 248, 249

Base Boulogne 226, 248

the Old Man 226, 248

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