Henry VIII's Last Victim (72 page)

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Authors: Jessie Childs

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Mountjoy, Lord (
see Blount

mourning 122

Mowbray, Lady Anne 10

Mowbray, Lady Margaret 9–10

Mowbray, Thomas, First Duke of Norfolk 10, 286, 288

Mowbray line, extinction of 10

(Leland) 199

Najera, Don Juan Estaban Manrique de Lara, Duke of 208–9

Nashe, Thomas 131, 138, 181

Neville, Lady Dorothy 110

Neville, Sir Edward 140

Neville, Lord Henry 110

Neville, Lady Margaret 110

Neville, Ralph, Earl of Westmorland 26, 110

Norfolk, Dukedom of 10

Norfolk, Dukes of:

Norris, Henry 104–5, 107

Northumberland, Earl of:
Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland Norwich 222

Norwich Castle 291

Norwick, Thomas 231

Nott, George Frederick 5, 132

Obedience of a Christian Man
(Tyndale) 96

Oxford, Anne, Lady (
see Vere, de

Paget, William

and the defence of Boulogne 225, 229, 231, 233, 256

warning to Surrey 236

letters to Surrey, 1546 244–7

as Principal Secretary 246

change in attitude to Surrey 248, 267–8

on the Court 254

religion 260

and the investigation into the Howards 272, 277, 302

and Surrey’s trial 304, 306, 307

and Henry VIII’s ‘Unfulfilled Gifts’ clause 313

and Somerset 314–15

Palsgrave, John 41, 54

Paradise Lost
(Milton) 178

Paris 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 82, 204, 211

Paris Garden 191, 209

Parker, Henry, Lord Morley 41

Parliament, 1544 208

Parr, Lord William 209

Pasqual (Venetian) 185

Pasqualigo, Piero 99

Paston, Sir William 304–5, 308

Paul III, Pope 94, 139

Paulet, Sir William 78

Pavia, battle of 36, 69

Peacham, Henry 40, 81, 189

Peasants’ War, 1525 97

Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland 107

Petrarch, Francesco 41, 44, 165, 166, 167, 181, 195, 235

Pickering, William 185, 190–2, 194, 197

Pilgrimage of Grace 114–22, 137–8, 149, 278, 335

plague 22, 58, 70–1, 117, 133, 218, 224, 225, 326–7, 336–7

Plantagenet, Anne 18

Plantagenet, Arthur, Viscount Lisle 101, 113, 119

poetry 164–82:
see also

Henry, Earl of Surrey: works

blank verse 176–8, 342

Pole, Reginald 112, 139–40, 184–5, 344

Pollard, George 238

Pont de Brique 239

Pope, Alexander 131

Pope, Thomas 119–20, 123, 184, 277–8

Portsmouth 140, 224, 225

Poynings, Thomas 145, 224, 225, 242

Poyntz, Sir Nicholas 200, 347

Precedence, Act of, 1539 141, 154

Primaticcio, Francesco 74

‘Princes in the Tower’, the 10

printing presses 73, 137

Privy Council, the 141, 154, 183, 184, 185–6, 192, 194, 225, 226, 239, 243–4, 248–9, 257, 263, 264, 265, 270, 279, 302, 314, 316, 354

prophecies 91, 168–9, 194–5, 281–2

Psalms (Wyatt) 168–9, 198, 199, 292, 293, 294

Puttenham, George 180, 181

Radcliffe, Robert, Earl of Sussex 154

Radcliffe, Sir Thomas 280–1

Redbourne 89

Reformation, the 94–7

Regency Council 314

religious factionalism 97, 253–4, 259

Remedy for Sedition, A
(Morison) 138

Restraint of Appeals, Act in, 1533 76–7

Rich, Barnabe 211–12

Rich, Richard 254, 278

Richard, Duke of York 10

Richard II, King of England 286, 288

Richard III, King of England 10–12

Richmond, Duke of:
Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond

Rochford, Lord:
Boleyn, George, Lord Rochford

Rogers, Edward 255, 262, 265, 277, 278, 306, 313

Rogers, John 228, 248, 256

Rome, sack of, 1527 50

Rosso, Giovanni Battista 74

Royal Supremacy, the 64, 76–7

Rue 215, 349

Russell, Lord John 109, 145, 151–2, 193, 211, 214, 223–4, 271

Rutland, Earls of (
see Manners

Sackville, Thomas 181

Saint-Gelais, Mellin de 74

Sardanapalus, King of Assyria 169–70, 258

Schmalkalden, League of 142

Scot, George 302

Scotland 14–15, 187–9, 218, 219, 224, 314

Scott, Sir Walter 131–2, 181

Scrots, William 234–5, 266–7, 351

Scuttegrove Wood 45

Second Succession Act, 1536 111–12, 284, 290, 291

servants 28–9, 39–40, 136–7

Sessions, W. A. 5, 17, 167

Seymour, Anne (
Stanhope), Countess of Hertford 98, 160–2, 260, 335, 340

Seymour, Davy 191

Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford

and (later) Duke of Somerset

as Richmond’s Master of the Horse 98

tradition that Surrey struck 123, 334–5

and Surrey’s installation into the Order of the Garter 152–3

and Catherine Howard’s disgraces 157, 160

Scots campaign of 1545 224

appointed Lieutenant General 246

lands at Calais 248

religion 260

the fall of the Howards 272, 302, 304, 310

elevated to Dukedom of Somerset 313

as Protector 314–15

relationship with Surrey 128, 141, 160–3, 260–1, 276, 334–5, 345

Seymour, Sir Thomas 98, 145, 151–2, 260–3, 276, 313, 314

Shakespeare, William 11, 80–1, 126, 178, 180–1, 182

Sheen 152–3

Shelfhanger Farm 37, 43

Shelley (servant) 191–2

Shelton, Mary 218, 219, 267, 278

Shrewsbury, Earl of (
see Talbot

Sidney, Sir Philip 169, 181

Skelton, John 15, 41, 47

Skip, John 104

Sloane Manuscript 1523 (British Library) 346

Smeaton, Mark 104–5, 106, 107, 301

Smithwick, Mr 155–6

Smyth, John 136, 337, 340

soldiers, wages 221, 230–1

Somers, Will 98

Somerset, Duke of:
Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset

Songar, Richard 232

Songes and Sonettes
(Tottel) 180–1, 309, 343

Southwell, Sir Richard 256, 267, 268, 269–70, 271–2, 274, 277, 278, 279, 285, 305, 313, 361

Southwell, Sir Robert 272, 279

Spanish Chronicle
269, 282, 298–302, 303, 307, 311

Spelman, Justice 106

Spencer, John 356

Sprowston 271–2

St Etienne, battle of 237–45, 248, 250, 276, 278

St George, Chapel of, Windsor Castle 125, 151, 153

St Leonard’s Priory (later Surrey House) 208, 222–3, 235, 249, 257, 271, 282–3, 315

St Mary’s Church, Lambeth 17–18, 34, 184, 219, 343

St Mauris, Jean 310

St Michael’s Church, Framlingham 135, 316–17

St Paul’s Cathedral 127, 141, 190

St Riquier 215

St Thomas Becket, shrine of 139

St Thomas’ Tower, Tower of London 299–302

Stafford, Edward, Duke of Buckingham 21, 24–5, 26, 137, 281

Stafford, Henry 27, 88

Stafford, William 190–1, 197

Starkey, Thomas 169

Staverton Park 45

Steyning, Thomas 316

Stile, John 90

Stour Valley 19

Strasbourg 310

Submission of the Clergy 64

Suffolk, Duke of (
see Brandon

Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of:
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey

Surrey House (formerly St Leonard’s Priory) 208, 222–3, 235, 249, 257, 271, 282–3, 315

Sussex, Earl of:
Radcliffe, Robert, Earl of Sussex

sweating sickness, outbreak of 1528 38–9

Symonds, J. A. 178

Talbot, George, Earl of Shrewsbury 116

Talbot, Sir Gilbert 12

Tankerville, Alice 300

Tate, Richard 69–70

Temperley, William 39

Tendring Hall 19, 20, 27, 30, 33, 35–6, 62, 110, 267, 305, 306

Thames, River 208

Théouranne 205

Thetford Priory 12, 33–4, 43, 112, 113, 115, 135, 285, 286, 322

Thomas of Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk 10, 285, 287–8, 302

Thorpe, Norwich 208, 271–2

Throckmorton, Nicholas 73, 308

Torre, John 277, 278

Tottel, Richard 180–1, 309, 343, 362

tournaments 145–8

Tower of London 111–12, 209, 270, 292, 298–302

Treason, Act of 114, 284

Truth of Our Times, The
(Peacham) 81

Turberville, George 179–80

Tyndale, William 96

tyranny 169–70

Unfortunate Traveller, The
(Nashe) 131, 138, 181

Uses, Statute of 114, 119

Vane, Ralph 175, 191

Vannes, Peter 78

Vasari, Giorgio 74

Vaughn, Stephen 231

Vendôme, Duke of 215

Vere, Anne de (
Howard), Countess of Oxford 35, 62

Vere, John de, Fifteenth Earl of Oxford 35, 62–3

Vere, John de, Baron Bulbeck 110

Vergil, Polydore 90

Vervins, Seigneur de 217

Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) 168–9, 175–8, 179

Wakefield, Robert 48

Wallop, Sir John 204, 205, 206, 207, 256

war, cost of 221

wards 39

warfare, changing nature of 205–6

Warner, Sir Edward 265, 277, 278, 287, 288, 289, 313

Wars of the Roses 10–12, 25, 62

Warton, Thomas 176

Westminster 47, 77, 105, 279, 303, 314

Westminster tournament, 1540 145–8

Weston, Sir Francis 105, 107

Wharton, Sir Thomas 188

Whetnall, Joan 192–3

Windsor Castle 55–60, 64, 65, 124–6, 145–6, 151, 153, 187, 263, 270, 276, 326

Windsor Forest
(Pope) 131

Wingfield, Sir Richard 232

Wisdom, Robert 197

Wolsey, Thomas 18, 24, 47, 49, 51, 62, 90, 164–5, 277

Woodhouse, Sir William 305

Wotton, Nicholas 310

Wright, John 346

Wriothesley, Sir Thomas

and the invasion crisis of 1538–9, 139, 203

investigation of Surrey, 1543 193, 271

and the defence of Boulogne 232–3

and Catherine Parr 253, 260

and Anne Askew 254, 260

Court chameleon 259–60

and the investigation into the Howards 266, 270, 273, 278, 283, 284, 302

and Surrey’s coat of arms 287–91, 285

and Surrey’s trial 304, 307, 308, 311

made Earl of Southampton 313

fall of 314

Wyatt, Sir Thomas 100, 101, 108, 126, 165–9, 175, 179, 198–200, 235, 258, 259, 280, 292, 293, 294, 300, 340–1, 343

Wyatt, Thomas 191–2, 194, 197, 282, 352

Wymminghen 213

Wymondham, Abbey and Manor 141, 251, 313

Wyndham, Thomas 191

Yorkshire 114–22

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Epub ISBN: 9781448162833

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Copyright © Jessie Childs, 2006

Jessie Childs has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

First published in Great Britain in 2006 by

Jonathan Cape

Vintage Books

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ISBN 9780712643474


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