Henry VIII's Last Victim (68 page)

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Authors: Jessie Childs

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MS M 16
: preparations for Henry VIII’s war against France, 1544


Journal 15: the Common Council of London’s rejection of Henry VIII’s recommendation of George Blagge for the mastership of the Weigh House, 1543

Repertory 12: complaint of the Court of Aldermen against Sir William Pickering, 1549


Miscellaneous MSS from the archives of the Marquess of Bath, vols. 18–19: household accounts of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford, 1538–9, 1540–1 (microfilm at the Institute of Historical Research: XR 52/3)

Seymour Papers, vols. 14–20: the same, 1536–43 (IHR: XR 57/8–9)


PO/PB/1/1543/35H8 n22: act concerning an exchange of lands between the King and the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl and Countess of Surrey

PO/PB/1/1546/37H8 n32: act of attainder against the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Surrey with the royal commission of assent


MS DCN 47/1: indenture between the Dean and Chapter of Norwich and the Earl of Surrey for the lease of St Leonard’s Priory, Norwich, 10 May 1542 (abstracted in DCN 47/27)

MS NRS 2378 (11 D4): Howard household book, 1519–20

Norwich Consistory Court wills


Bedingfeld MSS: letters from Sir William Paget to the Earl of Surrey, 25 September 1545 and 17 January 1546


MS 300: Howard household book, 1526–7

(now incorporated into the National Archives)

C 1/101: reference to Richard Martyn, servant of Thomas, Earl of Surrey

DL 29/313/5047: appointment of the Earl of Surrey as Steward for the Duchy of Lancaster in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire

DL 41/504: ‘deeds, indentures, evidences and stuff’ of the Earl of Surrey delivered to John Gates by John Spencer of Norwich, 22 December 1546

E 101/60/22: accounts of the Lieutenant of the Tower, 1546–7

E 101/474/12–13: abstract of certain reparations done within the Tower of London

E 329/484: grant by Henry VIII to the Earl of Surrey of the reversion and rent reserved on a lease of the site of the monastery and manor of Wymondham, December 1539

E 351/2960: accounts of the Lieutenant of the Tower, 1551–2

KB 8/14: documents relating to the trial for high treason of the Earl of Surrey

LR 2/113: receiver’s accounts of the property of the attainted Duke of Norfolk

LR 2/115: inventory of Kenninghall, Castle Rising and Surrey House with a declaration of the delivery of all goods and chattels found there

PC 2/1–2: Privy Council Registers PROB 11: Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills

SP 1: State Papers, general, Henry VIII

SP 12: State Papers, domestic, Elizabeth I

SP 14: State Papers, domestic, James I SP 60: State Papers, Ireland, Henry VIII

WORK 31/78: plans of St Thomas’ Tower by C. Lempriere, 1735


A full bibliography is impracticable for reasons of space. Listed below are works frequently cited in the notes (excluding those already given in the list of abbreviations) and suggestions for further reading. If a work is otherwise mentioned in the notes, it is cited in full. Unless otherwise stated, both here and in the notes, the place of publication is, or includes, London. The date refers to the edition used.

Early Works and Primary Sources in Print

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The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter
(2 vols., 1724)

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The Schoolmaster (1570)
, ed. L. V. Ryan (Ithaca, NY, 1967)

Select Works of John Bale
, ed. H. Christmas, Parker Society (Cambridge, 1849)

The Travel Journal of Antonio de Beatis
, ed. J. R. Hale (1979)

Boorde, A.,
Introduction of Knowledge
A Dyetary of Helth
, ed. F. J. Furni vall, EETS, extra series, 10 (1870)

Brewer, J. S. (ed. and intro.), ‘The Book of Howth’, in
Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth

Bryan, F.,
A Dispraise of the life of a Courtier, and a commendacion of the life of the labouryng man

‘The Register or Chronicle of Butley Priory, Suffolk, 1510–1535’, in A. G. Dickens,
Late Monasticism and the Reformation

Camden, W.,
Remains Concerning Britain
, ed. R. D. Dunn (Toronto, 1984)

Castiglione, B.,
The Book of the Courtier
, tr. and intro. G. Bull (Harmondsworth, 1967)

Cavendish, G.,
Metrical Visions
, ed. A. S. G. Edwards (Columbia, SC, 1980)

Chaloner, T.,
De Rep. Anglorum Instauranda Libri Decem

The Chronicle of Calais in the Reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII to the year 1540
, ed. J. G. Nichols, CS, old series, 35 (1846)

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London
, ed. J. G. Nichols, CS, old series, 53 (1852)

Churchyard, T.,
A light Bondell of livly discourses called Churchyardes Charge

Clerke, J.,
A certayn treatye moste wyttely devysed orygynally wrytten in the Spaynysshe, lately Traducted in to Frenche entytled, Lamant mal traicte de samye. And nowe out of Frenche in to Englysshe, dedicat to the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Erle of Surrey

Edwardes, D.,
De indiciis et praecognitionibus, opus apprime utile medicis, . . . Eiusdem in Anatomicen introductio luculenta et brevis

Introduction to Anatomy
, ed. C. D. O’Malley and K. F. Russell (1961)

Ellis, H. (ed.),
Original Letters illustrative of English History
(3 series in 11 vols., 1824, 1827, 1846)

Elyot, T.,
The Book named The Governor
, ed. S. E. Lehmberg (1962)

The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe
, ed. G. Townsend (8 vols., New York, 1965)

Furnivall, F. J. (ed.),
The Babees Book . . . The Bokes of Nurture
, EETS, original series, 32 (1868)

Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII: Selection of Despatches written by the Venetian Ambassador, Sebastian Giustinian, 1515–1519
, tr. R. Brown (2 vols., 1854)

The Hamilton Papers
, ed. J. Bain (2 vols., Edinburgh, 1890–2)

The Inventory of King Henry VIII
, vol. 1:
The Transcript
, ed. D. Starkey (1998)

The Letters of King Henry VIII: A Selection, with a few other Documents
, ed. M. St. Clare Byrne (New York, 1968)

Howard, H. (cr. Earl of Northampton, 1604),
A defensative against the poyson of supposed Prophesies

A True and Perfect Relation of the whole proceedings against the late most barbarous Traitors, Garnet a Jesuite, and his Confederats, contayning sundry speeches . . . The Earl of Northampton’s Speech having been enlarged

Howlett, R., ‘The Household Accounts of Kenninghall Palace in the Year 1525’,
Norfolk Archaeology
, 15 (1904)

Junius, H.,
Epistolae, Quibus accedit Eiusdem Vita & Oratio de Artium liberalium dignitate
, ed. P. Junius (Dordrecht, 1652)

Kaulek, J. (ed.),
Correspondance Politique de MM. de Castillon et de Marillac, 1537–1542
(Paris 1885)

Leland, J.,
De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea
, ed. T. Hearn (6 vols., 1774)

The Lisle Letters
, ed. M. St. Clare Byrne (6 vols., 1981)

Narratives of the Days of the Reformation
, ed. J. G. Nichols, CS, old series, 77 (1859)

Nashe, T.,
The Unfortunate Traveller and Other Works
, ed. J. B. Steane (Harmondsworth, 1972)

The Second Book of the Travels of Nicander Nucius of Corcyra
, ed. J. A. Cramer, CS, old series, 17 (1841)

Peacham, H.,
The Complete Gentleman
The Truth of Our Times
The Art of Living in London
, ed. V. B. Heltzel (Ithaca, NY, 1962)

The Privy Purse Expences of King Henry the Eighth
, ed. N. H. Nicolas (1827)

Puttenham, G.,
The Arte of English Poesie
, ed. G. D. Willcock and A. Walker (Cambridge, 1970)

Ridgard, J. (ed.),
Medieval Framlingham: Select Documents 1270–1524
, Suffolk Records Society, 27 (Woodbridge, 1985)

Robinson, H. (ed.),
Original Letters relative to the English Reformation
, Parker Society (2 vols., Cambridge, 1846–7)

Rymer, T.,
Foedera, Conventiones, Literae
, vol. 15 (1713)

Sackville, T.,
The Complaint of Henry Duke of Buckingham Including the ‘Induction’, or, Thomas Sackville’s Contribution to the ‘Mirror for Magistrates’
, ed. M. Hearsey, Yale Studies in English, 86 (New Haven, 1936)

Sidney, P.,
An Apology for Poetry
, ed. G. Shepherd (Manchester, 1973)

Smyth, J.,
The Berkeley Manuscripts: The Lives of the Berkeleys
, ed. J. Maclean (2 vols., Gloucester, 1883)

The Statutes of the Realm
, vol. 3, ed. T. E. Tomlins and W. E. Taunton (1817)

Stow, J.,
A Survey of London
, ed. C. L. Kingsford (2 vols., Oxford, 1908)

Strype, J.,
Ecclesiastical Memorials
(3 vols., Oxford, 1822)

The Register of Thetford Priory
, ed. D. Dymond, Records of Social and Economic History, new series, 24, 25 (1995–6)

Third Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records

Thomas, W.,
The Pilgrim: A Dialogue on the Life and Actions of King Henry the Eighth
, ed., with notes from the archives at Paris and Brussels, by J. A. Froude (1861)

Tottel’s Miscellany 1557–1587
, ed. H. E. Rollins (2 vols., Cambridge, MA, 1928–9)

Tudor Tracts, 1532–1588
, intro. A. F. Pollard (1903)

Turberville, G.,
Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets (1567)
, intro. R. J. Panofsky (New York, 1977)

Two Early Tudor Lives
, ed. R. S. Sylvester and D. P. Harding (1962)

The Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, AD 1485–1537
, ed. D. Hay, CS, 3rd Series, 74 (1950)

Weever, J.,
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Wood, M. A. E. (ed.),
Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain
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Wyatt, T.,
The Complete Poems
, ed. R. A. Rebholz (Harmondsworth, 1997)

Secondary Works

Baker, J. H.,
An Introduction to English Legal History

Baron, H., ‘Mary Fitzroy’s Transcript of Surrey’s Poem’, and ‘Mary (Howard) Fitzroy’s Hand in the Devonshire Manuscript’,
The Review of English Studies
, new series, 45/179 (1994)

Begent, P. J., and Chesshyre, H.,
The Most Noble Order of the Garter 650

Bellamy, J.,
The Tudor Law of Treason: An Introduction

Bensly, W. T., ‘St Leonard’s Priory, Norwich’,
Norfolk Archaeology
, 12 (1895)

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Brenan, G., and Statham, E. P.,
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(2 vols., 1907)

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(Oxford, 1989)

—‘Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and the “Conjured League”’,
, 37/3 (1994)

—‘“The Shadow that you Know”: Sir Thomas Wyatt and Sir Francis Bryan at Court and in Embassy’,
, 39/1 (1996)

New Worlds, Lost Worlds: The Rule of the Tudors, 1485–1603

Burrow, C., review of W. A. Sessions,
Henry Howard, The Poet Earl of Surrey: A Life
(Oxford, 1999), in
London Review of Books
, 21/22 (11 November 1999)

Casady, E.,
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
, The Modern Language Association of America, 8 (New York, 1938)

Cattaneo, A., ‘The Italian Sources of Surrey’s
’, in
Italy and the English Renaissance
, ed. S. Rossi and D. Savoia (Milan, 1989)

Chapman, H. W.,
Two Tudor Portraits: Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and Lady Katherine Grey

Colvin, H. M. (ed.),
The History of the King’s Works
(6 vols., 1963–82)

Cruickshank, C.,
Henry VIII and the Invasion of France
(Stroud, 1990)

Davies, C. S. L., ‘The English People and War in the Early Sixteenth Century’, in
Britain and the Netherlands
, vol. 6:
War and Society
, ed. A. C. Duke and C. A. Tamse (The Hague, 1977)

Davis, W. R., ‘Contexts in Surrey’s Poetry’,
English Literary Renaissance
, 4/1 (1974)

Dennys, R.,
Heraldry and the Heralds

Dodds, M. H., and R.,
The Pilgrimage of Grace 1536–7
and the Exeter Conspiracy 1538
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Dowling, M.,
Humanism in the Age of Henry VIII

Duncan-Jones, K., review of W. A. Sessions,
Henry Howard, The Poet Earl of Surrey: A Life
(Oxford, 1999), the
Times Literary Supplement
, 5021 (25 June 1999)

Eckert, C. W., ‘The Poetry of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey’ (Washington University Ph.D., 1960)

Evans, M.,
English Poetry in the Sixteenth Century

Foley, S. M., ‘The Honorable Style of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey: A Critical Reading of Surrey’s Poetry’ (Yale University, Ph.D., 1979)

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