Henry VIII's Last Victim (70 page)

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Authors: Jessie Childs

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High Boulogne 228, 248

sallies 229

morale 230–2

mercenaries 230–1

supplies 230–2

costs 231–4

battle of St Etienne 237–43

aftermath of St Etienne 243–5

peace treaty 255–6

Grey’s allegations about 256–7

Boulogne summit, 1532 65, 66–7, 68

Bourbon, Nicolas 41

Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk 160, 223–4, 225, 228

Bray-sur-Somme 350

breastfeeding 18

Brereton, William 105, 107

Bridges, Sir John 243

Brinklow, Henry 197

Brittany 11, 13

Browne, Sir Anthony 133, 193, 271

Bryan, Sir Francis 98, 101, 153–4, 207, 263, 280

Buckingham, Duke of:
Stafford, Edward, Duke of Buckingham

Budé, Guillaume 73

Budgegood, Anthony 344

Bulmer, Sir John 22

Buren, Count de 211, 212, 213

Burnet, Gilbert 308

Butley Priory 45

Butts, Dr 38, 53

Calais 140, 152, 211, 232, 248

Calais summit, 1532 65, 67–9

Cambridge University 150

Camden, William 180

Campeggio, Cardinal 49, 51

Campensis, Johannes 258–9, 294–5

Canterbury 139

Carew, Gawain 261, 262, 265, 277–8, 306

Carew, George 145

Carew, Sir Nicholas 50, 103, 109, 140

Carew, Wymond 274, 285, 313

Carlisle, Bishop of 116

Casady, Edwin 261

Castiglione, Baldassare 73, 172, 340–1

Catherine of Aragon, Queen and Flodden 14, 15

marriage to Henry VIII 47–8

Henry’s annulment campaign 49–51

Elizabeth Howard’s support for 50, 88

and Henry’s visits to Windsor 58–9

funeral 93

Catherine Howard, Queen 148–9, 150, 154, 156–60, 163, 167, 184, 185, 191, 253

Catherine Parr, Queen 122, 204, 253, 260

Chaloner, Thomas 242, 309

Chantilly 70

Chapuys, Eustace 37, 46, 61, 78–9, 88, 102, 104, 105, 106–7, 109, 116, 197–8, 216

charity 36

Charles, Duke of Angoulême 70–1, 82

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 24, 50–1, 139, 203–4, 206–8, 217

Cheapside 189–90

Cheke, John 180, 309

Cheyney, Thomas 74

child mortality 17–18, 19

Christina, Duchess of Milan 142

Christmas 31–2, 36

(Harding) 41, 187

Church of England

Henry VIII as Supreme Head of 76–7, 96–7

Cromwell’s Injunctions 142

Act of Six Articles 143

Ten Articles 115

Churchyard, Thomas 136–7, 180, 204, 309

Clement VII, Pope 49, 50–1, 69, 75, 77, 78

Clere, Sir Edward 220

Clere, Sir John 190–1, 305

Clere, Thomas, Surrey’s Squire 188, 190–2, 205, 210, 218–20, 267, 305, 317

Clere, Sir Thomas 305

Clerke, John 42, 176, 282, 325

Cleves, Duchy of 142

Clifford, Henry, Earl of Cumberland 225

coats of arms

Edward the Confessor’s 286–7, 288–9, 291

Howard 15

importance of 284–5

marks of difference 286

Surrey’s 223, 235, 275, 276, 277, 285–91, 306

Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk 285, 302–3

Colet, John 40

Complete Gentleman, The
(Peacham) 40

Conningham, William 302

Constable, John 19

Constantyne, George 144

Corbet, John 271–2, 305

Cotton, George 54

Court poetry 164–70

Courtenay, Edward 300

Courtenay, Henry, Marquis of Exeter 103, 109, 139–40, 149, 184

courtiers 101

Cramner, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury 77, 87, 96, 98, 107, 157

Crawford, Anne 10

Croke, Richard 54–5

Crome, Edward 197

Cromwell, Sir Richard 145–7, 336

Cromwell, Thomas

enforces Henry’s spiritual dominance 64

Henry’s favourite 87

and Elizabeth Howard 90, 92

appointed Vice-Gerent in Spirituals 96

rise of 97–8, 109

and Anne Boleyn 103–4, 105

and Lord Thomas Howard 111

and rumours of Norfolk’s arrest 114

and the accusations of rebel sympathies against Norfolk 121

installation in the Order of the Garter 125

ascendancy of 128

Injunctions 142

and Anne of Cleves 145

arrest and execution 148–50

followers 155–6

and John Leigh 344

Crotoy 215

Crowe, William 361

Culpepper, Thomas 156–9, 163

Cumberland 118

dances 41

Dante, Alighieri 168–9

Darcy, Lord 119, 121, 334

Defensative against the Poyson of supposed Prophesies, A
(Howard, Earl of Northampton) 281–2

Denny, Anthony 260, 262, 263, 293–4, 296, 313

Dereham, Francis 157, 158, 159, 163

Devereux, Richard 265, 277, 313

diet 30–1

D’Israeli, Isaac 5

Dissolution of the Monasteries 114, 115

divorce 91

Doctor Faustus
(Marlowe) 178

Dolman, Brett 301

Doncaster 116, 118

Doncaster Bridge 117, 121–2

Douglas, Gavin 175–6, 258, 342

Douglas, Lady Margaret 110–12, 162, 175, 333

Drayton, Michael 131

Dudley, John, Viscount Lisle 145, 146–7, 224, 246, 255–6, 257, 260, 263–4, 269, 278, 302, 304, 310, 313, 315

Durham, Archdeacon of 53–4

Durham, Bishop of 190

Dyetary of Helth
(Boorde) 29, 31, 41

East Winch 9, 286

Edward the Confessor 223, 284, 286, 290

coat of arms 286–7, 288–9, 291

Edward I, King of England 9, 10, 190, 286

Edward III, King of England 25, 57, 150, 286

Edward IV, King of England 10

Edward V 10

Edward VI, King of England 127, 252–3, 290, 314–15

Edwardes, David 82–3

Eleanor, Queen of France 66, 71–2, 76

Elizabeth I, Queen of England 79, 104, 107, 110–11, 129, 136, 184, 266, 281, 307, 309, 316

Ellerker, Ralph 237–8, 243–44

Ellis, Hugh 256, 263, 266–7, 278, 283–4, 285–6, 300–1

Elyot, Sir Thomas 18–19, 41, 44–5

Embarkation of Henry VIII at Dover, The
(painting) 66

(Douglas) 175–6

English language 179

Erasmus, Desiderus 40, 48, 325

Exeter, Marquis of (
see Courtenay, Henry

Eynus, Thomas 136

Field of the Cloth of Gold 24, 67–8

Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester 50, 94, 97

Fitzalan, Elizabeth 10

Fitzalan, Mary 316

Fitzalan-Howard, Edward, Eighteenth Duke of Norfolk 316

Fitzgerald, Lady Elizabeth 130–3, 181

Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare 21, 130, 132

Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond birth 48

education 46, 52–60

at the French Court 69–76, 78–9, 329

marriage to Mary Howard 53, 56, 79, 129

Edwardes and 82–3

at the execution of the Carthusian monks 94

at the execution of Anne Boleyn 107

and the succession 52–3, 104, 111

death 113

Surrey’s grief 122–6

in the Scrots portrait 60, 235–6, 266–7

Fitzwilliam, Sir William, Earl of Southampton 151–2

Flammock, Sir Andrew 232

Flaner, Alice 192–3

Fleet Prison 183, 185–7, 190, 194, 345–6

Fletcher, Matthew 37

Flodden, battle of 14–15, 162

Fontainebleau 74–5, 329

foreign customs, English suspicion of 80–2

Forest, John 142

Fort Chatillon 350

Fort Outreau 228, 237–8, 240, 242

Fowberry, John 119

Foxe, John 250, 315

Framlingham 17, 135, 316, 316–17

Framlingham Castle 18, 33–4, 286, 315


campaigns of 1512-13 13–15

Treaty of Mutual Aid with 65

campaign of 1543 203–8

campaign of 1544 209–18, 221

campaign of 1546 246–9

peace with, June 1546 255, 262–3

Francis I, King of France

Henry’s need for 64–5

at the Boulogne and Calais summits 66–9

Court 69–76

and Richmond and Surrey 70

marriage 71–2

at Fontainebleau 74

interview with Pope 75, 78

and the Truce of Nice, 1538 139

rivalry with Henry VIII 67–8, 203–4

lifts siege of Landrecy 207

and the siege of Montreuil 217

invasion threat, 1545 223–4

response to Surrey’s arrest 310

Book of Hours 341

François, Dauphin of France 70–1, 113, 217

French Court 69–76

French culture 71

Friowr 279, 282

Fryer, Dr John 357–8

Fulmerston, Richard 233, 271–2, 278, 284–5, 336

Gage, Sir John 153

Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester 96–7, 142–3, 148, 149, 155, 192, 193, 239, 244, 259, 263–4, 271

Garrard, Thomas 197

Garter, Most Noble Order of the 125, 150–1, 152–3, 242

Gates, John 274, 285, 356

Gawdy, Thomas 357

Geraldine 130–3, 181 (see
also Fitzgerald, Lady Elizabeth

Gerard, John 300

Giustinian, Marin 329

Giustinian, Sebastian 99

Governor, The
(Elyot) 41

Grafton, Richard 187, 188

Great Debasement, the 314

Gresham, Sir John 305

Gresham, Sir Richard 192, 196, 304–5

Grey, Lord, of Wilton 225, 250, 256–7, 309

Grey, Lady Jane 315

Grimald, Nicholas 342

Gruffydd, Elis 215, 216–17, 218, 230, 238, 242–3

Guildhall Yard 303

Guisnes 140, 151–2, 225, 228, 232, 234, 238, 241

gunpowder 205–6

Hall, Edward 11–12, 66, 68, 72

(Shakespeare) 178, 180

Hampton Court 36, 79, 123, 127, 156, 203, 207, 244, 262

Hardelot 229, 238, 242, 269

Harding, John 41, 187

Hare, Sir Nicholas 263

Harrington, John of Stepney 29

Harvel, Edmund 184

Hastings, Lord 153–4

Heilly, Anne d’, Duchess d’Étampes 72

Henri, Duke of Orléans 69, 70–1, 75, 82, 146, 217–18

Henry VII, King of England 11–13, 252

Henry VIII, King of England

accession 13

French campaigns 1512-13 13–14

purchase of Hunsdon Hall 20

and Ireland 21, 23, 24

execution of Buckingham 24–5

marriage to Catherine of Aragon 47–8

pursuit of Anne Boleyn 49

annulment campaign 49–51

indicts Wolsey 51

gifts for Henry Fitzroy 52

visits to Henry Fitzroy 58–9

the Royal Supremacy 64, 76–7

privy purse payments 64

need for Francis I 64–5

and the Boulogne summit 66–7

beard 67

rivalry with Francis I 67–8, 203–4

and the Calais summit 67–9

Francis I’s support in the Great Matter 68–9

marriage to Anne Boleyn 76

attempt to stop Franco-papal meeting 77–9

excommunication threatened 78

presents Surrey with silver ewer 82

and Elizabeth Howard 89

religious beliefs 96, 142–3

‘Defender of the Faith’ 96

Court 97–102, 137–8

appearance 98–9, 156, 295

Holbein mural 99–100, 284

girth 99

health 99, 156, 252–3, 263

mercurial personality 100–1, 154–5

and Anne’s failure to produce a male heir 102

courtship of Jane Seymour 102–3

marriage to Jane Seymour 109

succession 25, 53, 109, 111–12, 140, 193, 252–3, 265, 283–5, 290–1

and Lord Thomas Howard 111–12

and Richmond’s funeral 113

and the Pilgrimage of Grace 116–9

and the accusations of rebel sympathies against Norfolk 121–2

and Mary Howard 129

excommunication 139

and the invasion crisis of 1538–9 139–41

urged to remarry 142

marriage to Anne of Cleves 145–8

divorces Anne of Cleves 148

introduced to Catherine Howard 148

and the fall of Cromwell 149

marriage to Catherine Howard 150

‘irresolution and despondency’ 154–5

and Catherine Howard’s infidelities 157–60

poetry 164

as King David 168, 341

Scottish campaign, 1542 187, 188

and James V, King of Scots 187

and the rampage of 1543 200

French campaign 1543 203–8

marriage to Catherine Parr 204

gives Surrey permission to join siege of Landrecy 205

French campaign 1544 209–18, 221

cost of war 221, 232–3

and the invasion threat of 1545 223–4

appoints Surrey to command defence of Boulogne 225

and the defence of Boulogne 228, 229, 230, 232, 233

and the battle of St Etienne 243

decline, 1546 252–3

Court factionalism 253–4

exiles Gardiner 264

mind poisoned against Surrey 265–6

consideration of the Surrey affair 283–4

Matsys’ portrait 295

will 313–14

death 313

Herbert, Edward, Lord of Cherbury 242, 251, 266, 275–8, 306

Herbert, Sir William 263, 313

Hereward the Wake 286

Heveningham, Anthony 267

Heydon, Christopher 305, 307, 311

Hilles, Richard 310

History of the Reformation of the Church of England
(Burnet) 308

Holbein, Hans 32, 60, 63, 99–100, 141–2, 235, 284

Holinshed, Raphael 50, 140, 207–8, 306

Holland, Bess 87–8, 90, 92–3, 129, 274, 275, 278, 285, 313

Hollesley 45

Holy Roman Empire 50, 97

house moves 20–1

Howard, Agnes, Dowager Duchess of Norfolk (
Tilney) 39, 110, 148, 158, 273

Howard, Charles 154

Howard, Edward 13

Howard, Elizabeth (
Stafford), Duchess of Norfolk

marriage 18

in Ireland 21–3

and execution of father 25–6

absences 27

relationship with Surrey 27–8

support for Catherine of Aragon 50, 65, 87–88

marital breakdown 26, 87–93, 278

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