Read Hold Me Tight Online

Authors: Faith Sullivan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

Hold Me Tight (15 page)

BOOK: Hold Me Tight
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She’s never done it quite like this before. And it’s fucking incredible. It’s the best head she’s ever given me. I should go away more often. A smile of satisfaction spreads across my face as she groans, taking me deep again. Her fingernails dig into my backside, and I lose it.

My knees weaken as she lets go of me, and I slide to the floor to meet her, pulling her onto my lap before I rest her head against my chest, my boxers hanging around my ankles, her behind pressed up against my cock. We won’t be able to sit like this for long, but I’ll take whatever I can get.

I tangle my hands in her hair and kiss her desirously, tasting myself on her lips. Her tongue is a determined fighter, sparring with me like she can go for days. She starts to bend her leg and slide it around my waist, but I stop her because my dick is already twitching to life. If I have her spread open on top of me now, I’m a goner.

“I’m so horny for you right now,” she pants, resting her cheek against my lips.

“I know, baby,” I soothe her, rubbing her back. “It won’t be much longer. Then I’ll finally be able to show my appreciation for everything you’ve done for me.” I hold her eyes with mine. “And I can’t fuckin’ wait,” I exclaim, a devilish smile lighting up my face.

“Well, I know that’s all I want from Santa this year,” she responds, clasping my bent knee in her hand. “Sex, sex and more sex. You owe me about three dozen or so orgasms, mister. And be prepared, because I’m gonna want them all in one night.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I salute her. “Even if I have to walk bowlegged for the rest of my life. Your wish is my command. Because that was a pretty awesome date night.”

“You think so?” she asks, her eyes shining.

“I know so,” I reply, kissing her gently.

And little does she know I have something even better in mind for her Christmas present.

Chapter Twenty

My phone buzzes next to my head, and I feel like throwing it against the wall.

If Lenny has another issue with the Sunday
on that offset printing machine of his, I’m going to wring his neck. This is our biggest circulation day of the week, and the paper is jam-packed with ads for the holiday shopping season. If subscribers don’t get it on their doorsteps before the sun goes up, there’s going to be hell to pay. I don’t know why I ever gave this moron a second chance. His equipment is always breaking down because he’s too cheap to repair it. Yeah, his rates are reasonable, but is it worth the aggravation he puts me through? I was hoping to sleep in today. Looks like that’s not happening.

“What?” I growl into the phone, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

“I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just address me like that,” Conrad’s voice rings in my ear.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I ask, instantly awake as a wave of panic engulfs me. Conrad never calls in the middle of the night. Something terrible must have happened.

“Your stepbrother’s in jail,” he informs me, remaining as calm and cool as ever.

I left New York not knowing where Ryan was. The day after Thanksgiving, he never returned to the apartment. I assumed he must have checked into a hotel somewhere in the city, but when I scoped out his room, I noticed his wallet sitting on top of the bureau next to his phone. Conrad had sent him out there with nothing, no credit cards, not even a dollar to his name. How was he supposed to survive like that? Here we were, waking up in one of the most luxurious apartments in Manhattan, and no one knew where he’d spent the night.

I wanted to send someone after him then, but there was a problem at work that needed my attention and I got distracted. I figured he was just being stubborn and that, if he found his way back and begged Conrad’s forgiveness, everything would be all right. Conrad just wanted to prove his authority over him. They’d had many battles like that in the past, and I didn’t think this one was any different.

“The affairs of my son are turning into more of a headache than I bargained for,” Conrad drones on as my mind scrambles to catch up. “He can rot behind bars for all I care. It’s where he belongs along with all the rest of those lowlife cocksuckers.”

“Is there anything you need me to do?” I ask, always the dutiful stepdaughter.

“Ryan’s antics don’t concern me. That’s not why I’m calling you. If he’s going to rough up some girl, let him pay the price for it. I’m more concerned about the security footage you sent me,” Conrad says, steering the conversation in a different direction. “I only wish you’d sent it sooner.”

“Yeah, I was swamped when I got back. I only had a chance to look at Friday’s feed just before I went to bed, and I was shocked by what I saw,” I respond, furiously backpedaling. “I knew you’d want to see it right away.”

“So our favorite swim coach went over to Eric Young’s house and stayed there for nearly an hour.” Conrad doesn’t raise his voice, but that makes me squirm even more.

Hurriedly, I say, “But we don’t know what they talked about. We—”

“Don’t we?” Conrad’s insinuation hangs in the air.

“Conrad, listen—” I protest.

“Frankly, I’m through with listening to your assurances that you’re on top of this when it’s clear that you’re not,” Conrad scolds me. “And now that things have taken a turn, the only way you can make it up to me is by tying up the loose ends, and maybe then I’ll call it even.”

“I don’t think I can—” I start, but he cuts me off again.

“If you don’t, then you’re as good as dead to me,” Conrad says sharply, and I know he means it.

Everything I’ve worked so hard for is about to be taken away from me. The long hours, the sacrifices, the drudgery—will all be for nothing. He has the power to ruin me. It’s his company. He holds the keys to the castle. I gave up everything for a chance at the brass ring, but he’s asking too much.

“Why can’t you hire someone to do it? Why does it have to be me?” I take a firmer stance, balking at his request.

“There isn’t time,” he insists, and I know he’s not going to give in on this. It’s his way of punishing me for screwing this up for him.

I allowed Tim to be influenced by Ivy. I should have seen it coming. It’s my fault this happened. In Conrad’s estimation, I’m the one to blame if his affair with Cassidy gets out. He’s not the irresponsible one—I am.

I can picture my mom sighing, “Typical. I mean, what else would you expect from a man?” as she puffs out a stream of cigarette smoke.

God, I wish she’d never married him.

Not if he was going to offer me the world then take it back. I should’ve known whom I was dealing with. Conrad Price is a man accustomed to getting his way, no matter what.

“And I want you to do it in front of them,” he utters.

“What?” I gasp.

“You drive Tim to Eric’s house and you take him out there,” Conrad dictates. “It’ll send a clear message that they better keep their mouths shut.”

“Conrad, you’re asking too much of me,” I whine, looking around the room, desperate to find a way out of this.

“The spy cameras are already set up on his property, so I’ll know if you don’t do what I ask of you,” Conrad continues. “And if you don’t, I’ll have no problem turning my attention to Eric Young, especially since I know how much he means to you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” I seethe into the phone. “Haven’t you already done enough to him?”

“I never cared for his cockiness,” Conrad replies, showing an undercurrent of resentment I didn’t know existed. “Like some gardener’s spawn would ever carry my name. The arrogance.”

“Well, you certainly didn’t want it,” I retort.

“What did you say?” he asks, irate.

“You heard me. At least Eric would’ve given your child a loving home, which is more than I can say for you,” I cry, sticking up for him. “He would’ve been a great father. He’s
to be a great father.”

“What’s that I detect? A note of surrender in your voice? You’re certainly no daughter of mine,” Conrad says blisteringly. “You were so close to getting what you wanted. Ivy Thompson’s life is hanging on by a thread and you couldn’t finish her off. It looks like Eric’s going to meet his maker before her.”

“Stop!” I wail, hating him for the position he’s putting me in.

“I’d actually get more enjoyment out of seeing Mr. Young go down,” Conrad rambles on, intent on making me suffer. “Sure, Tim is a pain in my side, but he’s harmless. He’s a person who can be reasoned with. But he had to go and tell Eric, and we all know what a pompous media whore he is. Let him live with the guilt of bringing about the death of his best friend. It’ll serve him right.”

“Why are you so sure I’m going to do this for you?” I resist him, waiting for his response.

“Because you won’t let your obsession go that easily,” Conrad chuckles ruefully. “He’s what you live for. He’s why you get up in the morning. Even though he’ll never be yours and we both know it.”

“Shut up!” I yell angrily, losing my composure.

“Don’t worry. I don’t think he’s that great of a lover anyway,” Conrad goads me even further. “I sure didn’t have a problem coaxing Cassidy away from him and into my bed. So you’re probably not missing out on a whole lot. Besides, I’ve been watching you for a long time, Lauren. I know what turns you on.”

“Oh, really? And what would that be?” I huff, feeling queasy at his implication.

“Power,” he croons into the phone. “Ever since you were a teenager, you craved it. I saw the way you eyed me up when you thought I wasn’t looking. And it’s not like I didn’t think about it. Having a young girl like you around certainly got my libido going. But you were too dangerous. I knew I could never touch you or your mother would be on me in a heartbeat. Yet there was always something there between us, wasn’t there?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mutter, biting down hard on my lip and closing my eyes.

“Oh Lauren,” Conrad sighs deeply. “You never fail to disappoint me.”

I feel like he’s tangling me into knots. I’ve always sought his approval. Sometimes he’s generous in his praise of me, and other times he withholds it, making me jump through whatever hoops he sets up. For me, gaining the attention of the opposite sex has always been a mind game. Men are always interested, but I never seem to be their first choice. In the end, they always find someone they think is better, and I’m sick of it.

First, Conrad chose Cassidy over me. Then Eric chose Ivy. They never wanted me. I’m always pushed aside. No one ever wants me. Why would they? I’m worthless. I’m nothing.

All of these emotions come rushing back. The ones I’ve tried so desperately to keep at bay. Conrad knows my weakness. He knows he can get me to do anything for him, even kill for him if it’ll warrant his love. That’s all I’ve ever wanted—to be loved. But it’s never come easily. I’ve always had to do things I regret in order to get it.

But I could be the head of Price Enterprises one day. Then no one will make me beg for what’s mine. Finally, I’ll be the boss. I’ll take what I want. I won’t be denied a thing.

This is my final test. If I can just do this, I’ll earn Conrad’s respect once and for all. He’ll never question my devotion again. I’ll save him from those trying to destroy him. I’ll silence his enemies and make sure his secret stays hidden.

And he’ll owe it all to me. I’ll be his savior, his champion and protector. We all do things we’re not proud of to get where we want to be. It’s never a straight shot to the top. You have to bend the rules and take a few people down in order to secure your place in this world. That’s what Conrad’s taught me all along, the type of values he’s instilled in me. A woman has to be tough to survive in a man’s domain, and that’s a sentiment even my mother would agree with.

Tim forfeited his own life. He knew he had to keep quiet, and he didn’t. So his blood’s not on my hands. He threw it all away by running over there and involving Eric in something that should have remained buried. He didn’t need to know he wasn’t the father of Cassidy’s baby. He didn’t need to know it was my stepfather.

Because now Eric will never want to be with me, no matter what happens to Ivy. Tim ruined that for me. I’m tarnished in his eyes now, an accomplice in Conrad’s deceit. It’s the worst thing that could have happened. Tim doesn’t know what he’s done. He has to pay, and I’m the one who will deliver the vengeance he so richly deserves. I have nothing left to lose. He took Eric from me. He deserves to die.

Conrad’s right. I made the mistake of trusting him, and now I must render his punishment. I let my stepfather down. Something I swore I’d never do. I have to fix this while I still can before they go and tell somebody. I have to protect Conrad. I have to.

“Consider it done,” I declare, making my solemn vow.

“That’s my good girl,” Conrad exults, even as I fail to realize he had me right where he wanted me all along.

Chapter Twenty-One

“You guys, wake up! You’re not going to believe this!”

“Is that Will?” Eric mumbles, half asleep. He doesn’t move a muscle. Instead, he’s content to remain spread across me in bed.

“Yep,” I reply, opening my eyes and realizing that it’s still dark out. Why is Will up well before dawn…on a Sunday?

“He better not even think about coming up here,” Eric growls as we hear Will’s footsteps and Shep’s jangling collar climb the stairs simultaneously.

We’re nowhere close to being naked, but Eric is extremely territorial when it comes to what goes on in our bedroom. To him, my body is for his eyes only. It doesn’t matter that Will’s gay. It doesn’t matter that Will’s seen me in less. Eric doesn’t want any man getting a glimpse of what’s his—even if something really terrible is happening and we need to know about it. Yep, my man is crazy like that.

I slide out from underneath Eric as Will comes charging in.

“Get out!” Eric thunders as I playfully swat the back of his head.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Will holds up a hand to shield his eyes. “But you’ll never believe what I just saw on CNN.”

“What?” I ask, disappointed that he woke us up for something that probably doesn’t even concern us.

“It’s Ryan,” Will starts, instantly grabbing my attention. “He got arrested last night for attacking some girl.” He lowers his hand to gauge our reaction.

“Holy shit,” Eric mutters, disgusted.

“Will, you’re telling us that Ryan made the national news?” I ask, immediately shifting from groggy to alert as my mind throttles into panic mode. “We have to check out this morning’s
,” I say, scooting my feet from underneath the covers and pulling on my robe.

Will shakes his head. “I’ll bet my life that it’s not in there.”

“I wonder how it leaked then,” Eric responds, hustling out of bed and throwing on a shirt. “The Price name must’ve come over the wire and there wasn’t time to hush it up.”

“Yeah, in the big, bad city, everything’s media fodder,” I agree, following Will quickly down the steps. “No matter who you are. The more prestigious the name, the greater the fall. Once the charges are filed, there’s no hiding them.”

“The cops around here wouldn’t touch Ryan with a ten-foot pole, but in New York, they don’t know him from Adam.” Will looks back at me over his shoulder. “There, he’s just another rich man’s son.”

We gather around the TV and catch the tail end of the report.

“Ryan Price is the only son of Wall Street tycoon Conrad Price. According to an employee of the family, the elder Price threw his son out of their Park Avenue apartment after an altercation on Thanksgiving. Another witness at the crime scene claims that Ryan Price has been squatting in Central Park ever since the incident with his father.”

The screen fills with the face of a bedraggled teen full of piercings and tattoos and a very noticeable black eye. “Yeah, he wasn’t supposed to hurt the girl or anything. He just wanted her purse. He needed the money. He said he hadn’t eaten in two days. But when she resisted, he went all crazy, dragging her off into the bushes, holding her down. I tried to stop him, but that’s when he got violent. He hit me and knocked me out cold.”

The reporter continues. “Hearing the victim’s cries, passersby intervened and alerted police. It wasn’t long until they apprehended Price, who was found under a nearby bridge. For now, Price remains in police custody, awaiting an arraignment hearing on Monday.”

“Wow, this is serious,” I say, trying to take it all in.

“But that’s not all. They’re onto Ben, too. He woke me up when he texted me this morning all freaked out. He said some reporter already called him for a quote on Ryan’s arrest,” Will rushes on. “He doesn’t know how they got his name and number, but it can’t be good. Lauren could already be trying to do damage control by throwing Ben under the bus.”

“What exactly did the reporter want to know?” Eric presses, his voice deepening in anger.

“She made it seem like she wanted a response from one of his classmates about his arrest, but of all the kids Ryan goes to school with, why would they pick Ben?” Will questions, not buying the randomness of the selection.

“Well, he is the star football player of the senior class,” I pipe in. “He’s probably the most well-known student at Glendale High.”

“Yeah, but I don’t like it,” Will huffs as he starts to pace back and forth in front of the fire.

“What would Lauren have to gain by outing Ben and Ryan now?” Eric asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“She probably has a pretty good suspicion that Tim blabbed what he knew to us. If Conrad’s doubling down, it’s a reasonable move,” Will elaborates, running a hand through his seriously disheveled hair. “I mean, he’s clearly written his son off. He probably doesn’t care what comes out about him now, and he’s desperate to protect his reputation at all costs.”

“Will, relax. You’re being paranoid,” I say soothingly, reaching for his arm, but he shrugs me off. “The reporter didn’t ask Ben to comment about their relationship, right? So what’s there to worry about?”

“And we can pretty much assume that Ryan knows nothing about his father’s involvement with Cassidy,” Eric remarks, spitting out her name like it hurts him to say it. “Or he would have used the information to his benefit a long time ago. He wouldn’t have been homeless in Central Park if he had that kind of dirt on his old man.”

“But we have to consider that Lauren and her stepfather might be trying to work both fronts,” Will argues back. “By outing Ryan and implicating Ben, they destroy Tim’s credibility. He’s the last viable link back to Cassidy. He’s the only one she confided in about her baby’s paternity. Discredit Tim as Ben’s pissed-off brother and the story dies with her. No one will believe a word he says. Everyone will think he’s just out to get the Prices and avenge his brother.”

I jerk, hearing a car door slam. “Wait a minute. Guys, did you hear that?”

They both fall silent, straining to listen as Will hurriedly turns off the TV.

Creeping stealthily toward the door, Eric peers out. “Shit. It’s Lauren, and she’s got Tim with her.”

“What?” Will and I utter in unison, hardly believing what Eric just said.

“But something’s wrong,” Eric continues. “Tim’s moving kind of funny. He’s walking real slow, and she keeps jabbing him in the back.”

Will looks out the window over Eric’s shoulder, watching their approach. “Stay back, Ivy,” he warns. “Until we find out what’s going on.”

“Ease the door open gently,” Eric instructs Will. “I won’t leave Tim hanging, no matter what she has up her sleeve.”

“Once he’s in, want me to slam it in her face?” Will asks, glancing at Eric.

“I don’t think she’s going to let him get that far away from her. She’s practically glued to his side,” Eric responds, and I can see the muscles in his back and shoulders tightening.

“What the fuck is this, Young?” Will groans as he twists the lock.

“I have no idea,” Eric grumbles, sliding into position behind him, blocking me from view. “Be prepared for anything.”

“Here goes nothing,” Will says under his breath as he turns the knob.

“Get in there, and don’t do anything stupid,” I hear Lauren snarl even though I can’t see her face.

“I don’t think so, Lauren,” Eric replies, holding his ground. “It’s my home, and I’m not too keen on you dragging this piece of shit across my doorstep.”

“You’re not fooling anybody, Eric.” Lauren stomps her heel, getting mad. “I already know he’s been here and that he’s been working down at the garden center. So cut the crap.”

She bulldozes her way inside, shoving Tim right through Will and Eric. I take a step back, bumping up against the couch. Inadvertently, I clutch my stomach, wishing I could escape as Shep growls at my feet.

The look on Lauren’s face is frightening. She’s gone all Cruella de Vil kind of psycho. Her red lipstick is smeared. Her hair is frizzed out. Her ivory coat is stained. I’ve never seen her in such a state of disarray.

But the expression on Tim’s face affects me more. He’s sweating profusely, and his cheeks are bright red, but not from the cold. His breathing is erratic like he’s trying to hold something back. But his eyes are what kill me. They’re full of such remorse, and I don’t know why. I extend my arms, urging him to come to me, but he doesn’t move. It’s like he’s frozen in place.

He turns slightly, and that’s when I see the gun Lauren has pointed straight at his back.

Eric and Will are staring at it too. Then they exchange a quick glance with each other. Lauren is clearly unhinged. I don’t know what she’s doing here or why she kidnapped Tim, but this is it. The moment of reckoning has arrived.

“Lauren, what are you doing?” I ask her cautiously before my eyes fly to Eric.

“Don’t even think about it!” Lauren yells, glancing quickly behind her. “One move from you and he’s dead.” She waves the gun back and forth, and my heart skips a beat as she hastily aims the barrel in Eric’s direction.

I sink to the floor, unable to stand, holding on to Shep’s collar for support.

“Ivy!” Eric cries out, rushing forward.

“I said don’t move!” Lauren screams, preventing him from coming to me.

“Stop it! Just stop it,” Tim begs her. “It’s me you want, not them. Just do it already.”

“Tim, don’t—” I say, looking up at him in horror.

“Like I’m going to make it that easy for you,” Lauren seethes, pistol-whipping Tim across the face.

I flinch as he reels to the side, blood flowing from his mouth.

“You caused this! All of this!” Lauren rants on. “You couldn’t keep your mouth shut. You had to go and tell a secret that wasn’t yours to tell!”

Tim doesn’t even have time to stand upright as she cracks the butt of the gun across the back of his head, causing him to stagger to his knees.

“My stepfather gave me the order to clean this up, and that’s what I’m going to do.” She rolls up her coat sleeves to her elbows and pushes her hair out of her face. “My stepbrother’s in jail. The future of Price Enterprises is at stake, and I’ve put too much into this company to see you take it down because of some misplaced loyalty to a girl who doesn’t even deserve it. I may have lost the guy”—she flicks her eyes to Eric—“but I’m not losing my career or my future because Conrad Price couldn’t control himself around some worthless little slut. This ends with you!”

I duck and throw my hands over my head as gunfire starts to go off all around me. It happens so fast that I don’t know where it’s all coming from. Splinters of wood ricochet off the walls of the cabin and land at my feet. Shep whines as he presses his body against me, trying to shield me from harm. He doesn’t leave my side as chaos erupts from seemingly every direction.

The ringing in my ears is intense. The gunshots sound so much louder indoors that it takes me a moment to realize that they’ve stopped. When I find the courage to lift my head, I see Ben standing in the doorway through the smoky haze, holding a gun, and Eric beside him with a rifle on his shoulder. Lauren and Tim are both lying facedown on the floor, a pool of blood forming between them.

I want to move, but I can’t. I think I’m in shock. I have to see if Tim’s okay, but my legs won’t support me. I watch dumbly as Ben hurries toward his brother, flipping him over. Tim coughs and sputters, choking as his lungs fill with blood.

There’s nothing anyone can do. Lauren must have gotten off multiple shots into his chest. Even if we call for help, the paramedics will never get here in time. We all watch speechless, knowing that Tim is dying in his brother’s arms.

“Hang in there, buddy. Okay?” Ben encourages him, resting his head on his lap. “You gotta come see me play at Penn State next fall. You hear me? If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had a chance at any of this. You were the one who always protected me from anyone who was out to get me. You were the best big brother a guy could have. You risked everything for me… Everything…”

The light in Tim’s eyes starts to fade as Will and Eric step forward. Within seconds, Tim’s frantic determination to breathe is replaced with that telltale expression of surrender. Ben starts to moan as Tim’s chest stops moving. He lowers his head onto his brother and utters a heartrending sob. Will bends down and places his arm around him, but he’s inconsolable, wailing in anguish.

I want to cry, too, but I can’t. I don’t feel a thing as I observe what’s unfolding right in front of me. I’m in some sort of trance, like if I let it in, it will consume me. I look blankly over at Lauren’s body, the bullet holes that tore through her ivory coat and straight through her heart. I don’t know who shot her, Eric or Ben, and I don’t want to know. I watch listlessly as Eric puts down Tim’s rifle, which he stored last night next to the door, never realizing he would have to use it this morning. I don’t know where Ben came from all of a sudden. Was he tailing them the whole way? Was Lauren going to kill us next? She finally snapped, but why did she have to take Tim with her? Things were finally starting to get back to normal between him and Eric, and now he’s gone. Gone forever. Just like Cassidy.

I rock up on my knees slowly, feeling numb. Eric’s there beside me before I can even stand up. I’m so dizzy as I cling to him for dear life, not wanting to let him go.

“Ivy, don’t move,” he whispers intently against my ear. “Wait here. I’m going to call an ambulance.”

“But it’s too late, Eric,” I argue, tightening my grip on him. “They’re already gone.”

“It’s not for them,” he says, gently, guiding me back onto the floor. “It’s for you.”

And that’s when I look down and see that I’m sitting in a puddle of my own blood. When I realize that it’s mine, my hands begin to shake before my whole body starts to tremble.

Oh God, the baby… Not the baby.

BOOK: Hold Me Tight
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