In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You (3 page)

Read In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You
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She nodded silently, her heart hammering at the thought of another opportunity to win him back.

They separated to find their friends and tell them they were leaving.

After speaking to her two co-workers, she searched for Rayna in vain before she turned and found the man who looked far too young to be Rayna’s uncle standing in her path.

A tingle danced down her spine. “Oh!”

A tingle danced down her spine. “Oh!”

“You’re leaving with him.”

He made her intention to leave with Michael sound like a crime.



She stared at him. “You ask that as if you have the right to.”

“Never mind my right to ask. Let’s talk about you. You’re going to sleep with him knowing he doesn’t appreciate you?”

With her cheeks burning, she glanced down.

“Look at me.”

She shook her head, keeping her lids lowered.

He bent to speak with his lips against her ear. “You’re not going to get him back by giving him easy pussy on demand.”

Surprised by the venom she heard in his deep voice and by his insulting choice of words, she jerked away. “It’s none of your business who I choose to sleep with!” She turned away.

He caught her hand and turned her back to face him. “I wouldn’t be too sure of that if I were you.” She stared up at him, speechless for several moments until she found her voice. “I am sure of it.” She tugged at her hand. “I don’t even know your name.”

“My name is—”

“Whatever your name is you sure as hell don’t get to tell me who I can sleep with after a twenty minute conversation. And you should know your crude language leaves a lot to be desired. Develop some manners and a little finesse and maybe you won’t have to spend your nights trying to pick up women who have no interest in you whatsoever!”

He tightened his fingers around hers. “Don’t give me that shit about no interest and don’t sleep with him.” Cayenne bit her lip. Why did that almost sound like a command he expected her to obey? “Let go of my hand.” After a long, tension-filled moment, during which she felt as if he were trying to impose his will on her, he finally complied.

She stared at him.

He stared back.

She sucked in a breath. Why was she still standing so close to him? Why didn’t she walk away or at least take a few steps back?

“Who the hell is this guy, Cay?”

Before she could respond, Rayna’s uncle swung around to face Michael. “Your replacement, asshole.” She caught her breath. Oh, no.

“What the fuck?” Michael demanded. “Did you just call me an asshole?”

“Yes. Now what the fuck do you plan to do about it?”

Michael showed his contempt by deliberately turning his back on the other male to look at her. “I thought you said you didn’t know him.”

“I don’t!” Oh, hell. Why had she allowed Rayna to talk her into using her uncle to make Michael jealous? And why hadn’t Rayna told her the uncle in question was slightly unhinged?

“Then let me kick his sorry ass to the curb.” Michael turned and jabbed at the other man’s shoulder. “Back up or else.”

“Or else what?”

He didn’t make any menacing moves or raise his voice, but Cayenne felt a sudden fear for Michael. She turned to look at the man, a pleading look in her eyes. Under cover of the club’s dim lighting, she gripped his hand.
don’t hurt him.

After a brief stare and a return squeeze, he inclined his head slightly before he tugged his hand free.

Cayenne relaxed. Now to get Michael out of there before the other male changed his mind.

Michael leaned close to him. “Or else I’ll kick your ass.”

Cayenne could almost feel a wave of anger emanating from the other male. Her heart raced with fear for Michael. She slipped her arm through Michael’s and tugged at it. “I need a fuck,” she whispered, desperate to keep him from antagonizing the other man further. She wasn’t quite sure why she was so fearful. At six-five, Michael had him from antagonizing the other man further. She wasn’t quite sure why she was so fearful. At six-five, Michael had about a three-inch and twenty-pound advantage. In addition, Michael had gone to college on a wrestling scholarship.

He could take care of himself. Yet there was something about the other man that hinted at a barely leashed power she doubted Michael could handle.

“Are you going to stand here wasting time trading insults with him or are you going to take me home and fuck me?”

For a moment, when Michael and the other male stared at each other, she feared Michael would provoke a fight he couldn’t win. Then he suddenly smiled down at her. “Then let’s get out of here, baby.” He put an arm around her waist and turned her away.

Feeling compelled, Cayenne cast a brief glance over her shoulder. Rayna’s uncle stood staring in their direction.

Don’t sleep with him.

With the silent words unaccountably echoing in her head, she reluctantly allowed Michael to rush her out of the club, half-afraid the other male would follow them and pummel Michael.

Thankfully, he didn’t and an hour later, she lay in her bed with Michael lying between her thighs. He sucked and bit at her breasts while fucking his big, thick, delicious cock in and out of her flooded pussy with hard, deep strokes that made her shudder with lust and purr like an alley cat in heat. Under his skillful attention, she came seconds before he ejaculated directly into her.

She wrapped her legs around him and clung to him while he shuddered through his climax. Only when he slumped against her, did she release him.

“Damn, girl, that’s still the best pussy I’ve ever had,” he told her as he withdrew from her.

The moment his cock left her body, she knew Rayna’s uncle’s admonition not to sleep with Michael was the cause for the immediate regret she felt. She’d just experienced a great fuck from the best cock she’d ever had. Why should she feel anything but a delicious afterglow?

“Then why are you always so eager to stick your cock into strange pussies?” she demanded.

“What the fuck?” In the act of rolling away from her, he turned to face her. “Please don’t start any shit, Cay.

You know the rules. We’re divorced. I can fuck whoever I like.”

“So can I!” She slipped off the bed. Feeling his seed trickle down one thigh, she inexplicably thought of Rayna’s uncle again and blushed.

“Don’t talk like that, baby!”

She looked back to see Michael, with his beautiful cock still semi-erect and covered with their combined fluids, hop off the bed.

She shook her head.

He walked over to her and took her in his arms. “You know it would kill me to know other men were enjoying my pussy.”

She sucked in an agitated breath. “How do you think I feel knowing you’re fucking other women?” He rubbed his cock against her. “You know they don’t mean a thing, baby.” He reached between their bodies to slip a finger inside her. “You know this is the ultimate pussy. The others are just appetizers.”

“Well, maybe I’d like one or two male appetizers.”

He pushed another finger in her. “Don’t talk like that, baby. This is my pussy and I’m not sharing it with anyone

—especially that half-breed from the club.”

“Half-breed?” She jerked away from him. “How can you say such things about a man neither one of us knows?”

“I know he looked Indian. I know he has blue eyes.”

“Since when do Native American men have blue eyes?”

“He has blue eyes and he obviously wants some of my pussy!”

The thought flattered her so it took a moment for her to refocus her thoughts. “He’s Native American and I’ll sleep with whoever I like—just as you do.”

“The hell you will.” He swept her off her feet and carried her across the room to stretch her on her back on the bed. “Give me what’s mine alone.”

Don’t sleep with him.
She hesitated a moment before she slowly parted her thighs.

“That’s what I’m talking about, baby.” Moments later, he lay between her thighs, eating her pussy with all the hunger and delight of a man discovering oral sex for the first time.

She curled her fingers in his hair and moaned her way to a blistering climax. While she lay in the throes of it, he She curled her fingers in his hair and moaned her way to a blistering climax. While she lay in the throes of it, he slipped his fully erect cock back inside her.

She trembled and clung to him. “Oh…Mike Yes. Yes. Fuck me.”

“That’s the plan, girl.” He fucked her hard until he came.

Then they collapsed in each other’s arms. Although thoroughly satisfied and tired, she lay awake after he fell asleep.

A picture of the man she’d met that night seemed to imprint itself on her closed lids. She considered the unmistakable air of possession he’d displayed towards her. Clearly, she’d made a favorable impression on him. He’d certainly done the same with her. What was he doing? Had he left the club with someone? Would she see him again if she returned there alone on the following weekend? Had he really been interested in her? Or had he just taken the part Rayna had designed for him too seriously? Would he think less of her knowing she’d slept with Michael again?

The question troubled her as she drifted into an uneasy sleep. Even with Michael’s arm tossed over her naked body, her last waking thoughts were of the male who had kissed her fingers and called her sweet and managed to sound as if he meant it.

* * *

“Are you all right, Uncle Jay?”

Jayvyn kept his gaze on the road ahead as he drove home from the club with Rayna seated beside him. “Yes,” he said.

“You’ve barely spoken to me since we left the club,” Rayna said. “And you haven’t sung a single song.” He clenched his jaw, struggling to control the fury knotting the muscles of his stomach. “That’s because I don’t have anything to say and I don’t feel like singing.”

She touched his arm. “Do you want to talk about her, Uncle Jay?”

“Why should I when she’s clearly an idiot who deserves whatever treatment he gives her?” Several moments passed before Rayna responded. “She thinks she’s still in love with him.”
Silly bitch!
“Is she?”

“He’s a very skillful lover who also happens to be well-educated, straight, and well-endowed. That’s an irresistible combination for most women.”

“And just how the hell would you know how well-endowed he is or isn’t, Rayna?” She replied in a quiet, patient voice that grated on him. “She told me. I think his size and prowess in bed are what keeps her almost enslaved to him.”

He inhaled. “So you’re saying she’s in the grip of cock lust?”

“There’s nothing wrong with human women enjoying sex as much as fems do, Uncle Jay.”

“So she

“She’s a normal female with a normal sex drive. That doesn’t mean you should think any less of her or call her unkind names.”

The disapproval in Rayna’s voice annoyed the hell out of him. “Don’t try to deny she’s easy.”

“She thinks she’s still in love,” she countered. “And you liked her more than a little so don’t bother trying to deny it. And don’t even think about hurting him.”

Rayna’s accurate assessment of his reaction to Cayenne only served to increase his anger.

“I was very proud of you tonight, Uncle Jay.”

The unmistakable sincerity he heard in her voice diffused his anger. “For what?”

“For the restraint you showed when he challenged you.”

“Why am I not surprised that you were lurking and eavesdropping?” She laughed. “Say whatever you like. I was and am proud of the restraint you showed.”

“Prove it by staying out of my personal life, Rayna—unless you want me delving into yours.” She laughed again. “Mine?”


“One of us is a little delusional tonight and it isn’t me. What personal life can I have with three vampire uncles who think no one is good enough for me?”

Hearing the disquiet in her voice, he shook his head. “It’s only because we love you.”

“I know that, but it still makes it hard for me to date. One of you always manages to scare away any man in whom I show the faintest interest. I’m beginning to think you all want me to be an even older maid than I already whom I show the faintest interest. I’m beginning to think you all want me to be an even older maid than I already am.”

“You’re not an old maid and you can’t think that.”

“Can’t I, Uncle Jay?”

“No! When you bring someone home who’s worth your time and attention, we’ll accept him.”

“I’ve done that already but you’re all determined to find some major fault with every man I meet. You do this while I watch the three of you run through women like water. You should have fun but I should behave like a nun.” He inhaled. “You are the best part of all of us combined, Rayna. And you know we all love you and want the best for you.”

“I know that, Uncle Jay. That’s the only thing that makes my situation bearable. And I want the best for you too.”

Damn. A vampire had to get up early in the morning to stay ahead of her.

“Do you want her address, Uncle Jay?”

He knew the other man would be fucking her that night. Lucky, undeserving asshole! If he saw her naked with the overconfident bastard, he’d be hard pressed not to kill him on the spot. He bared his incisors.
Round one to you,

“Uncle Jay?”

“No. I don’t want her address.”

Rayna reached over to touch his arm. “You can see how much she needs rescuing from him.”

“Then why the hell doesn’t she do something about it herself? Is she an idiot?”

“She’s a wounded woman who needs help getting out of a bad situation, Uncle Jay. He has her so confused, she—”

“Never mind making excuses for her lack of backbone, Rayna.”

“Your lack of charity and efforts to make her seem easy only serve to confirm she managed to get under your skin and that’s all I’m going to say on the subject.”

“That’ll be the day.”

She laughed.

After a moment, he laughed too.

She leaned over to kiss his cheek. “You’ll need patience with her.”

“That’s not my strong suit,” he said, deciding there was no point in pretending he had no interest in seeing Cayenne Pepper again.

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