In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You (5 page)

Read In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You
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She glanced at the roses and felt a slow smile spreading across her face. Rising, she walked into the bathroom.

Red roses were romantic and exciting to get but they wouldn’t replace the love and affection she and Michael shared, she told herself as she stepped into the shower. Turning on the water, she attempted to wash away the lingering regrets she felt that she couldn’t afford the risk of flirting with Rayna’s uncle.

* * *

“She’s not here?”

Jayvyn looked up as a tall male with green eyes, high cheekbones, and long-dark hair that spilled down his back sank onto the seat across from him at the club where he’d met Cayenne Pepper a week earlier. He shook his head.


“It’s early yet. She might still show up.”

Jayvyn considered Kristopher Macarik in silence. He and Macarik met when he built the other man’s home. The friendship that had developed between them was surprising but deep. Macarik was the first human Jayvyn had developed such a close friendship with since he’d become a vampire. Through him, Jayvyn and his family had met other Native American humans whose friendship he and his brothers valued.

Macarik was one of the few human males who knew he and his brothers were vampires. For the past twelve years, the two males had kept few secrets from each other. When he’d wanted to talk about Cayenne to someone other than Rayna or his brothers, he’d called Kristopher.

Jayvyn glanced at his watch and shook his head. “It’s one-twenty in the morning. She’s not coming. That useless bastard has probably reeled her back in line.” And into his bed. Damn it!

Macarik sipped his beer. “Why don’t you call her?”

“And give Rayna the satisfaction of thinking I’m going to meekly fall in line with her plans for me like Adrian did?”

“Why not? Since that’s clearly what you’re going to do?”

“The hell I am!”

Macarik arched a brow. “When was the last time you sat around in a club ignoring all the subtle and not so subtle come-ons from beautiful, willing women while waiting and hoping some other man’s woman showed up and tossed a few crumbs of attention your way?”

Jayvyn curled his lip and leaned across the table to glare at the other man. “She’s not his woman!” Macarik leaned back in his chair. “Tell her that. Not me.” He flashed a smile and rose.

Jayvyn watched his friend walk away to be immediately surrounded by women eager to share his bed for the night. Normally when he and Macarik were out together, they welcomed the crush of willing women. But not tonight. After nearly two weeks without sex, Jayvyn felt ready to explode. And for what? Some silly bitch who didn’t know what was good for her?

So much for the so-called benefits of cayenne peppers. Fuck her. If she wanted to stay with a man who had divorced her so he could fuck her and any other woman he liked, she wasn’t worth his time. He glanced around, caught the gaze of a pretty, slender blonde, and crossed the club to her. After he’d fucked her and ingested her blood, he’d go in search of Toni for a real fuck.

* * *

How long are you going to allow him to flaunt his affairs in front of you and keep welcoming him back into your bed?”

Seated at the restaurant on the street floor of the law office where she, Michael, and Rayna worked, Cayenne tore her gaze away from a table on the other side of the room. Michael sat there with a beautiful, slender woman with tore her gaze away from a table on the other side of the room. Michael sat there with a beautiful, slender woman with smooth, dark skin and eyes. He kept the same seductive smile turned on the woman that had won Cayenne’s heart the day they met.

Bowing to her fear that she’d lose Michael for good if she saw Rayna’s uncle again, she had refused Rayna’s urging that she go back to the club the previous weekend. Michael had not called her once. And now he sat flirting with another woman in her presence—as if their five-year marriage and her hopes of reconciliation meant nothing to him.

Her best friend, Desiree Parker, leaned across the table to squeeze her hand. “I think you should take Rayna’s advice. Her Uncle Jay sounds interesting.”

If the asshole doesn’t want you, give me a try, sweet.
“He’s very interesting.”

“Then why not let him help you win Michael back—if you’re still sure you want him, Cay.” She pulled her hand away from Desiree’s. “Of course I want him.”

“Then why not let this interesting guy help you make him jealous enough to want you back?” She shook her head. “I’ll admit I’m tempted, but if Michael learns I’ve been anywhere near him, it’s over between us.”

“Why? Because he suspects her uncle would treat you as you should be treated which would leave his sorry ass out in the cold?”

“You’re talking about the man I love,” she said coolly.

Desiree nodded. “I know, but I’m your best friend. If I don’t tell you these things, who will? Let’s get down and dirty and be totally honest with each other, Cay. You want him back because he’s so well-endowed. Right?” Cayenne felt her cheeks heat up. She narrowed her gaze. “That’s not the only reason.”

“Isn’t it? Because frankly, Cay, from where I sit, he’s treating you like shit and you’re taking it because he has a big one.”

“Think what you like. I’m not going to apologize for having preferences.”

“I don’t expect you too. I have preferences myself.” She smiled. Her dark eyes lit up, lightening up her whole face. “I’m holding out for a big, hard-bodied hunk with a really big love-pole who is discerning enough to be open to try love with a full-figured woman eager to please and tease him right out of his mind.”

“A love pole?” Cayenne laughed. “And you’re complaining about my liking the same thing?”

“The difference is, I readily admit how important it is for me to have a well-hung guy.”

“And you don’t think you’re shallow?”

“Oh, hell to the no. I’m a big woman. I need a lover with sufficient length so he can reach my special spots.

Until I find one, I’m content to live vicariously through your love life.”

“You have too much to offer to have to settle for my lame tales.”

“Lame? You sound like you could have two hunks vying for your attention. I wouldn’t call that lame, but stop trying to distract me. Michael is trying to have his cake and eat it too. I say not only go out with Rayna’s uncle. I say give him a roll or two in the hay.” She held up a hand when Cayenne shook her head. “Trust me, Cay, you owe it to yourself not to continue to allow Michael to control your love life while he sleeps with every woman in sight.” Cayenne took a slow, deep breath before she sipped her diet drink. As she considered Desiree’s suggestion in silence, Rayna walked into the restaurant and paused at their table. “Can I join you?” Had Desiree and Rayna planned to gang up on her? She cast a quick look at Desiree, who shook her head.

Reassured, she smiled up at Rayna. “Of course.”

Desiree slid over on the booth seat, making room for Rayna to sit beside her.

“What’s the topic of conversation?”

“Love poles,” Cayenne whispered, her lips twitching.

“Big, thick, satisfying ones,” Desiree added, quickly outlining her lips with the tip of her tongue.

“That’s a conversation I want in on,” Rayna said, fanning herself and the three women laughed.

When they stopped laughing, Cayenne told Rayna what she and Desiree had been discussing.

“Naturally enough, I agree with Desiree.”

Cayenne arched a brow. “What a surprise. But my question is why would your uncle want to help me?” Rayna shrugged. “Because he’s male and you’re an attractive woman and he’s bored at the moment.”

“Why? Why doesn’t he have a woman in his life?” She picked up her fork.

Rayna widened her gaze. “Who says he doesn’t?”

Rayna widened her gaze. “Who says he doesn’t?”

Cayenne paused with her fork halfway to her mouth. “He has a woman in his life?”

“He has at least two—probably more.”

She blinked, aware of a feeling of dismay. “And won’t his many women mind his pretending to romance me?”

“His main woman is rediscovering her roots in Africa.”


Rayna nodded, a knowing smile curving her lips upward. “Uncle Jay isn’t into white women.”

“But he cheats while his woman is away?”

“He’s not cheating. They’re not married, engaged, or otherwise committed to each other. They have an understanding that allows them both a certain amount of latitude. Besides, we’re talking pretend dating.” She arched a brow. “It’s not as if he’s going to want to really romance you into bed. And even if he did, you wouldn’t want that.

Would you?”

“No! Of course!”

“Then no harm, no foul. Let him help you shake things up.”

She glanced across the room just as Michael leaned close to whisper to his date. Damn him! She sucked in an angry breath and turned to look at Rayna. “I’ll think about it.” And her unforgettable uncle.

“That’s all I ask. Just think about it.”

* * *

When they returned to the law office twenty floors above the restaurant after lunch, Cayenne tried to contain her conflicting feelings. She knew Michael would be bedding the woman she’d seen him with that night. Why should she spend the night, lonely and sexually frustrated?

Rayna’s uncle had been interested enough to send her red roses while Michael hadn’t sent her flowers since she accepted his proposal nearly seven years earlier.

Give me a try, sweet.
Just maybe it was time she showed Michael she was not a doormat and that there were other men who found her sexually attractive—even if he sometimes didn’t.

Two dozen red roses awaited her that night when she arrived home. Smiling, she plucked the card from between the roses.

From your not so secret admirer who’ll be at the club again this weekend.

Again? Had he been there the previous weekend looking for her?

Her spirits lifted, she finished dinner, took a long soak, and then got in bed. Instead of lying sleepless and distressed because Michael was with another woman, she thought about her not so secret admirer until she finally fell asleep.

An elaborate bouquet of mixed roses sat on her desk at work the next morning.

She was already smiling as she reached for the card.

Don’t stand me up again, sweet.

“Don’t you worry about being stood up,” she said softly. Damn if she’d waste another lonely weekend hoping Michael would want to spend some time with her while he fucked the nights away with women who cared nothing about him.

* * *

Although the rest of the week passed without an additional message from Rayna’s uncle, Cayenne thought of him frequently. She woke Friday morning, still trying to decide if she would go to the club that night. Her decision became easy when she arrived at work in time to see Michael seated in his car in the parking lot kissing one of the legal secretaries.

“If you’re going to continue to work here, you’re going to have to kick his sorry ass to the curb. Unless one of you leaves.”

At the sound of Rayna’s voice, Cayenne swung around to face her. “He’s a lawyer. I’m a paralegal. Which one of us do you think is more expendable?”

“Him. Mediocre lawyers are a dime a dozen but a good paralegal is worth her weight in gold. You don’t have to remain here. You have options.” She slipped her arm through Cayenne’s and walked her into the building.

“The work here is challenging and I’m paid as well as I can expect to be for doing what I love. I’m sure I could land another position with a lower salary and less challenging work.”

“I happen to know of another law firm you might want to consider. Why don’t you come to my next party so I

“I happen to know of another law firm you might want to consider. Why don’t you come to my next party so I can introduce you to the Stoner brothers.”

The Stoners were high-profile lawyers in the tri-state area. “The Stoners? You know them?” Rayna nodded. “I do and I’d love to introduce you. Would you like to meet them?”

“Of course I would.”

“Great. Now, I think you need to consider going out tonight.

They paused in front of the elevator bank. “It’s not as if I have a date.” Rayna leaned close. “I happen to know a hunky Native American male who plans to spend the weekend clubbing in the hopes of meeting the right woman. Maybe the two of you can connect for a little conversation.” They stepped into the elevator that opened in front of them. Cayenne moistened her lips. “Maybe.” Rayna smiled and jabbed at the elevator button so the door slid closed just as Michael and the secretary approached. She glanced at Cayenne and they both laughed.

Rather to her surprise, Cayenne was too busy thinking of the coming night to give Michael and his women a second thought. After work, she went home and enjoyed a half-hour soak before dressing for a night out. She slipped into a mauve dress with a bodice that hugged and showcased her breasts and flat belly before ending just above her knees. She stepped into black heels and sprayed on her favorite scent.

After studying her reflection, she decided she displayed just enough of her assets to keep him interested without appearing trashy. Slipping an expensive three-quarter designer jacket around her shoulders, she left her house.

Soft jazz filled the car as she drove to the club with butterflies in her stomach. She arrived just after eight-thirty to find the dimly-lit club filled with people—none of whom was the man she’d come to see.

After making her way around the entire club twice she was on the verge of leaving when a pair of cool lips touched her ear and a deep voice asked: “Looking for me, sweet?” Ignoring the wave of delight she felt, Cayenne wiped the smile off her face and turned to stare up at him. “Are you always so delusional or have you just had too much to drink tonight?” He laughed. “I’m feeling drunk but not because of alcohol.”

Heat rushed up her cheeks. “Then what?”

He brushed the back of his hand against hers. “It would appear you have that effect on me, sweet.” Cayenne couldn’t stop a slow smile from spreading across her face at the admission. “Just for that, I’ll let you buy me a drink.”

“I’m flattered.”

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