Innocence of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill

BOOK: Innocence of Love
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Hey Sophie! Hope you are okay, and little Kacey is doing well? I have arrived in the mad world of London, and it’s crazy. Called in at work, and well that place is just loopy lol. Anyway, I did try and call you, but I am guessing you are beside your daughter. Hope to hear from you soon, love Calvin xxx

He pressed send to feel better for sending the message. When suddenly he froze…he quickly re-checked the text message seeing the word
, not one but bloody three kisses. He sighed loud,
for God sake Calvin.
He just knew how she would perceive the word and kisses, but then again…in his heart he meant them.

Calvin went for a shower, to remove the stresses of the day. The drive had been bad enough then to call in at work …he must have been nuts, then again before meeting Sophie he would hardly have left the place, making sure everyone did what they were meant to, under strict instructions. He hated being bossy…at least he does now. He had his mind far too occupied with other concerns back up north. Calvin would be the first to admit the business ran smoothly without him, proving his staff were quite capable, but then, again the hidden extras that he handled where the bits he needed to concentrate on not a woman up north.

Once showered and freshened up, he got dressed to take a short walk to the nearest convenience store getting some food and milk in, unsure how much to get, as he planned on taking Ross out when he arrived. He would confess he looked forward to Ross visiting and having a good yarn.

Arriving back home, entering through the door when his mobile rang. Quickly he put his hand in his pocket to retrieve his phone to find Ross calling him. He swiped his finger across the screen while multi-tasting and balancing the bags trying to put the phone to his ear.

“Hey, mate, how’s it going?” he said, inserting the key in the door.

“Not too bad, I am guessing you got to London safe?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, the drive was daunting, but made it,” he informed him, leaning on the door and when it opened he almost tumbled. Quickly recovering back to his two feet the alarm activated. “Just give me a second,” he announced, placing his phone on the glass table near the door and placed the bags on the floor. He raced to the cupboard to switch the alarm off puffing and panting. “Sorry about that, always happens all at once.”

“I know the feeling my friend…listen, I popped to see Sophie this evening.”

Calvin froze his heart skipped a beat.

“Is everything okay? I tried her earlier, but haven’t heard a thing,” he voiced in panic.

“She’s fine, a little stressed, the monitors started beeping and they needed to assist her daughter with breathing, and taking tests…they think she has an infection,” Ross reported as Calvin lungs deflate. “Calvin, you still there?”

“Yeah,” he gasped.

His knees buckled from underneath him. He should have stayed. He should have been there for Sophie. He tried to force the lump down his throat but struggled.

“Is anyone with her?” he managed to say.

“Her parents. Kacey is in the right place and will get the best treatment. Don’t worry. I’m sure Sophie will call you as soon as she possibly can.”

“I bet she is beside herself.” His stomach ached.

“She is a strong woman, she’ll fight this.”

Unsure if what Ross said had been the entire truth, there was a whole new meaning when it came to your loved one, and how much you cope with such news, not only that he worried about her parents concerned how they were supporting her. Convinced they were doing a good job, but still, he wished he could be there.

The call ended. Calvin went into the lounge. He slumped onto his sofa holding his head in his hands. He had to try somehow to urgently speak to Sophie, if he couldn’t be there at least he could try to do the next best thing, be a voice to offer her the best support he could.

Calvin called his mum, “Hello, son. Are you in London?”

“Yeah I’m here. Listen could you do me a massive favour and go to the hospital, Kacey isn’t well and I cannot contact Sophie.”

“Oh no! What about contacting Rosalind?” she suggested.

“Shit, I forgot about her. Sorry, Mum, for swearing.”

He wasn’t thinking clear at all. Panic took over him. He immediately called Rosalind, it rang and rang, and rang, no-one picked up.

“Fucking hell, will someone talk to me…hospital.”

He called the hospital, having the number stored from when Sophie had been in intensive care. “Hello can I be put through to neonatal please?” he asked some receptionist.

He was soon put through to the correct department.

“Good evening neonatal.”

“Hi evening! Sorry I’m calling from London and I know you cannot give me any information, so could you please inform Sophie Richards to call me as soon as possible, it’s Calvin Edwards,” he remembered to say.

“Of course, I will inform her you called.”

He managed to stand aware there was nothing else he could do until hearing from Sophie. He urgently needed to let Sophie know he was there, but not there, if that made sense. He paced up and down his lounge. He walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He stared at the tiled silver wall eager for his phone to ring, firmly he held his mobile in his hand. He longed for her to call…there was no-way he would rest until the call came.

His phone sounded startling him dropping the phone to the floor, while
Deepest Blue
, chimed out that song made his heart flutter every time. He quickly retrieved his phone to find Sophie calling.

He swiped his finger across the screen shaking like a leaf, frantic, wondering if he should head back up north.

“Hiya,” came her sweet voice.

Calvin dashed to the couch before he collapsed to the floor.

“Hiya…I have just spoken with Ross and he told me about Kacey. Is she okay? Are you okay? Do you need me to come back? I will, you don’t need to ask…I want to be there for you Sophie…”

“Shhh, stop, Calvin,” she said, raising her voice. “Kacey is on antibiotics and has an infection, but she is fine. I’m fine…well was frantic when the machines changed sounds. You get used to hearing them beeping and humming and then suddenly they went crazy, but she is fine and so am I. And no I don’t need you to charge back up here, there is nothing you can do. My parents are here,” she informed him.

“Ross mentioned them,” he added, calming down losing himself in her sweet voice not sounding frenzied. “Where are you?”

“In my accommodation. The receptionist told me you had called…I was going to call you but...”

“You don’t need to explain anything to me. I totally understand. As long as your mum and dad aren’t giving you grief and making things harder for you,” he mentioned visualizing her sat on the soft bed while dreaming into her voice.

“They are behaving themselves,” she scoffed. “How is London?”

Calvin sensed she longed to change the subject and he could comprehend that. “It’s London…busy, full of idiots, too much pollution and people running around like headless chickens,” he said.

Sophie laughed.

“You’re funny…you like it there then?” She giggled.

“Love it, best place in the world…” he teased, but then to hear her laugh under the circumstances was enough to make his heart skip many beats.

“Why do I sense your lying?” she mocked.

“I have no idea! Listen, Sophie, if you need me, or there are changes, please call me…I am here, I promised you. Okay not in body but on the end of the line. I will have my phone on me constantly, don’t care if I’m in meetings so please call…do not hesitate,” he had to tell her to make it clear.

“I know and thank you so much. You’re so, sweet, and I sincerely appreciate it. I will call you in the morning and keep you posted on Kacey.”

He interrupted, “And you. I need to know how you are.”
After all I love you!


Chapter Four

She made a commitment to Calvin, promising she would be in touch there was no chance she would let him down, after all he had been the one who had helped and saved her life. They ended up speaking almost every morning and evening, but tonight he was out, out with Ross. Ross had been popping his head in due to Calvin requests. She found it terribly sweet that he had everyone watching her, including his parents. His parents had been contacting her parents, asking whether Kacey and her were okay, did they need anything, it was nice having people caring and looking out for her, only under the thumb of Calvin.

She laughed many times.

“Morning, sweetheart, I have heard from Anne, apparently Calvin is asking…”

“Tell her I am wonderful and so is my daughter.” She giggled to her mum while she shrugged her shoulder.

She had found a few minutes spare catching some fresh air she called him.

“Hello,” he voiced pleased to hear from her.

“Are you busy?”

“No, no not at all…”

Sophie sensed he fibbed. “Are you lying, Mr. Edwards?” She giggled.

“I am not. I always have time to hear from you... So what can I do for you, apart from you drowning in my voice?” He chuckled.

“You are so full of yourself,” she scoffed.

“Well, only time I get to be. So what can I do for you,” he said relaxed.

“I just wondered when are you going to call off with the stalkers…” she mocked.

“Never, I hear you’re okay and so is Kacey.”

“We’re fine and she’s doing exceptionally well. I’m thinking about going shopping in the next few days, to buy her and me some clothes. I am sick and tired of looking like a tent.”

“Are you getting your figure back?”

“I am thankfully, well kind-of,” she told him not being happy with the state of her tummy, with stretch marks and stretched saggy skin.

“Mr. Edwards,” she heard a female voice say.

“Two ticks…”

“You have to go?”

“Yeah, but I’ll call you later.”

“Okay,” she muttered disappointed.

“Hey, keep smiling, missis, you’re doing great. I have to go…speak to you later promise.”

Calvin disappeared leaving her heart plummeting to the ground.
Gosh I wish I didn’t feel this way about him, but wow, he’s just perfect.

Sophie would confess she would be lost without him. He was the one who she could talk to, express her feelings, cry if she needed to, in fact, he told her to let it out, share it,
a problem shared is a problem halved
, she guessed that was true. Helplessly, she found herself sinking deeply into a man that she craved to be with her and hold her tight. There were so many seconds she wished he was standing by her side, arm wrapped around her waist comforting her, sharing the dream she had last night about them kissing. She blushed, imagining their tongues matted together, her entire body tingling in energy and arousal. Just the thought of having his naked body pressed against hers, sent lightening volts jerking around her weak figure. How she fantasised about his hands caressing every natural contour of her flesh, even though she had a stretched marked tummy and sagged.

Sophie could not help but wonder whether that would put Mr. Edwards off her, having stretch marks, saggy skin, and her awful, nasty scar, that was slowly healing well from her operation, but dominated under her stomach looking more unpleasant. Would Calvin really want to lay next to her exploring a woman with such nasty features? Her boobs were massive, leaking all the time. She really was not a pretty sight. Calvin would want better, she would bet money on that.

Her heart raced whenever she thought about him, but the timing was wrong with far too many emotions flying around and causing too much stress. It was not the right time to even be contemplating to begin a relationship, so she would try her best to stop thinking about him and concentrate on what was important, her daughter.

Her parents had sorted out their problems, but not totally convinced as her father would scowl at her mother every time she came out with a nasty comment or something he didn’t like the sound of.

Sophie had her father stood beside her, both staring into the incubator.

“Are you still talking to Calvin?” he asked.

Sophie hoped he wasn’t about to lecture her.

“Yes,” she honestly told him. “Yes, we are, he’s in London and I’m calling him when I can.”

“He seems to care a great deal for you?”

She turned to glance at him.

“Yes, he does and I do him, but as friends.”

“Just friends?” her father added, gazing into her eyes waiting for his answer.

“Yes, just friends. I owe him a great deal. He gave me the care and support I needed at the time, and I appreciate him sincerely like a best friend.”

“I know he was there for you. It should have been me. I don’t understand why you didn’t call or contact me when your mum kicked you out,” he said sharply.

“Which time?” she thought to ask him, not liking where the conversation appeared to be heading.

“The first time.”

“You were working away, and I was scared you would reject me too. Mum said…” He placed his hand up stopping her from saying another word. She glared at him annoyed he asked and then when answering truthfully he stopped her. “But she…”

“I don’t wish to hear another word about your mother. I am disgusted with her enough without you telling me more nasty stories about what happened. It is going to take months, years, if ever, to forgive your mum for what she did to you. She had no right to make those decisions without confiding in me. I am appalled by her manner and behaviour, to be so vindictive against our only child. But then, of course, your mum was afraid you would blacken the family name, quite frankly, I couldn’t have cared less, as long as you were safe and well. She,” he quoted, “had no right to take away my opinion on the matter, no right whatsoever, she stole ten years of your life from me…how can I forgive that?”

“What would your reaction have been?” she asked, curious, trying to hold back the tears.

He looked at her inhaling a deep breath.

“I would’ve been very disappointed in you, angry and no doubt expressed my concerns about you being a young mother, but I would never have shut the door in your face, no matter what decision you made,” he confessed.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her dad placed his arms tightly around her, holding her tight.

“Oh, Dad, thank you…thank you so much,” she blubbered, feeling her heart repairing itself, being delighted she knew the truth. However, the fact remained Sophie had been alone, scared, and left the family home, worried about what her dad would’ve called her, yet…rest assured, after the initial disappointment he would have accepted no matter what, easing her conscience.

“You know, no matter how rouge you were, I would never stop loving my girl. Broke my heart when your mother said you had left, and hated us.”

Sophie withdrew from his chest, taken aback to what she heard him say. Maddened she wiped away her tears to stare heavily into his eyes.

“I never said I hated you. I love you. I just didn’t want to have the chance of Mum trying to change my mind,” she said.

“Hey, come here!” He pulled her back into his arms. “I am here for you…we will get you a house arranged and look to the future. I have no idea what your intentions are with Sabastian, but what I do know is I will look after you,” he said, stroking the back of her head while kissing the top of her head. She snuggled into his chest.

“Thank you, Dad, thank you so much this means everything to me,” she sobbed.

“I just wish I could have helped you ten years ago,” he lowered his tone.

She pulled back out, snorting, using the back of her hand to wipe the tears away.

“No, please don’t blame yourself. I should have called you, told you what was happening, but I was in all honestly, frightened to tell you.”

“Stop…stop this now. No point in regrets and wishing this and that, and if you had done that instead of this, it happened you make a remarkable decision by yourself and that takes guts. I salute you for making that decision alone. Brave girl, very brave girl. Either way, I will sort you out a house,” he stated rubbing her arms up and down.

“Thank you, Dad, I really mean that,” she blubbered overwhelmed with his support.

“Then can I get some baby bits?” she politely mentioned whilst wiping her nose.

“Of course you can, we will buy whatever you require. In fact, why not me and you have a shopping trip, including buying you some new clothes.” He smiled at her.

“Thank you, thank you so much, Dad,” Sophie said not believing how much he’s prepared to help her.

“What is happening with Calvin?” She heard him ask while making her way closer to the incubator placing her hands on the sides, wishing she could touch her precious little girl more often.

“Nothing,” she remembered to reply.

“Do you like him?” Her father stood close to her right side tears running from her eyes.

“I like him…yes…as a friend. He has supported me, Dad,” she remarked, turning to glance at him. “If it hadn’t been for him…” Sophie gulped.

“Stop, Sophie, I know your next line, you would have jumped possibly killing yourself and this little one.” He took a step closer to the incubator.

She took hold of her dad’s left hand.

“But I didn’t and we are still here.”


Calvin ran around like a total idiot getting everything organized for him to head home for the weekend which looked more and more doubtful by the hour. He hadn’t mentioned anything to Sophie whether he was coming home or not, just in case not to upset her if he didn’t turn up, so with nothing being said she wouldn’t be any wiser. Even though he would make it his priority to make it home to see Sophie.

A knock came at his office door as he had his head locked into a computer trying to reply to the amount of endless e-mails, arrange viewing to see the properties for potential buying. He yawned shattered, he had no idea what the time aware Ross would be due soon…

“Shit Ross,” he shouted out when hearing a louder knock on the door. “Yes,” he called out annoyed to be disturbed, really needing to get on with what he had to do.

Not paying attention to the door being opened, but heard the sound of it gently being closed. He lifted his head up to see Veronica, Veronica Simms a woman who’d been chasing him for years, but he hadn’t allowed his guard down. His eyes widened not being sure why the hell she visited him.

“Hello, Calvin, or should I say Mr. Edwards?” she teased.

She had dyed blonde hair hanging loose with waves, luminous bright blue eyes shining at him, her thin well-sculptured figure showing her glorious contours and the pink fitted dress enhancing her large breasts which no doubt she chose for his eyes only. Her high heels lifting her high off the ground, making her stand taller than she really was. Her face plastered in thick make-up needing a crow bar to remove it. He watched her playfully rolling her tongue over her lips, from one corner to the other, followed by adding a lower lip chew. She winked at him, and lifted her brow. “So how are you? You have been missing from my life,” she joked, staring hungrily into his eyes.

Calvin watched her like a wild predator making her way slowly toward his desk. She placed her fingers on the oak wood table skimming it with her fingers. His heart skipped beats while his mouth went dry. She slowly, but surely made her way around to his side of the desk. Her eyes devoured his. She opened her mouth flicking her tongue up, followed by opening her mouth to place her finger inside for her mouth to add a naughty erotic suck. She moved her tongue around her finger keeping her eyes on him. She popped the finger deeper into her mouth to suck. Soon she pulled her finger out running the wet fingers down her chin, and down her neck to her upper chest.

“So, Mr. Edwards, where have you been hiding?” she mocked, making her slow way around his desk to him.

She arrived and leaned into him taking a firm hold of his tie jerking his head forward, followed by running the fingers through the material.

“Holiday,” he managed to grumble.

“Anywhere hot and sweaty with sexy women, to please your appetite?” she sang while using her spare hand to lift her skirt to her upper thigh. His eyes focused intently on hers, whilst she held the tie tight keeping only a few inches between their noses touching. She gave a little slack while she sat down on the edge of his desk. He quickly moved his laptop out the way closing the lid.

“No, up north,” he admitted.

Veronica pulled harder on his tie, pulling him closer to her mouth.

“I’m starving…and need feeding.”

“Then I suggest you go to a store and get something to eat.” He smirked aware of what she was referred to, but she had no chance.

“Stop teasing me…you’re gagging,” she teased as their noses touched.

“Not exactly.”

“Meet any hot woman up north, who would fuck you senseless?” she voiced crudely.


“Really, you’re enough to set any woman hot between the legs and make them shiver into despair, gosh when you breathe on them you send their bodies into the hot, erotic power. Like you are with me now. Have you any idea how wet I am right now?”

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