Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2) (30 page)

BOOK: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)
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I covered myself up with my arms, wanting the discarded towel, but he was blocking my way. His other gun on the counter caught my eye, but he picked up the holster, slinging it on his shoulder.

He gestured the gun at me. “You don’t think I know what you’re doing? Using sex to get what you want? I’m not that desperate.” He stepped towards me, pushing me back on the counter again, gun pressed to my chest. “I could kill you now. I was helping you out of respect for your mother, and I thought there was a chance for more, but you’re just a self-serving bitch. You probably did sleep with that agent.”

He pushed off of me and took a step back as he slid the gun away. “I won’t kill you though, we still have a use for you. But my charity stops here. I’ll keep my promise though because I’m not a lying whore like you. You either win and get the hell away, or you lose and Nick can deal with you.”

He picked up his jacket with a malicious grin. “Get some sleep. You’re gonna need all the energy you can get to win tomorrow’s fight.” He walked out the room without looking back.

I didn’t breathe until I heard the bedroom door close. Then I slid off the counter and grabbed the towel on the ground. My bottom lip burned as I ran my tongue over the split on the side, tasting the coppery blood that had formed. And I threw up.


27: Inevitable

I didn’t really sleep. I tried. I closed my eyes and wrapped myself in sheets, wearing only my bra and underwear beneath. But I couldn’t shut off my mind. The events from the night flashed like lightning just behind my lids.

I repeated my chant. I will win. I will win. I will win. It was the only thing that would quiet the storm, the little bit of hope that I could hang on to and wrap myself in, letting me doze off. But when I would find sleep, it didn’t last long. I’d wake up thinking I heard noises or someone coming, and then I’d have to fight the battle to find sleep all over again.

When the sun finally broke through the night sky I was filled with relief. Daylight meant my fight would be soon, and I wanted to get it over with, win or lose. I needed to win, but more than that, I wanted out of this purgatory I was in, this unknown place.

I stayed wrapped in my sheets and watched the sun rise in the sky through the window. It wasn’t until it passed its peak and began sinking back down that the door opened and Boris stepped through.

He silently set a duffle bag on the floor and I didn’t bother to get up or ask questions. I had already decided, I wasn’t going to push anything or anyone today. I just wanted to make it to my fight.

“I’ll be back in about an hour to take you to the hotel.” He nodded to me and left.

Once the door was firmly shut I got up, still wrapped in my sheets, and looked through the bag. It had jeans and a t-shirt, my boxing outfit, a box of pop tarts, water, and several five-hour energy drinks.

I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I saw the pastries. Ripping into the blue box of strawberry pop tarts, I was on my second before I paused to drink water. And then I chugged a five-hour energy, wondering who had thought to give me these. The food and drink choices may not have been ideal, but I’d take what I could get.

After I showered and dressed, Nick came to the room sucking all the warmth from me. He sat on the edge of the bed with a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. I stood up, refusing to be near him.

“Let’s get things clear about tonight,” he began. “Rusnak told me if you win, you’re free to go right after the fight.” His laugh was loud, as if he told the funniest of jokes. With a few calming breaths, he braced his forearms on his jean covered knees, voice dropping to serious. “But when you lose, you’ll be coming with me, and I don’t want any trouble about it. So, I have something to show you.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone.

My heart dropped, mind spinning over what it could be. I kept thinking of Gage and prayed none of this affected him.

But it was my voice that broke through the silence.

“I want him killed.” The recording was clear. And then Nick’s voice asked who I wanted murdered, and I answered, “Damien Jallow.”

Nick clicked the recording off. “Hiring a hit man can get you prison time. So if you try anything tonight, you’ll not only have us after you, but the police as well.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. I had thought someone else I knew was going to be hurt because of me, but he was only threatening me with prison. At this point, I’d prefer to be in prison. I didn’t care.

He stood up with a frown and I stepped back, cutting off my insane laughter.

“Remember, little one, we have people everywhere, so prison wouldn’t be an escape for you.”

He spoke directly to my thoughts, burning the thread of hope I had grasped.

Lifting his chin, he looked down at me, satisfied by my silence. “Good. Boris will be in for you soon. I’ll see you after the fight,” he promised with a wicked grin as he walked out of the room.


Kyle met Boris and I outside of the hotel and led us to my room on the second floor. His bright smile faltered when Boris followed us, but it returned when he entered the sitting area of my hotel room. Gage was standing in the middle of the room, stone still, with his hands in his pockets.

“Hey man, good seeing you again.” Kyle walked up to him.

I froze in the door way and Boris pushed me, impatient to get into the room.

Gage’s eyes flashed to him, but Boris only shrugged him off and walked to the mini refrigerator in the room.

Seeing him threatened the fragile hold I had on my emotions and I couldn’t breathe.

“I need to talk to Regan, give her some advice.” Gage looked between Boris and Kyle.

Kyle took the hint. “Sure man, that’s cool. She’s going to kill it tonight, I know. I know my girl, and I know Misha, this is Regan's fight.” He didn’t get a response to his encouraging words before he left.

Gage stared at Boris who sunk into the chair in the corner, sipping a soda. “Nope. I can’t leave.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “Talk.”

Gage’s jaw worked under the skin, but he sat on the sofa and nodded at the seat next to him for me to join him.

My legs carried me there, unable and unwilling to stop. I wanted to be near him, but it hurt to keep from touching him. My arms ached as they fought the pull to wrap them around him. My eyes ran over every inch of him, reassuring myself that he was all right. He was all right, and that’s all that really mattered. His voice was smooth, but I wasn’t listening to the words, just absorbing the sound of him, like a balm to my cuts and bruises. I wasn’t able to focus on anything but him. I needed him gone, he was making me weak. But at the same time, I would shatter if he left.

“Regan, are you all right?” His voice cut through my thoughts. “Are you listening to me?”

Nodding, I tried to clear my head.

“Repeat what I told you,” he demanded lightly.

I pulled my eyes from his, trying to search my brain to remember. “She’ll try to attack the body first to weaken me, so I should keep my block low. She’ll also try for kidney shots since she doesn’t care about penalties. She’s always won by knockouts. I should protect my body for most of the fight, but watch for her uppercut, that’s her strongest punch.” Stating the facts calmed me, focused me. I was impressed at what I recalled.

I peeked back at him. He was watching me intently but his expression was blank, controlled. His eyes were focused just below my face. The sound of his deep breaths passing through his full lips concerned me and when he picked his eyes up to meet mine, they were distant, chilly.

“Good. You were listening.” He stood up.

I stood up with him, panic rising as he took a few steps away.

He turned around, but stopped himself from stepping back towards me. “You seem to know what you’re doing. You’ll do fine tonight.” It sounded more like an accusation than encouragement.

When he walked out of the room he took a piece of me with him.

My heart was racing as I looked to Boris, he sat in the chair, eyes down on his phone. I opened the door closest to me and escaped through a dark green bedroom into the connecting bathroom.

Splashing water on my face, I tried to cool off. My blood was on fire, burning me. After taking a few drinks straight from the faucet, I looked at myself in the mirror, but couldn’t meet my eyes. Instead, I saw what Gage had focused on, a dark purple bruise with red spots from where Rusnak had sucked, just where my neck and shoulder met. Guilt washed over me and I sunk to the floor under the weight. But I only allowed a second for indulging in pity before I picked myself up to get ready for my fight.

Boris’s laugh nearly knocked me over again when I came out of the bedroom, it was a hiccup of a sound.

Dexter was on the couch, hands moving excitedly as he finished his story, Boris’s laughter only increasing.

When he saw me, Dexter rose to his feet. I welcomed the hug he gave and even wrapped my arms around him, making it last just a bit longer.

Dexter noticed the difference and loosened his grip as he whispered in my ear, “It’ll be okay. You’ll see.”

Stepping out of his hold, I nodded and tried to give him a reassuring smile. It would be okay. I was going to win.

“So are you going to be at the Poker tournament next week?” Boris asked, laughter still in his voice. “You missed the last one, lots of excitement.” He nodded towards me. “Seems she can create more trouble than some of your friends even.”

Dexter shook his head, his easy smile back in place. “Nah, I’m done with poker for a while. Gonna focus on my boxing and school. But if you’re missing excitement, you should come out after my fight.” He nudged me with his shoulder. “But for now, let’s focus on the fight tonight.” He picked up a grocery bag and handed it to me. “I brought you something.”

I took the bag, glancing inside. “Gloves? Shouldn’t I wear the ones I’m use to?” I asked, confused.

He nodded, taking a seat. “Yeah, but they could help you later. Just a gift.”

I put the gloves in the duffel bag and sat next to him.

He frowned, studying me. At first, I thought he was focused on the bite on my neck, but then he spoke, “We’ll have to put extra gel on that lip, keep the cut from reopening tonight.”

I wonder if Gage had noticed the cut on my lip that went along with the bruise on my neck.

Dexter glanced at Boris, but he was back on his phone, pretending to mind his own business.

“You’re going to win tonight. I can feel it. But whatever happens, I’m here for you.”

“Dexter, don’t,” I warned him. He needed to focus on his family, not get involved in my mess.

“I mean it, Rea. I’m here for you.” His voice dropped even lower. “I really am sorry for everything, for getting you into this.”

Glancing between him and Boris, I put my hand up, cutting him off. Then I met his gaze full force. “It’s not your fault,” I absolved him, and I meant it. “All of this, I’ve been on this path my entire life. It was chosen for me before I was even born. It was inevitable.”

He frowned, confused by my words, but I wasn’t going to explain.

“Well that changes tonight. You’ll see. You’re going to win.” He nodded with a reassuring smile. But his knuckles turned white as he gripped his knees, giving away his nervousness. He stood up. “I’m gonna go check on the first fight, but I’ll be back to tape you up and stuff.” He surprised me by pressing his warm lips to my forehead and holding it for a second. “Try on those gloves, you might like them better than yours,” he added, just above a whisper.

Then he jogged backwards to the door. “Later B.” He saluted Boris as he walked out of the room.

I picked up the duffel and went back to the bathroom to change. Pulling out the gloves Dexter gave me, my suspicion was confirmed by the weight of them. It scared me to see the gun though. Not fear for myself, but for my friend who was soon to be a dad. I moved the gun to the linen closet and tried to hide the evidence that could get him in trouble.


I kept my head down and arms low as I walked towards Misha at the start of the fight. She was skinny and tall with tattoos painting her body from the neck down. She was smiling, showing her black mouth guard as she approached me.

She jabbed the air, testing her reach and I revolved as she circled me. I struck as she jabbed again, hitting her cheek.

She shook it off with a step back. “Quick, but you’re going to have to come harder than that to have a chance.”

So I punched again, but she blocked with her forearm and struck me in the stomach with more force than I’d expected. She followed it with a couple more punches to my side before I recovered enough to block.

As a punch stung my shoulder, I hooked my left arm around, hitting her chin.

Her smile dropped as she stepped out of reach. Bouncing on her toes, she circled me and I moved so my side was always to her.

“You ready? Because I’m about done playing.”

I tried to block out her voice. I wasn’t use to talkers during a fight and didn’t want her in my head.

She came at me, punching my arms. I absorbed them, but my body was pushed back with the force, until I was on the ropes.

She wasn’t letting up so I returned punches, letting down my guard as I swung. Feeling my gloves connect with her flesh, encouraged more punches, and blocked out the feel of her hits. Until pain exploded on my back, making me remember Gage’s warning about the kidneys.

The Ref pushed her away, but only gave a warning with no penalties. The needle pain radiated from the hit throughout my back and I was much more cautious as I approached, keeping my arms down, blocking my sides.

I stepped into her punches, giving her my shoulder to hit. Then crossed my left fist and hit her in the stomach, then the face.

She stepped back as the bell rung, wiping her nose with the back of her glove. “You made it through the first round, but if that’s all you’ve got, you’re not making it through the next one.”

Her words repeated in my head as I sat in my corner. Dexter applied more Vaseline and Kyle gave me water. And her words repeated. She was right, not about me not lasting, I would last. She hit hard, but not that hard. She was right about me needing to do more, hit harder, faster. I had to knock her out next round.

BOOK: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)
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