Intuition (3 page)

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Authors: Crystal St.Clair

BOOK: Intuition
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“Sebastian, meet Olivia. She is shy and is up past her bedtime!” My hand rubs her back.

He looks surprised but smiles back at her. “Hello, Olivia. Nice to meet you. It’s okay, I am up past my bedtime too,” he winks.

Olivia breaks a smile that makes me not be able to help but smile too. There is just something about a child’s smile and happiness that makes it contagious.

I put Olivia back to bed and sit back down next to Sebastian. “Will you stay here with me tonight? With us?”

The comfort of his presence makes it feel natural to just slide closer into his arms. He must feel it too as he wraps his arms around me. “I am sorry. I don’t want this to be awkward.”

He lets out a deep yet soft snicker, “Not sure if things can get any more awkward than tonight. After all, I did stalk you, show up at our house unexpected, and you helped clean my bloody cut,” he tries joking.

“True,” I smirk back.

“Is Olivia’s dad not coming home soon? Are you together?”

He can sense the sadness that is trying to hide inside. From what I remember he always knew me better than anybody. Sometimes better than I knew myself.

“No. He left long ago. It’s a long story, but he’s never coming back. Not even over my dead body,” I assure.

And with that, we just lay silent in my bed cuddling in the comfort of each other’s arms finally and watch random comedy shows on TV until his soft scent of Old Spice soothes me to sleep.

In the morning, I wake up to find that Sebastian had already left. My limp body rolls over and my arm spreads out across the empty sheet like a snow angel reaching out. Maybe I shouldn’t get too used to him being here and filling in that empty spot.

“Mommy, can I please come lay with you?” Olivia’s tired voice calls out.

“Yes, Honey, come lay beside me and fall back to sleep for a bit then mom will make breakfast.” Olivia snuggles into my stretched arm.

Before she can get excited and tell me what she wants to eat, we both fell asleep. Suddenly we are awaken by the sound of the front door slamming.

“Breakfast, ladies?” Sebastian asks, shaking a couple of bags in his hands as he stands between my bedroom door way. He looks really sexy standing there in his sleeveless shirt that shows off the hard working muscles in his arms and neck.

I reach out to grab the bags from him. “Oh, of course! I thought that you left again.”

“Naw. After all, a princess has to eat!” He looks at Olivia, making her smile back.

We sit down at the table to eat. It almost feels and looks like we are a family. There is still an eerie sense of awkwardness surrounding us in the air as Olivia enjoys dipping toast into her over-medium eggs, spilling the yolk into her bacon and over her plate. My fave also!

“Well, thank you. You saved me from cooking and doing dishes!”

After breakfast I take Olivia to school and Sebastian stays behind at my place. I hope that my body picked up enough sleep to hold enough energy to last me throughout my shift at work today. Finally I’m on my way to the restaurant and have a feeling that the gray car behind me is following a little too close for my comfort. Following my intuition, I drive my car carefully over the speed limit to get there faster, and take all of the short cuts. 

Chills run down my spine as my anxious, sweaty palms try to keep a firm grip on the steering wheel, trying to stay in control. I take another look into my rear view mirrors before finally taking the final turn into the parking lot of my work where I know that I will be safe. The car that was giving me the creeps is nowhere in sight.

Thank God! Get a hold of yourself, Destiny! Just get inside and call Sebastian, he can protect you

Clearing my throat and grabbing final control, I maneuver into one of the only two parking spots left. Every morning for breakfast is just as busy as the night before. Families and the hangover groupies come in for Joe's big breakfast.

An old man in a rusty beige station wagon beeps his horn and damn near gives me a heart attack! He cuts me off forcing me to almost T-bone his ass end and slam on my breaks. Idiot! And
had the balls to give
the middle finger!

“Asshole!” I curse out of my window. I might get a lecture from the boss for this one, as if my day isn’t bad enough.

Finally, a parking spot just becomes available at the back of the restaurant so I hurry to gather everything into my purse and snatch it before another douche bag comes along and takes it.

I open my door and a woman’s voice startles me, making me feel like I literally just jumped out of my skin! Man, talk about the heeby jeebies!

“Excuse me, Ma’am, would you happen to have any change?” Her soft voice begs.

I usually don’t mind sparing change, if I have any, but she doesn’t look like she is going to make a positive use out of the money. Despite her fish net pantyhose, red mini shirt, black tank top, and loose hanging bra, I’d say the diamond rings on her fingers speak for themselves. Still, I reach my hand into my purse where spare change is usually kept and only find a hand full of bills.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have any today, maybe another day.” I answer then leave in a hurry.

“You should be more careful next time,” her voice calls out from behind me.

Turning around I feel something pressing deep into my back. “Don’t run. See the gray car parked behind yours? Move slowly. Don’t even think of running or I will shoot!” A squeaky man’s voice threatens.

Panic takes over my body and not a muscle moves. “Don’t move, bitch!” he demands, pulling my pony tail back hard. “Consider this a welcoming gift to your boyfriend.”

A gun clicks against my back. I’m so scared and don’t know if I should run or do as he says. What if I never see my daughter again? This city I could live without, but my daughter, she’s my life! I can’t let her go through her life without her mother, especially dying this way, and who knows what they are going to do to me!

Before standing at the hood of my car my hand reaches slowly in front of me without the man noticing. He hasn’t hurt me more so I assume that he didn’t see me move. My hand feels around for anything that might help me. Maybe there is something that I can leave behind like a clue, anything with my DNA on it. Something, anything! I think of my keys but suddenly a sharp point pierces my skin. My eyes look down without trying to move my head and see an ink mark on my finger. I have an idea that may not be the greatest idea, but I have to try it!

Grabbing the pen that jabbed my finger, I know that I have to act fast!

“Wait, I dropped my keys!” I exclaim.

“Keep moving!” the man orders.

I plea, “People will know that I have gone missing. Let me grab them quickly, please! They know me too well here.”

The smell of musty, old man cologne and booze fills my nostrils, making my stomach flinch to hold back the vomit caused from the scent. I crouch down and pretend to pick up my dropped keys then turn around while attempting to stand back up onto my trembling feet. My nerves try to overreact but I pull myself back together and put my plan into action.

I am now midway up to the man’s groin so I kneed him right in the balls! No one deserves to be kicked there but this is definitely an exception!

His gun drops to the ground so my feet kick it under the closest car. He cringes. “What the fuck!”

His squinted eyes look down at what I had done so I take the opportunity to jab that bastard in the eye as hard as I can before taking off running as fast as I can away from him.

“You fucking whore I’ll find you and I’ll kill you!” he promises.

I approach the restaurant doors just in time to hear the door of the other car open with his partners in it.

“Call the police, call them now!” I demand Marci.

“Girl! What happened to you?” She asks while helping me to the storage room, trying not to alarm the customers.

She tries holding my hand that’s holding my lower back to help the pressure of the pain from where the man  pushed his gun into me. While waiting there for the police, the man doesn’t come into the restaurant. No one does.

My trembling hand manages to dial Sebastian’s number on my cell and tell him to get his ass over here. I explain what happened and demand answers!

“I’ll be there in a second, I promise!” He assures. “Did you get a good look at his face?”

“Not a long one but he isn’t very tall, has dark hair and a dark, short beard... kind of with small curls. His eyes were brown before I stabbed one with my key,” I brag.

“Do you remember his voice? Was it deep with a small Middle Eastern accent?”


“Did he smell of cheap cologne and booze?”

“Yes. Who the fuck are these guys and what do they want?” I demand.

“That sounds like the new Johnny after letting himself go. Don’t leave! I’ll be right there.”

Now that Johnny has a new look, thanks to me, he should be easy to spot anywhere. This incident right here is at the top of my list of scariest encounters ever. Reporting this isn't going to be easy since Joe hasn't installed the security cameras yet, which I will remember to give him shit for later, but my father should be able to help. He is the head of his police department after all.


I had lost track of time but it had been weeks, maybe even months that had gone by since the incident with the gunman. I took leave from work, friends, school, even from Sebastian. I was in fear for my life and my daughter’s since we never found the man who did this to me. My father is a police officer and military man so he and his partner often watch my place and take Olivia to school for me. All of my school work is now done at home but the thought of reconsidering my career path is on the rise. Olivia makes it easier for me to get out of bed.

My nerves are always shot and anxiety often takes over me. My soul escapes my body as each dream seems more real. I’m turning into somebody that I don’t even know anymore. Somebody who I never want to become. Revenge is on my mind and I know exactly how to get away with it, but I was never good with the sight of blood. However, at this moment that don’t even seem to faze me, nothing does anymore, not even the hundreds of missed calls from Sebastian

Destiny! Open up, I know you’re home!”

My heart pounds and jumps right out of me when I hear a voice from outside of my front door. A loud knock follows.

“You can’t keep me out forever. Please open the door. Let me know that you are alright!”

I lean against the door for a moment taking in Sebastian’s voice. He’s gotta stop showing up like this. The man just doesn’t give up! It’s good to hear his voice again though but I’m still mad at him. Actually, mad isn’t even the word for it, I’m pissed!

“I am fine.” I grumble then open the door.

Sebastian walks in as if I’m not standing in his way. “Good! Look, I am so sorry! I feel responsible because if I hadn’t come to you, or even came back, then this probably would not have happened.”

There’s an awkward silence. What am I to say? Of course he’s right. I can’t help but feel a little bit sorry for him, just the way he looks down at me so lovingly. But why? He almost got me killed! Damn my soft heart!  He has no one else to go to. Nobody he can trust.

“Has my dad seen you?” I ask as I looked around outside of my door at the two parked unmarked cars of undercover cops watching my house and my every move.

“Yeah, but he must remember me. Bad or good, he should know I would never hurt you.”

My eyebrows rise at him sarcastically. He knows exactly why I did that. That wasn’t the first time I’ve felt hurt by him.

“I brought you this,” Sebastian says as he places a handgun on my table.

My stomach immediately drops and my eyes try to swallow back the tears that fill them.

“Don’t worry, it’s not loaded and my fingerprints are not on it. I’m not stupid.” He assures.

“Excuse me, “ I leave to wipe my eyes. This is a big trigger for what had happened. It’s the gun that I kicked under the car!

Sebastian senses my exact thought, “Jesus, I’m sorry Destiny! I’m going to get rid of it! I’d just rather us have it than those guys right now,” he refers to my personal security.

“I’m okay, I’ll do it.” I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my sweater. “I haven’t been myself lately since then, I need to get it out anyway. I’ve been holding everything in way too long. Are you thirsty?” I try changing the subject. “Rum?” I offer.

“How about a coffee?” He smiles.

I snicker back, “Sure, that’s what I meant.”

Sebastian follows behind me to the kitchen. “You know I would never hurt you, don’t you?”

I honestly believe he never would, but time changes people and a
has changed. I don’t know who he is anymore. I don’t even know who I am anymore.

Staring right through him as if he isn’t even there, he interrupts my rambling thoughts, “Destiny?” He grabs my hand with his and startles me.

“I’m sorry, Sebastian. I’m listening, I just haven’t been myself lately.”  I try to avoid eye contact with him by looking down into my coffee as I swirl my spoon while he sips on his.  I know if I don’t then I won’t want him to leave. “Sebastian, maybe you should go. Maybe it is best for you not to be here right now.”

Putting my cup down on the counter I turn to walk out of the kitchen. I need to clear my head and give myself some time to think before saying or doing anything regrettable.

Sebastian grabs my hand again and pulls me in towards him. “I respect you, but I’m not leaving!” He’s determined. “I’d rather stay with you no matter what you are feeling and make sure that you’re okay and don't do something stupid.” He steps forward closing the gap between us then assures me, “We can get through this, all of it, together.”

He does sound sincere and his words are very captivating. I don’t actually want to be alone. It’s as if he can see right through me. Maybe he knows me better than I thought he did.

His thumb wipes a tear from my eye then moves down my face and slides across my lips, urging me to look back up at him. He cups my chin into his hand, “You don’t really want me to leave, do you?”

His lips gently kiss my forehead.

“No, please stay. I don’t want to be alone. I just want to feel safe, with you.”

His gentle touch falls to my lips surrendering my energy to his touch. His finger slips my shirt down my shoulder and pulls my bra strap before roughly cupping my breast into a firm massage. There is just something about a real man with strong hands touching my body that is a big turn on, especially when he shows how much he wants me. Sebastian wants me a
and isn’t afraid to show it. He wants me as much as I want to rip these jean shorts off right now.

Our passion grows as our tongues entangle, faster, and our lips press hard. Sebastian gropes my ass into both hands and swings my legs around his muscular waist then pushes my body up against the wall until his groin rubs against mine. I feel him grow between my thighs, making me want him even more. Sebastian releases my lips from his to let out a loud breathless moan and exposes my neck, in which he wastes no time tasting. My arms wrap around him tightly as I crave to feel him deep inside of me. Time is way overdue for this and I need him now more than anything. My hands fight to undo the button on his pants between us but his zipper falls easily. My hands quickly reach inside and stroke him, feeling his dick grow harder. Sebastian grabs my ass harder and that spreads me open for his desires. He groans deep against my breasts and slips a finger deep inside of me.

“Fuck, take me now, please! I need you,” I beg. 

Our moans grow louder as his thrusts dig deeper, “Not yet. I’ve waited too long for this, to have you again.”

It’s been so long since I’ve been taken by anyone else and I can feel it. The tightness around his fingers doesn’t stop throbbing, wanting more and it feels so good. The wetter he makes me, the less pain I feel. Sebastian knows how to pleasure me so perfectly as if he never forgot, he knows how to seduce my body. My teeth bite the skin on his neck a little harder with each thrust as I continue to stroke him.

Sebastian carries me to the bathroom and sits me down on the countertop then slips my shorts off. Gliding his hands across my bare skin they lift my legs back up around him and grab at the edges of my panties that fit my ass perfectly. The soft lace skims down my thighs and drop off of my feet onto the floor. Sebastian explores across my thighs and ankles several times as if to make sure nothing else is in his way. I assist with taking off my tank top over my head and throw it to the floor. His finger feed his mouth for a taste of me before his face buries into my breasts again. My body arches back into his hold taking this all in and beg for more.

Sebastian lays me on the counter, kissing and sucking his way down the front of my body as he takes his time. His lips and tongue devour the deepest flesh of my clitoris. He definitely knows what he is doing!

No man that I had ever been with had taken me like this, so perfectly, or had brought me to such a high peak of orgasm, not even close! “Sebastian -”

“Just relax. Let me have you,
mi Hermosa
, my beautiful!” The way that the Spanish language rolls through his deep voice and off of his talented tongue sounds romantic and makes me feel so fucking hot for him.

He lets me know that I am his and that he loves the way I taste from the way he consumes me like I’m his last meal. “por siempre y para siempre, forever and always,” he says breathlessly, kissing gently against my swollen nub. “I love you, Mami.” He hasn't called me that in years!

Sebastian then carries me to my room with ease and spreads my body onto my bed. He just came back into my life but he still has my heart and can still seduce me. Tonight, rules are meant to be broken. I crave his touch and don’t want this to end.

Just his chocolate brown eyes are enough to set me into a trance. His voice is enough to bring me at ease. And his words are enough to captivate me. Sebastian makes all of my worries disappear into a back corner of darkness where they belong. He makes me happy and I only hope that he isn’t going to fuck it up this time.

His fingers then drive deep within my border line and his tongue continues to circulate the walls of my vagina as they fill wetter with ecstasy.

“Sebastian, I’m going to - Oh God!” His scruffy face massages against the motion of my hips. I can feel my body releasing everything within, making me twitch against his rhythm.

I utter breathlessly against the cool air until holding my breath. The look on his face, the way his eyes search over my entire body as if he is thinking what more he is going to do to me, it just makes me feel so sexy and takes away any self-conscious thoughts that I have about my body. Sebastian knows what his grand finale is going to be. All I can think about is how badly I still need him.

Watching Sebastian stroke his hard cock makes me want a taste. He stands up to lean over so he can enter inside of me. At first, Sebastian moves slow and gentle, but very deep, then harder and faster. He breathes heavily into my ear sending exotic chills through my body, igniting my g-spot.

“Please let me know if I hurt you the wrong way,” he huffs closing his eyes and savours the tightness around him.

He starts to penetrate more roughly. I kiss him hard and gasp, sending a vibration of air over our lips as I take in every inch of him. My legs rest on his broad shoulders and hang helplessly, making it easier for him to thrust closer. I let out another gasp as he bangs directly on my deepest sensitive g-spot.

“I don’t want you to ever stop,” my lips speak against his.

Sebastian grins.             

That smile, that look! It makes me melt. “I’m not going anywhere, Mami.”

Our hips flow together in sync. His hands slide under my ass and grab a firm hold then pulls me in closer. The sensation of him growing thicker, deeper inside drives me crazy and my throbbing clit swells larger rubbing against him. Our breathing grows heavier and my fingers search to grip my bedsheets tighter with each intense stroke.

I reach to grab my headboard above me so I won’t bump my head from his strong pushing. My toes curl until they hurt and I can no longer feel them. My strength is too weak to grip with each peak of pleasure that he feeds into me.

“You feel so damn good, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

“Please let me feel you more,” I plead.

“I love it when you beg. I want you to feel me cum deep inside of you,” he groans, asking for permission. “It feels too good to let go of you.”

“Just keep going, it’s okay. I’m on birth control.” I don’t want to ruin the moment with a conversation.

Sebastian wastes no time pounding into my pussy harder. “I’m going to cum for you.”

He begins twitching inside as he finally releases. I continue to move beneath him until we cum together. My body becomes limp as our bodies lay still for a few moments. He smiles then kisses my forehead before rolling over beside me and holds me in his arms.

“You are staying, aren’t you?” I wonder.

“Of course. I’m jumping in the shower, care to join me?” He smirks, stands up and reaches out his hand for me to grab.

I laugh then grab his hand and let him lead the way. “Sure but I call dibs under the water first!” We race to the bathroom but he grabs me with one arm around my waist and stops me from running ahead.

“Cheater! I get it all to myself!” I laugh again.

“I don’t think so!” He scoops me up into both arms and carries me the rest of the way.

Stepping into the bathroom he kisses my lips and sneaks in his tongue. I can’t resist and have to taste him too. My hand glides smoothly across his jaw line as we makeout passionately. I reach one hand behind me through the shower curtain while still kissing him and turn on the shower. Our makeout session grows as steamy as the smog filled bathroom.

Finally in, I watch the water run down his chest and abs. He looks so delicious! My lips kiss hard on his neck through the moisture. I just can’t resist! I’m like a horny school girl in a candy store craving his sweet aroma and in need of him between me every moment now. He’s my addiction and I know the hangover will be good.

Water ripples down his abs louder than my every thought. Steam flows from his body showing just how hot it is. He catches my eyes checking out his strong body and quickly glances at his scar.

“How did you get that?” I ask.

“I had a run in with Johnny.”

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