Janaya (15 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #contemporary romance, #sci-fi romance, #aliens, #small country town

BOOK: Janaya
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Janaya’s heart skipped a beat before she managed a nod. “Yes.”

His hands reached for her hips and he grasped them, directing her next downward move on his cock. Faster. Harder. She gasped, feeling as if she were poised on the edge of a precipice. The need to jump was a compulsion. Her inner muscles clenched. She closed her eyes again and focused on the tingle of her nipples, the rich aroma of honey. Luke plunged upward into her pussy, nudging against her clit with each surge.

Pinpricks of pleasure danced across the back of her eyes and waltzed down her body. Her vagina contracted and suddenly her world shattered into a climax that lifted her from her body, shattered her soul and curled up inside her heart. A memory to treasure.

Forever. Forever, Luke.

Slowly, leisurely, Janaya returned. Luke’s cock still filled her impossibly full. Excitement rose afresh. This time, this time she’d watch as he exploded inside her in a rush of greedy satisfaction. Her eyelids flickered and she saw Luke studying her with an intensity that made her freeze. Abashed, she shied from his gaze.

“The cream’s gone,” she murmured.

“There’s more where that came from.” He lifted her off him.

“Don’t you want to come?” she asked, once again confused with the sudden insecurity, the questions that plagued her mind.

Luke chuckled, the sound easing her heart. “That’s a given, sweetheart. Turn over for me. Yeah, like that,” he said in approval as she crouched before him and presented her back.

Janaya trembled, balanced on her hands and knees before him, in the position favored by the men of Dalcon. Inwardly, she tensed for a flash of pain. Instead, his hands skimmed down her backbone. The whoosh of the honey bottle preceded a warm line of sticky liquid that ran the length of her spine. His warm tongue lapped it up in one long sweep, finishing where her body separated into the two globes of her ass. He palmed the globes, cupping them intimately and blowing soft puffs of air down the crack between.

She groaned and widened her stance, presenting the lips of her pussy for the same luscious treatment. A tingle of expectation grew. His forefinger traced down her perineum. A shudder surged through her stomach while her juices wept, telling of her desire and her need for him.

Luke kissed down one rounded butt cheek and lapped at her juices. “You taste good.” He stilled. “I was going to finger-fuck you, but I think that can wait. You are so ready for me, sweetheart.” His heart pounded. His cock pulsed. Fighting the haste his body demanded, he guided his cock into her tight channel, watching his flesh disappear inch by lovely inch. Fully seated, Luke paused to savor his position.

He loved— Hell, no!

He was never getting sucked into that bullshit claptrap again. Not after Victoria. He was not setting himself up for the royal screw again. These days he screwed; he didn’t get screwed in the process.

Janaya pressed back against him, drilling him that much deeper inside her warmth. He pulled back and surged inside again, setting up a rhythm to suit them both.

He cared for her. That was all.

At his body’s insistent demand, he quickened the pace of his strokes, clinging to her shapely body and trying to make it good for her too. Her vagina clamped down on his cock. He felt the pressure build inside him as her topple into climax milked him. Furious pumping spewed his seed into her, made his blood run hot. A masculine cry of triumph squeezed from between clenched teeth.

Spent, he collapsed on top of her, blanketing her with his heavy strength. After long moments, she wriggled and Luke shifted off her, separating from her body with a sucking sound. Luke stared down at his semi-erect shaft with something akin to shock. It glistened with her juices and his come.

No condom.


Luke knew there was a hidden meaning there. Somewhere. He forced his uneasiness aside and curled up beside Janaya, arranging her pliant body so she faced him and her sticky, honey-coated breasts were level with his mouth.

“How you feeling, Janaya?”

“Relaxed,” she murmured, sounding close to sleep.

Luke smiled a feral grin. “You go to sleep and recuperate so you’re ready for more loving.” He eyed at her tempting breasts. “Me, I think it’s time for dessert.”

* * * * *

The ring of the telephone dragged Luke from a deep sleep three days later. Bleary-eyed, he groped for the phone and fumbled it to his ear. “Yeah?”

“I’d like to interview you for Friday’s edition of the
Sloan Gazette

“What about?” Luke demanded, picking up a lock of Janaya’s hair and twirling it around his finger.

“The rescue that occurred earlier this week.”

Luke’s hackles settled a fraction. As much as he hated the press, there were times when he needed to overlook his personal feelings and cooperate. “All right. Down at the station.” He glanced at his watch and saw it was early evening. “I can meet you there in an hour.”

Luke and Janaya were waiting in his office, drinking strong black coffee when Marcie Montgomery, the local reporter, arrived. The receptionist showed her into his domain.

“Would you like coffee?” Luke asked when the female had taken a seat.

“Not for me, thanks. I’ve tried this coffee before. It’s strong enough to make a spoon salute.”

Luke grinned, but tension slipped into his mind. The instant Marcie Montgomery stepped into his office he’d seen something was rattling her cage. There was a suppressed excitement about the reporter, one that made him wary.

“Thanks to you, Constable, the two boys are safe.”

“It was a team effort,” Luke reminded Marcie. “I wasn’t the only one there. My cousin.” He gestured at Janaya. “The Scout master and the volunteer fire brigade.”

“Ah, yes,” Marcie mused. She pushed a pair of rimless glasses farther up her nose with her silver pen. “But none of them can fly.”

Janaya bolted upright in her chair before she regained control. Luke thought he hid his reaction better. “Pardon?”

“One of the boys is adamant that your cousin flew him up to the top of the cliff.”

“Me?” Janaya demanded, thumping her chest with her fist.

If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Luke would have laughed. The Dalcon native had her reactions under tight control and was in full damage mode. “You’ve got to remember the kid, both children, were in severe shock and the one with the broken leg in pain.”

“Yet Mrs. Bates’ grandson is not one with an overactive imagination.”

“I hope you haven’t told Mrs. Bates that,” Janaya murmured, her eyes full of mischief. She knew how much the woman irritated Luke and his staff with her petty grievances. “That implies he’s lacking.”

“When did you learn to fly?” Marcie demanded.

“Hmmm,” Janaya said, fiddling with her braid. “I read the manual last week and from memory, I did the test flight on Sunday.”

Luke smirked at the expression on the reporter’s face.

“Stop kidding around,” Marcie demanded. “I know there’s something unusual going on in Sloan. I intend to ferret out the secrets. The UFOs were sighted again last night.”

“Last night?” Luke blurted.

“No, no.” Janaya shook her head. “Last time I heard the UFO was in Africa.”

Luke’s jaw sagged in shock but the reporter was quicker.

Marcie leapt to her feet. “Laugh and make jokes all you want but I intend to prove there are aliens living in Sloan.”

The door slammed on her stormy exit, reverberating through the small office along with alarm.

“That went well,” Luke said.

Janaya’s brows rose. “It could have been worse.”

Luke shook his head in half admiration, half disbelief. “I nearly had a cow when you told her about Africa.”

A gasp escaped Janaya. Her gaze shot down his body. “A cow? How is that possible?”

Chapter Eleven

Two weeks later, with trepidation riding his gut, Luke picked the
off his doorstep, took one look at the front-page story and stomped inside.

“Look at that!” His finger drilled the newsprint page.

Janaya grabbed the paper from him and smoothed it out on the tabletop to read.
Flying Aliens Land in Sloan?
“At least they have a question mark. You’d think they’d grow tired of publishing UFO stories. I’m tired of reading the stupid speculation. I’ve a good mind to give them an interview with the real facts.”

“Don’t you dare,” Luke said.

Janaya winked.

Someone rang the doorbell to the front door and seconds later, his cell phone peeped.

“Reporters,” Luke snapped. “Slimy bastards.”

“And on your day off too.”

“It’s not funny.”

“We can still go on our picnic, can’t we?” Janaya gestured at the wicker basket they’d loaded with goodies. “I’ve been looking forward to it. We don’t have picnics on Dalcon.”

“I suppose we could creep out the back and walk up to the waterfalls on Dad’s land instead of the spot out by the camping grounds.” His eyes narrowed in thought. “We could swim. With no clothes on. And do other things.” Masculine eyebrows waggled right before he grinned.

“Let’s do it. Before the Earth reporter out front decides to check around the rear of the house and blocks our escape route.”

Luke picked up the picnic basket. Janaya grabbed the tartan blanket. Together they peered out the windows facing the bush-clad hills at the back of the house.

“Can you hear anything?

“It sounds like a woman out front,” Janaya said. “I can hear tapping sounds—the same ones Earthwomen’s shoes make. The spiky heels.”

“Marcie Montgomery,” Luke said in disgust. “We do not want to meet her.”

They crept through the back door, Luke taking time to lock up before they left. Together, they slipped into the manuka, karaka and totara trees that bordered the rear of the property. The sun shone down overhead, sending dappled rays through the leaf canopy. Dead leaves crunched underfoot while a soft breeze stirred the curls framing her face. Janaya tightened her grip on Luke’s hand and decided to enjoy the day instead of dwelling on the fast approaching time when she would have to leave.

The torrent of water pouring over the falls was audible long before they reached the swimming hole.

“My sister and I used to play here when we were kids. Lily liked to search for fairies.”

Janaya’s mouth twitched. “What did you do? Play policeman?”

“I wanted to sail a ship,” Luke confessed. “I made paper boats and sailed them over the falls.”

The dirt and leaf-strewn track they’d followed up the side of the hill ended right at the base of the falls in a small clearing. Janaya blinked against the bright sunlight after the cool shade of the bush, then admired the sparkle of the water. The stream tumbled over the falls, the pounding of the water blocking most of her new supersensitive hearing.

Janaya sighed. It was good to feel normal again. “It’s beautiful.”

“I’d forgotten how peaceful it is,” Luke said. “I haven’t been up here for a while.” He placed the basket in the shade, took the blanket from Janaya and spread it in the sunshine. He settled on the blanket, lying out flat on his back with a yawn. “We can move it later if we get too hot.”

“What does one do on a picnic?”

Luke grinned with a flash of white teeth. “One eats lots, swims, maybe explores, then takes a nap. And when one wakes up they start all over again.”

Janaya stretched out beside him and stared up into the cloudless blue sky. “Sounds relaxing.”

He turned over on his belly and plucked a grass stalk to chew. “Like a swim?”

Greedy for new experiences, especially if they were with Luke, she agreed.

Luke sat up again to unbutton his shirt. He removed his boots and black socks then shucked his jeans and boxers. “You going to swim in your jeans and T-shirt?”

“Won’t the sun’s rays burn?” Janaya removed her clothes a little more slowly, aware of Luke’s interested gaze.

Luke shrugged. “I have suntan lotion.” He offered his right hand and pulled her to her feet. He unfastened her fly and tugged her jeans over her hips.

“Last one in is a rotten egg,” Luke shouted and took off with a whoop.

Janaya was so busy admiring the scenery she forgot the race. She paused at the edge of the waterhole, watching Luke’s muscles bunch and flex when he jumped into the water. A cold splash hit her mid-chest.

“Ow! That’s cold.”


Janaya took a step back. “Freezing.”

Luke swam to the base of the falls and climbed from the water. He posed for a second then disappeared behind the sheet of water that toppled over the rocks.

“You won’t get to see what’s behind the falls.” His taunting words floated back to her and propelled her to action. She dived into the water, the cold stealing her breath. She came up spluttering, wiping the icy water and strands of hair off her face. A flash of light on the other side of the stream caught her attention for a second before Luke shouted at her to hurry. Janaya pulled herself out of the freezing water and ducked behind the veil of water to find Luke waiting.

“A cave.”

“If we’re really quiet we might see glowworms,” he whispered, taking her hand and leading her into the dark mouth of the cave.

A few feet into the cave, Luke propelled her around a sharp jagged corner of rock and tugged her back to lean against his chest. In the almost total blackness, she saw several tiny pinpricks of light on the ceiling.

“Glowworms,” he whispered close to her ear. “I wanted to show you before we got distracted.” His tongue flickered out into the shell of her ear, eliciting a tremor of excitement. Then he led her out into the sunshine again, tugging her into the water with him. This time, she expected the refreshing nip of the water, and when Luke dragged her into his arms and kissed her, the cold didn’t matter. She felt the nudge of his cock and wound her legs around his waist, opening her to his sensual invasion.

“Too soon,” he murmured against her mouth. “Let me play a little first.” His eyes gleamed as they came to rest on her breasts.

“Now,” she insisted. “Then I get to play. I’ve studied my Kama Sutra in detail. Just thought you should know.”

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