Juicy: The Complete Series (9 page)

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Chapter 9- Business As Usual




Diamond rode his face like none other until she finally released. He was too engulfed in his dick being sucked to even focus on not being able to breathe. She busted so hard in his mouth that she caught a Charlie Horse in her leg on the last nut and had to take a small interlude to rub it out. Tino rolled over and posted in between her legs to finish the action she had started, trying to keep her in the mood. Her pussy tasted like bananas to him and he just couldn’t get enough. As she continued to rub her leg, he planted his tongue deep inside of her opening, fucking her like it was his dick. She was shocked at how deep he could go with it as she begun to moan freely.

Tino freed his mouth from her pussy after only a few short licks, rising to stick his fat dick deep inside of her. He raised her legs
, placing them on his shoulders and locking his arms around her back and grabbed her ass. She was hemmed up so tightly that she could barely move or breathe. He positioned himself right above her opening and then inserted as roughly as possible but not into her pussy. She bellowed from the top of her lungs while he continued to bash her sweet little backside opening horridly.

“Not so rough.” Diamond cried. “ Please not so rough.”

“Shut up, bitch. Take it.” He moaned as he continuously rammed his piece inside of her.

Diamond cried and begged the whole time
as she felt her ass being ripped open with every pump. The first time he fucked her in the hotel was nothing like this. He was gentle and banged her like he was making love to her pussy. Now he was beating up her tight ass like it had murdered his mother. He was surely taking his frustration out on her snug petite ass. She squeezed her eyes together, praying he would come soon. Her ass couldn’t take any more abuse. Tino felt his dick was God’s gift to women. He felt like she should feel privileged that she was even getting a chance to feel him inside of her since there were women veering around the block for a chance at him. She tried to shift her weight so that it wouldn’t feel so bad but that was no use. She decided the only way out was to help him get it.

“Yeah, you like this
, baby. Cum in this ass! My tight sweet little ass. Show it whose boss daddy.” Diamond said talking dirty into his ear to egg him on.

Tino listened to her voice admitting that it was soothing in his ear but he wasn
’t biting. He knew that women often said they wanted a man that lasted for hours but, when they got it, they grew tired and wanted it to end. But Tino was addicted to Yompers and if he gave up that easily there would be a trick to it. His dick curved slightly to the right so he always broke left when he went deep in.

“Ahh!” Diamond shrieked wanting the show to be over as soon as possible.

She got it. He had proved himself as a man and she would bow down to him at all cost for a roof to remain over her head but he was going to the extreme. He jumped out of her abruptly dripping secretions from his hard junk. Then he lay and pulled her on top of him. She was thankful that her backside got a rest for a minute but her gratitude would be short lived as he directed his dick to be placed right back into her backside and not her pussy. Diamond felt tears build up in her eyes.

“Please get some lube.” She begged as her cries went unanswered.

He shoved her down onto his thick schlong, making her take every last bit of it. She bounced up and down on it like she was on a very painful pogo stick. She felt a wet coldness drip from her tight hole and assumed it was blood. It seemed like he would never cum and the act would go on forever. Tino looked down at his dick like it was a prize to be won. He spit down onto her ass cheeks rubbing the spit down onto the hole.

’s all I’m giving you. That’s all you deserve.” He recited as he spat again on her ass cheeks and rubbed it in.

Diamond tried to make the best of the situation by rubbing her nipples to cum but the pain trumped everything she tried to do. Diamond tried to cheat and only go halfway down on his dick for a few minutes but that only pissed Tino off even more. He gripped her love handles tightly
and gradually pushed her down onto his dick. Then he pounded her body against his. Their skin slapped together rapidly enough that those spots began to turn red. Diamond was fed up with being treated like a human garbage disposal. She wasn’t about to let him abuse her or her backside any more. She needed a place to stay but she didn’t know if she should be sacrificing her dignity to do so.



The shop was set up and it was time to go to work. Ms. Rita had loved her sample so much that fiends were lined up around the corner when the garage door opened just to get their fix. Lexi and Keisha was out there handling the business end of things and Pandora stood there for the first day to make sure the operation ran as smoothly as she had planned. All of her business would be word of mouth only and the shop would only be open during certain times of the day. If a fiend wanted that good shit, they had to come during business hours and stock up or go somewhere else. Pandora wasn
’t about to play that all night shit and risk getting caught up.

“Baby sis, you handle all the money and make sure that shit is correct. I know how much work I got bagged up
, so don’t fuck me.” Pandora spat winking one eye at her.

Lexi wanted to slob her down right there in the open but knew it might have freaked some people out. Keisha looked over at their playfulness, laughing it off. She sat at a desk in the corner chopping up and bagging the work and then placed it in a secure lockable drawer. Lexi picked it up as needed
, only taking out a few at a time. Their operation was slowly becoming a flawless success. Pandora gave them a nod as she walked back in the house and headed straight to Ms. Rita’s room. She handed her off her daily package and then proceeded to head back out to the girls out back. She secured the .45 behind her back, not caring if it was concealed. It was her way of letting everyone know she wasn’t for playing any games with them. 

Money flowed like water back in the set, as she was thrilled to see her plan coming together. Pandora didn
’t give a fuck if women came with their babies on their hips or if men came ready to lick some snatch. None of that mattered if they didn’t have dough. Her game face was on and they better had come with that cheddar, no excuses. She was about her money and would take no shorts from anyone. Her product was just as pure as her pussy, with a little potent twist.

Her cell didn
’t ring with Diamond or Kojack’s number at all that day. She sighed as she slipped it back into her shorts pocket.

“I see you steady checking your phone. If you want him then go get him
, P.” Lexi said shooing her off. “We got you right here.”

“I dunno, Lex. This is some serious shit right here. Can you handle it?”

“Bitch, give me the piece and I got this.”

Pandora was skeptical about leaving Lexi in charge
, especially on the first day. Lexi’s hotheadedness kept her from thinking rationally sometimes and making sound decisions.

“Can you handle the steel?” Pandora asked looking at her with the side eye.

“What you think?” Lexi snapped.

Pandora gave in
, handing her the piece from behind her back. Lexi stuffed it in her shorts near her pocket. Pandora looked around, checking the scene to make sure it was legit before she left. Then she hopped in the car. Her mind played through the scenario of what might happen when he picked up the phone. She prepared herself for a series of hang-ups but she was going to be relentless so he knew she was real. Her thumb and index finger was posted on the keypad ready to press send. The spit she swallowed felt like a boulder going down her throat as she choked it down and pressed the button.

“What up?” Kojack answered sounding a bit upset.

Pandora could only muster up enough courage to reply, “Hey.”

“What up?”

“I thought you wouldn’t recognize my voice.” She said silently.

“Naw, I know you. I just don
’t know your real name though.” He replied.

“Pandora. My name is Pandora.” She spat
, smiling and nearly cutting him off.

“Ah, Pandora. That
’s a pretty name.” He spat.

“Thanks. Um…I wanted to clear the elephant in the room and hopefully get a chance to plead my case.” She retorted.

Kojack was silent. She didn’t know what to make of it and it kind of scared her. It was hard to read and unbearable to take.

“Well, I guess I
’ll start. I didn’t mean to lie to you. I wanted to tell you so badly but I didn’t want you to look at me differently like you’re doing now. But Kojack what I feel for you is real.” Pandora spat hoping she got through to him.

“Yeah.” Kojack retorted
, seeming uninterested in her attempt to apologize.

“Kojack, I know I lied to you but it was because I needed you. We connected so deeply that I felt like Diamond didn
’t deserve you.”


She was beyond crushed. She thought that her short heartfelt speech had touched even the tiniest part of his heart but she was wrong. He still did not want anything to do with her. Pandora pulled herself together, reentering her business mode as she angrily exited the car and headed back to the set. Lexi turned around, checking out her facial expression and already knew what the problem was. It killed her to see her sister so distraught. She took out her cell phone and the business card she had stolen from Diamond and pressed the numbers so fast that she had to take a double take when she was done to make sure she had dialed the right person.

“Hey. We need to talk.” She spat on the phone.

“Who is this?”

“You will know in due time. But first thing
’s first. I need you to meet me tonight.” She recited firmly.

“Man, how the fuck you call my phone ordering me around?”

Lexi spat the address and time at him as if she was spitting on the ground. “Be there.” She said as she quickly hung up the phone.

“Girl, give me the piece. Let
’s get money. Fuck niggas.” Pandora spat heatedly as she snatched the piece from her sister and then walked over to check on Keisha.

Keisha was sweating her ass off under the seriously bright light trying not to inhale any of the smells from the bricks. The facemask she was wearing didn
’t seem to be helping as she sweltered away in the hot Chicago heat.

“Pandora, why am I the only one doing all the hard work?” Keisha asked
. She was pissed off that she was the one that had to chop. “Why can’t Lex do this shit? I’m hungry, P.”

“Girl, shut the fuck up. You can stand to miss a meal or two with your fat ass.
Now keep working ‘cause you are gonna be the first one with your hand out for some money.” Pandora snapped.

She was happy to have something to take her mind off of all the bullshit that was going on. There was no sense in sulking over Kojack when there was money to be had
. Even if she had never won him back, she could always fuck her money, spending it left and right. She refused to let her emotions get in the way of her business. Money ruled everything around her. Period.


Chapter 10- Drawn Badly




“What the fuck do you want?” Kojack spat as he jumped out the car and walked up to the red complex building.

“We need to talk. Come with me.” Lexi spat, smiling and grabbing his hand gently.

He yanked his hand away, slapping hers down to her side. “You crazy. I ain’t going nowhere with you. What’s this about?”

“Why does everyone think I will bite them? Look at me. Are you afraid of a poor defenseless little kitten?” She retorted in a playful tone.

She stood closely to his face, smelling his manly essence. She gently gripped his hand and escorted him into her building and up to their third floor condo. As she turned the key to the door, she flicked on the lights, throwing the keys on the counter and rushing to plop down on their oversized brown leather sofa.

“Come here and sit with me.” Lexi suggested as she patted the empty spot on the sofa next to her.

“Man, I’m about to leave if you don’t tell me what this is about. The only reason why I came is because I wanted to know who the fuck you were. But trust that this banger behind my back is itching for some action.” Kojack spat leaning on the island counter that separated them from the kitchen. “And I’m still waiting to find out. Who the fuck are you?”

’m the sugar in your coffee, baby.” Lexi retorted alluringly as she walked over to him grabbing a chunk full of the bulge in his slacks.


He kept pulling away from Lexi but she was very persistent. She kneeled on the floor in front of him and quickly pulled him close to her mouth, breathing heavily.

“Quit fighting me. You know you want it and even if you don
’t, you’ll give me what I want.” She spat steady yanking harder and rougher.

She managed to get his zipper undone in the mist of the struggle and dropped his pants to the floor. Her mouth was fixated on securing his
limp nine inch schlong inside, preparing to suck the skin off of it. Lexi stroked it, trying to revive it and then looked up at him, noticing that he was highly impassive to her advances. He had his arms crossed with his muscles protruding from the creases in his shirt, looking down at her pointless act. Kojack had his mind set and there was no way that she was going to be able to get his dick hard. He had been there and done that before and was a pro at rejection.

Still, Lexi wasn
’t giving up. She grabbed his dick in her hand and inserted it into her mouth forcefully, sucking as hard as she could, yet still remaining gentle. She stroked it using her thumb and index finger to go from the base all the way up to the head, while allowing saliva to moisturize the path. Lexi was nasty with it, slurping up the saliva as she bobbed up and down faster and sucking harder. She could feel him gradually growing in her mouth. His dick was warm and smooth going back and forth in her mouth. It wasn’t curved or bumpy like most she had dealt with before. It was perfect, like he took excellent care of his dick.

’s head rolled back. He faced the ceiling while he struggled to keep his balance. He tried to stay limp but the powerhouse Lexi deemed her mouth was indeed a force to be reckoned with. She slobbed and slurped, making loud noises as if she was sopping up a melted ice cream cone from her hand. Her moans were loud and tantalizing, sending shock waves through his body. No chick had ever made him cum before just by sucking his dick but it seemed Lexi would be number one today.

"Mmmmmm." Kojack moaned squinting his eyes.

“Fuck my mouth, baby.” Lex spat as she pulled his dick out of her mouth and stuffed it back in never skipping a beat.

He was fascinated by this chick
’s work. Kojack had ran through his fair share of bust downs but never one that could make him bust the way he felt like he would just then. He tried to hold it back but it was no use. She was sucking it out of him and all he could do was grab hold of his shirt and enjoy the ride. The feeling was one so great that it needed to be told and sold. He couldn’t believe it was actually about to happen for the first time in his entire life. It was coming. He looked down at her to watch the show, peeping what she would do with the nut when it squirted out.

Kojack arched his back preparing for the big bust and at that very moment, Pandora pushed the front door wide open. Kojack looked into her face with shock and disappointment but Lexi was like the Energizer Bunny. She refused to let up until she was satisfied. Kojack couldn
’t hold it any longer. He released all into her mouth.

He let
out the loudest bellow ever heard. “Ahh, shit!!”

He trembled and shook as he bent over rubbing her back
, yet trying to break free from her grip. She had swallowed his dick and his seeds without choking, allowing it to tap the back of her throat effortlessly.

“Lex! You bitch!” Pandora screamed as she lunged at her.

“Stop it! Calm down!” Lex said as grabbed Pandora’s wrists and threw her down to the floor.

She pinned her down easily but
, as feisty as Pandora was, she could have definitely broken free. It was just too devastating what she had witnessed. Kojack attempted to fix his clothes and get away, fucked up by the scene but was halted by Lexi leaning in towards Pandora’s face. He could not see exactly what was going on so he moved to the side to get a better view. His eyes didn’t prepare him for what they saw, leaving him stuck like glue unable to even blink. Lexi mounted Pandora and threw her tongue inside of her mouth, tongue wrestling heavily.

“Damn.” Kojack spat feeling his dick growing again.

“Lexi, stop this shit.” Pandora pleaded.

“Shut the fuck up. You
’re so fucking weak, it’s sickening.” Lexi spat reaching up pulling Kojack’s jeans making him fall to the floor.

Kojack stared down into Pandora
’s eyes, feeling there was much more about her that he still didn’t know and it was nerve wrecking. Lexi yanked Pandora’s shorts down off of her legs and went to work spreading her eagle. Pandora’s legs began to shake like an earthquake as Lexi reached over to Kojack’s dick stroking it strong and rapidly. Kojack leaned down kissing Pandora’s sweet salacious lips passionately. He circled his tongue around hers, grabbing her plumped tits for a brief squeeze and then moving his mouth towards them. Pandora was in pure ecstasy. feeling double the pleasure traveling all throughout her body. To her, there was confusion and betrayal in the air. But at that moment, it did not matter. All that mattered was that her virginity was about to be nonexistent by the man she gave her heart to.



Diamond awoke in a pool of her own vomit; feeling like her head had just been beaten in with a two by four. She gazed around the room at the chaotic mess it held. There were two naked women passed out on the floor and empty vodka bottles everywhere. She couldn
’t even remember what happened the night before. She figured that whatever it was had to have been wild, just like all the other nights. She had only been living with Tino for two weeks and already she was swept up into his raunchy, frenzied lifestyle. Her pussy and asshole had been abused ever since she got there and she wanted to leave. But she quickly came to the realization that doing so would mean she had to go crawling back to her sister. She would rot in hell before she did that.

She tried to rise from the heart shaped massive sized bed but was halted by something stuck in between her legs. The thing was actually hanging out of her asshole and it had a hand attached to it. Diamond tried to remove it but the arm began moving every time she did. She sat up and saw Tino at the foot of the bed
, snoring like a fucking grizzly bear. He didn’t like to cuddle or touch while he was sleeping so he always balled up in a ball, making sure no one was near him. She sat up further trying to remove the object from her ass but the hand began moving slowly, forcing it back inside of her.

“What the fuck?” She roared furiously as she opened her legs trying to free herself once more.

Her mouth not only woke everyone up but it angered the female who was fucking her in the ass with the thick purple dildo as she slept. The chick began shoving it into her ass harder, displaying an ugly angry mug on her face. Diamond was confused as to her beef with her. Whatever it was, she was taking it out on Diamond’s tender little ass.

“Get the fuck off me.” Diamond spat
, scooting away from her in the bed.

“No. I
’m not done yet. Come here!” The chick said determinedly.

Diamond forcefully batted the chick
’s hand away from her legs and slipped off of the dildo, flying off of the bed before she could grab her again. The chick sat there with the most sinister expression on her face and started licking the dildo like a dirty lollipop, scaring the shit out of Diamond.

“Nasty bitch.” Diamond spat as she grabbed Tino
’s silk burnt orange robe off the floor and stepped over sex toys as she headed downstairs.

The coffee maker was automatically set to make coffee at a specific time every morning and was now piping fresh and hot. She grabbed a mug from the cupboard and poured herself a cup then sat down. Tino appeared out of
nowhere. He scared the shit out of her.  She jumped, spilling drops of boiling hot coffee onto her skin.

“Ah, shit! Damn
, Tino! Make some fucking noise when you come into the room.” She snapped wiping the liquid from her leg with a nearby towel.

“Awe, shut up bitch. Every time I look up
, you always tripping about something.” He retorted.

Diamond rolled her eyes at his shrewd remark. He fixed his self a cup of
coffee and then slapped her on the ass as he sat down next to her.

“Listen, I
’m not complaining. I’m glad to have a place to stay but I can’t keep going through this.” She spat taking a small sip from her mug.

“Going through what? Sounds like to me you being ungrateful.
You’re the one that said you would pay me in sex, and, baby, this is how I get down. You can’t hang?” He retorted.

“It has nothing to do with that. I just don
’t want to do this shit anymore. It’s fucking disgusting and my ass hurt from that shit.” Diamond spat furiously.

, do you know who I am? I’m the motherfucking don! Bitches line up around the corner to fuck me. I’m the king and you just the court jester, bitch.” Tino said, waving his hands in the air crazily.

His loudness sparked the attention of the other bitches in the house and a few filed into the kitchen
, nosey at what all the fuss was about. Their stomachs growled as they walked in opening the refrigerator and helping themselves to whatever they could find around the house to eat. Tino slammed his mug down on the counter, breaking it in a few pieces and spilling its contents onto the floor carelessly. Diamond just sat there quietly shaking her head as he rambled on about how great his existence was to the female race. He felt disrespected in his own house and that thought pissed him off to the third degree.

“Bitch, you can beat it.” He spat waving his hand in the air to dismiss her.

Diamond politely got up from the counter, leaving her mug behind and walked to the living room. She grabbed a magazine and propped her feet up on the glass coffee table.

’m gon’ give that nigga some time to breathe.
She thought as she curled and smacked her lips reading about how Amber Rose and Whiz Kalifa were trying to make a baby.

Tino walked past her not even realizing she was sitting there. One of the chicks following up behind him like a lost puppy dog spotted her and pointed her out
, tapping him on the shoulder.

“What the fuck you still doing here?” He snapped as he walked around to her on the couch.

“I’m chillin’. I ain’t bothering you.” Diamond snapped rolling her eyes and turning up her lips.

“I must be losing my mind.” Tino said looking around at the other bitches for validation. “I could
’ve sworn I told you to fucking beat it.”

“What?” Diamond said throwing the magazine down, standing up and moving in close to whisper in his ear. “Um…you know I don
’t have any place to go, Tino.”

“That shit ain
’t my problem. Put your ass to the streets.”

Tino grabbed her arm and pushed her towards the front door. His patience was wearing thin with her and her attitude. Tino was rarely nice to people, especially women. When his brother died, he even lost all respect for everyone who was not blood. He grabbed her arm again but Diamond snatched away from his grip
, refusing to be set out on the street like a pile of garbage.

“NO! You can
’t just put me out. I got my shit here. I need to get my shit.” Diamond demanded.

“What shit? Them dingy ass clothes you brought here. Fuck that! Now get an attitude about that.” Tino retorted as he shoved her towards the door again.

“Thanks for nothing, you fucking fagot! Yeah I heard you were boss derbing niggas in the 808 building on Halsted. What you think ain’t nobody know?” Diamond spat, knocking his hands off of her.

His groupies stood there laughing at the whole ordeal. Diamond lunged at them, hitting one smack dead in the jaw as she slipped on the slippery-waxed floor. The girl was heated, signaling for the other girls to help her jump the
outnumbered Diamond.

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