Juicy: The Complete Series (6 page)

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Chapter 6- Stained Love




She opened her eyes to a black goateed canvass. It was impeccably painted with sexy thin caramel lips and dreamy sleeping eyes. She took her finger
and ran it across the outer part of his nicely cut lining. He rumbled a bit, turning over to let out small bubbles of gas from his backside. Pandora waited with a frown on her face for a smell to seep up from under the 300 thread count sheets that rubbed her body like silk. She was prepared for the foul odor. Then she slowly realized that no matter how foul it was, it wasn’t enough to make her stay away from him. It could have smelled like the funk of forty thousand years but she knew she would have still been there for him.

Cuddling and spooning with him all night as his bulge pressed against her backside was the hardest thing for her to do. She wanted him to make love to her but she didn
’t want him to think it was that easy. Pandora rolled over cautiously as not to wake him, reaching for her jeans. She dug in her pocket and woke her iPhone. She had twenty-five missed calls almost all back to back. The time read 7:45 a.m.

“Damn.” She said silently, biting her bottom lip.

She wondered what could have been that important that Lexi had to call like that. Slowly creeping out of the bed, she quickly eased into her clothes and combed her hair with her fingers. Kojack was still fast asleep when she slipped on her shoes. Pandora looked in his small night table and found a bill and pen.

This is my new number 773-777-9311. Text me later
, lover.

Her penmanship was just as beautiful as she as she gazed down upon his lovable face. She still did not want to leave him but she had no choice as she crept out the door without so much as a forehead kiss.



“What are you going to do? Call the police? You can’t prove a damn thing.” The pastor had been yammering on all night about the same shit.

“Shut the fuck up
, you fucking rapist. You lucky I haven’t cut your balls off yet.” Diamond spat, flicking the ashes from her Newport 100 onto his face.

It was all burned and bruised from twelve hours of brutal beatings and torture that the Lexi and Diamond had given him
. It was amazing that he was even talking. They tied his hands behind his back to a chair and tied his feet to the bottom of it. His lip was busted and bloody with a few of his teeth lying on the floor. His eyes were almost shut closed from being punched with the thick metal pole Lexi had knocked him unconscious with when she came in. They showed him no mercy breaking ribs and, they hoped, breaking kneecaps in the process as well. Yet, he still pressed on with shit talk.

“You bitches need to read the bible and get into some scripture. You
’re all whores. That’s all you are! The sooner you learn that the…the better off you’ll be.” The pastor staggered through his words. He was growing weak and tired from all of the suffering he had endured, dropping his head to his chest. Neither Lexi nor Diamond had any remorse for him. They watched as he bobbed his head up and down like it was about to fall off.

“Maybe we should just call the cops, Di.” Lexi expressed.

“And do what? Let them search the fucking house and find dope and wads of cash upstairs somewhere?” Diamond snapped.

, if we can’t find it, what makes you think they’ll be able to?” Lexi spat, rolling her eyes and searching her pocket for a Yomper.

‘Cause they the fucking police, you fucking idiot!” Diamond snapped again, slapping the Yomper out of Lexi’s hand. “You need to quit slamming that shit down. It’s frying your damn brain.”

Lexi smacked her lips and rolled her eyes
. ’She didn’t feel like arguing with Diamond. She got up to look for the Yomper behind the couch where it flew. Diamond rolled her eyes and shook her head in disgust as she walked towards the door looking to see who was jingling the knob.

“Bitch! Where you been?” Diamond snapped pulling Pandora in the door.

“What’s all the calls for?” Pandora said, ignoring the question.

She walked in the living room to find Lexi laid back off the Yomper she had just taken and the pastor tied to a chair nearly dead.

“What the fuck happened here?!” Pandora asked.

, while you were out getting your freak on, this motherfucka raped me! For five fucking hours until Lex finally came home and knocked him out.” Diamond pointed and muffed him in the head.

!” Pandora spat.

“Why you leave us, P?” Lexi asked
, sounding like a five year old who was about to cry.

“I didn
’t leave you, boo. I just had some business to take care of.” Pandora replied.

“Business? What about us? He could
’ve killed me and you had business to handle?” Diamond felt tears building up in her eyes.

Her feelings were hurt that Pandora wasn
’t on her A- game yesterday. It wasn’t like her. Diamond walked over standing toe to toe with Pandora.

“So what you want to do with this
, fool?” Diamond said showing her gums and teeth sinisterly.

“Shit, let that nigga breathe.” Pandora said
as she walked away and headed up the stairs.

“What the fuck? What
’s wrong with you, P? I’m not gonna let this nigga live after what he did to me!” Diamond spat.

“Why not? Y
’all already beat him senseless. Now y’all even.” Pandora retorted.

“Really? Was Sun even when you left him stiff in his house the other night?” Diamond crossed her arms, displaying a sly smirk.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Little girls shouldn’t play big girl games. Be careful big, sis.” Pandora said kissing her sister on the cheek and then running up the stairs.

Lexi busted out laughing too hard, rolling off the couch. She looked up pointing at Diamond all in her face. It was an annoying laugh that Diamond found intolerable
, especially in this situation.

“Will you shut up? Damn.” Diamond said.

“You are so stupid. You know that?” Lexi said crying laughing as she went to loosen the ropes on the pastor’s hands and feet. “You can sit here and dwell on this shit, but I’m about to start packing.”

Diamond was beyond irate at this point. It was crazy how they were just blowing off what he had done to her like it was a lost football game or something. She wasn
’t about to just let him get away with the shit she endured and listened to for five hours. She wasn’t about to let the things he said about her mother go so easily. There was nothing more she wanted to do than to pop that fool right there on the floor and flee to another country, never to think about him again. But Pandora supposedly had a plan and since she was saving their ass right now, Diamond didn’t want to leave her until she could think of a plan of her own or at least get some money to do so. Diamond watched as the pastor fell to the floor like a dead bag of bones. She kicked him in the face as she passed.

“Stupid motherfucka.” She spat as she hawked up something nasty and spit it right into his face
. Then she ran upstairs to join the girls in the packing.



, girl! It’s hard to believe we’ve been in here for a whole week. I need to go shake my ass!” Diamond said popping her booty in the air like a video vixen.

, you go shake your ass. I got some business to handle in the morning, so I’m hitting the sheets.” Pandora said turning over and squeezing her pillow firmly.

“Ugh. You are starting to get on my nerve with this shit. And where
’s Lex?” Diamond spat sassy-like.

“I dunno.” Pandora retorted.

They had been living the good life off Sun’s dime and his murder was slowly becoming an unsolved mystery. The cops had even begged people to shout a few leads to Crime Stoppers but no good ones came through. Once they were done moving in the first thing Diamond and Pandora did was get driver’s licenses so they could get off the bus. They knew they were becoming too important to be without wheels. They were coasting in luxury rental cars, dining at the finest restaurants, shopping, and enjoying the freedom of having a stunning condo overlooking the Chicago scenery. Pandora had spent every day of the last week with Kojack, covering up her rendezvous’ with the excuse that she was always handling business, figuring out a way for them to make money.

Diamond was so engrossed in her newfound life that she had forgotten about Kojack. She had returned to the hood that night to stunt on the bitches that said
she and her sisters would never make it in life. Not only were they wrong but her sisters had also done it many years before they needed to. She walked down the street romping right through the niggas she used to sleep with and some of the ones she had yet to tap. Her tight shimmering gold pants coupled with her stylish wedges and black baby tee caught everyone’s attention while her thick waist swayed from side to side. She caught Kojack at the end of the crowd spitting game with Tino. He looked in amazement at her attire. He thought it was sexy but Pandora had never dressed like that in front of him when she was pretending to be Diamond. She would always represent him classy and not trashy.

Kojack licked his lips thinking she did that for him and was finally ready to give up the goods. All the time they were kicking it they never had sex. It was more important for him to get to know her inside first before he went in but getting some would definitely be the icing on the cake. She walked right up to Kojack rubbing on his shoulder and mean mugging Tino.

“Oh, so you not gon’ say nothin’?” Tino snapped all cocky like.

“Hey.” Diamond snapped back with an attitude.

Kojack didn’t understand the tension between them but he brushed it off, standing in front of Tino to cut off the eye contact. Tino walked off waving his hand pissed off that he did want her first and trying to figure out how the hell Kojack ended up with her.

’s good, babe?” Kojack spat pulling her close and kissing her on the cheek.

“Shit. I was thinking about you so I decided to come through.” Diamond spat rubbing up against him like they were at the club.

“Shit, I thought we was getting up later, Diamond. I told you I had work to do today.” Kojack spat checking the niggas out who was checking her.

“What? I don
’t remember that. Anyway, I just wanted to show you how good I look. Don’t I look like money?” Diamond said turning around like she was on a runway.

’s ass swayed slowly from side to side, driving the niggas down street insane. They were all like dogs in heat making howling noises acting like they had never seen ass before. Kojack didn’t know where all that shit was coming from but her arrogance was surely pissing him off. He wasn’t the type of man to cause a scene or bring drama to himself, so he played it as cool as humanly possible. He pulled her towards him, leaning in faking like he was kissing her ear.

“I don
’t know what’s going on here but you are embarrassing yourself. I think you need to go home and I will call you later.” He whispered.

“What? Am I embarrassing you, Kojack? Oh, Mr. Fine Kojack is so embarrassed by me. Well
, I don’t give a fuck nigga. This is who I am.” Diamond spat walking away.

He grabbed her arm pulling her back. “Alright. Maybe that was a little out of line and I see you need some attention. So let
’s go.”

“Now that
’s more like it. But we can take my car.” She retorted.

“Your car?”

“Yeah, nigga. My car.” She said escorting him back to her rented Beamer.

Kojack paused. She had never called him that ever before and instantly knew something was up. He didn
’t know if she was playing him shady because she had a little money or what, but something seemed odd about her. They drove all the way downtown before uttering a word.

“So, you came into some nice money
, huh?” Kojack asked.

. My dad finally gave me my inheritance from my momma’s death.” She spat fast.

Diamond pulled up to the Hilton entrance and hopped out
, throwing the valet the keys. She grabbed his arm as they walked into the doors and up to the reservations desk. The shinning chandeliers and the professionally painted murals on the wall didn’t amuse Kojack. He wasn’t impressed by the rich people walking around with their noses in the air or by the bellhops lugging luggage up to guest’s rooms. It wasn’t that he could not afford it. It was the fact that he had no idea why she would bring him to such an elaborate establishment. Diamond paid for the room. Then they were escorted by a bellhop up to it. Once inside, she handed the guy a $20 dollar bill and shooed him on his way. He looked at it as if it were a $1 dollar bill, frowning his face up as he slammed the door.

“So, what
‘cha think?” Diamond asked looking around the decent room with its huge bed and flat screen TV that hung on the wall adjacent from it.

’s cool.” Kojack replied looking out of the big bay windows at the view. “So what we doing here, Diamond?”

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