Juicy: The Complete Series (5 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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Kojack grew up with Sun and Tino since they were babies. Their dads used to work together and became best friends
, prompting their sons to follow suit. But as the years went by they took separate paths and greed took over, which left them split as peas in a pod. Yet, despite any disagreements they may have had over the years, they learned to stick together against all odds. Kojack, however, was slowly drifting from that pact. He was on to bigger, better, and more positive things while Sun and Tino were moving in the opposite direction; a direction in which Kojack didn’t have time for. Now with Sun gone, he knew Tino would try to stick to him like glue.

“Nothing, nigga. Ay, I
’ll be right back.” Kojack said hustling across the street.

Pandora watched in awe as Kojack neared her and Keisha on the porch. Her palms were sweaty and her feet grew weak
. She wanted to fall out so he would go away, but that would’ve been too embarrassing. He walked up to the short silver gate in front of the house and leaned on it, grinning widely at Pandora and waving hello to Keisha, showing respect.

“So this is why you couldn
’t meet up, huh?” He said with the side eye.

?…Oh yeah. Gotta kick it with my girl.” Pandora retorted, not having the foggiest idea of what he was talking about.

“Well, Keisha is my girl too so what I
’m going to say won’t offend her.” Kojack stood taking out his Evo punching buttons profusely. “Let’s go. You coming with me.”

“Huh? Wait…I can
’t leave Keish like that. That ain’t cool.” Pandora said.

“Awe. P
…“ Before Keisha could call Pandora by her name, Pandora gave her a hard nudge.

She didn
’t have time to explain to Keisha the reason why she cut her off, but, if she had let her finish her sentence, her cover would have been blown right then and there. Pandora wasn’t ready for him to find out quite yet that she wasn’t the person he thought she was.

“You know what, on second thought, I will come with you. See ya, Keish.” Pandora interrupted smiling and waving back at her.

She ran down the stairs following behind Kojack as he walked to his car. Her feet could not move fast enough as she hurried, looking back giving Keisha the signal that she would call her later. Down the street, a few houses away, Lexi sat on another porch kicking it with some of her old friends and popping Yompers. She squinted really hard making sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her before she realized she was right. She saw Pandora hop her ass in the car with Kojack.

“Ooooo.” Lexi said shaking her head as she watched them ride off into the horizon
seemingly unnoticed.


Chapter 5- Where were you?




Kojack cruised down Lake Shore Drive, enjoying the cool summer breeze against his face.  His laid-back demeanor spoke volumes as Pandora relaxed in the seat, feeling like she had known him for years. She didn’t even bother to ask where they were going. He could have been taking her to a ditch to kill her and she would have been none the wiser. The atmosphere was just that comfortable. They pulled up into the crowded parking lot of 57
Street Beach. After scrambling around like roaches for a few minutes, they settled on a nice parking spot with lots of shade and a perfect view of the lake. It was a great relief from the near 90° degree weather.

“This is nice.” Pandora said staring at the beautiful view of Lake Michigan.

“Yeah.” Kojack spat, staring at Pandora like he wanted to sop her up with a biscuit.

“What is it?” Pandora asked noticing his gaze.

“What’s what?” He asked coolly.

“Nothing.” Pandora laughed.

Kojack leaned against his car pulling her by the front of her shirt close in between in his legs. He wrapped his strong cut arms around her small frame, caressing her hips and running his fingertips along her lower back, being sure not to touch her ass. He didn’t want to set her off or disrespect her in anyway. She smiled as she dug her head into his chest, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Pandora had only ever dated two boys in high school. They had never made her feel the way she felt when she was with Kojack. They had never touched or even looked at her the way he did.

“From the second moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. This shit just feels right.” Kojack whispered
, smelling the vanilla scent of her soft hair.

“The second moment?” Pandora asked
, raising one eyes brow.

“Yeah. I mean the first time you were cute and all
, but you was a little annoying too. You came on strong as hell ma, real talk. I thought you just wanted to hit it and beat it.” Kojack pulled her face from the buried position in his chest. “But the second time, when you bumped into me, it was like magic. I was hooked.”

“I don
’t think I’ve ever heard a man say anything so beautiful before.” Pandora damn near swooned in his arms.

“See that
’s why I’m feeling you. You’re not like other chicks, you know. You’re not ghetto. You recognized me as a man and not a nigga. You know a real man when you see one and that’s love, boo.”

He pulled her in squeezing tightly never wanting to let her go. All of his years of looking for the right woman and now he had felt like his search was finally over. Pandora wasn
’t even thinking about the deceit that she had used to get him. All she could think about was how good his masculine arms felt wrapped around her torso.

“You ready to get something to eat?” Kojack whispered.

“I’m already full.” Pandora replied.




The pastor arched his back releasing his seeds all inside of Diamond. She thought she had died and gone to hell the first couple of times he mounted her. But after the third time, she was certain that she was living right in the middle of it. He rammed himself inside of her deep, and then fell on top of her like dead weight letting out a faint snore. His head was pressed heavily on her chin as she stared blankly at the wall unable to speak or breathe.

“You sure inherited one thing from your lying ass momma.” He awoke suddenly whispering into her ear, sticking his tongue down the
inside of it.

Diamond cringed throwing her weight, shifting over
, hoping he would fall off and release her.

“Do you feel like a man? Huh? Did fucking me make you feel good about yourself?” Diamond spat clearing her throat.

He looked at the side of her face with a twisted look upon his. She knew she was egging on his anger but she didn’t give a fuck. In her mind, he was beneath her like scum on the bottom of her shoe. He could kill her dead right then and he would still be the scum of the fucking earth to her. He reached down anxiously stroking his weak shlong, preparing it for yet another round. Diamond’s words were just the fuel he needed, prompting him to continue his act on her. He wanted to break her, even if that meant he had to break himself doing it.

“You know you
’ve got some nice ass titties too. I should bust all over them.” The pastor said grabbing a hand full and placing the nipples in his mouth one by one. “Or maybe I should aim for that pretty little mouth.”

His tongue went outside of his lips
, licking in a circular motion like he was hungry for his last meal. He leaned in to kiss her, letting his tongue lead the way to her mouth. Diamond rocked her head back and forth, refusing to let his vile serpent mingle its saliva with hers. He grabbed her chin roughly pulling it straight, planting his crusty big lips on hers while fingering around with her youthful clitoris. She tried not to let out any sounds as she jerked with every flicker he bestowed upon her. His stale saliva smelled like mildew on her skin on the outside of her mouth. She opened her mouth pretending to accept his tongue inside. Then she extended her head and attempted to bite down on his lip. Diamond failed to grab it in time and her attempt ignited the pastor’s anger even more. He bit down hard on hers in retaliation, laughing the entire time.

“Ahhh!” Diamond screamed in agony as he slipped back inside of her.

“Oh! That’s how I make you scream, huh? I gotta bite ya’.” The pastor retorted smiling like he had just won a Nobel Peace Prize. “Well, since you like that let me do it again.”

He bit down on her lip again
, making sure to do it even harder this time, attempting to draw blood. Diamond let out an excruciating scream as tears flowed from her eyes from the pain. He was pleased with himself as he continued to bang out her virtuous pussy. Diamond was beyond pissed that he had finally broken her silence. She didn’t feel as though she had the upper hand over the situation anymore. It tore her up inside as he started to laugh sinisterly at her cries.

“I hate you motherfucka! I fucking hate you!” Diamond spat hearing his laughter grow louder and louder.

He leaned his head back with excitement. Though he was tired, her cries were the fuel he needed to keep his act going. His pumping sped up like he was about to bust inside of her harder than he had ever done with anyone before. Then he abruptly stopped. He fell on top of her hard, almost causing their heads to collide. Diamond looked around unable to see anything but the ceiling as his body weight began to crush her small physique. It was as if he had died right on top of her, remaining stiff as a board, seemingly not breathing.

“Di, are you okay?” Lexi said rolling the pastor off of her and dropping the thick metal pole from her hands.

“Oh my fucking God! It’s about time y’all showed up. Where’s Pandora?” Diamond asked wiping her tears and fixing her clothes while looking down at the sorry ass bastard.

“I don
’t know. Let’s just get the fuck outta here.” Lexi spat pulling her arm trying to lead her out the door.

“NO! We can
’t leave the cash and I don’t know where Pandora is hiding it. Let’s just tie this fool up and call this bitch. Let her know to get her ASAP.” Diamond retorted, signaling for her to grab the pastor’s arms while she reached for his legs.



“I know you said you wanted to go to
Applebee’s, but that lobster was killer though, wasn’t it?” Kojack said opening the car door for her.

As they left the Tru Restaurant parking garage downtown, Pandora looked at him
, realizing she had no idea what he was talking about. She figured Diamond must have called him like she said she would to set up a date. She nodded her head in agreement. It was in fact the best lobster she had ever tasted; way better than the mediocre ones at Red Lobster. Kojack was the perfect gentleman the whole night, opening doors and allowing her to sit before him. She wasn’t aware that there were men out there who were willing to be every woman’s fantasy.

“I had a great time tonight.” Pandora said
as she reached over and laid her hand across his.

He locked his fingers with hers
and then brought her hand up towards his mouth, kissing it gently. Pandora wanted to melt right there. This man was higher, deeper, tighter, flyer than anyone she had ever known. His inner being was speaking to her without any words and she knew hers spoke back. It was a lovely dance their bodies were performing without even being on the floor. It was real. So real that no labels or titles could describe what was going on between them.

“What do you mean had? You know it doesn
’t have to end, right?” Kojack spat.

“I…I have to take care of some business.” Pandora replied quietly.

“Business, huh? Is that business more important than what’s happening right here, right now?” Kojack asked in a stern tone.

Leaving him was the last thing she wanted to do. A part of her didn
’t want to answer the question. She had just signed a lease on a brand new condo in the River North area and she wanted to break the news to her sisters that they could move out tonight. She wanted to let them know that the hell they had lived all of their lives was finally over and that she would die before they fell to the pastor’s feet again. Kicking it with Kojack was a major plus to her day but she owed it to Lexi and Diamond to get them out of there.

“Baby, I
’m feeling this. I really am but I gotta go.” Pandora felt herself pleading like he was holding her captive.

“Damn, Diamond. I
’m feeling this shit too and I don’t want it to end…not right now.”

Hearing him call her by that name scorched her soul. It was wrong for her to be there, adoring him, when she knew he was supposed to belong to her sister. But it didn
’t seem fair to her. Diamond got everything. She got all the niggas attention with her seductive ways and they bought her damn near everything she wanted. It was time for the Earth’s crust to shift in her favor and she would start with him. She loved her sister, no doubt, but she was done putting her happiness on hold. Kojack had made it blatantly clear that she was his so he would be hers, at all cost.

“Stay with me tonight.” Kojack said.

“Tonight?” Pandora asked.

“No, I
’m not gonna think you’re a hoe. Man, we ain’t even gotta do nothing. I just wanna be with you, get to know you, all that.”

“Damn, Kojack.” Pandora shook her head smitten by how wonderful he was.

“If you can’t, I’ll understand. But I can’t promise I won’t be hurt.” Kojack poked his lip out, gave her puppy dog eyes, and whimpering sounds.

It was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

How could I say no?
She thought feeling on fire for this man.

It was more than sex
with Kojack. It was mental. It was that alone that attracted her to him but now her physical was beginning to feel neglected as well. The tingling she felt run through her body yearned for his touch. In society’s eyes, it would be so wrong, but tonight she would feel so right.

’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you.” She leaned over into his ear and whispered.

’s wassup.” He said smiling back at her.

He looked down into his Evo punching through buttons trying to get to the missed call log.

“Wait, you’ve been glued to that thing all night. Do you want that or do you want me?” Pandora asked, hoping she didn’t sound like a nagging girlfriend. Even though she hadn’t gained that title yet, it sure felt like she owned it.

“You know, you
’re right, babe.” Kojack said turning his phone off and throwing it in the back seat. “Now yours.”

Pandora hadn
’t planned on that reaction. She took her iPhone out of her pocket, staring at it noticing it was on vibrate already. She looked at him side eyed and then put her phone to sleep, faking as if she had cut it off.

“Done.” She said leaning back in the seat, relishing in the sweet summer wind.


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