Juicy: The Complete Series (10 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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“You don
’t belong in our click anyway, hoe.” One girl screamed as she stomped Diamond’s face to a bloody pulp with her colossal sized feet.

When the girls were satisfied with their work
, they walked away from her, leaving nothing but a bloody and gravely beaten mess on the floor. Tino stood over her as if he was looking down on the one who had betrayed him.

“Now get up and get the fuck out of my house.” He said as his groupies giggled in the background.

Diamond stood, limping towards the door and coddling her face as it dripped drops of blood all the way to the front door. She wanted to make a break for the stairs to grab at least a few of the things she owned, but she feared another beating to her already severely damaged body. She felt her eye begin to swell shut, as the left side of her vision grew dark. Her ribs were recklessly bruised and her stomach felt like it had been doing cartwheels for the last five minutes. Vomit chunks rose in her throat, but she wasn’t about to release them and give them another reason to beat the living daylights out of her.

“Oh yeah and one more thing before you go. I got AIDS. BIOTCH!” Tino spat to the laughter of his minions.

Diamond felt her heart drop and her brain explode as her mouth opened in pure utter disbelief. She could not believe what her ears had just been burned with. It was unbelievable that he or anyone would do that to her and never say anything. The bitches in the background were laughing like the shit was cool but he had slept with them too. She could not understand what the big joke was about and why she was the center of it. He rubbed up against their tits and fondled with their smelly pussies as Diamond opened the door about to walk out.

But she
collapsed right there in his front doorway.


Chapter 11- Selfish




“Wakey, wakey. Eggs and bakey.” Lexi said holding a tray of breakfast in her hand.

Pandora and Kojack awoke to the smell of eggs, bacon, toast, and fresh smelling orange juice. It was the perfect way to start the day. Kojack kissed her on the forehead
and then kissed Lexi on the lips. He felt like the king of the land with all of the special treatment he had been getting over the past few days. He never wanted to go home. Work was not a factor, since he wasn’t ready to leave the glory of it all just yet. Kojack called his business in from his cell the whole time, letting his business partners know what inventory to order and what customers to contact. Pandora, on the other hand, left poor Keisha to fend for herself. She was not in any predicament to take on such a huge operation by herself and they knew it. So it left Lexi and Pandora to go check on their business in shifts.

“Kojack, you are always stuck like glue to that phone. Who the hell do you be texting all day?” Pandora asked
, taking a bite of her bacon.

Kojack put his phone down
, realizing he was being rude. “My work.”

He was as vague as could be when it came down to what he did. She was always curious as to what he did
, but he would always say the same thing- construction. It was clear that he was in the dope game, but she would have liked to hear him say it. Many drug dealers were in the game and weren’t afraid to show it. However, Kojack was a rare breed, not wanting to reveal too much into his life. The way he conducted business fascinated her because, now that she had a little business of her own, she figured maybe they could collaborate and get money together.

“Baby, you know you can tell me anything, right?” She
said while stroking the side of his face as he shook his head. “So why can’t I know what you do for a living?”

He turned to her in bewilderment. They had gone through the same question over and over before and she just wouldn
’t take a simple answer.

“I told you. I
’m in construction.”

, that’s not a damn answer. I’ve let it go before but now I just gotta know. What the hell does that mean?” Pandora replied as she watched as Lexi entered the room, plopping down on the bed with her plate of food.

“Ugh. Okay. My dad ran his own construction company when I was little. I loved my dad and wanted to be like him when I grew up. So, when my dad passed away last September, he left the business to me and I
’ve been running it ever since. He trusted me with it ‘cause I went to college, got certified, and began working right under him right after that to learn the ropes. Now, you know. Happy?” Kojack spat throwing back the rest of his food like he was an animal.

Pandora and Lexi looked at each other in astonishment. They couldn
’t believe that he was legit. They waited for him to laugh and joke about how he was kidding and explain his dope game, but he never did. They were sitting with a made man and didn’t even know it. Not only was he a successful business owner, but he was also a college graduate. Pandora felt foolish. She had the opportunity to be all those things, but she listened to her sister and got mixed up in the wrong things. Now she felt like her life was already fucked and there was no turning back.

“Oh, that
’s great, babe. Congratulations!” Pandora tried to sound sincere but it was dry.

She was clearly jealous of Kojack
’s success. But she was trying to be proud that he was one of the few brothers in the hood who didn’t need to sell dope to be on top. She excused herself from the bed, headed for the bathroom and sat on the toilet, not releasing any waste. It was a good quiet place to think without disturbance and to collect her thoughts.

Back in the room, Lexi scarfed down her food
. She was hungry from the Yomper that she had just inhaled. She looked over at Kojack who staring down at her. He winked at her and then tried to get out of bed. But she pounced on him like a cheetah in heat. Without hesitation, she sucked his dick just enough to get it to jump up. Then she mounted it like it was a horse. She rode him while rolling her pussy back and forth and rubbing her clit to make the wetness flow down his shaft. Lexi loved the way his dick felt inside of her. She was rubbing her nipples and humping him like a jack rabbit, attempting to cum before Pandora came out the bathroom.

’ve always wanted you.” She muttered leaning forward so he could suck on her flavorful nipples.

Kojack hadn
’t heard a word she said, focused on the smoking hot pussy he had on his dick. He hadn’t gotten to her because Pandora wanted him all to herself. Lexi knew her sister would never let her have a piece of him so she decided to take it.

“Cum for me
, baby.” She whispered deeply in his ear.

Kojack heard that and it was just the tool he needed to arouse his swimmers. He jerked back
, feeling himself about to bust but he wasn’t ready just yet. Lexi bounced up and down on him rubbing, her flat stomach all the way down to her clit. Kojack’s temperature rose as he watched her sway seductively on his junk. She was a bonafide pro at what she did, driving him insane. Pandora was okay but her sex was nothing like the fireworks that happened when he was with Lexi. It was about to happen but he tried to hold it, not wanting it to end. He closed his eyes and tried to focus, but it was no use. He was cumming and there was nothing that could stop it. Lexi’s moans grew louder and louder, loving the penetrating motion in her sizzling snatch.

“Oooo, I want more
, baby. I need more.” She whispered.

“Me too
, baby.” Kojack whispered back.

“Cum for me
, daddy.”

He knew it was there. If only she had stopped talking
, he could have controlled it, but there was nothing he could do but release. He wanted to warn her but felt it was best to just throw her off of him. She was on him securely as he grabbed her waist trying to force her off. She rode faster and faster, flicking her clit more and more. The Yompers always made her pussy so wet that she felt like she would burst into a million pieces.

“I wanna cum!” He screamed at the top of her lungs
, unable to hold it in any longer.

Kojack finally pushed her off of him
, hoping to have gotten her off in time. She laid on the bed kicking and screaming still rubbing her clit to cum. He kneeled down planting his face in between her legs. He sucked as hard as he could while bobbing his head and fucking her with three fingers inside. Pandora heard her screams and raced out of the bathroom to find out what the problem was. She watched as Kojack sucked her sister’s pussy like none other and Lexi calmed down, spewing all of her juices in his mouth. He swallowed and licked all around it like he loved it, almost not wanting to stop as she fucked his mouth back with her pussy.

“Mmmm, thanks baby. I needed that.” Lexi said attempting to catch her breath.

“Baby? Bitch, did you take a Yomper?” Pandora bellowed heatedly.

Lexi gawked at her
, smiling and shaking her head in assurance. She loved her sister in more ways than one, but Kojack was a good fuck and it was not fair that she got to have him all to herself. She figured if they were all fucking, then they should all fuck, no restrictions. Pandora’s anger read on her face like an open book. It was dreadful to look in her face so they both just laid in the bed rubbing on each other as if to indicate a job well done.

“Kojack, you know she
’s only sixteen, right?” Pandora spat.

“Yeah right. Quit playing. Don
’t no sixteen year old roll her pussy or suck dick like that.” Kojack said sarcastically.

“No, it
’s true. She’s my little sister. Tell him, Lex.” Pandora retorted.

Lexi put her head down
, shaking it in shame at the way her sister was behaving. She had done everything that Pandora had wanted her to and still she wasn’t satisfied enough to share her wealth. Pandora stood there with a devilish grin on her face crossing her arms in enjoyment.

“What? Sixteen? Awe, shit I
’m going to jail, man!” Kojack snapped as he rose up from the bed to find his clothes. “And you fucking your little sister?”

, technically, she’s fucking me because I’ve never touched her. She just likes to eat my pussy.” Pandora spat happily.

“Wait, Kojack! I
’ll be seventeen next month. It’s only rape if somebody tricks!” Lexi pleaded.

Kojack hadn
’t heard shit either of them said. He was focused on getting the fuck out of there before anything kicked off. The tension in the air was so thick you couldn’t cut it with a chainsaw.  Pandora stood there with her arms crossed seemingly happy at the mess she had made. She wasn’t about to let another sister come in and ruin what she had finally gotten back.

’ll call you later, babe.” She said as he kissed her on his way out the door.

She tasted the salty pussy leftovers of Lexi on his tongue as he kissed her. She was beyond scorched at the fact that it was in his mouth and now in hers as well. Lexi sat up on the bed mad as hell at Pandora
’s cock blocking antic. The look on her face told her that she didn’t give a flying fuck what she felt about it either.

“I see how it is. You claim you love us but you only love yourself. I suck your pussy
, so why the fuck can’t he suck mine, Pandora.” Lexi spat.

Pandora knew she was angry. Lexi had never called her Pandora for anything.

“Because he’s mine, Lexi. You knew that. Now fucking me is one thing but he’s my man. Mine!” Pandora snapped.

“Bitch, I helped you get him back. And if memory serves me correctly, you stole him from Di. So you didn
’t even get him fair and square.” Lexi spat while her perky tits bounced effortlessly as she got up to find her clothes. 

“So what! He
’s mine now. You’re bogus for even trying to fuck him, knowing we’re together.” Pandora retorted as she got up to hop in the shower.

“You stupid, bitch. You fucked with the wrong one.” Lexi mumbled under her breath as she headed for the door but was halted by Maxwell singing on her phone.

“Who this?”

“Is this Alexis Burden?”

“Who wants to know?”

“We have your sister, Diamond Burden
, in the hospital and she has you listed you as next of kin.”

“Oh my God! Is she okay? Where is she?”

“She’s at Northwest Community Hospital in Schaumburg. Do you know where that is?”

, bitch. I ain’t slow. What happened to my sister?”

“Hmph, well, I
’ll let her tell you when you get here…Bitch!”

Lexi threw her phone back in her pocket figuring she would deal with whoever that was later. She darted to the bathroom
, pulling the shower curtain back abruptly as she spat to Pandora the conversation she had just had. Pandora seemed unaffected by everything she was saying as she continued to wash her ass. Lexi wanted to smack the fuck out of her and she would have if she weren’t her ride to the hospital. She waited an entire forty-five minutes while Pandora dolled herself and flawlessly fixed her makeup. She tossed her hair much like the white girls do when they play those conceited roles on TV. Then she finally made her debut in the living room.

“Aight. I
’m ready.” She said grabbing her keys and heading towards the door.

“Skank.” Lexi retorted
, shaking her head in disappointment.


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