Last Hope (21 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Mandisa!” Sandra shouts.
She try to fire at the brute but was out of ammo and had to

Sophie took aim on the brute. “Don’t
worry Mandy, I got you.” Sophie was able to shoot at the brute and
not hit Mandisa, in which case the brute ran after

Katrina fire at the brute and the brute
starts to chase after her. Juan runs to cover and reloads his
weapon. Mandisa, who slowly got up, holding her broken rib, shot
and killed the brute with her pistol. “Take that you bitch, she
said as she falls over.”

Sara radio in what she was doing next.
“I’m falling back inside the aircraft so my tank can reload his
gun, it may take a few minutes so cover me.” The elite heavy runs
after the tank, destroys it. “FUCK!” Sara said out loud over the
headset and everyone in the squad went silent. “What, I’m not
allowed to say a word?” Sara ask looking at the pilot. “I’m out, so
I am not going to be of any use, my headset is going to be turn
off, I wish you luck.”

Wait!” Sophie said real
quickly. “Thanks for trying Sara, both you and Anna makes me

The enemy tank shoots at Juan, miss,
destroys some more of his cover, the drone begins to fix their
tank. “Can I just get a break!” Juan says out loud. Sandra shot at
the elite heavy, it runs away, but not after Sandra got a few shots
in. Both Sophie and Katrina has to reload. Juan rapid fire on
drone, kills it. “Take that you baster.”

Mandisa falls back to reload. “You
going to be all right Mandisa?” Sandra ask.

I’ll be fine, just a little
busted up, its only a broken rib, they grow back right?”

The elite heavy came back, the tank
moves, fire a missile inside the building hurting both Sandra and
Mandisa. Mandisa screams in pain as the debris and the shockwave
hits her, making her fall over. Juan moves to cover, found two more
drones and a mech. “Uh guys, we got a problem.”

What is it Juany?” Sophie

IT’S A MECH!” Juan yells
out in fear as he never saw anything that big before in his

A what?” Sophie ask in
concern. “Prezz, could you repeat that please?”

It has two legs, missiles,
and a guy in the cockpit, what else are you suppose to call

Get to cover, we are still
busy in here with the tank and the heavy elite.”

Don’t need to tell me

Sandra falls back to reload and runs
over to Mandisa who was laying on the ground. “Mandy, Mandy wake
up!” She told herself as she begins CPR.

In the aircraft with Sara and the
pilot, she look over to him. “I am guessing from your non blinking
eyes, and not moving your head, hat it was a good thing I turn my
headphone off, wasn't it?” The pilot just gave Sara a nod of
agreement without looking at her as a tear was shed.

Sophie fire at the tank. Katrina shot
at the elite heavy. The elite heavy shot at Juan, he is bleeding
out. “Fuck me.” Juan told himself as he grabs himself of where he
was shot at. “I was fucking outside you asshole.

The tank retreats. Katrina shot at a
drone, did not kill it. Sandra slam her fist on to Mandisa’s chest
and woke her up from being knockout. Mandisa, remembering the
explosion Mandisa ran to cover, shot at same drone, destroys it.
Sophie shot at other drone, kills it. Sandra rushes to cover. “She
let out a sigh of relief when Mandisa woke back up. Katrina kills
the elite heavy. Sophie runs over to Juan and stabilize him. “How
many times am I going to have to keep saving you.” She told

This is the first time.”
Juan says with a chuckle.

You stay right here
alright, crawl into the room once we clear it out and stay until we
are done. If you survive you may get a treat.” Sophie says with a

What treat will that be?”
Juan smiles back then Sophie gives him a small kiss. “You are just
going to have to stay alive and find out.

It was quite. The Mech disappear, and
no one was insight. “I think we are missing someone?” Sandra

Besides the obvious giant
Mech that Juan told us over headset?” Sophie ask.

Yeah, besides that.”
Mandisa slowly got up to walk around when she quench at the pain.
“Mandisa you should stay. You got beat up be the brute and you got
hit by a tank. You can’t take any more hits.”

Mandisa brush Sandra off. “I’ll be
fine. Sophie, save whatever medikits you have left, trust me. I can
still walk and still fire a gun, I am not going to die that easily.
We already lost Sara’s tank, and Juan. I am not going to sit back
while you three move on to face that Mech head on.”

I am not going to let you
kill yourself Mandisa!”

At least I can put a few
more bullets into a bady before I die Sandra! You can’t stop me,
I’ll keep going until I can no longer walk or fire a gun

Sandra let out some steam then finally
agree. “Fine, but stay close to me understand?” Sandra rushes to a
wall, found the hidden heavy, shot at it, it runs away. “Found the
guy that I was thinking about.

Sophie runs outside, the heavy shot at
her, she got hit, light damage. Sophie moves some more, found the
heavy, but as the heavy had its sights on her, she quickly runs
back. Mandisa runs to cover, got shot at by the heavy she has seen
better days, she rapid fire on the heavy, but did not kill it.
Mandisa still quench in pain. Katrina kills the heavy with a

Sandra moves forward, got shot at by an
elite heavy, but miss. “More of these heavy elites!” Sophie's moves
forward, shot at elite heavy, hit, no kill. Sandra fire at it, it
runs toward them. “What is it doing?” The elite heavy shot at
Sophie. Katrina kills elite heavy. “Sophie are you alright?” Sandra
ask concern.

I’ll be fine, just

The tank appears, Mandisa fire at it
before it disappears again, hit, no kill. “I found the tank again,
but it went away. I think I got a few hits on it.” Mandisa told her
crew over headset.

The tank moves some more, Sophie fire
at it, hit, tank disappears into another room. “This is really
getting on my nervous.” Sophie told herself.

Sandra rush to where the tank retreats,
where she found the mech. “Guys, I found the mech, and it’s big.”
Mandisa rush to a near wall, rapid fire on the mech, barely left a
dent. “What are we going to do? Juan was the heavy. He had the
rocket launcher!”

Can’t worry about that
now.” Katrina told her.

Sandra fire at the mech, it moves away
a little Katrina fire at mech, with a pistol Sophie toss a smoke
grenade near Mandisa. “For safety!” She told Mandisa with a smile.
The mech appears to be scanning smoothing. Katrina fire at the mech
with her rifle. Mandisa fell back to reload, Sandra also reloads.
The mech fire a few missiles in the air, hurting both Sophie and
Katrina. “Are you two ok!” Sandra ask in fear.

Sophie and Katrina start to cough as
the dust goes everywhere. “We’ll be fine, don’t worry about

The tank came back, shot at Sandra.
“Arg, ou fucker we don’t got time for you!” Sandra shot at the tank
and destroys it. Katrina retreats. Mandisa rush to cover, rapid
fire on the mech. The mech fire a huge missile at Mandisa, but
miss. The whole squad went silent. “How did that miss you?” Sandra

I told you, I wasn’t going
to die easily.” Mandisa told Sandra who was also surprise. Sandra
has to reload. Mandisa runs to new cover, mech fire at Mandisa but
it miss. Sophie got to cover, shot at the mech. The mech fire a
missile at Sophie, kills her, the mech also fire at Sandra but
miss. The mech disappears. “So.” Mandisa said under breath.
“Sophie!” Mandisa cries.

Katrina, hearing Mandisa cry ran over
to Sophie and found out that she got blown up by the mech. This was
the seconded Davies that had died while on a mission with

You two, stay here with
Sophie. I am going to take a look into this next room to make sure
we don’t get ambush.” Sandra went next to a new door, found two
elite sons. “Not you fuckers!” She shot at one, it

I am not going to let
another one of my squad mates get injure anymore!” Mandisa rush
inside, shot at Sandra’s target, kills it.

What the fuck are you doing

Saving your

The mech returns. Katrina fire at the
mech with a rifle. “Just you and me, you monster.”

Mandisa rapid fire on other elite son,
not kill it. Sandra has to reload. “Cover me Mandy, need to reload
real quick.

The mech began to scan the place again
The elite son moves, fire at Mandisa but miss. Mandisa killed the
elite son. “Lets go back to Katrina and help her, she is all alone
with that Mech!” Katrina runs to cover The mech fires, but
malfunctions and destroys itself. When Mandisa and Sandra step
outside they found Katrina standing over the destroyed Mech. “This
is why no one ever fucks Katrina.” Mandisa told herself. Mandisa
still hear sounds. “Guys, it’s still not over, I still hear more
noise. be careful.

Sandra goes outside the other end of
the aircraft. Sandra goes outside, found a heavy on the roof and a
brute, the brute charge after her, she fires at it. “Two more,
death from above!” She told everyone. Sandra runs back, the brute
runs after Sandra, both Sandra and Katrina fire at it, does not
kills it. Katrina reloads her gun then kills it. The heavy came out
in the open, Mandisa fire at it, not kill it, the heavy stops in
the open, fire at Mandisa but miss. Katrina fire at heavy, kills

Juan Prezz became a major, but was
wounded for six days. Katrina became a colonel, wounded for three,
Sandra is wounded for four Mandisa is wounded for eight. Katrina
did not have to go to Sic-Mad as she walk over to Sophie Davies
room where Anna Sing was there waiting for Sophie. When Anna found
Katrina instead of Sophie, she already knew what happen because
Katrina never talks to anyone unless she has to. While Juan, Sandra
and Mandisa was at Sic-Mad Sara was standing outside with a depress
look. “I was not good enough.” She says with a tear.

Martine gave Sara a pat on her
shoulder. “You did all that you could.”

I did not kill anyone, I
took Kato’s spot and I fail!” Sara told Martine as she begins to

You did more than anyone
here could had ask of you.” Martine crouch and gave Sara a hug.
“You built a tank. It was not good, and a tank may not be good for
high level missions, however, if you keep on trying, and keep on
repairing and upgrading your tank. Then you will definitely give
the enemy something to fear when they sleep at night.”

Over at the War Room Commander
assistant walk over to Commander who was watching Martine and Sara
through his window. “Commander, about that traitor. Who do you
think it is, and how do you suppose we look for him or

We keep on going as if
nothing knew had happen. Keep your eye on everyone, don’t want to
raise an alarm. Now, in the meantime, when are my airplanes coming
in? I really want my new airplanes assistant.”

Yes Commander, I will tell
the scientist to speed up their progress on the new

When the assistant was gone Commander
started to talk to himself. Now, just who is recreant in my

Mission 28 Trust

The following day, the base was still
relatively quiet from the last mission. Even though Sophie was the
only soldier who pass away. Seeing Mandisa still being inside
Sic-Mad felt wrong. Sandra was able to get out and Juan was doing
fine but still had to stay in Sic-Mad next to Mandisa who was in a
coma. Adam was next to Sandra who was sitting at a table alone,
lost in thought. “So how was it?” He ask as he sat next to

I’m sorry, what was that?”
Sandra ask, not paying attention.

The Mech.” Adam ask
bluntly. “Early today Commander had a meeting and told us about the
mech, however I want to hear the story from someone who actually
fought against it and live.”

Sandra trie to hold back her tears as
she remembers Sophie getting kill by the monster. “You don’t stand
a chance. No matter how many bullets you fire at it, it will never
die. I think that was a prototype because it malfunction and
destroyed itself.”

How are the

I don’t know.” Sandra told
Adam with sorrow. “I don’t know how I am myself. I never seen
Mandisa, or anyone go through hell like that and still

She is a strong girl, but
she is resting now. You however need to go over to Sara and to
Anna. Anna just lost Sophie, the girl who rescue her and has been
raising her is now dead. Sara is blaming herself for her bad tank
and you are blaming yourself for not protecting Mandisa well
enough, even though she is still alive.” Adam let out a slight sigh
has he got back up. “If you are going to weep, then you might as
well weep with other people instead of doing it alone. Right now
Sara and Anna need you more than anyone else here. So do you.” Adam
told her then walk away.

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