Last Hope (23 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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You guys have been going on
more missions than me.”

Adam step into the conversation. “Ranks
are just like names here all right? Everyone has one.”

Maxim just shrug it off. “Still, you
have been here longer than us. I know you got a lover back at
B.A.S.E and all. However if that is the reason you been skipping on
your mission. Then I don’t want you on the battlefield with me all
right? I want someone who I can trust and is willing to give there
life to fight for what they believe in.”

Gary said nothing after that. He began
to wonder if he was really ready to die or not. That was the whole
reason why he join this program. To defeat the Sons at all cost.
Now that there is a child along the way, the only thing he can
think about his starting a new family with Kato.

As they land Gary moves forward, spots
two sons, one try to move, Maxim fire at it, hit not kill. One of
the sons ran behind the squad, the other one got Gary pin down.
While Gary was being pin down. The only thing he could think about
was Kato and the child. Maxim killed the son that went behind cover
with a headshot. Chang shot at the other son, hit but not kill, the
son stop suppression fire on Gary. When the bullets stop going pass
Gary’s head his vision clear up and shot at the son who had him
pindown. He look over Maxim who only smile.

Andrea moves ahead, found three more
sons. He fires at one, hit but not kill. Adam moves forward, shot
at the same son, kills it. Gary shot at the other son, kills it.
Zoe moves ahead, found three heavies, one tries to move, Chang
fires at it, hit but not kill. Zoe fire at one with a pistol. Maxim
moves near Zoe, took out her target with a headshot. “I got a
question for you Zoe. How come you don’t run with your sniper rifle
and instead swap to your pistol and run?”

Meet me in the gym and I
can show you.” Zoe moves closer to Maxim and in a whisper. “Just
why I switch to a pistol.”

Andrea killed the last regular son. He
look over at Maxim and Zoe and for some reason was getting mad at
how Zoe was flirting with Maxim. He ignores it to the best of his
ability. Andrea rush ahead the road, shot at the heavy that Chang
shot at, miss, that heavy runs to cover, the other heavy move
around and shot at Gary. Maxim killed the heavy that shot at Gary.
“You all right there Gary? When I said if you are willing to die
for what you believe in, I did not meant for that to be a

Adam look around and told Chang what to
do. “Chang, I want to get home as soon as possible. Get rid of that
Heavy over there with your rocket. We’ll be fine if a tank comes or
a mech.”

If you say so.” Chang went
to fire his rocket but his targeting system went haywire and his
rocket went off course. “This is the seconded time this had happen
to me!”

Whats going on Chang, you

Someone has been messing
with my own personal rocket launcher!”

A tank comes in right behind Andrea, he
fires at the tank drone, miss. “Hey Adam!” You sure we are going to
be fine without a rocket!”

The heavy ran away, Zoe shot at it with
a pistol, the heavy stop to shoot at Zoe but miss. Zoe fire back,
killed it with a headshot. Maxim was impress with her performance.
“Impressive, but you still need to answer my question when we get
back.” He told her.

Andrea runs to cover, fire at the
drone, destroys it. Chang loads up another rocket. “Don’t worry
Andrea, I always bring a spear.” Chang fires another rocket, hit
the tank. “Glad this time my target system did not fuck

The tank moves, Adam fire at it. The
tank fires at Andrea, almost killing him. Maxim destroys the tank.
“That it?” He ask.

Everyone look around and the place was
clear. Gary rush over to Andrea. “Good thing that was the last Son.
If you did any more running, you could have bleed out on the spot.
Let me get you wrap up and take care of you until the aircraft
comes back.

While Gary was helping Andrea wounds.
Chang was looking at his launcher. Adam came to his side. “What do
you mean that you're targeting system just, went off?”

I am telling you sir, it
just, did not work and as soon as I fire it. The rocket went into
another direction.”

Treason?” Zoe ask

Adam got rid of that idea. “Don’t be
silly Zoe. We were all chosen from a high power group of people. We
all gave away our lives to join this. Who would create

Back at B.A.S.E Andrea was wounded for
seven days. While everyone on that mission but Gary became a
lituant. Gary was tired from the mission and instead of celebrating
with the boys, he went to visit kato instead, who was waiting for
his arrival. Kato greeted him with a smile, however Gary did not
return the smile. “What’s wrong honey?” Kato ask concern when gary
sat next to her.

Maxim was right. Everyone
on that mission, became a lieutenant. However I am still a
Corporal. I have been here longer then they have!”

Kato gave Gar a hug. “It will be all
right, you will be promoted one day.”

We can’t support a family
with your rank and mine.”

Don’t worry Gary, we will
be just fine, as long as you are here. That’s all that I care
about. Will you make a promise to me Gary?”

What’s that?”

Don’t leave me.”

Gary gave her a smile and kiss her on
her forehead. In a whisper he said. “I will never leave

Over at the gym, Zoe was in a one suit
training outfit. Maxim was enjoying the outfit and Zoe. “What are
you going to show me that I don’t already know now Zoe

Zoe walk up to him, facing him with his
grin. Zoe quickly threw Maxim on the ground. “Close quarters
combat. You can’t do that if you run around with your rifle all the

Maxim let out a fake laughter while Zoe
was on top of him. “What else can you show me?”

Zoe let out a faint smile. “This.” Then
she quickly pull him back up on his feet, twist his arm around and
kick him behind his legs which made him take a knee.

Maxim was in pain and was not able to
move. “To be honest, this is not what I was expecting.” He told her
as she carries on beating the crap out of him.

Mission 30 Thomas Hutch

The following day Martine and Chang was
eating some breakfast together when they found Maxim walking by
himself, limping. Martine was the first one to say something.
“Whats wrong with Vampire?” He ask in a whisper to Chng. “He look
like he just woke up from a pile of rocks.”

Chang took a look at Maxim and gave a
nod of agreement. “Zoe was flirting with him on the battlefield.
Knowing him, it would not surprise me if he had sex with her.”
Chang told Martine in a cold tone.

You alright Chang?” Martine
ask. “Normally you are really joyful around here, always trying to
cheer other people up. Now you have not even crack a joke at all

Sorry about that Martine,
it’s just that, yesterday. When I was on the field. I fire my
rocket, however the targeting system went off as soon as I fire

It went off?”

Yea. I don’t know what
happen, but when I had the heavy lock on, as soon as I fire. The
system went haywire, and miss the heavy.”

That normally does not
happen. Can you think of a reason?”

Chang shook his head no. “There was no
jamers nearby. No one threw an EMP grenade. It was all fine,
however it still did not work.”

Martine did not say anything, as Maxim
made his way closer. “Look who it is. What are you doing up so
early? it’s almost noon, you should still be asleep.”

Maxim gave a light chuckle in pain. “Oh
you know, Zoe, she is real physical when it comes with

You had sex with Zoe Ryan?”
Martine ask in question.

Yeah, trust me guys, she is
very wild, and dangerous. You might not make it through the night
with her.” Martine and Chang said nothing as they look away.
“What's the matter? Don’t be shy, just admit that you can’t handle
having sex with Zoe.”

Adam’s voice came from behind. “Who’s
having sex with Zoe?” The sound of another man frighten Maxim as he
jump backward a little bit.

As Maxim recover himself, he
straightened himself up. “Oh you know, not to brag or anything.
Zoe, is a real mean one, know what I am saying.” Maxim says with a
chuckle and a fake laugh.

I know what you mean all
right.” Adam says with a smirk.

Maxim was a bit taken back by Adam’s
words. “You do?”

Of course I do, she’s my
girlfriend after all.” Adam told Maxim with a smile.

Maxim was turn into stone when Adam
told him that Zoe was his girlfriend. In the back, Martine and
Chang was trying hard not to laugh. “When did this happen? I never
had sex with Zoe she only beat me up. I am so sorry for making that
rumor, I thought that would look better than me telling the rest of
the boys that I got beat up by a girl!”

Adam just pay Maxim on his shoulder.
“It’s all right Maxim. I get beat up by Zoe all the time as well.”
Adam gave Maxim a slight smile and walk away. Once he was gone both
Martine and Chang was busting up laughing.

Over at the War Room, Commander was
talking with the Council on the big screen. “Commander, it is seems
that we have reach a distress call from a very close friends of
ours. His name is Thomas Hutch. He is being held in this location
over there. We want you to assemble your best team and to retrieve
Thomas Hutch, then to bring him back to your place until this war
has ended. Do this Commander, and we may rethink our idea of
sending in a replacement for you.”

When the council had finish, the screen
went black. Commander let out a light sigh. “You heard what the
Council had said. Give me my six best that are ready for this
mission and send them off. I still want that report of how the new
aircrafts are doing.”

Yes Commander, are you
going to tell the Council that we may have a traitor at

Give them more reason to
kick me out of office? There is no might about it, we do have a
traitor in this building, Just need to find out who.”

Katrina, Sandra, and Kato were all
sitting in the same dorm room chatting with one another. Sandra was
faking ever laugh that she could, and glance at where Mandisa was
if she was still around. Kato had to call Sandra’s name a few time.
“Sandra, you still with us?”

Sandra stop daydreaming and return to
the real world. “Yea, i’m still here.”

Kato let out a slight sigh. “Geeze
Sandra, you have been like that ever since Mandisa

Sorry about that girls.
It’s just that, the last mission that we went on.” Sandra slowly
start to cry as she remember what happen in the past. “Mandisa was
in so much pain, she kept on going.”

She was a brave soldier.”
Kato told Sandra in a soothing voice.

Katrina came into the conversation.
“She’s not dead, they just move her out of B.A.S.E for better
treatment. Her wounds are critical, but she should be fine.
Commander have her the choice to leave or stay. So far she has not
return yet so lets assume she left and is now living a much more
peaceful life.” Katrina look over at Kato who was eating some
snacks. “By the way Kato. I notice that you have not been in
another mission for a while, and that you have been eating more
food and have been getting fat for our standers.”

Kato was speechless at Katrina’s
observation and did not say anything for a while. “Well, I guess
you could say that. Please don’t tell Commander, I don’t want him
to notice that I have gotten fat.” Katrina said nothing as she sips
on her tea when all three of their pages went off. “Oh look at
that.” Kato says with a fake smile. “Looks like I am going on a
mission after all.” Kato old them with a fake smile.

On the aircraft Sandra was having
flashbacks of Mandisa and the last mission. She finally snap out of
it when Chang nudge her. “Sandra, you all right?”

Yea, i’ll be fine. Don’t
worry about me. Please worry about yourself.”

I suppose I should tell you
this now instead later. Yesterday I went on a mission with Adam. He
ask me to fire a rocket at a heavy. I did that but as soon as I
lock on, my system went crazy and I went off target. Please use
caution before telling me what you want blown up.”

Thanks, I’ll keep that in

Martine also came into the
conversation. “How come Sara is not here with us? Don’t get me
wrong. A child should never be in war, I was just wondering if she
had anymore of those tanks?”

Sara and Anna are busy
creating a new model. Commander does not like those Tanks that
much, however if there is ever a need to get more troops. She will
be with them to protect them. Hopefully by that time, her tank will
be much better.” The aircraft touch the ground. “This is our stop.
Keep your head down but be aware of what is around you! Zoe, you
follow Katrina. Having two ace snipers are going to be great for
this extraction mission.

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