Last Hope (24 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Sandra moves ahead, found three sons.
She fire at one but it got away. Zoe shot at one, kills it with a
headshot. Katrina shot at the other one, kills it with a headshot.
Sandra was already impress of the two girls. The other son came
back wounded for some reason. Shot at Sandra but miss. Zoe shot at
the son but, miss. Sandra fire back kill the son. Chang found
Thomas Hutch, and three more sons. “I found the package! Santa
Claus can’t pick it up however! The sons move, but Katrina hit one
with a pistol.

Kato moves ahead, found two more. “Two
more incoming, my side!” She rapid fire on one, kills it. The other
son, took his dead friends place, poison Kato. “Oh god, the baby!”
She told herself. She rapid fire on him but miss because she
couldn't see.

Sandra has to reload. “Don’t worry
Kato, just hold on!” Zoe killed Katos target. “Never mind

Chang moves, got shot at three times,
only hit once. Chang gets poison and shot at twice, only hit once.
Kato has to reload. “Are you ok Chang!”

I’ll be fine, just lost my
footing, going after Thomas!” Chang tld everyone.

Sandra rushes to cover, found two more
sons. Chang fire a rocket, killed those three sons. One of the
other sons try to move, Sandra kills it. Sandra moves forward, gets
shot at but miss. The other son moves, everyone shot at it but
miss, the son poison both Kato and Chang. Kato cough and wheeze
from the poison gas. “Damnit, not again!”

Sandra flush the son out in the open.
Zoe kills it with a headshot. Sandra got Thomas while Chang was
still coughing from the poison gas. “Miss Claus received the
package, heading back to extraction now.”

Four sons came from the front, everyone
pick their targets but only one died. Martine fire at a son, kills
it. Sandra killed a son. Zoe kills the last son. Two more sons
appear, Kato kills ones of them. Martine kill the other one. Thomas
was able to make it back to the aircraft safely.

When the mission was over Martine
became a major, Kato became a captain, Chang became a captain, but
was sent to Sic-Mad for ten days after all the poison he breath in
and his bullet wounds. Commander was in his War-Room with the
council as they were review his work. “Good job today Commander. No
one died, on our side. You did had one soldier that ended up in
Sic-Mad however nothing was very serious. However, this does not
make up for your lost of Japan, and we shall be giving you a C for
this month. We will be watching you Commander. carry

Commander went out of his War-Room and
head into the conference room where Thomas Hutch was waiting for
him. “Ah, Mr. Hutch, thank you for waiting.” Commander told him,
follow by a handshake shortly after.

Not a problem Commander. I
owe you and your team my life after saving my from the Sons of

Why were the Sons after you
Mr. Hutch?”

Some people just want other
to die simply because they're alive Commander. The Sons just want
to see the world be lit up into flames, and that is exactly what
they are doing. I say, we use that key that is been hanging around
your neck this entire time.”

That would be

This world has already gone
to hell Commander. I say if the Sons want to create a new world,
then let them and blow up this world.”

You want to start another
world war?”

Start it? HA! I want to end
it Commander. I have no idea what the Council have been thinking.
Create a secret organization. One that combines everyone together
to fight the enemies that other people can not. Such a stupid idea.
It will never work.”

We have had many success in
the past Mr. Hutch. We were able to save you.”

I was just a misdemeanor
Commander. One of these days, you are going to have a mission.
Someone will die. Then watch as your own soldiers will turn on one
another.” Thomas took a long pause before continuing. “Humans are
perhaps the only creature, where even in the brink of hell, we
still can’t get our difference straight and will still fight
against one another. I am surprise to see that we have lasted this
long Commander. When I was a young child, and I read up on the
facts of the Cold War, I was surprised that neither side push the
little red button. Now we have warheads that can go all the way
across the world and hit my annoying neighbors house if I want them
to. America has about over 8,000 warheads Russia has about 5,000
warheads. Sometimes I wonder if we will be better living back in
the renaissance times then now.”

During the renaissance era,
there was more than one pope. There was holy wars, there was the
one hundred year wars.”

Thomas let out a small sigh. “When you
put it like that Commander, no matter what era you look at one
thing never change. War. It never changes Commander.”

War is
constantly changing Hutch.
It's no
longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity.
It’s about fighting for what you believe in. The Sons of
Liberty are fighting to create a new world. We are fighting to keep
this world the same.”

Thomas let out one last sigh. “War,
becomes routine Commander. Nothing new about that.”

Mission 31 New Airplanes

Early the next morning Commander was
waken up by a phone call. As he answer his phone he got the message
that he was waiting for all this time. “Commander, we got the new
airplanes.” Commander quickly got out of his bed, got dress up and
admittedly rush over to the War Room. Once he was inside his
assistant was waiting for him. “Commander, the two new airplanes
are read. they are more light but still durable. They can go faster
and make sharp turns. These planes were built for speed and nothing
else. There is not another aircraft that will be able to catch us

Commander took a pause. “Good, are the
pilots train yet?”

Yes Commander.”

All right, we shall wait
until we come in contact with that airplane again before we

Sandra was in her room when a knock
came from the other side. “Come in!” She said without looking at
her door as she was laying in her bed looking at the

You really let the place

A familiar voice came from the door. It
was Mandisa! She came back from the hospital and was doing just
fine. Sandra said her friends name in complete shock. “Mandisa!”
She rush over to her friend and gave her a hug. “I am so glad that
you are safe and they did not told you that you had to

Commander can’t get rid of
me even if he wants to.” Mandisa told Sandra with laughter.
“Commander did came into my room with the choice of leaving this
all behind I told him that I was here in the beginning and that I
will stay here until it is over.” Mandisa let out a slight pause
before continuing. “There’s not much of us left Sandra. The new
cadets are just fine. However they have not been here as long as we
have. We lost more then than, while at the same time we gain so
much. I am not going to walk away from this.” Mandisa gave Sandra
another big hug as the two of them start to cry

Commander we found another

Send out Alpha fist! Bravo
stand by.”

As the aircraft was flying to where the
new contact was at Commanders assistant was guiding the plane.
“Alpha you are closing in, 30 meters, 10, 5, contact.”

On screen!” Commander told
his assistant. His assistant put on the live webcam of the front
view of the aircraft so everyone can see just what the pilot sees.
It was a flying carrier ship. “How is that possible?”

Commander, we are waiting
on your orders!”

Retreat, get Alpha out of
there right now!” Before Commander’s assistant could get the pilot
back home the giant flying fortress lock-on to the the pilot and
shot down the pilot with little to no restraint. Everyone in the
War Room went silent. All of their work, time, to build a better
aircraft and it got shot down by a giant flying carrier.

Commander, Bravo is still
on standby.”

Thats enough, thats enough
deaths for one day.” Commander told his assistant as he walk out of
the room.

Later on that night. While everyone was
asleep on B.A.S.E. Commander was in the War Room, just waiting for
the council to call him and throw him out of his office when Thomas
Hutch enter the room. “All this time, all the man hours, and the
second that you built a new airplane. The enemy build a better
one.” Thomas made a slight pause before continuing. “Ecclesiastes
3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time
for peace.”

And when he gets to heaven,
to saint peter he will tell. Another soldier reporting sir, I've
served my time in Hell.” Commander says with a sigh.

Commander, I never knew you
were a Christian like myself.”

Catholic.” Commander
corrected him. “In times like this, where all hope seems lost. I
find that by talking to the Lord is the only thing that calms me
down. I have not seen my wife or kids in what feels like years, and
this war does not seem that it want to end.”

Is this your first war that
you have been in as a Commander?” Commander just nod his head. “I
see, it’s different. Seeing your fellow soldier die in front of
your eyes is one thing. However sending soldiers on a mission and
having fewer come back then what you started with is something
different. Not many are cut of for what you are doing Commander.
Not only do you have to be a good leader, know when to make the
right decisions at the right time. You also need to be mentally
prepare. Knowing that if it all goes wrong, it all going to be your
fault. You were the one who killed your soldiers. You were the one
who gave them that mission, I was all your fault, Commander.”
Thomas let out a small pause. “You speak to the Lord am I right
Commander? Tell me, what does he say?”

Commander did not say anything for a
while. “At times like these, I don’t think he is even listening to
me anymore Thomas. It is as of this is all punishment for some

You know that’s not true.
The Lord does listen to what you have to say. He listens to
everyone prayers Commander, even yours.”

Riddle me this Thomas.”
Commander interrupts. “If God listens to everyone, and both sides
are praying to live for another day, is God not bias for letting
one person live and not the other when both men ask to

I think that is a question
that you need to ask him yourself Commander.” Thomas was about to
leave the War Room when he stops right outside of the door. “If you
are still questioning your beliefs to the Lord, re-read John 3:16,
perhaps then you may find your answer.”

Days went by without another contact.
The plane that was teasing them for so long appears to have vanish.
“Commander?” His assistant spoke. “It appears it’s going to be
another empty day. May we call this one off early?”

Commander let out a small pause. “All
right, that’s a good everyone. Call back Bravo, have him rest for
tonight, we’ll continue our hunt for that aircraft

When Commander’s assistant was about to
call back Bravo plane, the pilot started to radio into Commander.
“Commander, I believe I have found the airplane! It’s fast, going
to pursue it now!”

Bravo, you are clear to
fire upon that plane when you get the shot, do not let it get
away!” Commanders assistant put the live web cam fee on the
airplane. As they watch the dogfight take place. Minutes went by,
which felt like hours. Then finally the battle ends. Bravo was able
to shut down the plane. Before everyone in the War Room could cheer
in celebration. Commander order his best team to go out and attack
the fallen aircraft.

When Katrina, Mandisa, Sandra, Juan,
Martine, and Kato, all board the airplane the plane took off to the
destination where the fallen airplane fell. Juan was getting
nervous. “This is a very special mission for Commander. I don’t
know why, but I am getting nervous for some reason.”

They are only humans, they
die just like the rest.” Katrina told Juan.

Is that suppose to make me
feel better? I am not afraid of the Sons if that is what you are
implying. I am afraid what Commander might do to us if we

If we fail, then we are all
going to die. We are not coming back onto this aircraft until we
either capture the pilot of this plane or kill everyone on

Juan just let out a small sigh. “Yea,
no pressure.”

When the squad land and everyone got
out. A Mech and two drones could be heard in the distance. Martine
made a small comment. “Sounds like the party has already

Then lets go ahead and
crash it.” Juan told Martine. Juan runs up ahead, found a drone,
destroys it. Another drone appears, Mandisa fire at it, kills it.
Missiles came out of nowhere, was close f hitting the squad but
miss, then a laser shot at Juan but miss. “YOU HAVE GOT BE FUCKING

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