Last Hope (26 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Juan rapid fire at a son that was on a
building, kills it. Mandisa rush over near Sandra, fire at a son,
did not kill it. Martine toss a grenade, kill two sons including
the one that Mandisa fire at. Kato moves forward to cover, rapid
fire on a son but miss, that son poison Sandra and Martine, another
son on top of a building poison mandisa, then the last son that was
on a building comes running out Katrina fire at it with a pistol,
miss, the son got on top of a building, shot at Martine but miss.
Sandra fire at the son that poison both her and Martine, the son
retreated into a building and she miss. “I can’t see with all this
fucking poison gas!” Sandra cries.

Juan killed the son that went on top of
the building that Katrina miss. Mandisa kills the other son that
was on the building. Kato rapid fire at the son that was in the
building, miss, the same son fire back at her, hit but light
damage. Kato moves forward, rapid fire on the son again, kills it.
Sandra bust opens a door, appears they got the control room found
three more sons. Sandra fire at one of the sons, but it got away.
Juan comes running into the control room, kills a son. Kato try to
rapid fire at one son, miss. Sandra fire at the son that Kato miss,
but it got away. “What do you suppose they want with this control
room!?” Juan ask as he has to reload.

At this point, I don’t care
what they want anymore. They are not going to get it!” Kato goes
rushing towards the son that got away, kills it, the other son shot
at Martine, hit but light damage. Sandra kills the last

When the battle was over. Everyone was
standing in the control room, with dead soldiers in it. Martine
starts to cough a bit. “You ok Martine?” Sandra ask.

I’ll be fine, all this
poison gas, makes me a little sick. I think I am going to be out
for a few days.” He told everyone as he tries hard not to

Back over at the B.A.S.E. Kato and
Sandra still did not settle their difference as they continue to
fight against each other in Sandra’s room. “I SAVE YOUR FUCKING
LIFE OUT THERE!” Sandra told Kato.




Another voice came from the
distance. It was a much softer one, but it was still heard over the
yelling. “Why must two people from the same side fight against one
another?” The voice was Sara as she heard the whole thing.
Proverbs 13:20
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a
companion of fools suffers harm.”

Sandra was stun at what Sara was
saying. “I never taught you anything from the bible.”

Commander has. He is
Catholic after all. I am here because the two girls who I respect
the most are fighting against each other. Just like the verse says,
those who walk with the wise will become wiser. Sandra you ask me
all the time how am I so smart and mature. It is because of the
people I follow and learn from. You have two choices here. You can
chose to believe that one of your closest friends is a traitor and
never trust anyone ever again, including yourself. Or you could hug
it out and stay as friends. The death of you two will not be a
bullet that was fired from the son. It will be one of you for not
trusting each other. Commander is wise, but he is an idiot for
thinking only his religion will be the one who will get into
Heaven. Scientist know that they can’t create something out of
nothing, but they are idiots for not believing in God. My question
is this. Is Kato going to be the bias Catholic, and is Sandra going
to be the bias atheist? Or will the two of you accept the ways you
think and learn to get along with each other without stabbing each
other in the back?”

There was a brief pause, before Sandra
let out a small chuckle. “You are way too mature for your age.”
Sandra turn to Kato and let out a big sigh. “I guess I got carried
away with the whole traitor thing.”

Kato also let out a small sigh. “I
understand what you were trying to say, but it was my fault for not
believing it.” The two females both gave each a hug. Sara gave a
light smile at seeing the two of them get along again.

Mission 33 Never Forget

The following day Sara was with Anna,
the two of them was having some fun playing Laser Tag. Anna was
never really that good at the game. Sandra came by to talk to the
adult who was watching the two children. “How are they?” She ask
with concern.

They're fine. Just a couple
of kids playing some games.”

Little girls should not be
playing with guns.” Sandra told the adult.

You can tell yourself that
all you want Sandra Jones. I don’t think you would ever get rid of
Sara’s fascination with how the military works.”

Sandra just let out a small sigh. “I am
afraid that I know just how much she is fascinated of how the
military works. I was hoping at the end of this. That I could take
her to a place away from this. This is all that she knows. She was
here since, forever it felt like. Throwing her into a public
school, will just be wrong.”

Are you thinking about not
taking Sara in as your own Miss. Jones?”

Sandra let out a small sigh. “I want
to, then again I don’t think I will give her the life that she

Sara is by far more
intelligent and mature than any of there girl at her age that I
have ever met before. You should talk to her before making your
decision. Maybe she may chose you instead. You never know Miss.
Jones. She may surprise you. She always does me.”

When the adult walk away Sandra just
let out another small sigh. “Yea, me to.”

When Sandra walk away she heard Boris
and Jay talking to another about where they are going to need to go
for their next mission. “I honestly don’t know why the Sons are
even attacking the same place again. I heard that it was the first
time the Sword people came and that fuck over Mandisa really well
killing Mandisa lover Igor.” Jay told Boris.

Perhaps they miss something
last time and is only trying to find it again.” Boris

Miss what? Katrina and
Mandisa had to retreat in that mission. They were the only ones
still left alive.”

Sandra was in shock. Mandisa kept
talking about that mission all the time. She rush over to Boris and
Jay. “Where are you two going?”

Boris and Jay was a little shock at
Sandra tone of voice. Jay answer the question for her. “We are
going to go to a warehouse place? Where the Swords first said

Sandra rush through them and rush over
to the War Room. Boris and Jay was left questioning what just
happen. “Commander, please let me take place in this


I have more experience than
Jay or Boris!” Sandra pleaded.

You also have more feelings
Sandra. I know why you want to go. It’s Sara’s home town. To be
honest I don’t know why the Sons are attacking that place again.
It’s been a long time since the last time they attack that place.
Could it be that they are trying to find something? We don’t know
the answer. However my top three soldiers, are all emotionally tied
to Sara. You know just as well as I do that by sending you three in
will be suicidal. Your mind are not clear. You’ll make mistakes. I
won’t lose you three over emotions on the field, understand

Sandra let out a slight sigh. “Yes

Good, now you can tell this
to Mandisa if you want but nothing is going to change my mind.
Besides. How can my new soldiers get better if your three keep on
going on missions?”

He is doing what!?” Mandisa
said in shock as Sandra told her the news. “Why is he not letting
Katrina and I back in there?”

He is not letting us go
because our emotions are going to get in the way of the

He’s damn right they are! I
want to go back there and kill every single Son that I could

That’s the whole reason why
he is not allowing us to go back. Besides Gary is going to be

Who else?”

Sandra pause for a minute. “Boris is
good, I think. There is Jay, he is a, something.”

You don’t know do

I know them, I just don’t
know what they do. Or how they act, or anything about them. Really
forgettable if you ask me. Except for Boris, it’s hard to forget
about a rich guy with a RPG.”

Mandisa let out a small moan. “When I
went there with Katrina, Igor, and Stan, only Katrina and I made it
out alive. We were the top soldiers in that time. Igor was the best
heavy, I was the best assault. Katrina was the best sniper, and
Stan was a good leader. You remember Stan right? You were going to
hit on him, try for you two to work something out!”

I move on Mandisa. You are
the only one who has not move on from Igor. I have seen Adam
looking at you but you did not even notice. Now he is with Zoe.”
Mandisa said nothing, as she knew that Sandra was right. “I don’t
like it either Mandy, but you need to have faith that this team is
going to get the job done. We need to give them faith.” Mandisa
only agree with a slow nod. She wants to go back so bad, but it was
best if she stay home and rest.

Gary was on the plane with the rest of
his squad when his phone vibrated a little. “Hey everyone, listen
up.” He said looking at his phone. “Katrina gave me a text.
Apparently this is Sara’s homeland. She want’s us to see if we
could find anything that might belong to Sara. a picture, or even a
stuffed bear that we could bring back.”

That poor girl.” Marie said
out loud. “Why are the Sons killing more people in the same place

Who knows, let’s just try
to save more lives then they take away.”

Jay moves forward, found a mech and two
drones on the other side of the wall. “Isn't this the place where
the swords were first found?” Jay ask as he was looking at the

Gary answer his question. “No doubt
that we will be seeing those around here so be on your

What the reason for them
coming here again, they really don’t want us to stop them. Already
see a mech.”

Maire made a slight chuckle. “Silly
Sons, you can’t stop us.” Maire shot at a drone, destroys

The mech moves, andres shot at it but
miss, a drone kills a civilian. “You guys keep doing that, I’m
going over here to save this person.”

Jay moves forward to save someone. The
civilian was a woman, she was in panic. “My daughter, I can’t find
my daughter!”

Calm down, you get to
safety, I’ll try to find your daughter. what’s her


All right miss, you go to
cover, find a good place to hide. I will look for Shala for

Gary shot at the mech, miss. Boris
moves next to Gary, shot at the mech, miss. Andres moves forward,
shot at the drone, did not kill it. The mech starts scanning in the
line of sight for Andres, Gary and Boris. “Oh deer.” Boris said
with shock.

Everybody get out of here!”
Andres shouts as he starts to run backwards.

The drone killed another person. Andrea
moves forward, kills the drone. Gary, Boris and andres all move
back. The mech fires miss. A heavy and a brute appears, the mech
moves, Maire shot at it with a pistol, hit, both Andres and Gary
miss. Gary fires at the mech, miss. Maire fire at the mech. The
brute runs around, both Boris and Andres fire at it, miss. The mech
shot a laser at Jay, miss, shot another laser at Maire, miss, the
heavy kills someone. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? WAS THAT A LASER!?
Jay shouts above all the gunfire.

I think Kato was telling me
that the mechs have lasers now.” Gary told Jay.

Anything else did your
fucking wife told you that you forgot to tell us!” Jay ask Gary as
nicely as he can while still be very loud.

They are not very good at
aiming!” Gary told Jay.

Jay mumble some words to himself as he
grab his RPG. “Unlike me, I have very good aim.” He told himself as
he fire a rocket the the mech. Maire shot at it but

Andres shot at it but miss. Andrea shot
at the brute. It gets mad and chase after Andrea. Gary shot at the
mech but miss. Boris shot at brute and the brute starts to chase
after him now. “I guess just you and I are going to play pong with
this brute.” Boris told Andrea.

The mech fires a laser at Maire, almost
kills her, she freaks out, runs to cover, the mech fires a laser at
jay, miss. “Maire, are you ok!?” Jay ask as he ducks behind cover.
Maire starts to mumble some words to herself as she freaks out that
she is still alive even though a laser hit her.

Andrea fire at brute and the brute
rushes back at Andrea. Jay fire at mech. Gary destroys the mech.
Boris shot at brute, and the brute starts to chase after him. When
Boris was looking at the brute that was chasing after him he had a
small flashback of a car, freak out and blindly fire hitting the
heavy. The heavy move to cover, shot at Andrea, more screams of
people dying in the distance. Gary shot at the brute to save Boris
as the brute starts to chase after him now. Maire kills the brute,
headshot. Andrea moves to cover, kills the heavy.

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