Lost Honor (26 page)

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Authors: Loreen Augeri

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Lost Honor
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Morgan strained against the bonds that held him, yelling behind his gag.

Shark laughed as he whirled and tugged her along behind him. “Shut him up,” he called over his shoulder.

“No!” Battling to free herself, Arianna tripped and tumbled to the ground.

The butt of a pistol crashed down on Morgan’s skull. Blood blossomed on his forehead. He went still.

She screamed as her heart collapsed. He’d killed Morgan. Tears overflowed her eyes and streamed down her cheeks.

Shark hoisted her up.

“You evil, despicable, bloody murderer,” she spat at him.

He smiled. “Such language from a lady.” He dragged her to the cave and threw her inside.

“I’ll stab you in the heart,” she promised. “I forgot. You don’t have one.”

“You are bloodthirsty. You will make an excellent member of my crew.”

She flew at him with her nails barred.

He easily caught her wrists. “Calm down, you little witch. He isn’t dead. I need him for the ransom.”

She fought to catch her breath as she stared at him with rounded eyes. “You didn’t order your man to murder him?” she asked as his words sank in.

He shook his head.

Never had she experienced such rage. She felt as if her life had ended the moment the pistol connected with Morgan’s skull.

“And for that I deserve a reward.” He captured her arms, bent them behind her back, and forced her up against his chest. Before she had time to resist, his mouth plunged down on hers. Her swollen, cut lips cried out in pain. Tears slid down her cheeks, and their saltiness mixed in the stolen kiss.

Shark leaned back and stared at her in bewilderment. “My kisses never caused a woman to cry before, except in ecstasy.”

“My whole face hurts.”

“I’m sorry for that, but you masqueraded as a boy, and as a lad, you needed to learn a lesson.”

She swallowed. “What will happen to Morgan and me?”

He released her and brushed his fingers through her hair with brisk movements. Dirt flowed to the ground. “I will take you both back to my ship and ransom Danvers for a large amount of money and then return him to his family.”

Sweat broke out on her brow. “What about me?” Fear raced through her as she awaited his answer.

“You will stay with me. Women aren’t welcome on a pirate ship, but I will make an exception for one such as you. You can become a member of my crew and act as my cabin boy among other things. After I tire of you, I will deliver you to whatever destination you desire.”

She wouldn’t have a place to go after Shark had his way with her. She wouldn’t be fit for polite society. How ironic that when she was finally allowed to work on a ship, it was a pirate ship and her position a mistress.

“We can begin your training now.” He reached for her, and she backed away from him. “You aren’t going to make me chase you, are you?”

She had to hold him off until she thought of a way out of this predicament. Harry was out there somewhere. Horror washed over her. Unless they had killed him.

No. Shark wanted to know where he was, so they hadn’t found him yet.

“I-I have never given myself to a man before, and I wish for the first time to be perfect. I know you are very skilled, and I want to enjoy every minute of it. But…”

“Yes, continue.”

His voice had grown husky, and his eyes filled with lust. That wasn’t good. “I am in agony. My face screams, and my body is bruised. If we could wait.”

“No.” He started toward her, and she retreated again.

“I want the pleasure to be complete, and at this point, it wouldn’t be. I know you would never leave a woman unsatisfied.” She pouted. “You don’t want me to be the first, do you?”

“I wouldn’t allow it.” It seemed some of the immediate need had left his eyes, replaced by doubt.

“I want to please you, too, but I am too injured to attempt it, even if you forced me. I want to be at my very best. To look beautiful.” She flicked her hair. “I am filthy.” She wrinkled her nose. “And I stink.” She implored him with sweet words, masking her desperation. “Could you delay your plans for at least one more night?”

His gaze roamed over her, and he sighed. “I guess I could wait until we are back on board. But that is all the time I am giving you.”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

At least she had bought herself a day.

“You can sleep in here tonight, but don’t try to escape. A guard will be stationed outside the entrance. I will have one of my men bring you food and water. We leave at first light.”


“Wake up, my little witch. It is time to return to my ship.”

He didn’t have to rouse her. She never slept, except for a short nap here and there when her eyes refused to remain open any longer.

She still hadn’t come up with a solution to the problem that plagued them. She had thought about hiding in the dark passage of the cave, but Shark would search her out or she’d become lost without a lantern. Only one possible plan had worked its way into her mind, and it wasn’t perfect. It would free Morgan, but not her.

She would gladly sacrifice her life for his. She would never be able to live with herself if she allowed the pirates to kill him. If the rage and fury that had exploded from behind Morgan’s usually calm facade continued to grow and flourish, there was no doubt Shark would murder him. Shark might ruin and ravish her, but she was certain he wouldn’t kill her unless she provoked him. She could withstand his attentions if Morgan lived.

A sinister smile curved his lips. “I hope you rested last night because you will get little tonight.” He leaned over and stroked her face with a light touch. “You will bring me great pleasure.”

Fear and revulsion clenched her muscles.

He spun and strode to the entrance. “Escort her to the clearing,” he said to the guard. Shark turned to her. “And don’t harm her.” He exited.

She remembered Morgan’s tender hands as they had caressed her. The desire and passion he had evoked. Sadness drenched her. She would never be enveloped in his arms again, would never feel him move inside her or bear his children. Tears filled her eyes.

“Get up.” A hefty pirate with long, thinning hair and a missing, front tooth stood before her.

She slowly rose, her aching muscles no better than they were yesterday. If anything, after a long night of little activity and lying on the hard ground, they hurt more. Overlapping one torn edge of her ripped shirt over the other, she stuffed the hem into the waistband of her pants, hoping to keep the front closed.

“Move.” The brute pointed toward the cave entrance. He was a man of few words.

“I-I have a private matter I need to attend to.”

“No.” He shoved her forward.

She wasn’t sure how long she could hold off. Arianna shuffled from the dark cave, and the light from the rising sun blinded her. She blinked and then squinted her eyes. As she made her way to the clearing, a myriad of birds chirped their cheery morning songs in contrast to the conditions surrounding her.

She lifted a hand to her swollen face. Between Briggs and the pirates, she might not attract any males by the time she accomplished what she had set out to do. Morgan had said she was beautiful. A tiny, tingling shiver of pleasure and a soothing warmth ran through her. But he wouldn’t think so for much longer. Of course, after today, she wouldn’t see him again. Her lips turned down in despair.

When she noticed Morgan sitting where she had left him last night, his hands and feet tied, the gag still stuffed in his mouth, her steps sped up. He sensed her presence and lifted his head. Arianna gasped when she spied the blood on his forehead, the blackened right eye, his cut lower lip and bruised, square jaw. Her heart squeezed at his misery. His gaze met hers and clung, digging deep, asking a thousand questions. Ignoring the pain, she hurried across the space separating them before anyone could stop her and fell to her knees before him. She slid the binding from his mouth and yanked out the cloth. He coughed and then tried to speak, but only a croak emerged.

She jumped to her feet. “Hasn’t anyone given him water?” She rushed to Shark and grabbed his arm. “He needs to drink.”

He glanced pointedly at her fingers clutching his shirt. “You’ll have the opportunity to touch me anywhere you like tonight, my little witch.”

Shark dug his hands into her hair on either side of her head and ravished her mouth. When she tried to scream, his tongue invaded and explored. She struggled, but he held her fast. Arianna yearned to bite him but feared his reprisal. He didn’t taste disgusting, but his slimy tongue poking around the inside of her mouth and almost choking her caused the bile to rise.

As fast as he attacked, he released her. She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth, hoping to rid herself of his taste, feel, and saliva. Shark laughed as he faced Morgan, who growled promises of death. “She is one feisty woman. She will please me for a long time and spread her legs for me day and night. I will ride her until I am exhausted.” His men laughed and hooted.

Heat rose in Arianna’s face as her insides quivered and her hands grew clammy. He taunted Morgan, but his words rang of truth.

“I will kill you,” Morgan whispered.

“Shark, he needs water.”

“I am feeling magnanimous today. Give it to her.”

A pouch was shoved into her hands. She raced back to Morgan, knelt before him, and placed the cool rim to his parched lips. He guzzled the liquid, urging her to pour faster.

She pulled it away. “Slowly, you’ll get sick.”

He licked his lips. “More.”

She repeated the process until his thirst was satisfied while running her gaze over every contour of his face, remembering him. This would be the last time she’d see him. With a cry, she flung her arms around his neck, trying not to hurt him. Savoring the feel of every hard muscle in his body, relishing his scent, and devouring the slight rasp of his breath.

“Arianna, did he…” Combined rage and despair broke his voice.

“He didn’t touch me.” Rough fingers dug into the soft flesh of her arm and dragged her away from Morgan. “No,” she cried.

“I’ve been more than generous.” He turned to one of his men. “Cut the bonds on his legs and let’s get moving. I’ve had enough of this bloody island.”

They hauled Morgan to his feet. He would have crumpled to the ground if they hadn’t supported him on either side. She wanted to scream out her anger at the way they had treated him.

Shark caressed her hair and stroked her scalp. “Come on, love. It is time to go.”

“I am not your love.” She jerked her head away from him.

“Oh, you will be soon. Real soon.”

As they started down the trail, trees swaying in the breeze, her earlier need roared back. “I have an urgent m-matter I need to take care of.”

His eyes narrowed. “What sort of matter?”

She shifted from one foot to the other. “One that requires privacy.”

“Oh! You need to piss.”

She grimaced. “I guess you could put it that way.”

“Come with me.” He strode away from his men.

She halted. “Where are we going?”

“You don’t want to be seen, do you?”

“No, but I don’t need assistance.”

“I’m not letting you wander off by yourself.”

She reared back. “I’m not relieving myself in front of you.”

“I’ll enjoy it.”

She crossed her arms. “I won’t.”

He stared at her. She stared back. And then started to jiggle up and down.

A slow smile spread across his face, and a wicked glint gleamed in his eyes. She pursed her lips and tightened her muscles. She refused to pee with him watching. He had humiliated her enough, and when they returned to the ship, the worst was yet to come.

“I guess you can’t go far,” he finally relented. “I’ll give you three minutes, and then I am coming after you.”

She dashed into the woods with his ever present laughter following. Stepping behind a high bush, she yanked down her pants and squatted.


Harry’s voice. Joy and dread raced through her. She tried to stop, but it was too late, the need too urgent.

He appeared before her.

“Turn around,” she hissed at him.

Harry slid to a halt. His mouth opened and closed before he spun.

She quickly finished her business and jerked up her pants, relief and embarrassment filling her in equal measure. She had no time for either. She rushed to Harry. “I’m so glad to see you.”

He whirled to face her, and his eyes hardened. “Your face. Did Shark hit you? I’ll kill him.”

“I’m fine.”

He grabbed her hand. “We need to get out of here before Shark comes after you.”

She dug in her heels. “I am not leaving Morgan behind. He’s hurt.”

“Arianna, you have thirty seconds,” Shark called.

She faced the spot from where he called. “I am almost done.”

“Arianna, we can’t fight them all. When you are safe, I will go for Morgan.”

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