Love after Marriage (37 page)

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Authors: Bhagya Chandra

BOOK: Love after Marriage
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Deepak looked towards Sheetal. “That’s fine, Sheetal ji. I will be here. But I need some help tomorrow.”

“Certainly, what is it?”

“Firstly, I need a cell phone; secondly, I need help with my computer, getting it set up so I can correspond with my team in the US and here.”

“All right, what is the name of the company you are collaborating with here in Bangalore, Deepak ji?”

Deepak told her, and it was the same company that Sheetal and Roshni worked for. All were happy to hear this.

“Sheetal ji, if you wouldn’t mind, you could take my computer to work and talk to a certain gentleman…hold on a minute.” He opened his phone book and gave the name to Sheetal. “He needs to set up the computer so I can work remotely.”

“Okay, I’ll come here first and pick up your computer,” she said.

Deepak nodded when Roshni interrupted them. “Deepak, you can go with her to work. That way you’ll get to meet the people at work and also get whatever you need. I’ll be fine here; don’t worry.”

Sheetal and Deepak exchanged glances.

“Roshni, it’s no problem. I can get this done for Deepak. He can come later when you’re feeling better.”

“Yeah, Sheetal is right. Plus, Roshni, I need to be here when the doctor is here. I can’t leave you alone,” Deepak replied, looking at her.

“I’ll be all right. Don’t worry,” Roshni insisted.

“I know you’ll be all right, but now that I’m here, I will take care of you. Please don’t argue,” said Deepak.

Roshni got the message and agreed hesitatingly. Akash bid good-bye to Roshni and left the room. Deepak followed him outside.

“Deepak, do whatever it takes to prove you are worthy of her. You will get her back in your life!” Akash reiterated.

“Yes, Akash bhaiya, that is my priority.”

Akash patted Deepak’s shoulder and assured him of his support and left.

Deepak brought a chair close to Roshni’s bed and sat on it. “Roshni, how are you feeling? You’ve been in this position for some time now. Do you want to take a nap?”

“Not now, maybe later.”

“Okay, can I get you something to drink? The doctor recommended that you eat and drink often to boost your strength.”

“Deepak, I just had my sandwich. I don’t need anything now.”

Deepak pulled closer to Roshni and held her hand. He stared at her, becoming grim and feeling empty, and Roshni noticed.

“Deepak, are you okay? What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing!” A few seconds later, he said, “My apologies, Roshni.”

“Why do you feel remorseful?”

“I feel responsible for all this. I mean, we should have talked about this assignment of yours in more detail before you left for Bangalore.”

Roshni felt worn out after a few minutes. She was ready for a nap. Deepak helped her relax on the bed and pulled the sheet and blanket over her. He sat next to her, gently stroking her forehead and hair. His touch gave her security. She closed her eyes and smiled with satisfaction, and soon after, she slept.

Deepak moved away from her to the other bed next to Roshni’s and relaxed himself. He glanced towards Roshni every few minutes to check on her. A few times he heard Roshni move very gently, moaning and groaning because of the physical pain, and his heart ached to see her suffer.

~ ~ ~

Later that afternoon, Roshni slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She saw Deepak relaxing on the bed, and he glanced towards Roshni, and their gazes met. He went to her and enquired if she needed to use the bedpan. She nodded, and he called the nurse to assist her.

He reclined the bed and helped her get comfortable. The nurse came over and helped Roshni while Deepak left the room, respecting Roshni’s privacy, for which Roshni was grateful. Later, Deepak asked Roshni if he could get some chai and snacks for her, and she nodded and gave him directions to the café.

As he was ready to leave, she asked, “Deepak, do you have Indian cash? I don’t think they take credit cards. Can I give you some money?”

Deepak smiled at her. “I’m okay for now. Thanks for asking, though.”

He left and was back in a few minutes with chai and fresh hot samosas.

“Roshni, I have some hot samosas. Let’s eat,” he said and came around to adjust the table over her legs.

He sat next to her and took the first bite. “Oooooh, very nice samosas. You know, Roshni, we get samosas in the US, but this taste, it’s unbelievable!” He felt the texture of the covering and smelled the spices of the potato filling inside. “How do they make these so good? We don’t get this quality in the US!” he commented as he enjoyed the samosas.

Then he continued, “I was so surprised at the tiny cups of chai.” He smiled. “I had to get two cups for each of us.”

“This is normal here. You’re probably used to drinking in large cups there, and you better get used to these tiny cups,” she said and chuckled at him.

Deepak first sniffed the chai, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This was so refreshing. He took a sip of chai. “Ooooh, too much sugar! This is like syrup.”

Roshni smiled again. “Don’t you take sugar in chai?”

“I do, but this is a little too much.”

“I think you can request less sugar, Deepak.”

“I can! Oh well, next time,” he said.

He noticed she wasn’t eating but was drinking chai. He suggested she eat the samosas while they were hot and asked her if he could get something else for her instead. She decided to have the samosas after her chai.

While they were eating, they intermittently looked at each other and exchanged glances. Finally Roshni broke the silence. “Deepak, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure!” replied Deepak and shrugged his shoulders.

“Why did you come here?” Roshni asked and looked into his eyes.

“What do you mean, why did I come here?”

Roshni lifted her head, looking directly at him. “I mean, there’s only two and a half months left in our relationship, you remember? I think everybody in Mumbai is getting used to me not being there, and I was slowly getting used to this place. So why did you have to bother coming here? It feels like we are enacting this husband wife drama here again.” She continued after a pause, “Why don’t you go back to Mumbai and spend time there before you leave for the US. You don’t have to stay here.”

Deepak very seriously looked at her. “What makes you think this is all acting? Why can’t it be that I am here for you and…and only for you.”

“Didn’t you say you were here for an assignment?”

“The assignment came later, Roshni. My priority was you. I wanted to be with you before we went back to the US, and since my boss knew I was coming here for an extended time, he checked with me to see if I could work remotely.”

He stared at her, and Roshni popped open her eyes.
‘We’? What does he mean by ‘we’?
She had an expression of disbelief.

“Why don’t you believe me?” he asked with a very innocent face.

No response from Roshni, she was almost done with the samosa and chai. She left the plate and cup on the table and looked around for a napkin to wipe her mouth. Deepak helped her with it and cleaned her table and a few crumbs that had fallen on her gown, and made her comfortable.

Deepak sat next to Roshni on the chair. “Roshni, I want to share something with you.”

Roshni nodded and asked him to continue.

“Roshni, we had a rough beginning to our relationship, and it was all my fault. I will take the responsibility for everything, and I shared a few things with you in Lonawala as to why I reacted that way.” He paused briefly. “Roshni, I recognized that being with you and talking to you gives me immense pleasure. Of course, the marvelous change I see in my brothers is your gift to them and me.”

He waited for her response, but she gestured for him to continue.

“After the last trip, I recognized that me being in the US was not going to help us build our relationship; it is absolutely necessary for us to be together. After all the experiences you’ve had with me and my family, I can completely understand your situation and your distrust, so…given the circumstances, I decided to come. I talked to my boss about quitting and coming here for at least three months, but he decided to give me an assignment here to work with this company. I had to put in a condition that if this job takes away my precious time with you, I would resign if necessary, and he agreed.”

Deepak continued to look at her for her reaction, and Roshni silently listened, and within her heart, she admired him for such a step he had taken. It gave her glimpses that he cared for her, her company meant a lot to him, and that he was very serious in continuing this relationship.

For her to confide in him, it was necessary for her to watch him for a longer time, and she was skeptical if this was possible. She had doubted that Deepak would make such a decision. His coming to India to be with her was a confirmation from his side that he was committed.

There was no response from her other than her facial expressions of listening and admiration.

Deepak held her hand. “Roshni, my boss agreed to all my conditions. So never ask me this question again as to why I came here. I repeat…I came here for you, to spend time with you and convince you that I want to continue our relationship. I am committed, and I want you to believe me.”

Roshni had tears in her eyes, and Deepak noticed this. He gently wiped her tears and hugged her. “Roshni, please forgive me for what happened in the past. I was immature, confused and stupid to have said what I said. I could not have gotten a better life partner than you.”

Roshni freed herself from his embrace. She could not rely on him, yet. She respected him for this decision, and she believed he was honest when he mentioned his interest in her; however, it might take a long time for her to change her beliefs of him.

She gathered some strength. “Deepak, you do realize it is difficult for me to trust you at this time. It is a humongous challenge – not easy because all the past experiences are playing havoc on me, the things you said on the wedding night. I’m glad you are honest with me at least this time, but…but I cannot guarantee my feelings will change towards you, at least not overnight.”

She shifted her head a little to face him. “So, my sincere request is for you to go away. Please don’t waste time on me. You will certainly find somebody you love, and now that we are legally divorced as well, there is no obligation from either side. Please don’t waste time on me.”

Deepak opened his mouth and was about to say something but got interrupted by the doctor’s visit. The doctor noticed Roshni and Deepak sitting very close to each other and Deepak holding Roshni’s hand. The doctor was cautious about barging in and interrupting their privacy.

“Can I come in?” asked the doctor.

“Certainly, Doctor, please come in,” Roshni said.

Deepak freed Roshni’s hand and moved aside, giving the doctor some space so she could examine Roshni. The doctor performed her routine examination on Roshni and examined her wounds for any infection. All her injuries were healing.

“I see a note here that there is a possibility your stitches and bandages may be removed tomorrow,” the doctor said.

“Yes, Doctor, on Friday Dr. Swaminathan mentioned that he would examine them on Monday,” responded Deepak.

“I’m sure you’re looking forward to it. After that you will have some mobility. It may take some time for you to completely get back on your feet and walk without support, but you will start seeing good improvement,” the doctor said.

The doctor examined Roshni’s blood pressure and noted that it was low. She asked Roshni if she had dizzy spells, and Roshni said that she did. The doctor reviewed the charge sheet and the prescriptions and noted that Dr. Swaminathan had prescribed all that was necessary.

She looked at both of them. “I think you have all the medicines you need, Roshni. It’s just a matter of time…eat healthy food and that should help you regain your strength,” she said and left.

~ ~ ~

At dinner time, Deepak asked Roshni what she wanted to eat. Roshni had no preference.

“Roshni, are you in for Indo-Chinese?” he asked after some thought.

“Indo-Chinese!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, you remember, you introduced me to it, and I absolutely love it. Can we have some tonight, please?”

“Not sure if you can find it here, I mean, somewhere close by.”

Deepak called the front desk receptionist and enquired if there was a restaurant close by that served Indo-Chinese food. The receptionist knew of a place very close to the hospital. Deepak was very excited. They discussed a few dishes, and Roshni placed the order. Roshni wanted help with the toilet, so Deepak called the nurse to help her while he left to pick up the food.

Deepak thoroughly enjoyed the Indo-Chinese food with Roshni. While they ate, they talked about the food, the hospital and staff, and other topics. Deepak helped Roshni, and she was pleasantly surprised at his patience in taking care of her.

Of course, it was only a day into this, and she thought,
This is a great opportunity to test his patience. Let’s see how long it lasts.

After dinner, they watched TV for a few minutes before they retired.


Chapter 26

Roshni’s Recovery in Hospital

Monday was a normal day. The doctor was caught up with emergency cases and never came around to visit Roshni or remove her bandages. The day passed with Deepak by her side, taking care of her. The doctor on rounds visited in the evening and updated them that Dr. Swaminathan was planning on looking at Roshni’s wounds on Tuesday.

At the end of the day, Deepak said, “Roshni, I think you should rest now. You’ve been up for a long time.”

“Yeah, can you help me, please?”

“Yes, certainly, you may have a long day tomorrow with all the tests and the doctor removing your bandages. Better get some rest now.”

“Can you ask Aunty to come here tomorrow morning, please?” she requested.

“Why? I mean, I’ll be here. What do you need, Roshni? I can help you.”

“Deepak, can you ask her to bring a change of clothes for me, please? A gown would do. I am stinking in these hospital clothes, and if possible, I would like to take a shower tomorrow.”

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