Love after Marriage (39 page)

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Authors: Bhagya Chandra

BOOK: Love after Marriage
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“Aunty, do you think they’re open now? Can we go and ask them to stop the check, please?” Deepak asked Aunty.

“I…I…” Aunty looked at Roshni. “We talked about waiting until you came back, but beti decided to–”

“Yeah, I can see her doing that. Aunty, shall we go and check if they are open?” he insisted.

“The lady I talked to mentioned they were open until 5 p.m.,” Roshni interrupted.

Deepak was irked at Roshni and shook his head. “Roshni…well, we’ll deal with it later.” He asked Aunty the name of the person she talked to.

“Ms. Sudha, I think it is Sudha Ranganathan,” replied Aunty.

“How much was the bill?”

“Deepak, it doesn’t matter. I already paid for it, so why talk about it.” Roshni cut him off again.

Sheetal, who was listening all this time, could not be quiet any more. “Roshni, why don’t you understand? Money is money. When Deepak has you on his insurance, why not have the insurance pay for it? Why spend from your pocket?”

“Why should he pay for me? I mean, we still have to do the co-pay, right? So…” said Roshni and looked at Deepak.

“Roshni, the co-pay is not much. Anyway,” he lost patience, “let’s discuss this later.” He tried to change the subject. “I’m starving, so what’s the plan for dinner?”

“I have food for all of us,” Aunty said.

“Great, Aunty, let’s eat. What did you bring?”

Aunty served food to everybody. She had made rice pulav, raita, poories and potato bhaji. The aroma of the spices spread as soon as she opened the containers.

“Mmm.” Deepak inhaled the aroma; he could not resist!

“Roshni, shall I bring this to the bed, or do you want to come over here to the table?” Deepak asked Roshni.

“I’m fine here, thank you. Maybe tomorrow,” she replied.

Deepak took the plate to Roshni and arranged the small table across her lap. He helped her wash her hands and got her settled.

Deepak noticed Aunty served for them but did not serve for herself. “Why aren’t you eating, Aunty?”

“I will wait until you all are done.”

“Why, why do you want to eat all by yourself, Aunty? Please come and join us.”

And without waiting for her response, he pulled out one more plate, served for Aunty, and gave her the plate. Roshni noticed this gesture and was glad he did not treat her differently. She thanked him mentally for making Aunty comfortable.

Deepak thoroughly enjoyed the yummy poories and bhaji Aunty had made. He relished every bite. Every grain of rice was soaked in spices; the raita added the flavor.

He thanked Aunty for making the delicious food. After dinner, Deepak helped Roshni become comfortable, and Roshni noticed his attention.

Aunty and Sheetal packed and were ready to leave.

“Aunty, will you please help me with the bath tomorrow? I would feel better; I have not had water on me for the last several days. I thought I could have a bath today, but all was delayed,” Roshni requested.

Aunty agreed, and they left.

Deepak helped Roshni stretch on the bed, and while tucking in the blanket, he said, “Roshni, you should make an attempt to stand up and take a couple of steps tomorrow. Your muscles have been inactive for a few days now, and it will take time to bring back some strength into them.”

“Okay, I’ll try tomorrow. I worry that I will fall.”

“So what? I’ll be there to hold you; don’t worry. You need to try; it will hurt you, but don’t give up.”

“Okay, thank you, Deepak, for everything.”

Deepak smiled, Roshni smiled back at him, and they retired for the night.

~ ~ ~

Every day, there was some improvement in Roshni’s energy levels and psychologically too. She was not ready to accept him yet, but having Deepak around her was very helpful.

The next step, Deepak encouraged her to attempt using the toilet. She certainly felt energized and nodded her head, but he saw her hesitation. Deepak was very careful to give her the space she needed. They agreed that Deepak would help her to the toilet seat and then leave; she would call him if necessary. She was very appreciative of Deepak and thanked him for his patience and understanding. She began to see these qualities in Deepak.

He slowly pushed the chair closer to the toilet seat, and Roshni held on to the handle of the chair and a railing and got up herself without much help from Deepak. Deepak was delighted to see this. He smiled. “Good job, Roshni, excellent! I am so proud of you.”

Of course, Roshni felt all her energy drain just standing up. Slowly she moved around and maneuvered to use the toilet. She pulled herself up using the railing and chair handle and slowly seated herself back in the chair. She was exhausted by these little acts. She asked Deepak to help her wheel out.

Deepak was glad Roshni could maneuver herself. He hugged her. “I am so proud of you, Roshni, good job!”

He slowly wheeled her out and brought her to the small dining table. Aunty arrived with chai and breakfast. Deepak proudly explained everything to Aunty. Roshni saw the happiness and excitement in his eyes and tone.

Looking at her and then at Aunty, he said, “I am so proud of her, Aunty. If she shows the same courage, I’m sure she will be back on her feet very soon.”

“But, bete, how about her fractures?”

“They will take time to heal, but she should be able to walk on crutches.” He remembered that the crutches hadn’t been delivered yet. He decided to check on them after breakfast.

Aunty had brought parathas for breakfast. The moment Deepak heard parathas, he asked, “Aunty, did you bring aloo parathas?”

Aunty nodded her head and served the parathas with spiced yogurt and chai.

He could not resist his temptation to taste them and took the first bite. “Oooh! Aunty, they are so good. I haven’t eaten such delicious parathas in a long time.” He tried to identify some of the herbs and spices. “Fresh grated ginger, garam masala, chopped cilantro and green chilies, cumin seeds… Oh! Aunty, great combination.”

He ate and wanted to feed Roshni, but she turned her head, indicating she would eat herself. She tasted Aunty’s parathas, and she agreed with Deepak – they were delicious.

Deepak went to check on the crutches. Due to a miscommunication, the crutches were not delivered on time. Within ten minutes, the ward boy was in the room and helped Roshni stand up on her own with the crutches! Roshni had tears of joy. She couldn’t believe she was able to stand with the help of crutches. She was too tired to take any steps. The ward boy left after giving Roshni more instructions on the use of crutches.

After breakfast, Roshni wanted to have a bath, and Aunty helped her. Deepak decided to go to the accounting department to sort out the bill while Roshni was in the bathroom. Aunty helped wash Roshni’s long, dark hair. Roshni felt very refreshed after the bath.

As Roshni was wheeled out of the bathroom, Deepak entered. The aroma of the soap and shampoo Roshni used spread in the air, and Deepak was captivated by her beauty. She had worn one of the new aqua gowns and had her wet hair draped down. She looked stunningly beautiful.

Deepak watched as Aunty pushed Roshni to the table. Roshni gently brushed her wet hair, completely lost in thought, the aroma of the soap and shampoo lingering around her. Deepak could not resist and walked towards Roshni. Roshni did not see him until he was very close to her. He could smell the beautiful fragrance around her and stooped down and kissed her cheek. “Roshni, you look so beautiful” he whispered.

Roshni looked at him in disbelief. She tried to move her head away from him as he stared at her. Aunty walked away to the bed, giving them their privacy.

After a few minutes, Roshni broke the silence. “Ah, it feels so refreshing to have a nice hot bath, and my hair too smells so good,” she said and brushed her hair. “Thank you, Aunty, I feel so fresh and refreshed.”

Deepak put his hand on her shoulder. “Roshni, can you stand up and walk?” Then he turned towards Aunty. “Can you please bring the crutches for her? Let her make an attempt.” Deepak motivated her, “Try walking to the bed, Roshni. I will help you.”

In order to reach the bed, Roshni would have to walk at least eight to ten steps. She was very nervous and tense that she may not be able to do this, but she wanted to try. Deepak helped her stand up with the help of the crutches and stood close to her. He guided her to step her left foot forward, then guided her to step her right foot forward. She managed with great difficulty; all her strength disappeared after the first step. She was excited about this accomplishment and became teary, and Deepak urged her to take the second step. She continued and took four steps. This was a great achievement for her, but she felt very exhausted, her energy drained with these four steps; she wanted to sit in the wheelchair.

She looked at Deepak, who stood next to her. “Deepak, I want to sit down, please. I feel very weak and will collapse soon,” she said, trembling.

“Don’t worry, Roshni. I’m right here. Can you take one more step?” he coaxed her.

“No, I have no strength in my legs.”

“Please try.”

Roshni looked at his face. He was encouraging her, and she could see it. With moist eyes, she nodded her head and tried taking one more step, and she did. Deepak was so delighted, and he could not push her anymore. She literally trembled, leaning against him. He held her tightly and rubbed her shoulder in encouragement. She asked him to bring the wheelchair, but instead, he lifted her in his arms. She felt embarrassed since Aunty was right there, but he did not care. She tried to resist, but he held her tightly and laid her on the bed. She felt relieved to be lying down. The few steps she’d taken had drained all her energy.

He sat next to her, and with his arm around her shoulders, he held her. “Roshni, I am so proud of you. Very well done. If you continue to show this improvement, you’ll be able to walk in a few weeks’ time. Great work, my dear.” He kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to him.

They heard a knock on the door. A young doctor stood by the door, waiting for Deepak and Roshni to give him permission to come inside. He was on his rounds and came to examine Roshni.

After enquiring about her health, he tested her vital signs and asked if she needed a physiotherapist (PT) to help her with a few movements and exercises. Roshni agreed to take a few sessions until she was discharged, and the arrangements were made.


Chapter 27

Roshni’s Homecoming from the Hospital

Roshni attended a few sessions of physiotherapy and was discharged to go home on Thursday. Aunty had the room ready for her. Roshni was worried as to where Deepak would sleep. Aunty had told her that all his stuff was in her room, but this…sleeping, what could she do? Aunty was occupying the extra room, and it would be rude to have him sleep on the floor; moreover, Sheetal and aunty didn’t know of her relationship with Deepak, and she didn’t want to create a scene.

She was in a dilemma, and she thought of the statement Deepak had made in Lonawala: “We are adults, and we know to respect each other. Why don’t we sleep on either end of the bed?” She remembered both of them had slept on the same bed on either corner.

Since Deepak had returned, she had noticed a few things about him: he was respectful of her, and he was genuinely concerned about her and would never agree to be away from her. He had never taken her for granted, so it was okay if he shared the bed with her. This would be a test for him again.
Let’s see how he fares!
she thought and mentally agreed to share her bed with him.

Deepak sorted out the hospital bills, providing the insurance information to the hospital. He also informed the insurance company. He updated Roshni and gave her a copy of the insurance card in case she needed it in the future. This was one assurance to her that he was sincerely making efforts to build their relationship.

By Thursday, Roshni had done more walking, and Deepak was pleased with her improvement. Dr. Swaminathan examined Roshni and made some recommendations of what to and what not to do. He suggested weekly medical examinations and prescribed some medicines. After the examination, Roshni was discharged.

Fortunately, Babuji’s car was available for Deepak to drive. Everything was packed, Aunty helped Deepak load a few bags in the car, and on the last trip, while Aunty waited in the car, Deepak went to the room to take Roshni with him. She was wheeled out to the hospital entrance, and Deepak helped her into the passenger seat. She was so glad to be outside. She took deep breaths and smiled. She’d missed the fresh air outside, the hustle bustle, sound of the vehicles, vendors shouting and people walking on the streets. Deepak noticed this and was amused at her. He drove them to the apartment.

The apartment was on the second floor, and as Deepak wheeled Roshni to the elevator, she was lost in thought. She always preferred to use the stairs, and now her condition demanded she use the elevator. Aunty was already in the room, waiting for them. When they reached the apartment, Roshni looked around, a sense of relief and satisfaction evident on her face.

Roshni did not want to go to her room immediately. She wanted to relax on the sofa in front of the TV for a while. Deepak let her rest while he helped Aunty unpack; then he refreshed himself and changed to more comfortable clothes. Roshni was pleased to see him help Aunty. She also thought,
And now I don’t have to depend on Deepak because Aunty is home full time.

Sheetal arrived in the evening and was relieved to see Roshni back home. Deepak called Sashank to let him know they’d arrived home. Kusum and Sashank both talked to Roshni and were glad she was feeling better; more importantly, they were happy Deepak was there to help Roshni.

Roshni asked Sheetal to have an IT person contact her the next day so she could get set up to work from home.

Deepak heard this. “Roshni, you are not working yet. It is important you rest and regain some strength.”

Roshni tried to justify it, but Deepak interrupted her, saying, “No argument, Roshni. You can work maybe in a week, but not now, all right!”

Roshni was not in a frame of mind to argue and kept quiet. They all had dinner, and then Roshni walked into the room with Aunty’s help.

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