Love Script (20 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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He pumped his cock while he watched her. Her warm brown skin shimmered with sweat. Her ful breasts rose and fel as she gasped for air. She was beautiful. And he was hard again. He lowered himself to the floor, pul ed her thighs over his shoulders and gently kissed her inner thighs. When his mouth pressed against the puffy lips of her sex, she gave a weak moan. He kissed her long and slow, wanting to make sure she was ready before he took her again.

When he was certain she was able to receive him, he crawled between her legs and settled on top of her, crushing her breasts with his weight. He raked his fingers through her hair to cup her face.

She was flushed, and her lips were a rosy pink. He kissed her deeply, letting his tongue slowly explore every curve of her mouth. Her body stil trembled beneath him.

He eased himself inside her. Resting his weight on his forearms, they held an intense gaze as he moved within her. He rocked his hips back and forth, stroking her slowly toward elation. The first time was more for himself; he’d let his excitement carry him away. This time, he wanted to savor every inch of her. He wanted to watch her squirm beneath him, watch her head toss from side to side as an approaching orgasm crept closer. He wanted it to be slower for her, but as he rocked his hips against her, his enthusiasm peaked. He couldn’t slow himself down. His body seemed to be working against him.

Even as her moans turned into screams, he couldn’t calm himself. He kept going. He couldn’t stop fucking her. She was too sweet. He just wanted to take and take until there was nothing left. Her screams were driving him over the edge. They were both slick with sweat, but his hunger was endless.

He knew she was tired. Hel , he was exhausted, but he couldn’t stop. He could feel himself climaxing again but swore he would hold it as long as he could, giving her time to come first. Clenching his teeth, he continued to fuck her until after long passionate minutes she climaxed again and Nick quickly fol owed her.

Not yet sated, he immediately took her again. His hunger for her was immense. The more he plunged into her, the more he desired her. He feared he would soon explode from the pleasure of it al . Damn if she didn’t fit him just right. Final y fatigue overcame him. His climax was violent, shaking him to the core.

Exhausted, he col apsed on top of her. They fel asleep with him buried inside her.

❧ ❧ ❧

Hours later, she awoke. The room was cast in dark shadows, only the hum of the air-conditioning and Nick’s even breathing could be heard. She stared up at the ceiling, not real y seeing it. She lay there, physical y drained, but her mind was annoyingly alert. Her head was fil ed with questions, questions she didn’t want answers to. She had no desire to analyze what this turn of events meant, nor what was to come. There was a strange sense of foreboding and yet a feeling of heightened excitement, and she couldn’t decide which one she should be most disturbed about.

Reminding herself she wasn’t ready to think, she quickly pushed these thoughts aside. Her mind switched to more important matters. Had she taken her birth control today? She considered the question at length, replaying events back in her head. She clearly remembered taking her pil s, but her mind became fuzzy as to if that was today or yesterday.

Mental y, she calculated how many pil s she had already taken this month, but she found this to be impossible. She was becoming more frustrated at not being able to remember. She was surprised that she hadn’t insisted he wear a condom. She had never been so careless with Rob and certainly never let him come inside her.

Unable to lie down any longer, she decided to check her pil case and wash off. Getting out of bed took more effort than she had expected. Nick had again wrapped himself around her. And he was so warm. The heat from his body made her want to remain snuggled against him. Apart from the comfort he was providing, she was beginning to feel a dul ache in her limbs, and she knew she would feel much worse a few hours from now.

Easing herself out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom. She ran the shower water as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake Nick. While she waited for the temperature to warm up, she rummaged through her overnight case, retrieving the smal case containing her birth control. Flipping it open, she began counting her pil s. The sound of Nick releasing a sleepy moan startled her. She jerked forward and dropped the case onto the counter. Pil s went rol ing in al directions. She had to cover her mouth when a squeal nearly escaped her.

In the stil ness of the night, the sound resembled a cannon shot. She held her breath, listening to hear if Nick had woken. She heard nothing. With a sigh of relief, she returned her attention to the pil s. Luckily, she could see al of them. Quickly col ecting them, she realized some had shaken free from the cataloged days. It would be impossible to keep track of the days for the remainder of the month. Just to be safe, she popped a pil into her mouth and packed her things back into her satchel.

Checking the shower water, she was pleased to discover the temperature was nice and warm. She stepped under the hot sprays and closed her eyes.

Laney was wondrously sore everywhere, the ache between her thighs reminding her of just how spectacular the night had been with Nick. She showered slowly, enjoying the gentle massage of the hot water washing over her skin. Suddenly a rush of cold air hit her. She looked up to see Nick had opened the glass door of the shower unit. His blond hair was ruffled, and there was a dust of golden whiskers along his jaw. He looked so handsome.

“I woke up and you weren’t there.” His voice was deep from slumber.

She smiled timidly. “I wanted to take a shower.

Do you want to join me?”

He said nothing, just stepped inside the stal with her. She gasped when he lifted her up against the wal and pul ed her legs around his waist. He entered her in one smooth motion. His hungry mouth was on her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and welcomed his invasion. With her back pressed up against the bath tiles, suspended in the air against his body and his cock moving inside her, she was in paradise. They stayed this way for long minutes until she screamed her climax and Nick exploded inside her cunt. They clung to each other as the shower water covered them.

Laney was so tired, she barely had the energy to finish bathing. Nick toweled them both and led her, hand in hand, back to the bed. He deposited himself in the center of the bed, and she settled herself closer to the edge, not wanting to appear clingy.

Nick rol ed onto his back and yawned. He turned to her and gave a lazy smile. “Are you real y going to sleep al the way over there?”

She looked at him, not certain what was the best response, but she need not have worried, Nick took the choice away from her. Extending his arm above her head, he said, “Come here.”

She came to him wil ingly, eager to share his warmth again, tucking herself into his side and resting her head on his chest. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, pul ing her closer to drop a light kiss on her forehead.

“Comfortable?” he asked.

“Very,” and it was the truth. Being held by Nick felt unusual y familiar, like snuggling with a childhood blanket. He was warm and hard al over, but his touch was soft and affectionate. For her, this was intimacy at its greatest. Laying in the arms of her lover in the middle of the night was sheer bliss. She felt connected and cared for. And then the thought occurred to her: was Rob with Nina right now?

Holding her and kissing her just as Nick had done?

Did he care for her? Did he love her?

“What’s wrong?”

“What?” Nick’s question was so unexpected she nearly jumped.

“You tensed,” rubbing his hand along her arm.

“What’s on your mind?”


“Has anyone ever told you you’re a bad liar?”

“I’m not lying,” she protested.

He made a sound that was a cross between a snort and a grunt.

“Fine.” She sighed. “I was wondering why you didn’t answer my question earlier. The one about your family,” she reminded. “I asked if you had siblings.”

“Sweetheart, that is not what you were thinking about.”

“Yes, it was,” she snapped, a little too eagerly.

This time he did snort.

“Fine,” she huffed. “If you don’t want to tel me about your family then—”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, I have siblings,” he said.

“Oh,” she said, surprised he’d answered her question.

“Two brothers.” He yawned again. “Sterling and Caleb. I’m the middle son.”

“Do they live in San Francisco?”

“No, my eldest brother, Sterling, lives in Boston.

The youngest, Caleb, lives in Atlanta. And you?”

“I thought you read my file?” she teased.

He gave a short laugh. “I figured I’d take your advice and ask.”

“I have two brothers. I’m the baby.”

“Al in Texas?”

“Yes, my mother wouldn’t have it otherwise.”

“Why did you leave Texas, Laney?”

She was silent for a moment, deciding if she should answer this question. With great hesitation, she said, “I left Texas for the dumbest reason imaginable.”

“Because of him?”

She said nothing.

Placing his finger under her chin, he forced her to look up at him. “For him?” he repeated.

She nodded.

Nick kissed the tip of her nose. “Is that why you tensed earlier? Were you thinking of him?” She felt strangely guilty. It was, of course, her right to think of her Rob whenever she chose, but she hated the fact that she had thought of him while she was in bed with Nick.



“What is it with you and Cooper?”

“Are you serious?” a hint of obvious annoyance in his voice.

“Yes,” she persisted. “Why do you two behave like children when you’re around each other?” He dragged his hand through his hair and shrugged. “Not sure.”

Laughing, she looked up at his shadowed profile.

“That’s it? That’s al you have to say? You and Cooper practical y detest each other on sight.” He gave a sigh of resignation. “I wish I could give you a more satisfying answer, but I simply don’t have one.”

“Was it a girl?” she asked.

“A girl?” he repeated.

“Jealous lovers often make good enemies. It’s the oldest story in the book.”

“There was no girl,” he answered. “We’ve just always been like this.”

“But surely—”

“Sweetheart, Cooper is the last thing I want to discuss while I’m in bed with you.”

“Oh,” she said, embarrassed for not realizing that herself. “Wel what do you want to talk about?”

He pul ed her onto his chest so that her legs straddled his waist. “Who said we had to talk?” He kissed her. “I can think of a dozen things we can do instead.” He kissed her again, this time more slowly, his hands stroking the back of her thighs. “And Laney?”

“Yes,” her voice sounded dreamy in her own ears.

“Promise me something,” he whispered between kisses.


He captured her face between his hands and fixed her with a serious stare. “Don’t ever think of another man when you’re with me.” CHAPTER


When Laney woke up, Nick was gone. Most likely at the gym, as was his routine. She stretched, slowly waking her limbs. Nick had been amazing last night.

He took her to new heights with every stroke. Even now, she yearned to feel the weight of his body on top of her. He was solid everywhere and his stamina was unbelievable. The man was tireless. She’d fal en asleep to him moving inside her. Would she ever get enough of him?

Lifting her hand, she admired her wedding rings.

For this to be pretending, it was quite enjoyable. She wondered what it would real y be like to be married to Nick. Would he be so passionate? Secretly, she envied his future wife. The lucky woman had much to look forward to.

Slowly, her happiness faded to dread. A smal voice inside her head made her question her actions. Sleeping with Nick opened the door to much drama. She knew this was wrong. Nothing good could come out of a fling with her boss; she would only end up hurt and alone.

Rob had done a number on her, but with time she would learn to forget him. The less she saw him, the stronger she would be, but dealing with Nick would be ten times worse. She couldn’t ignore him like she could Rob. Nick was her boss, after al . She had to show up to work every day, whether she was mad at him or not. And the women! Nick’s womanizing had always been a topic of gossip. It was even rumored that he’d once dated a supermodel. No matter how you sliced it, Laney knew she wasn’t in the same bal park.

She told herself she had to keep her head about her. She could have al the sex in the world with Nick, but when the cruise was over, they would both return to their normal lives. It was doubtful he would even acknowledge her in the office. The thought stung her pride and wounded her spirit. Could he real y be that coldhearted? Could the same man who had held her so passionately a few hours ago easily overlook her back in San Francisco? He had hired her to pretend to be his wife to get an account, hadn’t he?

The Zelmans were real y sweet, and she and Nick were being maliciously deceitful to them.

Despite Nick’s attraction to her, he had always made it clear that landing the Zelman account was of the utmost importance to him. Was everything so black and white to him? Was al of this just another business deal? Was she? Laney’s mind ran through the worst scenarios until she felt panicked.

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